
Potter's Slytherin Debut

Soon they arrived at Hogwarts, Daphne introduced Harry to her friend Tracy Davis who seemed nice enough, she teased Daphne about if Harry was her new boyfriend and the result was Daphne blushing whilst not looking at Harry who was trying to hide a smile. As they were waiting outside the hall, Harry got a good look at a certain redhead.

He saw his brother conversing with Ron Weasley, his brother was an inch or so smaller than him. He had bright red hair and brown eyes, he wasn't fat but he was slightly chubby. Currently Ron was whispering to him, Harry looked away, he wasn't sure what Adrian was like, though he had an idea.

"Hey" Adrian walked up to him "do you know who I am?"

"Adrian Potter" Harry replied, wondering where he was going with this.

"Exactly, according to my friend, you don't care enough to have one of my autographs."

"Maybe I don't, so what?" Harry looked Adrian in the eye but before Adrian could respond another voice interrupted him.

"Forget him" Draco Malfoy said "he is nothing important, you don't want to be making friends with the wrong sort. My name is Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" Ron sniggered

"Think my name is funny do you?" Draco demanded

"Yeah it is" Adrian interrupted "now get lost death eater"

Malfoy turned Red but before he could respond, Professor McGonagall entered and took them all into the hall. Hermione Granger was telling whoever would listen about how she read that the ceiling was enchanted, Ron was sprouting some nonsense about thinking he had to wrestle a troll while Adrian and Malfoy were strutting about as if they owned the place.

Soon the sorting began, starting with a girl called Hannah Abbot. Hermione Granger was sorted into Gryffindor, Daphne was sorted into Slytherin and Draco Malfoy was also sorted into Slytherin then it was Adrian Potters turn. He sat on the stool and he took a bit longer than everybody else, it looked as if he was actually arguing with the hat who eventually sent him to Gryffindor. Everyone applauded before they decided to continue with the sorting, McGonagall looked at the list and her eyes widened in shock.

"H...Harry Potter" She said, the crowd began whispering instantly and everyone snapped their attention to the sorting.

Harry sighed and decided to get it over with, he slowly made his way past the students and sat on the stool. After a few seconds McGonagall placed the hat on his head.

'Hmm, difficult, very difficult. How are you Mr Potter?' The hat asked in his head

'As well as I can be' Harry mentally replied 'little cold but apart from that I'm fine'

'Hmm, yes' The hat chuckled 'but I'm sure that a little bit of cold won't bother someone such as yourself. My goodness, I can't believe what I'm seeing in your head. Godric Gryffindor would kill to have you in his house, adults wouldn't even do half the stuff you have done, but then again I'm sure the other founders would be the same in their desire to have you. My, you're unusual.'

'You're a hat' Harry pointed out 'a talking hat whose purpose is to decide where children live while they're at school, it's a bit hypocritical for you to call me unusual'

'Fair point' The hat replied 'now, where to put you? Hmm, you don't want Gryffindor and I agree with you, while you embody everything Godric would want from a Gryffindor, you just wouldn't fit in. Hufflepuff? No, your loyal but only to very few. So, it's between Ravenclaw or Slytherin, do you have a preference?'

'Not really but I would like Slytherin for no other reason than to irritate my brother'

"Ha" The hat laughed out loud, surprising the hall "you're an unusual one, I see great things in your future Mr Potter. With that being said, I hope you enjoy your time in SLYTHERIN!"

Silence fell throughout the hall as Harry removed the hat and made his way over to Slytherin, he sat beside Daphne who was looking at him with wide eyes.

"As cute as you look now, you look better when you're smiling" He whispered into her ear and she blushed. Before composing herself.

"So, Harry Potter?" She said "as in brother to the Gryffindor golden boy?"

"Older brother" Harry nodded "and yes, I wanted to wait until I was at Hogwarts before anyone found out. Now I can avoid anyone who feels the need to ask annoying questions"

"What about me?" Daphne asked

"Yeah" Tracy decided to enter the conversation "would you avoid Daphne?"

"I see no reason to" Harry replied "it would be stupid to refuse such brilliant company" Harry smiled at Daphne, who was internally cursing him for constantly making her blush. He was ruining her Ice Queen look that he had planned to use.

"So, Harry Potter?" A voice drawled, it was Malfoy and he had attracted the attention of the rest of the Slytherin's "a Potter in Slytherin, how does it feel being a disappointment?"

"I don't know Malfoy" Harry replied "but you seem to be an expert in the subject, how does it feel?"

"How dare you?!" Malfoy exclaimed "I am the heir to the Malfoy family"

"Well, I congratulate you for being born" Harry said dryly "though I must say I pity your father, he must have it bad when his son's only form of accomplishment is existing" A few of the Slytherin's laughed at this. "If I met him then I would probably also extend how sorry I am regarding his inability to have more kids"

"My father can have more children if he wanted!"

"And he stopped at you?" Harry raised an eyebrow "hmm, in that case I can assume he decided to stop at one disappointment" Malfoy turned red as many of the Slytherin's began laughing.

"You'll pay for this Potter!" Malfoy growled

"I was unaware that Malfoys had financial problems, such a shame when money is the only reason your family is important. Never mind, if you ask nicely then I will give you a galleon. If you're on your knees when you ask then I will give you two" Daphne was using all of her control to not laugh at Harry's comments, Tracy found them so funny that she placed a hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing.

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