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Definitely a nice story so far, let's just hope no to the woman who'd basically use anyone on two legs if they were above a 6 and gave her attention aka Jessica.
Bro, Jessica would jump at any guy that is moderately handsome and gives her attention. Please just let it be Alice. Twilight isn't good for having multiple partners.
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No começo diz que não tem interesse em ninguém, agora tem interesse na Alice e Jessica.
Wow!! harem very original and has NEVER been done before
although I'm happy about the possible Harem, I'm very surprised that he's attracted to Jessica,
this is a harem, what a shame. bb
I'm sorry but Jessica? She's not ugly or anything, but Jessica?
Up Alice.
Esta todo bien, pero que pasa con eso de que tienen cara de orgasmo??? Y el exceso de hate no poco escondido por Edward?
🤮Jessica? Tha girl will junp on anything se thinks is hot
an imprint would not be on the same level as normal attraction me the internal conflict at the end doesn't make too much sense
Oxe, oxe, acabou?! Maissssss!
this is where I start skipping I guess. until he stops being a play boy and focuses on Alice this will be annoying
thx for the chap
thanks for the chapter
Thanks for chapter
Ahh i love this
Thx for the chapter.