
World Heroes Mission: Trigger Bomb

The days of stillness and waiting soon came to an end as soon as Humarise broadcasted a warning all over the world. Both Sora and Yuu held their breaths as their leader announced the presence of over 25 bombs around the globe, already active and ready to wipe off any traces of Quirks where they were located. He gave them two hours to fight for their survival, calling it an act of mercy.

Neither of them believed that, it was almost too nice to consider. With no doubt, that was a trap. However...

If we don't act now, countless innocent lives will be lost to them. Sora gritted her teeth angrily as she recalled Humarise's first attack.

We have no choice but to fight to the end and protect everyone. Yuu's fists clenched as he found his resolve.

Even if it means the end, we're choosing to accept the challenge!


Finding the bomb however was proven harder than they thought, for the moment they got the marching order, they were met with a panicking mob of people, each trying to flee and save his own skin, which led to chaos and disorder.

" That's bad!" Shouted Kirishima as he saw a bunch of cars running into each other.

" Suneater, Reito, you extricate the injured." Both of them looked up at Fat Gum as he instructed them. " Red Riot and Real Steel, secure an evacuation route."

" Roger!" And they fanned out.

" Whisper!"

" Don't need to be told!" Using his ghostly body, Whisper glided in between the mashed-up cars, pointing to ones with people stuck inside or badly hurt to even move.

" Chimera Kraken!" Using his tentacles, Amajiki took care of those outside their cars.

" Kyubi!"

" Got it." Her eyes glowed as she was engulfed in blazing blue flames. " Sage mode!"

" Remember, just the glass."

" I know! Hell Inferno!" With a burst of blue fire, the glass of the smashed vehicles melted off, allowing Amajiki to easily grab the ones trapped within.

Yuu then had a small flame flaring by the side of his bang as he used Kyubi's power, creating three fire ropes in each hand and using them to move the empty cars and trucks blocking their way.

Meanwhile, Jiro, Shoji, and Ai were atop a high building along with the rest from Gang Orca's agency, trying to locate the trigger bomb.

" Bat, eagle, and dog." Ai promptly brushed her fingers against her keychains, touching those specific animals with a pinkish glowing issuing from her fingertips. " Those animals are really cute but they have strong senses too. Did you guys know that dogs' noses can detect medical conditions in human bodies? If you want, I can tell you if you're sick or not."

" Enough of it, Dobutsu!" Gang Orca told her sternly. " You search from down there. Your abilities are most suitable for ground searching."

" Got that, Sir!" She said running her finger on her snake keychain and jumping down the ledge.

" Will she be fine?" Jiro looked worriedly at Shoji for she knew very well the blonde's tendency to forget her work and get easily distracted.

" She will, she is a hero after all," said Shoji.


The situation in Paris was no different from Japan at all, except for the addition of flying cars and vehicles. Uraraka rendered a bunch of them weightless to open a path while Asui was dragging the empty ones away. Sora on the other hand took care of the ones with people in them, careful not to handle them roughly.

" It will be alright, don't panic and follow the heroes' direction," she told the family that stepped out of the last car she had dropped before looking up at the sky. Ryukyu and Hado were zooming around and about in an attempt to find the Trigger Bomb. Please, hurry up.

" Sora-chan, over here!" Uraraka shouted as she floated a small wrecked red car towards her. " The doors are stuck!"

" Got it!" She then turned to the man inside the vehicle. " Please get back!" She allowed her hand to get covered in hardened feathers and dag her long sharp nails in the opening between the door and the frame before squashing it.

" Merci beaucoup !" The man shouted as he jumped out and joined the fleeing people.

Please. Sora then flew to grab a bus full of elementary school kids. Please, find the bomb and save all of these people!


Yuu's eyes snapped wide open when he heard the report from the headquarters. " Midoriya-san is..."

" What's the matter?" Kyubi, who was running after Fat Gum and Amajiki turned her head back to him.

" Midoriya-san and the others are heading to disarm the bomb."

" That's great! If it's Midoriya and the rest then they're sure to carry that task!" Shouted Whisper.

" Not fast!" Kyubi interjected. " I believe in them too but..."

" Better be safe than sorry. Our enemy is Humarise." Fat Gum added.

" No one knows what underhanded methods they could resort to." Joined Amajiki.

" In the end, what we have to do won't change." Yuu's eyes narrowed in determination. " We'll protect all those innocent people!"

" Well said, Reito!" Just as Fat Gum shouted, Gang Orca's voice resounded through their comm.

" I've found the Trigger Bomb! It's in the third container of that train!"

Kyubi halted and looked down at the train rushing underneath the bridge. " Seems it's up to us."

" All right!" Fat Gum cried hopping over the ledge followed by Amajiki and Yuu. They landed on top of the roof, only to find themselves surrounded by Humarise's members. What took them by surprise was the fact that those ones had Quirks and they had no intentions of letting them through.

" Villains?! Why?" Amajiki asked taking in their situation.

" Man, it's guarded?" Fat Gum didn't hold back on them.

" Damn it, those guys!" Whisper clicked his tongue. " Listen, if you stay here too, you'll get wiped out!"

" For humanity's salvation!" They cried as they went for the attack.

" Even though their lives are on the line, they're willing to fight to the last moment in order to guard the bomb." Yuu's hands clenched into fists at that very thought.

" We don't have time to feel sorry for them!" Kyubi was quick on the retaliation and flung all of her nine tails, launching her fire on them. " We ought to stop them so as to be able to save them too!"

Yuu's eyes narrowed as he allowed a small fire to spark on the side of his bang. " Ah! Let's do it!" He swung his fire whips at the ones who lunged at them from above and threw them off the roof.

" Make way!" Covering herself in fire, Kyubi bolted forward to catch up with Amajiki and Fat Gum who were taking the lead.

" We're not letting you through!" A villain who manipulated energy balls zooming around shouted.

" Watch out, Senpai!" Yuu cried as he wounded a whip around the boy and pulled him out of harm's way. Fat Gum allowed the attack to sink into his own body.

" Such attacks are useless against me!" He smirked proudly.

" But they're too much for us!" Whisper pointed at the number of villains surrounding them.

" These guys wouldn't really mind dying for the sake of their leader!" Yuu gritted his teeth.

" Fat!" They all looked up just as Cementos jumped off a bridge and landed before them.

" Cementos, good timing!" Fat smiled broadly as he squeezed two of the villains into his body. " We need to secure this container!"

" I got that! But we need to stop it first!" The other hero pointed.

" Yet, those villains wouldn't allow us to!" Amjiki stated smacking one using a clam hand.

" You just need to separate this one wagon, right?" Whisper smirked proudly. " You can leave that to me!" He said diving through the roof of the wagon. Not long after, Yuu could feel the said container slowing down while the ones behind and in front of them were getting further. Whisper managed to disconnect it.

" Well done, Whisper!" Kyubi's fire raged on as the wagon screeched to a stop once the brakes were pulled. " We'll take it from here!"

" Cementos-sensei, take care of sealing the bomb off!" Yuu said as he tied a bunch of villains attacking from the ground.

" On it!" The man said dropping down and placing his hands on the ground, calling forth as much cement as he could draw.

" Another Trigger Bomb is found!" Shoji's voice rang in their eyes, shocking them with that information.

" You gotta be kiddin' me?!" Fat couldn't believe his own ears.

" Another one... with the current situation... could we... " Amajiki couldn't help but doubt their ability to deal with the first bomb and go find the second one.

" There is still time!" Yuu shouted, using a shield of flames to push away his attackers. " Till the last second, we won't give up and we'll keep searching!"

" Yuu..." Whisper's eyes widened at Yuu's determined tone as he switched to offense, creating javelins of fire and flinging them at the enemy.

" Midoriya-san, Bakugo-san, and Todoroki-san... no matter how dire the situation might be, they made sure to grit their teeth and move forward. They never gave up. Even now, they're risking their lives as well. So we shouldn't give up too."

" Well said, Yuu!" Kyubi gave him a small smirk before she ran up, using one of the poles as leverage then rounding in the air and coming down in a blast of fire. " Dragon Wheel!"

" I liked that too. To the last second then we shall stand!" Fat cried out.

" Then... I'll give it my best as well..." Amajiki was slowly getting over his doubt.

Midoriya-san, if it's you, I know you can do it. I believe in you. Please, save all these souls.


Meanwhile, in Paris, and before Sora could even notice, they were soon surrounded by villains too. Damn it. With all these panicked auras, I couldn't see them approaching us.

One of them grew in size, got covered in fur, and sprouted fangs and claws. He became some kind of large tiger predator. Ryukyu took it upon herself to stop him seeing as she was the only one who could match his size in her transformed state. " Uravity! Froppy! Angie! Take the Trigger Bomb somewhere safe!"

" Roger that!" Sora swept towards the white track they knew to contain the weapon only to have their path blocked by villains.

Sora halted immediately as a person with some air manipulation Quirk dropped before her and opted to assault. She quickly grabbed his arm and flung him down on the ground, knocking him out. " It's no time to deal with villains now!"

" Agree! Move!" Uraraka cried as she stretched her hands at them, a moment later, the villains blocking her path were sent flying in the air only for Sora to knock them out with swift attacks.

" Ribbit! It's huge!" Asui pointed as she opened the door of the compartment.

" Tsuyu-chan!" Both girls cried out just as Uraraka pulled the girl away with her ropes when a blade was thrown out from the inside of the track. A few more villains were hiding inside the compartment and they stepped out upon realizing their friends outside were dealt with.

" Thank you, Ochaco-chan," said Asui as all three of them faced off against the villains, ready to embark on a fight.

" Let's break through and secure the bomb!" Uraraka and Asui agreed as they made for the track again.

" Don't stand in our way!" Several blades were thrust at the white head.

" Those are our words!" She blocked them using her hardened feather blades before she used an axe kick on the man and hit his neck hard. " We're saving everyone!"

" We're taking the weapon, ribbit!" Asui bound the villains Uraraka floated and Sora gathered with her tongue while the brunette climbed into the track to get the bomb out.


" We're done dealing with it here!" Cementos reported the moment his ultimate cement dome engulfed the bomb with less than a minute left for the bombs to activate.

" We're done with the villains too." Yuu panted as he wiped away the sweat running down his face, feeling sleepier by the moment for the use of Kyubi's power was cutting short the time he could use his Quirk.

Fat Gum impatiently inquired about the whereabouts of the other bombs, since Jiro had confirmed a moment ago that they had found a third one, only for Ai's voice to cut Shoji as he spoke. " A new Trigger bomb is found! On the highway that's about to collapse!"

A few miles from there, Ai was standing a couple of meters away from a high bridge which was slowly crumbling and sagging with the weight of the vehicles abandoned on it. " There is no time left! It will be falling any moment now!"

" We can't reach there in time!" Cried Fat Gum as he started running in the direction of the said place. " Any heroes nearby?!"

" Most of them are busy fighting! The bridge is already breaking!"

" We won't make it!"

" We'll!" Fat Gum and Amajiki's eyes widened when they heard thunder rumbling behind them. In a flash of lightning, a large bird bolted across the dark sky of the night, leaving behind a trail of yellow sparks. 

" Fat-san, Amajiki-senpai! You head to the other locations along with Kyubi!" Yuu told them through his comm.

" We'll deal with this one!" Thunderbird zoomed in between buildings at a high speed and soon, the crumbling highway came into view with the vehicles dropping down to the ground.

" The white one!"

" Got that!" Yelled Thunderbird as he snatched the track off the air before it could hit the ground and flew with it up high in the sky.

Yuu panted heavily, hardly keeping his eyes open, the summoning of a second spirit taking its toll on him. " Let's take it away!"

" You don't need to tell me!" The large bird scooted to the side and made for the ocean away from the city.


" Hurry up, Ochaco-chan!" Uraraka came a moment later while hauling the bomb, ready to send it flying in the air hadn't it been for the insect villains making for her. She had to duck and as a result, the bomb was sent flying towards a building.

Sora's eyes widened when she saw the people still left within it and in a moment, she flew after the weapon. " I'll take it away!"

" Not happening!" A villain intercepted her way, he was covered in brown feathers with large wings, a bird head and feet, and hands resembling claws. " Give it back!"

" On my dead body!" She said engaging in a fray with the man. Midorya, Todoroki... I'm giving my all here! Don't you dare lose! She directed multiple punches and hits at the villain before kicking him in the gut. As he landed atop a track, creating a dent in its roof and breaking the glass, Sora grabbed the bomb and flew up in the sky. " Max speed!"

Get away, further from them! Get it as far from them as possible! Uraraka and Asui hindered the villains who tried to go after her, allowing her to fly higher in altitude. Protect them, Shirogane Sora! 

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