
Chapter 4

Noah, Frank, and Allie ate eggs, bacon, and big stacks of pancakes. Frank and Noah were telling a story. Allie was laughing so hard, tears streamed down her face. (DUKE READING…) "It was an improbable romance. He was a country boy. She was from the city. She was wealthy. He wasn't."

Noah, Allie, Frank, and lots of Frank's friends played music on Frank's porch. There was a guitar, a harmonica, and a fiddle. Frank's friend, ELGIN, black, 50s, played the banjo, and Frank played the spoons. Frank finally dropped the spoons, and despite her protestations, started dancing with Allie. Noah laughed. At Ashepoo river, Noah, Allie, Sara, and Fin swung on a tire and jumped into the river. Inside Frank's truck, Noah taught Allie to drive in Frank's pickup. She was terrible. Outside Calhoun house, Allie was painting a portrait of Noah. Noah hated sitting still, complaining the whole time. The painting turned out better than Noah expected. The river and the Calhoun house were a beautiful backdrop, and the likeness of Noah was remarkable.

(DUKE READING…) "They rarely agreed on anything. But despite all their differences, they challenged each other every day." Noah dropped off Allie at home. They said goodbye, locking lips in a long kiss. (DUKE READING) "...And they were crazy about each other."

John Hamilton stood on the porch watching the two lovebirds. A smile played across his lips. Allie pushed Noah away, waved goodbye, and ran up the steps. Her father's voice stopped her. "Allie?" her father called. "You scared me. I didn't see you there," she said. "Awful friendly with that boy down there," her father said seriously. "Yes, daddy,"Allie replied, not looking directly at her father who was emotionless. "You bring him to the house on Sunday. I want to meet this young man," he finished. At the Hamilton plantation, it was a lawn party. Everyone dressed in white linen. Servants. Guests played croquet and drank from crystal glasses. Noah parked Frank's pickup in front of the house. He looked out of place in his father's navy blue suit. John Hamilton saw Noah, walked over and offered his hand. He started "Noah? John Hamilton. Allie's father. Strong grip." "Nice to meet you, sir," Noah replied nervously. "Indeed. Glad you could make it, son. Come on in. We're in the back." He led Noah to the back of the house, where a lavish dining table was set up. Allie saw Noah, rushed over and kissed him. "Can I get you a drink?" Allie's father asked. "Uh, no, sir…" Noah refused, seemingly confused. "Nonsense. No such thing as a southern man who doesn't drink. I'll fix you a julep. Sit down, sit down. We're just about to eat."

The table was set for twenty. The setup was spectacular. Little forks. Big forks. Silver water bowled for their fingers. Among the guests were Fin and Sara, Sara's parents, Mr. And Mrs. Tuffington, Allie's snotty cousin, BODEE, and his girlfriend, Veronica, and Allie's mom, Anne, 40s, elegant. The servants poured a drink after drink, and there was far too much food. "So, what do you do Noah?" Mr. Tuffington asked intrigued. "I work in the lumberyard with Fin," replied Noah. "Fin's father owns the lumberyard, you know," added Sara as if proving a point. "It's mainly milling. Receiving logs. Stripping bark. But I have a lathe at home, and I build furniture in my spare time," Noah explained. "That's lovely dear," Mrs. Tuffington expressed his hard work. "So, you're a carpenter, are you?" Mr. Tuffington asked not looking impressed by his line of work. "Like Jesus," Sara joked whilst the table laughed. "If. You don't mind me asking, how much do you make at your job?" BODEE asked while Allie sent death glares at him "BODEE…?" "It's just a question. I'm interested," he added with a malicious smile on his face. "You mean, how much money?" Noah hesitated. "Bodee, I'm warning you," Allie said protective of Noah. "It's alright. About forty cents an hour. Not a lot, but I don't need much. And I save some," Noah said somewhat embarrassed. "Is that a summer job, Noah?" Allie's father asked. "No," Noah replied. "Going back to school?" Mrs. Tuffington asked. Noah shook his head. He was really on the spot. Fin jumped in and saved him "Noah and I are saving up to see the world. Travel. See how the other half lives. We're going everywhere. China, India, Brazil, Australia. You name it. We've been talking about it since we were kids."

The table voiced their approval. "Here, here." "Too bad Europe is so unsettled now," said Mrs. Tuffington. "Yes, yes. Europe is important. Every young man should visit Europe. It builds character," advised Mr. Tuffington. "Let's eat, shall we?" Allie's father said. Noah looked up to find a servant setting down his plate. It was Elgin, dressed in the white servants' uniform. "Hi, Elgin," Noah greeted. Elgin nodded, uncomfortable and moved away. "So, Noah, you and Allie have been spending a lot of time together. You must be very fond of each other. Getting pretty serious, huh?" Allie's mother asked. "Yes, ma'am," he replied. The table was embarrassed. Mr. Tuffington coughed.

Anne (Allie's mother) : Summer's almost gone. What will you do?

Noah : Oh, well, Charlotte's just a couple of hours away

Anne : But Allie's going to Sarah Lawrence. Didn't she tell you?

Noah looked at Allie, whose face was flushed. She wanted to strangle her mother. Bodee smiled.

Allie : I just got the letter. I was going to tell you

Noah : That's great. Really

Anne : Sarah Lawrence is in New York.

Noah : oh

John (Allie's father) : Anne, this conversation is too stuffy for the dinner table. Can't the children have a good time without bringing in the Spanish Inquisition? Allie, why don't you take Noah onto the lake? You like boats, don't you, Noah?

"Would you excuse me?" Noah said and he abruptly got up from the table, and moved quickly away. In the bathroom, Noah threw some water on his face. The bathroom was very fancy. Lots of sprays and powders and lacy hand towels. Noah looked at himself in his cheap blue suit, the edges all frayed. A knock on the door, and Allie entered. "You okay?" Allie asked. "Sure," Noah lied. "Don't pay any attention to my family. They're all drunk by noon. Come on. Let's go have some fun," Allie said freely. At Cooper Lake during Magic hour. Allie and Noah rowed out to the center of the lake. On the shore, Anne and John watched, as Allie kicked off her shoes and jumped into the water. "That child has too much spirit for a girl of her circumstance," Allie's mother said. "It's just summer love," her father said. Noah ripped off his jacket and shirt and jumped in as well. "Trouble, is what it is," said Allie's mother disgusted. The party guests watched Noah and Allie come together in a wet embrace. (DUKE READING…) "It was a magical summer, but summer was almost over."

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