
30minutes (complete)

"I'd be lying if I said that I don't dream of a wedding like this anymore.. Sometimes in my dreams I see her.. stunning a white dress with her hair tied up in an elegant bun, I take her hand and help her go down with me to exchange the marriage vows and not just our hearts but our last names become one.. We dance as our laughter fill the place under the sun, She says yes to me announcing to the entire world that out of everyone I was her choice.. We promise each other to stay together through the sorrows before joys She then whispers to my ear with some words that I fail to hear because of all the noise, but the feeling of her breath alone makes me fail to keep my poise.. And when everyone gets back to their lives after gathering to rejoice with us.. I get her to be all mine.. as this thought floods my mind, I cross all the lines.. When we finally get to once again intertwine.. In my dreams.. everything is heartwarming just like the smile she gave me the very first time we talked.. in my dreams everything is perfect just like her.. My only love, my fairytale.."

manarrr4u · Teen
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

nothing lasts#19

#Another 4 years later#



-Anya: "Mina, drink your milk girl, otherwise you won't grow up."

-Mina: "but- but I don't like the taste of it."

-Anya: "Daniel tell her, she only listens to you"

-Daniel: "Mina you have to drink it, even if you don't like it. Do you know how to make it taste good and fun to drink?"

-Mina: "How?"

Daniel took a cookie and dipped it in the cup of milk then took a bite.

-Daniel: "this is how, try it."

Mina did the same as her father

-Mina: "woah! You're right papa! It tastes good"

Daniel then looked at the watch on his wrist and said

-Daniel: "okay, now I gotta leave. Anya, I count on you to get her to the kindergarten."

-Anya: "don't worry."

-Mina: "see you!"

She kissed him on the cheek then addressed Anya

"Mommy! I want more"

-Anya: "yea.. you only listen to Daniel, don't you?"

As Daniel left, Shiley entered the kitchen

-Shiley: "Goodmorning!"

-Mina: "Nanny!!"



Before going to his main destination, Daniel stopped at the cemetery first.

He sat before mina's grave, put some flowers and watered the ones that grew on the grave.

He then said with a smile

-Daniel: "this is a big day for me babe, wish me luck..."





-Daniel: "now this bus will take forever to leave"

-kai: "don't worry Danny, we'll make it in time"

-Daniel: "Kai, who the hell books a room that can be given to other clients if the original ones arrive late?"

-Kai: "because we didn't pay for it Daniel!

I won it in an online competition. I don't even know if it was real or a bug site"

-Daniel: "I have a bad feeling about this."

-Kai: "Daniel babyyy~ it's such a fancy resort, it's worth the try."

A few moments later a pregnant lady got in the bus.

When Daniel saw her, he shaked Kai's shoulder slightly as he said

-Daniel: "hey Kai, there's a pregnant woman"

-Kai: "yea! good for her what am I supposed to do with that information? I'm not an obstetrician."

-Daniel: "are you serious!?"

-Kai: "yea I'm, she's probably gonna get off at the next stop or something but our trip is long, I'm sorry"

Kai leaned his head over the window and pretended to be asleep.

Daniel gave him a judgy stare then sighed and stood up to give up his seat since all of the other ones were busy, But before he could pick his backpack up from the seat and call for her to sit, she approached him and started yelling at his face

"Hey you! You kids nowadays have no respect for the elders! Can't you see that I'm sick? And I need to rest?"

-Daniel: "i- I already did-"

She interrupted him again

"I hope my baby never grows up to become like you, you all are so disrespectful and have no manners."

Daniel felt embarrassed and oppressed, he felt the need to speak up since he was being misunderstood.

And for Kai, he kept pretending to be asleep. He was chuckling because of the embarrassing situation Daniel got himself into, and trying his best not to make a sound.

-Daniel: "give me the chance to talk at least!! I was going to call for you!"

He didn't mean to raise his voice, but because he was so stressed, he unintentionally shouted and his face turned all red because everyone in the bus was watching.

"are you raising your voice at me??! Your mother- your mother failed to raise you."

Daniel put his head down as his eyes widened he was short of breath for a moment,

Kai got offended by what she said as well because he knows that Daniel grew up as an orphan and how sensitive he's towards the topic. And even so he didn't grow up to become a bad person, not at all.

Kai then stood up and said in a serious yet chill tone

-Kai: "hey, stop acting like an angry bird because you already look like one."

"And why're you meddling?! I wasn't talking to you"

-Kai: "you and your baby are two ganging up on my friend, It's only fair if I interfere"

"What!? He's not even born yet"

-Kai: "but he does exist."

The lady felt kinda confused what made her calm down, As Kai continued

"If you were really mad at people for not giving up their seats for you then why did you only come at my friend? Because you saw him standing up for you right? You thought that he's easy and you can take all the pressure out on him and since he was ready to give up his seat you assumed that he's the type to stay quiet if you insult him."

"He wasn't! He didn't even-"

-Kai: "do you read minds?? You could've waited to see if he was or not before attacking him like that!! although it's not his responsibility or anybody's here to stand up for you, he was going to do so.

Do you know why? Because his mother who's in heaven now didn't fail to raise him as you claimed."

"I didn't know that-"

she looked at Daniel with eyes full of regret as she said

"I apologize, I'm really sorry."

-Kai: "yea save it! It's nobody's responsibility to handle your pregnancy mood swings and anger issues. So next time don't be disrespectful and expect respect in return."

He then held Daniel's hand and said before leaving the bus

"Here are two seats, eat them if they're eatable and think about it.. think if it was worth hurting somebody's feelings."

He then got out of the bus while dragging Daniel behind dramatically.



-Daniel: "Kai, you didn't have to do that."

-Kai: "how could you stay quiet after what she said?"

-Daniel: "I don't know.. pregnancy is hard

and I don't know what it does to a person.

So I said maybe it's her hormones or something."

-Kai: "that's not an excuse.. she's a grown ass woman, she can control herself."

-Daniel: "can she? What do we know about women Kai? Nothing."

-Kai: "hmmh, you're right. But what she said is still wrong."

-Daniel: "yea.. but are we going on feet now?We will lose the room Kai!"

-Kai: "oh shi-"


-Daniel: "Why am I remembering this now?"

He wondered while driving back home.

Once he arrived, Anya greeted him at the door and helped him with his bag.

After taking it inside, Anya approached him again with a facial expression that revealed that she had something important to say

-Anya: "Daniel!! Did you see uncle Gerald's latest tweet?"

-Daniel: "No.. what does it say?"

Anya gave him her phone as he started reading the tweet

[Good evening everyone, it's Gerald Herai,

A name that needs no introductions.

I'm well known in this country for my good deeds and my merciful behavior.

Everything I have done in my life, every cent I gave away, Every donation campaign I did,

wouldn't have been possible without the people who trusted and believed in me. But I feel sorry telling you today that I have betrayed your trust and your support. It is unfortunate to share with you today the fact that I remained silent about some crimes and violations that had happened before my mere eyes. The reason I did so wasn't because my life was threatened but because I had hope in that person to change but unfortunately they didn't and I doubt they ever would.

This person is Angelo Walker,

And when I tell you this you might think that I'm trying to ruin his reputation but it's impossible for what I'm saying to be some faulse accusations because I have spent the last few years trying to collect evidences that I'm going to share with you all.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.]



-Anya: "why? So suddenly? Did you know about this?"

-Daniel: "No..?"

-Anya: "could it be?.."

-Daniel: "..Matthew told him!"



*Angelo's house*



Neithen ran to Angelo's office one he heard the news, he strongly pushed the door open and shouted with a concerned tone of voice

-Neithen: "MASTER!"

Angelo was just standing in there facing the wall opposite to his office which is built of glass, doing nothing just staring at the city views with his hands in his pockets as Neithen continued


Angelo stayed quiet for a little while then turned around and said

-Angelo: "get the plane ready, we're leaving the country.."

He was unusually calm what made Neithen get more concerned

-Neithen: "but master.."

-Angelo: "I don't need no fucking buts Neithen, You heard me."

-Neithen: "I'll do as you command master."

Once Neithen turned around to leave, Angelo stopped him

-Angelo: "one more thing.. get Lily ready, she's leaving too."

Neithen stood in place not knowing how to react, he was confused by Angelo's request.

But then nodded and walked off.





-Matthew: "I don't know why he did that..

But we can't blame him.. I'm sure he feels horrible."

-Charlie: "still Matthew! When he agreed to frame Angelo with us we had to wait two years for him to collect evidences because he was keeping nothing against Angelo and when we finally have everything between our hands today, He just went and threw himself in the fire! I know that he feels responsible and horrible about his daughter's death after learning that it was Angelo's son who did that to her. he probably thinks that he's punishing himself for not trying to stop Angelo sooner.

But this doesn't fix anything! This won't bring back the dead! It's late, but he's finally doing the right thing, he doesn't deserve to be punished!"

-Matthew: "Charlie, you need to calm down.. i think I'll hire you to defend someone for covering up a crime.."

They smiled at each other for a moment then cracked up laughing

-Charlie: "I mean.. do I have a choice?"

I feel so bad that this is coming to an end.

if there's anyone genuinely reading this, share your thoughts with me guys!

manarrr4ucreators' thoughts