
Comments of chapter undefined of A Shinobi in Westeros

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gracias por el capitulo, además le hará saber que el mundo al que fue no puede ser descuidado .


This is not a nerf, you should actually nerf him so he get a scar on his face like a proper self insert story already written thousands of time before, it is known. Don't you know? Baristan can solo naruto verse. It's not like the MC have muscle memory of his past self or the body structures, which is born and tempered in the era of shinobi strife where children are killing other children on daily basis. For sure in the kill or be killed situation the MC would not be ready, more so after westerosi people can seemingly coat their body with haki, which make their weak body part not vulnerable for the MC to strike there. Like sword to the head. Btw talking is a free action.


Bro, I really don't want to be rude but instinct is an subconscious action, meaning you take action even before thinking. It is not something one can ignore due to arrogance. I do get what you are trying here, and I don't think you nerfed him, but this is still a forced plot.


He would have to have been strong in the first place in order to be nerfed.


shouldnt his reaction speed be faster then arrows, unless he is really out numbered here, you havent explain why the family was killed, unless they were raped, then killed and falsely accused

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Don't worry author, it's boring when there's no challenge

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thanks for the chapter


ok la vamos nos mais uma vez. olha autor você não cometeu muitos erros dessa vez, o único erro que eu vi mesmo foi a respeito das flechas, eu repito que você subestima os senju você o deixou machucado como se ele fosse um humano normal ele precisa de muito mais para cair assim, oque eu quero dizer e que você continua dando mais e mais motivos para ele errar aqui ou ali, bem... oque eu quero dizer é que esta parecendo muito forçado e muito não natural, e ele pensado nas pessoas no final ali deixou ainda mais forçado a situação, sei que você deve ter uma ideia ideal na cabeça sobre oque deseja que aconteça, mais se as coisas continuarem assim tudo vai acontecer por mais e mais inconvenientes do que por logica e isso é muito estranho de ler.


Thanks for chapter


dude counterproductive. instincts??? what about active chakra use..??cmon you're just purposely making this mistakes.


really living up to the name I guess....


a possible point of improvement. when mc was running away from the bandit group and was dodging the arrows, include some detail about where he's running or detail his surroundings. Potentially using trees/brush to his advantage or get into a tree line to prevent the archer from getting a clear shot. that would fall within a standard civilian and shinobis flight or fight response.