

Author: DaoistHcbvhn
Ongoing · 17.4K Views
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Noah and Allie who mostly reminisce about their romantic past in their 70s reveal to us how their relationship began when they were young. *MAIN PLOT* (SYNOPSIS) With a Summer Romance That Contradicts The Future Of Allie And Noah. Will They Be Able To Move Past Their Relationship In Order To Pursue Their Dreams Or Will They Go Against All Odds Just To Be With Each Other? This is the story of Allie and Noah who experience first love in their hometown. Allie went to their hometown with her parents to only live out the summer and enjoy it as much as possible but she didn't know she would meet a handsome yet simple man like Noah who would slip in love that would later be dimmed as a forbidden mutual relationship by her parents. Summer comes to an end and Allie has to forcefully leave due to her resentments and her parent's commands, especially her mother, to keep her far away from Noah. Noah is emotionally stricken with the news of Allie's departure. Will he stop Allie from leaving? Or will Allie escape from her parent's Clutch on their way back to the city?

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Outside Black River, Magic hour at night a canoe paddle slid into the water and emerged, shimmered in the sunlight. Water fell off the paddle in droplets of gold. The canoe moved ahead, and the paddle went back into the water, again and again. As the canoe moved forward, ducks scattered and shot into the sky. Willow branches dipped into the water, silhouetted against the setting sun. The paddler kept moving deliberately ahead, his back glistened with perspiration. The sun disappeared and it was night. But the canoe continued to move through the moonlight, the droplets now turned to diamonds.

Inside the new Bern nursing home in 'Old Allie's Room' at night. Standing at a window in a nightgown and robe was Old Allie, 70s, long white hair, watching the single rower. As the canoe passed, hundreds of Tundra, Swan and Canadian geese lifted off the banks and started flying south for the winter. Old Allie kept watching, as the swan and geese flew right by her window in the purple evening sky. Her reverie was interrupted by a nurse named Esther, a black woman in her 40s. "Let's get ready for bed, honey," said Nurse Esther.``

In the hallway of the new Bern nursing home, a long corridor of linoleum reflects and strips of night-lights were placed by the floor. Midway down the hall was nurses' station. At the end of the hallway, a head poked out of a room, saw nurse Esther making notations in resident charts and then disappeared. Nurse Esther closed the book, picked up a Styrofoam cup, and headed down the hallway to fetch some coffee. When she left, the head appeared again. It was a man in his 70s, Duke. He was wearing pajamas and a robe. He looked around, then quickly walked down the hall, his slippers slid along the smooth floor.

Inside Old Allie's Room', Duke slipped into the room. Sleeping in the bed was old Allie. He walked over to her, reached out, and let his hand rest gently on her silver hair. Old Allie turned, still asleep, and instinctively took Duke's hand. Duke smiled. Old Allie opened her eyes and looked at Duke, at first plainly, then quizzically, and then with growing panic. "What do you want?" Asked Old Allie. "It's me," Duke said with a hopeful look. "Who are you? Why are you in my room? Help!" Screamed Old Allie. Duke put his fingers to his lips and tried to shush her. "Help me! Somebody help me! There's a strange man in my bedroom!" Old Allie continued to scream.

Old Allie began to shriek even more and almost instantly there was the sound of feet running. Duke's face sank with defeat, and by the time Nurse Esther and Nurse Irene arrived, Old Allie was hysterical. Duke stood frozen, unable to help. Nurse Esther hurried over to Old Allie and holder her in her arms. "It's okay. It's just a mistake. It's all okay," Nurse Esther comforted Old Allie. Nurse Esther shot a look at Duke, who was being led out the room by Nurse Irene. "I'm sorry," Duke apologized. In the morning outside the nursing home, a flock of ducks skimmed along a pond in the early morning sunlight. Up on the hill, the nursing home was coming to life.

While inside the nursing staff were taking the patients through their morning ritual of breakfast, exercise and meds. In Duke's room, Duke's hair was combed and freshly shaved and he stood in front of a mirror as he finished knotting his tie. He looked at himself, looking sharp. He slipped on a jacket, picked up a notebook and walked from the room. In the hallway, Duke, tan slacked, blue blazer, very dapper walked smartly down the hall, notebook under his arm. This was the "Assisted Living" wing. Not the end of the line, but close. Patients wandered. Patients in wheelchairs and walkers. A woman strapped to her bed. Duke took it all in as he moved down the hall. He passed Keith, largely orderly with multiple earrings and a shaved head. "Looking good, Duke," Keith said to him.

Duke flashed a peace sign and slid up to the nurses' station. There was a line, and Duke spoke to the man in front of him. "How's it hanging, Harry?" Duke asked, Harry answered sarcastically but seriously "I keep trying to die, but they won't let me." Duke replied, shrugging "yeah, well." Harry moved off and Nurse Selma handed Duke his meds. "Big day today," Duke said, "you say that everyday," Nurse Selma replied with a pitiful look. In Allie's room, Nurse Esther was brushing Old Allie's hair, helping her get ready for the day. Old Allie was in a better mood, full of piss and vinegar.

"I don't know what I want to do. But I can tell you what I don't want to do, and that's Bingo. Bunch of old farts trying to read numbers of ping pong balls," Allie said. Allie looked up to see Duke standing in the doorway. She didn't recognize him. "Yes?" Questioned Allie, "this is Duke," he replied. "Yes?" Old Allie asked , confused. "He's come to read to you," Nurse Esther finally broke the long silence between them. During the day outside the nursing home at the Veranda, Old Allie and Duke sat at a table in the screened room, the river below them. She looked at him while he put on his glasses and found the right page. "Now let's see, where did we leave off? Ah, yes, the dance," said Duke.

"The dance," asked Old Allie. "July 4th, 1940. Noah was at the independence day dance with his friends, Fin and Sara. Allie was there, too," Duke read...


Outside town park at night, young Allie, 17, was a fresh-faced blonde with emerald eyes that shimmered with life. Colored lights were strung across the park. A band played on a bandstand, and fireworks lit up the sky. Through the crowd, Allie saw Young Noah (Duke) , 19, blue eyes and blue collar handsome. He was sitting with Fin, redhead and freckles, and Sara, pretty, and filthy rich, both also 19. Allie walked over to Noah. "Hey you. Noah Calhoun. Do you want to dance?" Asked Allie smiling. "Dance? No," Noah asked then replied shocked. "Why not?" Allie pressed, "I don't know how," replied Noah. "Come on. I'll show you," insisted Allie, "I'm not dancing," Noah refused. "Yes, you are. It's ladies' choice," Allie kept insisting with the thought of I'm not taking no for an answer.

Allie took his hand, yanked him to his feet and pulled him onto the dance floor. They went together awkwardly. She took his hand, put it on her waist. They started to move, but he stepped all over her feet. "Ow. Ow!" Allie said. "This is stupid. I told you I didn't know how," warned Noah. "Shut up and dance," Allie wasn't having it. The song was slow and sweet, and soon, they relaxed and moved softly to the music. Finally, Allie closed her eyes and put her head on Noah's chest.

...At the nursing home veranda, Old Allie was lost in thought and she said that it wasn't the first time they met and that someone doesn't act like that the first time they meet. Not if they wanted a second time. Duke replied and said that she was right and they met a week before the Carnival.

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