
BNHA: My Angel

Author: M0M0KA
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 223.2K Views
  • 96 Chs
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The beginning was in Qingqing, China. The manifestation of the superpowers which will be soon known as' Quirks'. The society, which grew accustomed to the supernatural, became one of superhuman what's with more than 80% of its population having special abilities. To maintain order within such society, heroes stepped into the spotlight, bringing forth a new profession that wasn't but a dream in the past. Now, trying to find themselves within such world, Shirogane Sora and Seijin Yuu, two high schoolers who thrive to become heroes one day, aim for the most famous diligent school, UA's, hero course. With one trying recklessly to uncover the mysteries shrouding a loved one's loss and the other fixating on protecting their friend no matter the cost, they didn't expect to be shoved out to action too soon... Copyright Disclaimer: ~Boku no Hero Academia's characters and plot belong to Horikoshi Kohei. I only own my characters and the plot twists added to fit them in. Note that this story is weekly updated. A note for all potential readers; this story is drafted till the end of season 6, so hopefully there will be no hiatus OwO

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Chapter 1Origin

In a society where super power became a norm of everyday life. Where villains used their gifts for evil, causing fear of them everywhere. Where heroes had so much on their plates they hardly got home... It was hard to notice the cries of a young boy over his balloon drifting far away of reach.

Naturally, in a world where everyone are at the risk of a villain's attack, such thing would not catch even the briefest glimpse of passersby. They have grown accustom to more urgent and dangerous incidents which revolved around fire, destructive power and crazy fights between heroes and villains.

The cries of the small child were drowned within the mumbles of the crowd about their favorite heroes and the latest incident, which featured the number one hero, All Might, saving two middle schoolers from a slime villain.

As the balloon flew higher, the kid's wailing stifled as he realized it could not be retrieved. " We will buy another one." His mother tried to cheer him up.

In a world filled with heroes and villains, such trivial things are almost invisible. It doesn't mean much, even if someone stepped to help, it wouldn't mean anything in such world. However...

The boy's cries died completely and his eyes widened in awe at the falling white feathers. A shadow was casted on them as its owner soared above their heads. Not before long, a girl flew down, smiling broadly from ear to ear and in her hand she grasped the thread of the red balloon. " Once you let go, it can't be retrieved. Hold on tight to it alright."

It doesn't mean anything, it doesn't have any glory to it nor will entice anyone's attention. Still, the grin the boy had given to her was more than enough. " Thank you miss."

She smiled in return. She had snow white short hair that was dyed electric blue from the inside. A silvery light ring hovering inches above her head. Her red eyes glinted happily at the kid and her snowy large wings folded themselves so not to bother other passersby.

She waved at the boy as he walked among the crowd along with his mother, her wings slowly shrinking and squeezing into her back again through the slits on her uniform as if they didn't exist. " You're doing it again."

She whirled around, facing a black haired girl who was hunched over, apparently trying to catch her breath having run all the way there while holding another backpack.

" Apologies." The white haired girl scratched the back of her head. " I just rushed over. Thanks for bringing my bag."

She grabbed her cyan bag and slid one hinge over her shoulder. " That's how you're, Sora, always dashing over to offer help." The black haired girl pulled herself up and rolled her eyes.

She was wearing the same uniform as Sora, a pink one piece. Her long black hair was held up in a half moon bun with few strands standing out of it. Her emerald green eyes were shining from behind oval half rimmed black glasses.

" Yumei too, I heard you helped Yuu with those bullies the other day." Both of them started trudging down the path toward their favorite café. " He was really thankful."

" It was nothing." She waved nonchalantly. " Seijin-kun is your childhood friend right. A friend of yours is... A friend of mine I guess."

" Yumei you're so nice!"

" You think all the people around you are nice don't you!" Yumei sighed. " You shouldn't let your guard down, you know. If you're aiming to be a hero, it's rather inconvenient to presume everyone is an ally." She casted a side glance at the white head who blushed and scratched her cheek. " You're acting like a five year old child."

" So... So sorry."

The black haired girl sighed deeply at her friend. " That's why you need me by your side. I'll always be there to correct you." Hearing that, Sora's face beamed again and nodded at her.

It wasn't before long that they hit the threshold of the café. Taking their accustomed spot by the window, Sora ordered a cup of juice while Yumei had a black coffee. " How can you drink it? For me, I can't even take a sip."

Yumei shrugged. " It comes naturally to me, guess you're really a kid." Sora sweat dropped at that. Everything about her seemed like a kid for real. She was shorter than other girls her age, more or less a human bullet of energy who didn't stop and had a pretty short temper to add. All of that meant that it became common for her classmates to treat her as the class' child. " Geez, I'll have to babysit you for so long I guess. I doubt you will survive by yourself in UA."

" Right, Yumei, you too are planning to enter UA." She edged to the end of her chair as to get closer.

" Yeah, I've confidence in my grades, so I don't think the written exam will be any trouble. However..." The waiter came along with their orders which they took thankfully.

" You're worried about your Quirk, right?" The other girl closed her eyes and nodded before supping from her coffee. Sora blinked at her as she sucked on her straw. " You know, that hero, the one who could erase people's Quirks... What was his name again?"

" Eraser Head." Yumei answered, trying her best not to facepalm herself. Despite aiming to be a hero, her friend's knowledge of heroes is very limited.

" Right! He is an UA alumnus! His Quirk resembles yours so much so I'm sure you can do it!"

Yumei's face lit with a smile at her friend's encouraging words. That's too a part of who you're. " Well, there is a long way between me and Eraser Head, but I will try my best. Thanks for encouraging me, Sora." The white haired girl's smile broadened even more.

Yumei however, had a bothered look as she glanced through the window. " Nee..." Sora attention was drawn from her juice to Yumei. " Seijin-kun, is he really intending to apply to UA too?"

" Ah! Yuu is determined to get in! It was his dream since childhood! Frankly, he was the one who spurred me!"

Yumei sighed deeply upon hearing that. " You're his childhood friend, so he may listen to you rather than me." Her eyes met with Sora's red ones. " For his own good, tell him to give up on the entrance exam."...


The sun was about to set when the purple haired boy stepped out of the building, taking his usual path back home at a slow pace. His purple eyes were casted down, he didn't want to meet other people's eyes. He wasn't good with dealing with them, and he definitely didn't want to meet that look they cast upon him when seeing his baggy eyes and chalk white face.

His feet dragged when he reached the park. Out of the path home he grew to hate, that was the only place he liked, and wished it was his home. Since it was sunset the park was deserted, or so it should have been. There was the creaking of the old swing. Upon second look, he could see someone there. A white haired girl swaying slightly while her eyes fixed on the orange sky.

She looked back at the park entrance and her face beamed. " Yuu!" She called out loud, pushing herself off the swing and grabbing her backpack on her rush to him. " Already finished with the extra classes?"

The boy nodded his head, a small smile finally was drawn on his face. " Alright then, let's head home together." They strolled up the hill, chatting about yesterday's news.

" Did you hear, it seems All Might is here in Musutafu!"

" You're talking about yesterday's incident, I've heard of it. The two Middle schoolers."

" They say before All Might rushed to save them, one of them rushed off to help his captured friend. That's very brave of him."

" Um... It's... But it was kind of reckless too. It may have caused trouble to the heroes."

" Can you blame him. His friend was in danger." She folded her arms and huffed tiredly. " What's wrong with you people? I mean, of course, if you're in danger, I would jump to help you regardless of anything. You're the same too, right?"

Purple eyes met the red ones, and they stayed like that. They were the only eyes that didn't pity or scorn him, they were the only eyes that brightened upon seeing him, they were unlike the rest. " If you were in danger, Sora, I would throw my life away for you."

The white head cackled nervously. " Well, that's too much, I better be careful then. Still..." She grinned from ear to ear. " Your feelings got across, Yuu."

They stopped in front of a two-floor house. " The lights are on, seems they're early tonight. Well then, see you tomorrow, Sora." He pushed the fence door open but stopped when the girl by his side didn't move or say anything.

" Nee, Yuu..." Her look went down for the first time and Yuu turned back, concerned about the sudden change in her expression.

" Is something wrong?"

" Listen, about UA. You're applying, right?" His eyes narrowed at her words, and for a moment, she thought she saw shadow casting itself upon his face. However, the glimmer of his eyes brightened as he looked up again.

" I am."

She breathed in relief and her smile grew bigger than ever. " Alright then, let's do our best. Together." He nodded his head and it seemed to satisfy her. " See you tomorrow, and tell Whisper I said hi!" With her big smile, she waved at him and continued running up the hill towards her house perching on the very top.

He kept watching over her till she rounded the corner and then, with a shaky exhale and heavy steps he entered the house. " I'm home." He didn't receive so much of a reply or a 'welcome home'. Walking through the hall, he glimpsed his father swiping through TV channels and news while his mother was visible through the kitchen's doorframe preparing their dinner. It seemed like they didn't even notice his arrival.

He resumed his walk, up the stairs and to the very last room on the left, far away from his parents'. He entered his room. " You're late!" A voice shouted from nowhere making him jump in fear. Soon, an egg-like white head phased through the ceiling. " I thought you said you will be early!"

" Can't help it... Needed to finish some work in the extra classes." He was still shaking. The head dropped down, revealing a glowing ghost-like creature glaring down at the purple head. " ... Sora said hi by the way."

" Sora? It's been a while since I've seen her in person. Why don't you take me with you to school?" The translucent body closed on to the boy, wrapping itself around him which send chills running down his spine. " We used to hang out together in elementary, why can't we do the same now? I promise I will hide properly."

" I-I can't, we're prohibited from using our quirks, which means I can't bring you with me...And... the last time I sneaked you in, you ended up flooding the second floor and I got a long scolding..." He pointed out, however, his lips were quivering at how close the ghost was.

" Hmph, damn it. Anyway, you shouldn't show your fear you know! No spirit would respect you like that!" He yelled out in his ear, making Yuu jump to the side, forgetting for a second whisper was wrapped around his shoulders.

" I can't help it... I'm not good around your lot..." A tick appeared on Whisper's forehead, displeased with his answer.

" You damn idiot! I don't care if you don't bear us or not! This is your Quirk and you can't turn it off! Be weak, and even the spirits you made contracts with would betray you! Have I made myself clear!"

"Sir.. yes sir..." His voice was shaky and weak, angering Whisper more.

" I didn't hear you!"

" Sir! Yes sir!" Poor Yuu was tearing up by then.

Whisper backed his face away and folded his tiny arms. " There is still a lot you need to learn. We have loads of work to do if we want to get you to UA."

The boy looked at the stack of materials he needed to study before the entrance exam. 10 months didn't seem anything near enough for him. " I can't help with your studies, even back in my life I was at the bottom of my class. Still, I can help you with your Quirk training. Be thankful!"

" It's not like I've asked for-"

" Huh?!"

" Sir! Yes sir!"...


Musutafu Middle School

" Everyone, I'm sure you've probably heard this a lot by now, but you're all third years, means it's time you take responsibility for yourselves and take your future into consideration." The blonde teacher stated cheerfully with her usual smile. Her brown eyes quickly scanned all of her students before continuing.

" I presume all of you are opting for the hero course. As much of a noble profession, it's, my job as a teacher is to guide you. You should consider your capabilities and take what you're able to do into account, not anyone can be a hero."

At that, Yuu received a kick from the pupil sitting behind him. " Heard that Seijin, she is talking about you." He did his best to ignore him.

" There are Quirks that may shine on other fields. I'll hand prints of your future plans now. You know that once you write something down you can't change it. Take a moment and think of what you want to be careful. We teachers are here to help you choose your path."

She passed the prints to the pupils sitting on the first tables and they passed it on. When it reached Yumei, she quickly grabbed a pen and wrote UA at the very top.

" Hakuja-san, are you sure?"

" And with a pen, you can't change it later on!"

" It's fine." Yumei stated. " There is no need to change, it's something I decided since long."

Sora's eyes widened in amazement at her friend. " Yumei is really confident. Even I can't bring myself to write it down immediately, right, Yuu?"

The purple head snapped upon being called. " Uh... Um, yeah..." He mumbled. Under his folded arms, written clearly with a pen, UA was the top choice of his list...


Few Months Later

" And rest." With those words, Sora breathed out as she saluted and turned to the older woman, bowing to her.

" Thanks, Grandma."

The woman had medium-length silver-white hair held up in a high ponytail, bright azure blue eyes and a golden halo ring like Sora floating a few inches over her head. However, she strangely didn't seem that much old. " It's only four months before the entrance exam, right?" Grabbing two towels and throwing one at her grandchild, she questioned. " If we keep with the Karate lessons you will be ready for the practical exam. What about the written exam though? Are you studying well?"

" I am, either with Yumei or Yuu. But I think I will invite Yuu over for the coming months to study more together. Yumei wants to focus more on her training and I don't want to bother her any longer."

" Please do. Yuu-kun is always welcome in our house." She freed her hair, letting it cascade down her back. " How's his training going?"

" He said Whisper is taking care of him, though he seemed shaken..." She sweat dropped. " Seems his training takes place at dark in haunted places."

" That's rough." She smiled nervously. " Guess it can't be helped with that Quirk of his." She glanced over at the young girl who was wiping away her sweat. " Dear..."

Sora blinked and looked up at her grandmother, slightly startled at the concerned look she was giving her. " Is this really what you want, going to UA?"

There was a moment of silence, a moment where everything seemed to stop. Every other sound seemed to fade away, only a faint cry from a memory was heard within Sora's mind.

" I will be a hero and find the truth myself !"

Her fists tightened around the ends of the towel. " It is, Grandma." She smiled confidently at her grandmother. " I've turned in the papers, there is no going back now. Plus, that's what I really want to do."

She took a moment to carefully eye the girl. She was confident and hadn't the slightest weft of doubt. This Girl... Is really like you. She smiled gently. " Alright then, both you and Yuu-kun, do your best to get in, alright."

" Hai!"...


The bell rang, signaling the end of the day. Everyone gathered their things and drifted through the door in pairs or groups, chatting about their upcoming entrance exams.

" Yuu!" Before he knew it, an excited Sora swept down on his desk. " The entrance exam is nearing, we need to work harder! Grandma promised to make us Curry tonight so we gotta double our work!"

" Oh, right. We covered most of the materials we have, we can make it."

" That's the spirit!" She gave him a thump up. " Anyway, you'll come at 7pm, right? You said Whisper is giving you a break today."

Yuu sweat dropped, facing backwards. " Seems he gave up on me..."

" Don't say that! Whisper is not the kind of ghost to give up on something!" She gave him a slap on the back, however, it was too much for Yuu that he almost choked. " Anyway, I'll head home first then. Still need to practice with grandma." She punched the air, startling him.

"Ok then, see you around 7pm."

" See you!"

She rushed past the door. It was just then that Yuu realized Yumei was still there. She casted him a glare to which he gulped. Its intensity, though for a second, made him shudder. She soon took her leave as well.

The purple head stood up, grasping his wrist tightly as if trying to stop shaking. " I'm not... Giving up on this one thing."

He grabbed his bag and left the classroom as well, trudging through the hall in a peculiar way, zigzagging in his tread and mumbling to himself.

This, was how Yuu's everyday life went. Seeing him acting like that made people either wary of him, or scorn and bully him. Though knowledge of his Quirk clarified things for his classmates, they still liked to pick on him.

" Ouch!" He bumped into someone and fell down. " Sorry..."

" Watch out wher- oh, it's you Seijin. Seems telling you to watch out wouldn't work." A chorus of laughter followed. It was three of his usual bullies.

" S-Sorry..." He repeated, hoping they would ignore him. It was around time bullies stopped picking on others and focused on their entrance exams, right? He may get away this time.

Except, it wasn't the case.

" You know, you would live longer if you just look ahead instead of looking down at your feet."

" Don't say that, you know his Quirk right? He is just afraid to meet some terrifying ghost's eyes or something."

It wasn't wrong. He wanted to avoid interaction with them the most possible he could.

" Man, he has no future."

" No one would want a hero who would get scared away by an unseen ghost!"

Behind his back, Yuu's hands balled into fists. It's alright... Don't answer to them...

" And to think he applied to UA!"

You got used to those insults... Don't let them piss you off...

" Can someone like you be a hero?!"

" Humanity will perish if that even happened!"

Don't mind them...

" Hey, are you ignoring me?"

" I... I said.. I'm sorry..." He looked further down. It's true that he feared those ghosts that only he could see... But more than ghosts, he feared the monsters called humans that shunned and scorned him whenever he went, for nothing but being what he was.

" Tsk! Guess we have to teach him a lesson!"

" Yeah! Make it so he can never go to UA!"

" Ha! Good idea!"

The bulkier one reached for the shoes locker behind him and touched it, and in a moment, his arm was the same material and color as it.

" You will be thankful for us later, for we're saving you the shame and humiliation of failing in front of all those elite!" He made for the punch and Yuu quickly held his arms in front of his face to protect himself. However, the contact didn't happen.

Daring to open one eye, he glimpsed his attacker bound in glowing blond hair strings. Quickly looking behind him, their homeroom teacher was standing not far from them, her hair free of her usual bun and restricting the bully. " Furuyu-kun, using your Quirk in the school is prohibited. I'm afraid I'll have to report this to the principal."

She pulled back her hair when she made sure the other boy's intention of harming was totally lost in the worry for what he heard. " But! Sensei! It's almost the end of the year! If this goes in my record!"

" Then you should have thought better of it before attacking Seijin-kun! Apologize immediately!" All three boys mumbled a remorseless apology to Yuu who finally pulled himself up. " We will discuss your punishment tomorrow with the principal." With that, they were send home.

" Thank you, Sensei." He bowed gratefully to the woman as she pulled her hair back into her bun.

" That was my obligation as a teacher. More importantly." She squinted at him as he eyed her with a puzzled air. " Us teachers are given the duty of guiding and admonishing you in your choices. Not only based on your Quirks and grades, but also based on your behavior and personalities." She paused and inhaled deeply, carefully picking her next words. " Seijin Yuu-kun, do you really want to be a hero?"

He didn't answer, he stood there, most interested in the ground. It was the same look, the same look of disregard and pity he received from everyone else.

" It's no good, the kid has the same Quirk as your brother."

" Tsk, he will be another failure in the family. I have to look after my useless brother and now I have him too."

" You understand, little brother. Your quirk is nothing good, you inherited both our parents Quirks but still, you're useless. You're a failure."

" What a weirdo."

" Stay away from him kids."

" No one would want a hero who would get scared away by an unseen ghost!"

" I'm scared! I don't want such Quirk at all!"

All those words pilled in his memories broke free and overwhelmed his mind. It was all he could not to give under their weight then and there. However, a voice rose above all the rest which were insulting him, so gentle and delicate, it said...

" Amazing! So you can see what others can't right! You can even talk to them! Can you befriend them?! How do they look? I wanna see some too! Man, your Quirk is so amazing!"

It was like a dazzling light that pushed back all of his darkness. It was his reason to live, it was his reason to work hard... It was the reason he wanted to become a hero. " I'm. And I will become a hero who can protect what he holds dear."

He fiddled with his fingers, his eyes didn't go up to meet those of his teacher, he didn't want to see her pitying him. " I know I still have a long path to go... I frankly don't have the confidence like Hakuja-san that I will get in... Yet, I have a reason to not give up and try my best... I know all of you think my Quirk isn't good enough... But, someone is cheering for me... I have to become a hero, for their sake too..."

Upon a second look, the teacher sighed. " You may not have the skills or confidence, but you do really have the resolve don't you. Though we're meant to guide you, still, the student's will comes first. Then from now on, I will cheer for you too."

His head snapped up in surprise at that. This kid knows his condition better than anyone else. If he is that determined, then it'll be rude to pity him after he came this far. " For the sake of the one supporting you, you better become a hero they can depend on." In a flurry of emotions, tears welled up in Yuu's eyes and he hastily wiped them on his sleeve.

" H-Hai..."...


Four Months Later

It was a rough four months for all of them; finishing off their final exams, training and studying for the entrance exam, they hardly had any time to sleep a wink. All three of them kept working hard till the very last minute. And finally, the long awaited day had come..

Sora's jaws dropped in amazement at the glorious building perching in front of her. From afar, it seemed to be made of glass. The gates were fully open, welcoming the students coming to take the entrance exam. It was packed with people with different uniforms.

" As expected of UA that boasts the best education in the country. Everyone from every notch and cranny is aiming for its hero course." Yumei stated solemnly, balancing her glasses.

" It really is the best school anyone can dream of attending! We must get in! Yumei, Yuu, let's do our best!" Sora said looking at both people on her sides, however, Yuu was standing with his back facing the entrance, shaking.

" So many people... I didn't think there will be that much here... This is terrifying..."

Whisper, who had wrapped himself around Yuu's shoulders shook his head tiredly. " This kid..."

Sora sweat dropped while Yumei merely sighed. She checked on her watch." It's 9:05. We better hurry to our written exam halls."

" Come on Yuu!" She was tugging on his uniform to pull him to the door.

" I can't, my legs are getting sluggish..."

" Then I'll drag you there!"

" I hope you won't mind me getting there first. I need to take in the environment to calm my nerves." Announced Yumei.

" Sure, go ahead." Said Sora before embarking on pulling Yuu again, who now was hiding his face behind his hands as though he was a criminal fearing to be spotted.

" This is the worst..."

" Get yourself together! Do you intend to take the exam like this!" Whisper shouted at him, making him snap in fear and stand straight. " Where is your answer soldier!"

" Sir! Yes sir!"

" Geez... Well, guess as long as Whisper is around it will work somehow." Sora smiled before her attention was caught by a curly green head standing still and smiling to himself oddly.

" What's that guy doing?" Even Whisper was at a loss of words seeing him. " Had his nerves betrayed him or something?"

Sora walked off and waved her hand in front of him. " You. Hey you." It took a moment for him to snap out of the trance he was in. " Are you alright? You're not having a breakdown or something?"

The boy shook his head rather violently. " Oh. Okay, I guess. I suggest you hurry up then, there is no much time left." This time he nodded vigorously and strolled to the doors stiffly.

Whisper's body extended as his face was now by Sora's side. " Is it me, or is this school attracting strange guys?" Sora's eyes however were fixed on the boy.

Whisper's body squeezed back to normal as Yuu approached her. " Sora..."

" Hey Yuu, don't you think there is something wrong with that guy?"

" Something wrong?" Yuu's eyes followed hers and they widened almost immediately. " What... In the world..."

" So I'm not mistaken it. This is strange."

Whisper kept swiping his eyes between the two of them. The eyes of the Angel and those of the Spiritual Link user, what are they seeing? Either way... " Do you think it's time to stop and daydream, soldiers!?"

" No! Sir!" Both saluted him immediately.

" Good! Now go and ace that written exam!"

" Sir! Yes Sir!"...


Meanwhile With


I talked to two girls in a row!!!...

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Table of Contents
Volume 1