

2019-04-24 JoinedGlobal

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  • Alberto_Dorta
    Alberto_Dorta2 years ago

    Don’t waste time just a weak guy with reality warping his body is weak as fuck the hell is that can only lif 5 tons and even bullets damage him if he doesn’t use his reality warping anyway is probably my opinion but I just don’t like when a mc cant even figh strong people with his body hell after he got reality warping he stop trying to get strong🤮🤮🤮

  • Alberto_Dorta
    Alberto_Dorta2 years ago

    Shit of fanfic just following Bella around like a lost poppy and cultivation in twilight? 🤮For real bro you lack imagination the funny thing is him saying he won’t become a background character and that what he is basically just following bella around.

  • Alberto_Dorta
    Alberto_Dorta2 years ago

    To star with Twilight with harem is bad enough but well it can be acepted if is no force but Really bro Fucking Jessica🤮it will be better one of the wolf like Lea but “Jessica” the representation of jealousy and gossip 😓come on you can do it better

  • Alberto_Dorta
    Alberto_Dorta2 years ago

    🤮Jessica? Tha girl will junp on anything se thinks is hot

  • Alberto_Dorta
    Alberto_Dorta2 years ago

    Bullshit you auctor clearly didn’t read solo leveling and if you did you have adnesia since he is immoral it means he ready have the black heart and you say he can only have10 shadows? Crazy to star with the black heart doesn’t just make you immortal it gives an unimaginable amount of mana plus an immense strong body lot more then a little shit vampire from twilight so if you were going to make him so weak you just shouldn’t make him the shadow monarch 🤮level 100 and already shadow monarch with black heart so weak even sung jing woo when he wasn’t at level 100 and didn’t even have black heart was thousand time stronger then him so you guy know shit about shadow monarch.

  • Alberto_Dorta
    Alberto_Dorta2 years ago

    Is he gay or what thinking of edwierd all time