
30minutes (complete)

"I'd be lying if I said that I don't dream of a wedding like this anymore.. Sometimes in my dreams I see her.. stunning a white dress with her hair tied up in an elegant bun, I take her hand and help her go down with me to exchange the marriage vows and not just our hearts but our last names become one.. We dance as our laughter fill the place under the sun, She says yes to me announcing to the entire world that out of everyone I was her choice.. We promise each other to stay together through the sorrows before joys She then whispers to my ear with some words that I fail to hear because of all the noise, but the feeling of her breath alone makes me fail to keep my poise.. And when everyone gets back to their lives after gathering to rejoice with us.. I get her to be all mine.. as this thought floods my mind, I cross all the lines.. When we finally get to once again intertwine.. In my dreams.. everything is heartwarming just like the smile she gave me the very first time we talked.. in my dreams everything is perfect just like her.. My only love, my fairytale.."

manarrr4u · Teen
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43 Chs

Nothing lasts#6

#week 10#



Daniel went down to the kitchen to get mina a bottle of water,

He found a new maid that looked younger than the last one and once she sensed his presence, she turned around.. he was surprised to see that she was one of his neighbors daughters

-Daniel: "victoria!?"

-victoria: "Daniel??"

-Daniel: "what brought you here?"

-victoria: "i'm starting work here today, how does this look on me?"

She spinned to give him a good look of the fit

-Daniel: "you look so good,"

-victoria: "and why're you here?.. oh wait! Right! This is your girlfriend's house"

-Daniel: "yea.."

-victoria: "you must be here to take care of her, everyone in the neighborhood liked her so much and they all were so sad with the news.. I hope she gets better soon"

-Daniel: "thank you. Anyway.. i gotta go. Working here will be easy, Mr. Gerald is so nice"

-victoria: "thank you"



Daniel got back to mina's room to find her packing things in his suitcase

-Daniel: "mina? Are those my things?"

-mina: "yes"

Daniel didn't understand why she was packing his things so he kept innocently smiling in confusion

-Daniel: "why? You want me to leave?"

-mina: "yes, i'm done packing, tell me if i forgot anything"

-Daniel: "okay.. but may i know why?"

-mina: "you're seriously asking?"

-Daniel: "yes, i'm clueless"

In these moments her father came in,

-gerald: "mina your therapy session is starting.."

-mina: "i'm not going! I don't need therapy anymore!!"

Daniel kneeled and started zipping the suitcase

-Gerald: "daniel? Where're you going?"

-Daniel: "home.." said in a tired voice

-Gerald: "without telling me?"

-Daniel: "i didn't know that i was leaving myself, that's why i couldn't tell you"

-Gerald: "what's happening in here?"

-mina: "he told his entire neighborhood about what happened with me! That's why i told him to leave"

-Daniel: "what? I didn't- i didn't tell anyone!"

-Gerald: "mina the incident was literally on the news and Daniel lives 3streets away, what did you expect?"

-Daniel: "mina! I really didn't! I didn't see them for so long and i barely use my phone. How would i tell them?"

-mina: "just leave! Get out of my sight!"

Daniel put his head down and left quietly

-Gerald: "what's this childish behaviour! Why're you being so ungrateful? He told you he didn't, When did he ever lie to you?"

-mina: "i'm being ungrateful?"

-Gerald: "yes mina"

-mina: "why? You too think that he's doing me a big favor by staying with me? Is that what you're trying to say?"

-Gerald: "no mina i-"

Gerald was on the doorstep when she shut it in his face strongly

-mina: "YOU GO TO THE THERAPIST INSTEAD!!" She shouted from behind the door.

-Gerald: "oh great! I'll let her rest"

He sighed then left



Mina kept watching Daniel who was sitting in the yard with his suitcase next to him from her room's window




(-Daniel: "what did i do wrong")

While he was thinking to himself, Mina approached him for the back and wrapped her arms around him

-Daniel: "mina?.."

-mina: "i'm sorry.." she started crying as she continued

"Please don't tell kai about this"

Daniel smiled then grabbed her hand and led her to sit next to him as she rested her head on his shoulder

-Daniel: "mina.. i really didn't leak anything out to anyone, please trust me"

-mina: "i do believe you.. i'm sorry"

-Daniel: "and.. you really shouldn't be afraid of people knowing about it.. you did nothing wrong.."

-mina: "i just.. i don't want people to think i'm disgusting.."

-Daniel: "nobody would think that.."





#9years earlier#



-jay: "where's mom? She's not backing out now right?"

While he was waiting for his mother to join him so they can bake together as she promised, jay heard some voices that sounded like sobbing from upstairs so he hurried to see what was happening




-Lily: "I'm sorry Angelo.. but i found myself alone in this marriage! You were never there. You're always busy chasing more and achieving more.. you forgot that you're somebody's husband.."

-Angelo: "i'm doing all this for us!!"

-Lily: "no you're doing it for yourself.. I never wanted this much money, I never wanted such a big house.. It's so big that we barely run into each other even when we're both here!.. It feels as hollow as your soul.."

Angelo grabbed her by the collar and started yelling at her face, he was stepping forward while she was stepping back, getting closer and closer to the edge of the stairs with every step


you never wanted all this And i never wanted a kid.. but i agreed to have one just for you, I thought that'd save our love only for you to go and betray my trust!!"

-Lily: "..you're not even this mad for me loving somebody else.. You're just mad because i hurt your pride as a man.."


-Lily: "Angelo! Angelo let go of me!!"

Once Angelo loosened his grip on her she fell off down the stairs..

Witnessing all that, Jay ran to his mother and kneeled before her crying


Jay looked up at his father who was still standing upstairs giving him a begging stare expecting him to help, But Angelo did nothing but look down at Jay and Lily pathetically from up there.

Not so long after that, Angelo left and Jay called the ambulance from the landline he saw in the hallway after looking desperately for something to help his mother with..

When he heard that she was taken to the hospital, Angelo went to see his wife.



-Lily: "Angelo.. i was too afraid to come clean about it.. but now that you know.. please divorce me."

Angelo ran his hand through her hair gently then said

-Angelo: "you know what.."

He then got a good grip of her hair and started pulling it strongly, making her writhe in pain as he continued

"This is your problem.. you take me and this life lightly.. you won't get divorce, You'll live with me under one roof till the very last day of your life and i'll make you wish for death daily!"

Before leaving the room, he stayed on the door for a moment and said

"And by the way, your boyfriend is dead"



-Lily: "w-what?.. he's dead? Why? This isn't.. this isn't fair.."

A few moments later, Jay went in to see her as well. He excitedly threw himself on her and hugged her but what he didn't see was that she wasn't so happy with him doing so,

Till she pushed him away causing him to fall to the ground as she yelled


Jay was so afraid, the way his mother was talking and acting terrified him.

He stood up slowly then left the room crying.

From that day on their life wasn't the same,

Lily became an alcoholic due to Angelo abusing her almost everyday.

Jay heard his mother scream and cry everynight and he could nothing for her, all he did was cover his ears and mouth trying his best not to cry.. he was afraid that if he made any sound Angelo would beat him next.

And because of that he failed to cry when he needed to..

All the sleepless nights he had,

How he kept waiting for the voices to stop, for his father to leave so he could go and check on his mom and try to treat her wounds meant nothing to her.. she used to kick him out horribly once she opens her eyes

And so, he grew up to become a mess of a person.






-Rony: "Jay.. JAY!!"

-Sezar: "he keeps zoning out all the time"

-Jay: "yes?.. sorry i was thinking about something"

-Rony: "jay i can't do this anymore.. This load is bigger than me jay.."

-Sezar: "stop being a whiny bitch Rony"

-Rony: "YOU-! you shut up, i don't wanna hear you talk"

-Sezar: "the fuck? How dare you talk to me like this??!"

-Jay: "Sezar calm down.. Rony, we're safe trust me.. don't fight over nothing guys"

if there's anyone who's genuinely reading this, please share your opinions with me!

manarrr4ucreators' thoughts