
Harry Potter: A Different Tale

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James and Lily Potter fall into a deep slumber, leaving their twin boys in the care of fate. Adrian, the Boy-Who-Lived, finds himself under Dumbledore's wing, while Harry, the overlooked twin, ends up with their aunt. How will the wizarding world change due to this new and cunning Harry Potter? (The story involves Dumbledore, select Weasley, and Hermione bashing.) ///////////////// Disclaimer I do not assert any ownership over anything. J. K. Rowling owns everything.

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Chapter 1Secrets and Alliances

Harry Potter was the eldest brother of two, he had a twin brother who was named as Adrian Potter. Despite being the oldest twin, he was not as well-known as his younger brother. When they were born, a prophecy was made about one of them and for some reason Dumbledore thought it was the Ryan.

One day, the evil wizard known as Voldemort broken into their house. Upon realizing that they had been betrayed, James Potter sent his wife upstairs to protect the kids. James bravely fought off Voldemort for a while but eventually lost, Voldemort wasted no time in climbing up the stairs and heading to the bedroom.

He quickly dealt with Lily Potter and turned his attention to the twins, the redheaded and brown eyed Adrian Potter cried at the sight of him, whilst the black haired and green eyed Harry Potter just stared. Voldemort fired his killing curse, but was undeniably surprised when it didn't work, even more so when it shot back at him.

Sirius Black arrived moments later, cursing Pettigrew as he did. He entered, fortunately for him his best friend was alive, so was his wife but unfortunately they weren't waking up. He checked the babies, they were both fine but before he could do more Hagrid burst in and said that Dumbledore wanted him to take the babies to safety. After some arguing, Sirius relented and let the babies be taken, thinking that they would remain safe and he would pick them up later. He wanted to go and kill Pettigrew but he decided that getting James and Lily to hospital was more important.

Meanwhile, Hagrid had just delivered the boys to Dumbledore. Dumbledore examined the boys, Adrian had a V shaped scar above his forehead, Dumbledore after a few checks he realized that there was no dark magic in it. Unlike the lightning scar in the other boys head, Dumbledore hypothesized that Adrian must have deflected the killing curse and part of Voldemorts soul latched on to Harry. It made sense as Adrian was most likely the one the prophecy was talking about as he was born right as the seventh month dies at preciously midnight.

Dumbledore decided at that moment to leave Harry with his aunt, she hates magic and hopefully her would intensify over the years, that combined with a few charms would make her furious with the boy. If all goes well then she would eventually kill him, leaving Dumbledore's hands clean and getting rid of the horcrux. If not then he could come up with a plan when Harry comes to Hogwarts.

He left Harry on her doorstep, and left with Adrian, smiling as he did. Yes, everything would go to plan.


Daphne Greengrass was saying goodbye to her parents at the train platform, she was a young and pretty girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. She was also the heiress to the Greengrass name and fortune, so she had to be very careful with whom she befriended as her parents reminded her constantly.

She made her way on to the train, and eventually she found a compartment that was nearly empty. Inside was one boy who looked around her age, he had messy black hair and wore muggle clothes. He wore white trainers, blue jeans, a white shirt and a black leather jacket. She wasn't sure if he was muggle because even some purebloods wore muggle clothing, not that she cared about blood purity.

"Excuse me" She said "can I sit here please?"

"Of course" The boy took his attention away from the window and looked at her, she came in and placed her trunk overhead before sitting down.

"I am Daphne Greengrass" She extended her hand. The boy took it and placed a small kiss on her hand, 'pureblood' Daphne thought as it was unlikely for a muggle to perform a formal greeting.

"A pleasure to meet you" The boy replied "My name is Hadrian, but you can call me Harry"

"Just Harry?" Daphne asked "don't you have a last name?"

"Yes I do, but I prefer to get to know a person before I reveal my name. Besides, I'm sure you'll hear it at the sorting later"

"True" Daphne nodded "I can assume your name is well known"

"Yes, annoyingly well know" Harry replied "but enough about me, are you looking forwards to Hogwarts?"

"Yes I am" Daphne replied "I'm expecting to be sorted into Slytherin, what about you?"

"If I had to choose it'd be either Ravenclaw or Slytherin" He answered "although, I honestly don't care which house I'm in but those two houses give you your own room. At least that way I have a place to go if anybody bothers me."

"I understand what you mean, in Slytherin there are always a few idiots. My father warned me that Lucius Malfoys son is starting this year."

"I'm guessing you're not particularly fond of him" Harry smiled

"I hate him" Daphne immediately replied "I...oh I'm sorry, I shouldn't be ranting"

"It's alright, I rather like the sound of your voice." Harry replied, Daphne blushed a little but hid it "why don't you like him?"

"Because if he's anything like his father then he'll be an arrogant and cocky and annoying, his father is also trying to force a marriage contract between me and him. My dad is getting tired of fighting him off but he won't let him make the contract."

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Emmanuel_Capricorn · Movies
151 Chs
Table of Contents
Volume 1