
Comments of chapter undefined of The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)


I dont have anything to say so


1/What does killing with a serial killer have to do with it? mc kills because if it's for his own benefit, if he's making a profit, he's doing it for his own benefit. 2/ killing people will destroy you and have consequences? dude look at the world of dc, if you have enough power you will kill, if you cover your traces nothing will happen, if you don't have a fragile mind it won't destroy you, I say get mc nautral evil, let him kill for his interests. chaotic evil mc is a serial killer, he kills for pleasure you say chaotic evil, I say nautral evil we say the one who kills for self-interest. People who understand this understand that there is a need to kill, what nonsense you are. You are the author, you write the character, you write the gray no matter how you write it. Gray should already be an evil mc with his intelligence points, he should stop acting on his emotions, start killing for his own interests. The story is logical. I'm writing this review because I value this story, I don't want you to ruin it. mc should be evil mc already.


Too much work to clean an entire universe of it's inconsistencies and flaws. You can't expect him to always be on cleanup duty, also I read stories like that and it gets old and the author usually ends up abandoning it. Because after fixing everything what is there left to do?


Curious... I was under the impression he was willing to kill; but avoided it to keep the league off his back- I'm a bit confused at his mentality; after all he did beat that one dude to death... While feeling nothing. With his complaints about prison being a revolving door... I thought he was willing to kill if the opportunity presented itself. Would he truly spare someone like the Joker- Or am I just reading things wrong?


so let me get this straight our mc thought just because he beat them up they will humiliated and will no longer put a bounty on him?wtf?Batman humiliates these clowns on a daily basis.And it never stopped them from going after him.Especially the ones like deathstroke,joker, and the others..So what makes what he did any different?Not asking for the mc to be a pshyco serial killer just trying understand our mcs though process here.


Well, Mc really doesn't need to be a serial killer. He doesn't need to kill every person he see as enemy. Just the people who wanted to kill him or very evil people.as I said before I like him to be like anti hero like (red hood)not an evil psychopath guy. Well anyway thanks for chapter


god im looking at these comments so.e readers do be stoopid af. great chap just wish mc had a few more friends and isnt so hostile to almost everyone but he could change in the future i guess


I don't really care about Good or Evil since in DC verse those are real entities lol. When I said Ending some Villains it's not because I want him to be this Serial Killer I want Wraith to be know as someone you don't mess with kind of situation.


super girl love interest maybe


Ahaha😆 another whining author who was offended by criticism and squealing "don't like it or read it." What a clowning


the only problem I have is that it feels like your just forcing flaws down his throat.


expecting a change in this stupid DC justice system no kill act but getting usual hypocritical heroes. i can see that mc want to be neutral in DC world without doing heroes vs villain thing but at least kill those that deserve it, you just making more problem with abandoning ur enemies without killing them, they could come back after ur head to get revenge. this mc mentality is just so weak after existential crisis back then and this.... but anyway let see in the future if mc still being stupid or not, I will give 1-3 stars review if still yes...


about that official's son who rammed a woman and child, what happened to him tho???


wasn't supergirl like more pro/supportive of killing criminals?


I love how the MC reacted to supergirl putting a hole in his roof.


Thanks for the chapter Wish you well author Keep up the good work


Keep Going And Thank You For The Chapter


Yo opino que si no quiere matarlo entonces incapacitalo permanentemente porque el propio MC sabe que es un mundo de cómic, debe saber que un enemigo que lo dejas sin apenas rasguños volverá hasta posiblemente más fuerte ( y sucede muchas veces 🙄) ,cómo al luciérnaga le puede incapacitar alguna extremidad (bueno puede recuperarlo o regenerarlo cómo también hacerle 7n brazo de metal es mundo de cómic muchas posibilidades pero no está mal intentarlo 😅)


Don't listen to those edgy haters and continue the good work brother


I look forward to what happens to the rest of Gotham's villain's with Black Mask out of the way for awhile.