
Her Symbol of Hope

She took the window seat by Iida and kept to herself for the whole ride, glancing out the window and it seemed her mind was off. She was thankful that no one bothered focusing on her and rather busied themselves with Yaoyorozu's explanation of where they were headed.

" Just to make sure," her head snapped to the other seats across from them as Todoroki spoke loudly. " You know that what we're doing is selfish and that no one wants us to do it, right? You can still turn back if you want to."

Both Midoriya and Kirishima were fast to express their disagreement and resolve to carry on their task, Sora however hugged her backpack and bit on her lip. She too couldn't afford to go back. Not while a friend was in danger. And especially not while she had finally found a lead.

" Are you sure you're alright?" She snapped back to the real world when Iida called for her and somehow managed to smile back at him.

" I'm fine. Not to worry."

Iida took a second to study her before he spoke up again. " I understand that it's hard to have an argument with your friend."

Sora leaned her head on the window. " First argument, actually..." She heaved a prolonged sigh as though trying to get rid of a weight in her chest but to no use. " I don't seem to remember raising my voice at him even once since we've met."

Iida fiddled with his fingers. " Well, I don't usually punch my classmates either." He chanced a look at Midoriya.

" You say it again. You seemed out of your character." She pointed and he rubbed his head uneasily with a small blush. It was an interesting thing to see frankly. It wasn't every day that she saw the composed Iida blushing.

" The thing is, I was worried. Not just for the danger that they were putting themselves in. But for the outcomes as well." He held his left hand and stared at it longingly as though recalling the day it was first injured. " I've lost my way back then and ended up causing trouble for many people. And it was thanks to the heroes' help to avoid our punishment by law that we're still here today. But that kind of favor won't be inflected twice. I feared that, if not physically harmed, they would end up disqualified to be heroes. Thinking that way made me lose it and snap at them."

" But it was because you cared," Sora stated, gently placing a hand on his arm and he gave a weak nod. " I can't blame you for that."

" Seijin-kun was the same too," he said, his eyes meeting hers. " I wasn't there when all the racket happened, but I was told everything. He ended up landing himself in the hospital for two days so he could save you."

Sora's eyes dropped and her clutch of her backpack tightened. " I know that." She felt more ashamed than ever upon hearing it again. That despite all he had done, she just ended up ditching him in the end. And in a horrible way.

" He cared for you. So the least you could do, is to make up with him when you're back." Iida offered her a smile. " I know you two would."

With a small smile, she nodded at him weakly. True, she needed to apologize for her rudeness, she needed to thank him properly for saving her. And most of all, she needed to tell him that she too couldn't have come this far without him by her side...


Sora gaped at the crowded streets of Kanagawa. People of all kinds were walking back and forth under the street lights and signboards. She wasn't used to seeing a city full of life at late night hours. She admired the city some more before Yaoyorozu dragged them all to a store with a flashing nameplate spelling the name 'Dirt-Cheap Donki Oote'.

Without any previous warning, Sora was forced by a rather excited Yaoyorozu into a white skirt, a blue collar sleeveless shirt, black leggings and white high boots. Her hair was freed from her usual plaits and held back into a half-moon bun. She was also given golden-rimmed glasses. " This is a hassle," she mumbled stepping out of the changing cabinet and holding down her skirt as though it was going to blow away. " Why should we do this?"

She wasn't given an answer until after they left the shop. " Kids would stand out in the shopping district at night, right?"

" I see. Makes sense now." Sora hummed. She took joy in watching the disguised Midoriya and Iida get into the role.

" Shirogane-san however... no matter how hard I tried..." Yaoyorozu ran her eyes over the girl's silhouette and gave a sigh. " You really lack the building of a grown woman."

" What's that supposed to mean!" She was ignored.

" Shirogane-kun, your thing..." Iida whispered pointing above his head and Sora got it.

" Oh, my holy ring. Sorry, I can't really get rid of it and it can't be hidden either." She sweat dropped.

" Won't that make you stand out?" Midoriya asked.

" I hardly doubt so. People would just guess it is part of a Quirk that I can't turn off." She shrugged.

" Whoa, it's UA!" They all jolted as they heard that comment, thinking they were found out. However, upon looking up it was soon revealed that the comment wasn't about them. On a large screen hanging off a building, they could see all three of Aizawa, Vlad King and Principal Nezu live. Sora took a wild guess and presumed it was a press meeting about the recent incident at the camp.

Seeing the whole thing made Sora's already bad mood worse and she wanted nothing more than to thrash someone back then. Just seeing her teacher pushed to a corner made her blood boil with rage. And as if trying to rub salt on the wound, the crowd around them were mocking the teachers' statements and making fun of their school.

They weren't there. They haven't been through half of what we've been through. Their lives weren't endangered. And yet, here they're talking as though they knew better than anyone what it was like. They don't know the slightest thing about how hard our teachers fought to protect us while putting their lives on the line.

It wasn't until they began sidling along the crowd and walking again that her rage subsided slowly. Still the knot she felt wasn't yet taken off her chest, rather it swelled more. She would never begin to understand how Yuu felt that night, yet she yelled at him, even more, hurt him with her words. Her feeling of guilt was getting stronger she was biting her bottom lip tight.

Stupid! Stupid! 

" This is the spot the receiver is showing." She only left her thoughts when Yaoyorozu announced that they reached their target. Sora joined Kirishima and Yaoyorozu at the front to get a better look at the building. It was so dark and not a hint of a single soul around. It seemed deserted.

After discussing their situation, and a whole half hour of Midoriya's ranting and mattering, they decided on staking out to watch over the place for a little longer. However, nothing happened so far.

" What if we try and get closer?" She was immediately met with a glare from Iida and she hurriedly elaborated more. " I mean, if I was a villain in hiding, I would keep watching over the vicinity in case some hero or even police got closer to me. Let's try and see if whoever is inside will react to us approaching their territory."

Midoriya hummed as he placed a hand on his fake goatee beard. " I see. That can work. But how to get that close without provoking them?"

Sora then pointed at a vending machine right across the street from said building and smirked. " Let's buy some refreshments!"

With everyone agreeing on her idea, they trotted over to the machine, Sora and Yaoyorozu trailing back after them to keep watch over any suspicious moves. " Yaomomo..." Her friend looked back at her and Sora had a bothered look in her eyes. " You said, the one you attached the tracking device to was a Nomu, right?" The girl nodded. " How did it look like?"

Yaoyorozu shook her head at that. " I don't remember much myself. I was knocked out as soon as it appeared and I hardly got a glimpse of it when Awase-san was pulling me away. But, it wasn't enough to discern its appearance."

" I see." She muttered with a hint of disappointment in her voice. They finally stopped by the vending machine, ready to buy their drinks. They kept glancing over their shoulders at the building behind them but nothing much of a movement happened. While still mulling over the situation at hand, they were all taken back by two drunk men who were hitting on Yaoyorozu, inviting her for a drink. Upon Todroki's suggestion, they all changed places.

Sora looked back at Yaoyorozu then at herself and puffed her cheeks in frustration. " Why did they only call out to Yaomomo? I'm a woman too you know!"

" But not at that age yet," Yaoyorozu explained.

" I'm the same age as you!" The short girl retorted.

" Not physically." Was Yaoyorozu's only response.

" There aren't many people walking by, but there are some." Todoroki pointed.

" We can't do anything to stand out. What should we do?"Yaoyorozu pondered.

Sora's eyes dropped down. " If only Yuu and Whisper were with us."

" We could have used his Quirk now." Admitted Todoroki.

Midoriya looked back at the warehouse. " Let's try going around to the back. No matter how little information we have on this place, it's all we've got."

It took some time to convince Iida to let them get a little closer. Then they all sidled through the very small space between the warehouse and the neighbor house where they could only advance if walking sideway. They stopped when Midoriya spotted a low window from which they could peek inside. Still, it was high for their height.

" Can you get there?" Todoroki asked the white-haired girl who responded with a shake of her head.

" You know I can't get my wings out in such a narrow space."

" I see. Then I'll help you up, you're the only one who can see well in the dark."

" I can make a night vision scope-" Yaoyorozu was cut off by Kirishima who had pulled out one already. Apparently, he had been thinking of what they would need for the mission and bought one despite being very expensive. Such a good friend. Sora smiled.

Despite how cramped it was, Midoriya and Kirishima managed to climb on Todoroki and Iida's shoulders to get a peek inside the building. However, what they saw came as a surprise that Kirishima almost reeled back. " ... Nomus?!"

" Nomus!" Both girls exclaimed as loud as they could in hushed voices. Sora's ears suddenly perked up and she looked back at the main street. " Something is off."

" Eh?" Kirishima looked back as well then called for all of them just as they saw a truck being lifted up in the air. A moment later, it was smashed down the front of the warehouse with such force that it sent a strong gale all across the nearby area.

" What was that?" Yaoyorozu asked, fearing it was an ambush from the enemy.

" It's the heroes," Sora whispered as she was held up on Todoroki's shoulder to see what was happening inside.

" Mt. Lady and Gang Orca... and even the number four hero, Best Jeanist?" Kirishima exclaimed.

" Tiger-san is there too!" Added Yaoyorozu. They all climbed down before they could be spotted. Apparently, the heroes were way ahead of them. While knowing they could leave matters in their hands, all six of them decided to fall back. Sora however couldn't help looking longingly at the building where Nomus were getting captured. Could this be the end of her sole lead?

Unexpectedly, there was a loud rumble and the ground quaked beneath their feet as the warehouse was blown. All of them looked back to see dust and smoke rising into the air, the heroes were lying on the ground all hurt and wounded. " What... was that..."

Sora's eyes widened when she heard something right behind them in the rumble of the building. " Clapping..." She dared to look back through a hole in the fence created by the attack, only to witness Best Jeanist abdomen being pierced.

Sora promptly held one hand to her mouth so to stifle a scream. The villain that appeared before them was nothing like the ones she previously met. His aura was beyond utter malice. With his shadow looming over them, all they could do was squeeze themselves towards the intact parts of the fence and hope he wouldn't notice them, not uttering a sound, not even breathing.

It was then that they heard a splash followed by a very familiar voice. Bakugo! More splashes, and the whole of the villain league was a few steps from them. What's the meaning of this? Wasn't All Might dealing with them?!

Her eyes widened when she felt the two auras by her side. Todoroki and Midoriya were attempting to move. Luckily Iida held on to their clothes tightly, preventing them from moving one inch. His glare was enough warning not to get reckless. Yaoyorozu clung tightly to Kirishima too. Sora could see both her and Iida thinking hard of a way to get all of them out of the danger.

It wasn't until All Might came flying at the villain from above that she felt safe enough to breathe again. Their clash was strong it blew the whole villain league off their feet and almost them as well. The site behind them was nothing but ruins by the time.

All Might and the villain boss engaged in a fight, a balanced one to her surprise. She could see All Might was having a hard time. The League of Villains attempted to escape while taking Bakugo by force. The ash blond wouldn't go willingly of course so it became a fight too. As All Might's priority was to save Bakugo, he was struggling. Not that he wanted him to get caught in his attacks as well.

" Iida-san! Everyone!" Midoriya turned to them, a sparkle of hope shining anew in his eyes.

" You can't, Midoriya!" Iida insisted.

" No, there's a way! A way that won't involve fighting that will let us leave this place, but still save Kacchan!"

" Let's hear what he has to say, Iida-kun," Sora pleaded and the blunette relented.

" Say it." Todoroki urged.

" But this plan also depends on Kacchan...".


She, Midoriya and Iida wrapped their arms around Kirishima who activated his Quirk, hardening every bit of his body. Both Iida and Midoriya gave them a boost to break through the wall. Todoroki created a slope of ice that climbed as high as it could carry them. Both boys were still rushing forward and building momentum for when they would be realized to the sky.

As for Shirogane-san...

Sora readied herself and as soon as the chunk of ice came to an end underneath their feet, she called upon her wings and held them midair.

You use your wings to keep us airborne for as long as possible and correct our trajectory...

" Come!" Kirishima shouted, his hand extended backwards at Bakugo who was yet surrounded by the villains. Seeing the opportunity, Bakugo jumped to them in a blast of explosion, flying away of the villains' reach and blasting through a building before grasping Kirishima's outstretched hand.

" You stupid or something?" He told him with a wide smirk.

" Bakugo-kun, on my mark, create a blast-" Iida tried to get him to help but the boy wouldn't take it.

" You match my mark!" He retorted.

" Don't fight at a time like this!" Kirishima interjected.

Sora, who was struggling to keep them that high and keep with the momentum speed with all of their weight, finally snapped. " Shut up or I will let go!"

The villains underneath them gathered, apparently to use some kind of Quirk before the magician one was hurled at them. Sora gritted her teeth at how fast he was approaching them. Luckily, Mt. Lady managed to thwart him as she enlarged and became a protective wall for them, earning a hit on her nose.

" Mt. Lady!"

" Prioritize... the rescue...! Go... stupid kids...!" When she fell, she created a screen smoke that they couldn't see what was happening behind them. But Midoriya was able to glimpse Gran Torino down there.

There wasn't much time to think about it, they had to focus on landing safely. " I'll stabilize us! Bakugo-kun you slow us down with an explosion!"

" I don't get orders from you, feather head!"

A tick appeared on her forehead. She had been through a lot that night and she wasn't dealing with Bakugo's ego as well. " You will if you don't want your head to be smashed on the asphalt!" She snapped at him, taking him by surprise. Moments later, all five of them managed to land safely, and Bakugo begrudgingly compiled to listen to Sora in the end...


The city was no longer lively and dazzling with lights. Well, it was quite lively considering the fact that citizens were hurriedly rushing to save their skins after seeing the great explosions from All Might and the Villain Boss's fight. Still, it wasn't the kind of lively Sora wanted to see.

As soon as they landed, the five of them quickly rushed away from that area and merged along the flow of people running for their lives. Heroes and police alike were trying their best to point them to safety. It was then that Midoriya got a call from Todoroki, confirming their situation. Soon after they made their flashy escape, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu managed to use the moment of confusion of the villains to run away as well.

They managed to get to the station and they all needed to catch their breath after running for so long. Bakugo however was desperately trying to make it clear that he wasn't saved by them, rather he used them to save himself. Sora couldn't care more beyond that point and she ignored his every single word.

She raised her head to watch the giant TV screen from earlier which was now broadcasting All Might's battle. She bit her lip as she saw just how much of a beaten the blond hero got. Was that villain that strong...? Can't All Might stand up to him...


The battle was aired across the whole country. Every house of every city, they had that scene on their screens. Class 1A for once were beyond freaked out. Their classmates were there. They went to that very place to save Bakugo. And possibly they were caught there.

Back at Yuu's house, just as he walked out of the kitchen and was about to get back to his room, his eyes caught the news on the TV his parents and brother were watching. Feeling his heart sinking, he rushed to the living room and saw the decimated scenery the helicopter was shooting on their camera, the beaten-up form of All Might and the villain he was facing.

He swallowed shakingly as he thought of what might have happened to his friends who headed there earlier that night. "...Sora..."


All Might will take care of it as he always does... right... She desperately wanted to believe in that, but she knew it wasn't the case this time. The moment the villain's strike landed on him and his form incredibly diminished, she knew just how strong of a person that masked man was.

" That man..." She knew him from when they visited Midoriya after his match against Todoroki. Never in her wildest dreams would she have thought him to be All Might. But right then he seemed... hopeless.

" Win..." Bakugo mumbled by her side. Would he be able to do so? In that form? The murmurs of people around her rose, all of whom were begging him to win. Her eyes slightly widened at that. Even as weak as he seemed, still everyone believed in him. Despite looking as though he was about to be defeated, still, cries of rooting rose up for him.

It then downed on her. All Might wasn't just a hero who was strong enough to save those in need. He was most importantly the hope that they believed in. No matter what form he was in. No matter how beaten up he was, he was still, the symbol of peace and hope for everyone else. Just like how Yuu is to me. Before she knew it, two droplets of tears rolled down her face. Why didn't she realize it earlier? Why was she so blind, so ungrateful? All this time, because she had the hard-working Yuu by her side, she always managed to push herself further. No matter how weak and scared he might seem, for her he always was... 

" Don't lose!" She shouted at the TV, hoping for her voice to reach All Might.

" Win! All Might!" Bakugo and Midoriya were so far the loudest among the crowd.

Not before long that the other heroes joined the fray, clearing the way for All Might to fight. However, their enemy seemed to be preparing a finishing move as his arm enlarged in form and became a mixture of flesh and metal, it seemed rather monstrous.

As their punches collided, it looked like there was no hope for All Might, but he used his free hand to direct a side punch at the villain. Yet, it didn't seem to affect him at all and the villain's other arm enlarged, ready to finish All Might when he ducked underneath his punch and swung his fist at him with everything he got and slammed the villain on the ground, creating a tornado with his bare hand.

There was a moment of horrible silence as all eyes in Japan clung to the screens, waiting for the dust to clear, for them to see what happened, only for All Might to raise his fist victoriously at the sky.

Everyone cheered loudly, yelling out his name again and again in overjoy. Sora breathed out in relief at that till her feet almost gave in. It wasn't before long that they had to consider how to get back home for the trains were out of order after that commotion. And they had to inform the heroes about Bakugo being sound and safe. Just as they began moving, All Might's voice caught them and they turned back to the screen. " Next... " The man was pointing one finger at them while facing away. " Next, it's your turn."

Everyone cheered at his words. Everyone except for all five of them. For everyone, it must have felt like the unwavering words of the number one hero who's warning villains all around the country. But there was something about it that felt off. She looked back at Midoriya who started crying right then and... she could guess what All Might meant...


It took more than half a day for them to get back home. Sora tiredly climbed the slope up to her house, making a point of not looking in the direction of her friend's house. " I'm back..." She announced once she stepped into the genkan and took off her shoes.

Yui quickly shut down the TV when she heard her coming in and hurried to confront her. " Where the heck have you been? Why didn't you answer my calls?"

Sora looked away, facing off her grandmother wasn't something she thought of when she joined in the mission. " I went to Nagano to fetch you up but the hospital said you've already left! Why didn't you tell me?! Where have you gone?! I was beyond myself!"

" ... I'm fine. I'm not a kid..."

That wasn't the answer Yui awaited. Her rage overflew and without any warning, Sora felt her cheek burning as she was slapped hard. She looked up at her grandmother as tears welled up in her blue eyes and then pulled her into a hug. " That won't do! Don't you know how worried I was... Don't you know how scared I felt..."

" Grandma..."

" With everything that has been happening around UA... you could at least have left a message..." Her arms wrapped around her even tighter as though afraid she was going to vanish any moment soon. " I don't want to lose another family too... Sora..."

Sora wanted to hit herself so badly. How could she be so ignorant? While she was chasing a faint hope of her father, she had put her grandmother through a lot. Yui mourned over her son for years. She didn't have anyone but Sora. They only had each other. And yet, there she had made her go through a hard and painful night while waiting for her.

" I'm sorry..." The stinging in her jaw wasn't feeling like enough punishment for her. Just how many hearts she broke and how many people she worried that night? Tears brimmed in her eyes as the knot in her chest swelled further. 

" Don't do it again..." Yui sniffed, she wouldn't let go of her. " ... I'll be really angry..."

Sora gently patted her back as she let her squeeze her. " I won't... I'm sorry..."...


She woke up late in the evening, struggling to remember where she was and how she got there. As she went down to the kitchen for a cup of water, she found a note from her grandmother telling her she was out shopping for that night's dinner. Sora's favorite dish, Curry.

Sora let a small smile before leaving for the living room where she had left her bag, and she looked for her phone. She had shut it off since she left the hospital so as not to be bothered on their mission.

Upon turning it on, she found around fifty messages and missed calls from her grandmother. She felt guilty upon realizing just how scared and panicked she must have felt. There were messages and calls from her other friends, but what caught her eye was the last one that arrived a few minutes earlier.

Her eyes shot wide at it and she rushed out of the house, running down the mound and speeding down the street while startling passersby. She trampled but kept pushing herself forward and only looked ahead, not stopping until she reached a certain park. Panting heavily, she stepped inside.

The clinking of the swing halted as the boy sitting on it stopped and looked back at her, rather surprised. " Sora...?"

" Yuu..." There was a lot she wanted to tell him. But now that she was in front of him, words wouldn't come out. She froze in her place, unable to utter a single word.

The purple head stared at her blankly for a moment before he stood up, walking over to her, his head hanging down and his eyes cast to the ground. " I'm sorry..."

" Why ... are you apologizing...?"

" I just..." His shoulders shook slightly. " When I got here... and saw what happened at Camino... I felt ashamed of myself more than ever... I knew that the place I needed to be wasn't here... but there with you..." He clenched his fists tightly his knuckles became white. " I'm really a coward and a scaredy cat who couldn't even be there for the one friend he swore to protect. Some ' hero who would protect what he holds dear' I am..."

Seeing him broken the way he was, guilt filled her to the brim. How could she say such words? How could she hurt her closest friend? She needed to make amends, she needed to fix things up. Screw it! Don't think! Just say what you have in mind, Sora!

With tears streaking down her face, Sora pulled the boy into a hug. And seeing the difference in their heights, that required him to bend down slightly. " You don't have to apologize, you did the right thing. The one in the wrong was me. I was frustrated and desperate, I wasn't thinking straight. I must apologize, I said some very, very horrible things. But I didn't mean any of them, believe me."

" No, you were right... I'm not but a burden to you..."

" That's not true!" She cried, taking a step back and looking up so she could look into his eyes. Yuu however averted them.

" I know I'm someone who would rather run away than fight..."

" It's not-"

" I'm not strong enough to stand by your side..."

" ENOUGH ALREADY!" Grabbing his shoulders, she pulled him down before rearing her head as far as she could, bunting him. Both of them staggered back, holding onto their foreheads throbbing with pain. " Ouch ouch ouch! You complain about my head but you have a hard one yourself!"

" What was that for?" The boy winced with droplets of tears gathered at the corners of his eyes.

" For badmouthing my best friend like that!" She pointed one finger at him while her other hand was still covering her forehead. 

" Huh?!"

" I've known Seijin Yuu my whole life, and you're so much mistaken about him! He may seem timid and shy but he's strong and passionate! He works hard to reach his goals and he's not someone to turn on a friend in need! No matter what people thought of him, he had never given up on his objective! He saved my life, and he was there for me every time I needed him!" 

Yuu's eyes slightly widened at her words and Sora's gaze never wavered. " You were the one who taught me to never give up, you're the one who kept me standing on my feet, 'cause whenever I see you working hard to prove others wrong, I don't feel like being left behind as well. Because you're always there for me I'm able to draw my strength. You're my symbol of hope, Yuu."

Before he could question about it she hugged him again. " I'm sorry. I'm sorry for running away at the camp. I'm sorry I put you in danger. I'm sorry for what I said at the hospital. Thank you for everything."

" Sora..." He looked down, hesitant and reluctant. His look softened as he saw the tears coating her face. 

" I'm really sorry for being selfish..." She said squeezing him harder.

Yuu's arms then wrapped around her as he pulled her closer. " I'm sorry I didn't notice it too..." He spoke up, taking her by surprise. As she looked up at him, Yuu's eyes bore nothing but concern. " Want to tell me then, why you so badly wanted to join this mission? If you don't though-"

" Nah, it's fine. If there is anyone I trust enough to tell this, it would be you." Her voice then grew stern in an instant, warning him. " But it stays in between us. Not even Grandma should know of this"

" Promise. But before that..." he swept away her bang to inspect the lump on her brow. " Shouldn't you deal with it?"

" It's fine, I'll consider it a punishment for saying those terrible things." She smiled brightly, wiping away her tears.


Yuu couldn't understand how he was born with a super visual Quirk, yet he was so blind. He should have noticed it then, thinking about it, it was so clear why Sora was dead serious about joining. " Your father...?"

" I know it was just a feeling, but..."

" I'm really sorry... I didn't..."

" You couldn't have known."

" And how did it go?" 

The girl shook her head, a sign it didn't work she wished for. A moment of heavy silence went by, one that was much needed for both of them to sort their own thoughts and feelings.

" By the way, how did you know I was home?" Sora asked, propelling herself forward.

" Whisper saw you coming back. But when I went to your house, Aunt Yui said you've fallen asleep already," he answered, moving his swing back and forth slightly.

" Well, it had been a rough night after all." She sweat dropped. " Who would have thought things would turn out that way and All Might would actually retire."

Yuu's swing stopped. " What will happen to us now?"

" Eh?"

" The number one hero is gone, and UA is having a hard time dealing with all the criticism thrown at it. " He glanced down at his feet. " I wonder if the principal would be able to deal with things and resume classes normally."

" You're right..." Sora threw her feet out and stopped her swing too. " ... Now that they know the League of Villains is targeting us specifically, I wonder how would they react to prevent that..."

" Well look at you, aren't you adorable when you're all chummy," a voice called out from behind them before Whisper threw his arms around their necks.

" Whisper!"

" Well, it really is better when you two make up. Both of you shine brightest when you're together," the ghost stated proudly.

" What do you mean?" Yuu tilted his head, not understanding what the ghost was talking about.

" Forget about that, either way, you should thank me, Yuu." The ghost beamed, holding the boy's phone in his hand.

" Huh?"

" I was the one who called Sora here."

" Eh! It wasn't you, Yuu!? The one who sent the message?" Sora exclaimed.

" I didn't send any message. I didn't even expect you to show up here at all. Thought you might have heard from Auntie." Yuu blinked in confusion.

" It's because you were too reluctant to call her that I had to take care of things myself," said the ghost flailing around the smartphone. " You two are really a handful."

" I see. Thank you, Whisper." Sora gave him a sweet smile and the ghost puffed his chest proudly.

" That's right. Be grateful, show your gratitude. I'm a good leader who cares for his soldiers ain't I?"

" You truly are." Yuu gave a small smile at that.

" Then, since everything is sorted. Why not tell us a bit about your adventure in Camino." Whisper glided back to his accustomed spot on Yuu shoulders. " Did you see All Might's fight up close?"

" Whisper! She is still tired... and maybe she doesn't want to talk about it," Yuu argued.

" It's fine. " Sora assured him with a bright smile. " Then, how about we start with Dirt-Cheap Donki Oote."

"Excuse me, what?"...

Next chapter