
Comments of chapter undefined of Reborn in Twilight


what the hell is with the spin the wheel for wishes now hahaha I read so many spin the wheel for world decides now


Riddle me this. How does one use gura gura on vampires that are too fast for them to see?


The entire story is crap from the moment he chose anime powers in a movie setting with sparkling vamps... after you fail to finish this and realize your not going to succeed as a writer do us a favor and delete this crap of the website...


Really creative power choice.... The **** noob power pick..... Why bother with mind block if he can just get professor x or jeans power... Gura gura no mi, what weak shit... I think author just watch 3 animes in his life... I mean there is a shit to of power much thst is much better.....


Plz don't make him a person with a hero complex, and if he ends up turning into a vampire let him feed on humans. I want him to kill humans too not protect em 😪


Not really likable wishes since what is all this continent destroying powers if you're still at human level? He'll probably kill himself before his enemies do. And his love interest is an unaging vampire which the MC can't be with forever since he's still human. I can already guess that you'll make some supernatural turn them into that specific monster and boom! He doesn't have limits now.


Wow, I don't know if author lacks imagination or this was just written poorly. He has 3 wishes and NO LIMITATIONS and he asks for those 3 useless things...........unless of course you wanted to make him stupid on purpose but I doubt it. Next make it so he has no say and the wishes are based on luck which his would obviously suck with what he got.


The last wish was unnecessary as storms power already gives her amazing mental defense.


I'm not angry about the power picks however, out of all the absolutely broken powers out there, you picked one piece... I'm curious to know your reasoning.


should of wished to be a real motherf***king vampire


welp, better to be disappointed early


Sin ofender autor pero solo una cosa ... Los vampiros no van a estar esperando que el ataqué o literal halce sus manitas para atacar ...ni hablemos que se mueven aprox a 100 millas por hora y si el está SERCA de un vampiro ,ni siquiera le dará tiempo de apretar las nalgas ...así que por sentido común ellos no esperarán a que el haga un sismo o saqué chispitas de las manos . Tampoco creo que esperen a que el haga su monólogo de villana pars distraerlos y así tomarlos por sorpresa. El poder de la gura está bien dado que es muy poderosa ,el de la mente se comprende dado los lectores de mente ...pero el poder de storm es un poco innecesario ,pudiste hacer el deseo por ejemplo sin límite en el crecimiento de fuerza , velocidad, reflejos etc Sorry si te molesta pero es que es demasiado incoerente incluso para un Fan-Fic




As a side comment I'm glad I'm not the only one that when they think God ,Morgan Freeman is the face you see


Perfect novel


do we really need to meet god?


Would have definitely gone with some kind of ability to heal or whatever is needed to let rose have a child


well, if you trying to be effective, he could've wished for Professor X's mind ability.. he could protect and atack..


Well the Goru Goru no mi gives him a untouchable body and a highly sensitive senses and also a high chance to get O Haki and if he gets it he'll get a mega boost to it to the point from being a beginner would allow him long range sense of a whole island, and having Storm's powers also allows him to have better control of Goru Goru no mi and the weather.


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