
Common Room Chaos

Harry tossed Malfoy his wand but kept his own prepared, and it was a good thing he did so, as Malfoy immediately tried to hex him but failed as Harry quickly stunned him. Malfoy dropped like a sack of potatoes, Harry looked to Crabbe and Goyle.

"Boys" Harry said "would you mind taking this idiot upstairs?" The two nodded and carried the unconscious Malfoy up to his room.

"Our hero" Tracy sighed dramatically, the three took a seat as everyone else went back to minding their own business "so you two are engaged to be married?"

"Kind of" Harry answered "we really did just find out today, apparently the contract was made between our two families. But I don't want to force Daphne into a marriage so I will cancel it on my fourteenth birthday"

"Really?" Tracy looked at Daphne who was still holding on to his arm "I'm sure she wouldn't mind"

"Well I did at first" Daphne admitted "But I figured that if we're contracted we could get to know each other, I mean the contract doesn't officially take place until we're out of school so we might as well use the time productively."

"Is that your way of asking if you can be my girlfriend?" Harry asked with an amused expression

"Well, it definitely wasn't her way of asking if she could be my girlfriend" Tracy joked

"Well..." Daphne fidgeted in her seat "yeah it is"

"You want Tracy to be your girlfriend?" Harry raised an eyebrow

"No!" Daphne turned red "it's my way of asking, if I could be your girlfriend?"

"Hell yeah!" Harry exclaimed in joy

"Wow, he didn't even pause" Tracy commented

"Well I got to accept before some other idiot takes her" Harry explained

"Yeah, now she only has to deal with one idiot" Tracy remarked

"Yeah but I'm her idiot" Harry grinned and Daphne blushed.

"I'm going to regret this, aren't I?"

"Yes but no take backs, you're stuck with me Daph"

"Oh Merlin" Daphne sighed

"Oh don't start calling him, he can't help you now" Harry smiled

"It's going to be a long stay at Hogwarts" Daphne looked at Harry with an amused expression

"A memorable one though" Harry stared back at her.


Tomorrow came quickly and Harry was in Snape's office, right on time. The two of them flood over to St Mungo's, Snape led him to the ward where his parents were staying.

"Harry" Snape stopped him before they entered "I will leave you alone here, how long would you like to stay?"

"Do you not want to come in sir?" Harry asked "I don't mind if you do"

"No thank you" Snape refused, Harry could see the man was trying to hide his emotions so he decided not to press.

"About, an hour, please sir" Harry answered "I can take less if that's a problem for you"

"No" Snape shook his head "it's not a problem, I will return in an hour." Snape turned around and left, his cape billowing as he did.

Harry took a deep breath before he entered through the door, he made his way to two beds at the far right corner of the room. Opposite the two beds were two other beds, Harry read the names and saw that they were the Longbottoms, his sympathy went out to them and Neville, he should probably talk to him later.

He made his way to where his parents were resting, and looked at his parents, who were both under stasis charms, taking them both in. His father was a tall man, he had brown hair, and he looked remarkably like Harry, or Harry looked remarkably like him if you wanted to be accurate.

He then looked at his mother, she was a beautiful woman with red hair. A little shorter in height than his father, but she looked like a sleeping angel in Harry's opinion. Harry took a chair and sat in-between the beds.

"Hi mum, hi dad" Harry said softly "it's good to see you. I'm Harry, your son, I don't know if you remember. I don't even know if you can hear me, but if you can then know that I love and miss the both of you.

Let's see, I suppose I should tell you a little bit about me, I'm in Hogwarts in my first year. I'm also a Slytherin, I hope that's not a problem. My twin brother is a Gryffindor but he's also an idiot, I'd rather not talk about him if we're being honest.

I'm top in my class, all of my classes, except Herbology but the top of Herbology is Neville Longbottom, your godson mum. He's alright, a bit shy and for some reason he's not as strong as I thought he'd be but he's alright.

There's this one girl in my class called Hermione Granger, and she's really annoying. Like, she's made it her life mission to beat me and when she doesn't she calls me a cheat, as if I don't have the right to be smarter than her.

Oh and there's this prat called Malfoy, he thinks he's Merlin's gift to wizard kind. He mouths off but I put him in his place every time, in fact one time I punched him and he fell down some stairs. I know you'd probably disapprove of that but I maintain that it was well deserved and worth it, especially as I didn't get in trouble. Apart from those two and a couple of other people, I really enjoy Hogwarts.


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