
1001 mile

Stay tuned..

Vida_v97 · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter 4

Zane 👑

I was walking around the city, when I heard some guys talking about some party in the another part of this fucking town, and I decide to pay visit. Maybe I find some weed, and girl, maybe two to complete my night. This is bullshit, I need to go back to London, my mates and bunch of girls is there. Maybe if I wasn't beat that guy, maybe I was there now and enjoy my life. Now, I just want to be drunk and high.

I follow this guys, in safe distance, when I heard car tires creak. I don't pay attention to the noice, just watching and follow this guys like a lost poppy. And I was lost. I don't know were the fuck I am, but when I heard music I know that I was close. I pay attention to the surrounding and look at this mansion's. Man, I would want to live alone in this huge villa's.

In front the house is parked a lot's of cars, I slowly walk to the entrance when I spotted pink honda, who the fuck drive a pink honda. Maybe some hot barbie chick, I would love to bang that girl.

Smell of weed and alcohol fill my lungs, and I know that I was in the right place.

Oh boy, look at this place. Beside smell of this two things, it's smell of expensive.

I push my way to the kitchen where I spotted beers. I open one can, and chug, when small girl brush my hand and look at me.

,,Hi Zane." Shit, she knows my name.

,,Hi." I said and look at her, trying to maybe remmember her, but I can't.

,,We are togheter in the math class." She said and chuckle. Today was my first day in that shitty school, and here we are, chicks flying around me.

,,Okay." I said and she lick her lips.

,,I always wondered, British guys, are they good in bed?" She ask seductively, and I smirk. Point for me.

,,I don't know. I was never try british guy. I fuck dozen of British girls, and they never complaining." I smirk and she laugh.

,,I would love to try." She wink, and I want to throw up. But I need to get laid. Last night I was bring my laid to the uncle house, and I was annoyed as fuck when he start to yell at me, that his house is not whorehouse, and she left. I don't get laid in 5 days, and I start to feel my balls turning blue. My dick twiched when my cousin's friend said my nickname in the the school this morning. The way she rolled ,,Z" over her tounge I want to rip her hair and fuck her beside that wall, but I saw that she is not interested on me, and that wake up curiosity in me. Maybe she knows that I'am jerk.

,,Do you want to come to the bathroom with me?" The girl from earlier said and I look at her, before I nod my head, and she start to walk in front of me.

I chug my beer all the way to the bathroom, this girl is hot, and thank God that I don't need to get more drunk to fuck her.

The way she sway her hips, and her butt wiggle, I lick my lips. This is going to be a good night. I feel that my phone is vibrating in my pocket, and I look at the message, my cousin ask me where I am, and I reply her shortly that I am at the party, she answer me to be safe and I catch some words of baseball bat, but I was disrupt by closing door and locked it.

,,Here we are." She said and I push my phone back to the pocket.

,,On your knees." I said and she obeyed me. I unbutton my pants and she grab my manhood.

I grab her blonde hair in my fist and start pushing her head faster on my member, she start to choke, and I pull her up.

,,Spread your legs for me." I said and bite her ear, she squick, and laugh.

,,I like you." She said but I interrupt her by riping her panties.

,,Ouch." She said and I know that I hurt her by ripping material, but I don't care.

,,I gave you good time, maybe you can give me." She bite her lip, and I chuckle grabing her hair.

,,I only lick pussy when girl means to me." I then slam my cock insade her and she gasp for air.

My hands finds her throat and I start choking her.

When I finish, and wait for her to calm down of her third orgasam, I wash my hands and she tried to kiss me, but I turn my head.

,,I kiss girl when she means to me." I said again and she rolls her eyes.

,,Do you want to chill sometimes?" She ask me and I shook my head.

,,No, you are just trophy for this night." I hurt her again, but again, I don't care. I unlock the door, and find my way to the kitchen to waste myself.

I scaned crowd and my eyes land on the Eli's friend. . She was dancing with some guy, I think that he was at that table this morning too.She smoke joint and chug vodka from the bottle.

Fiesty, I see.

I made my way to stand beside her, just to watch her. I've seen this type of girls in London, but I never pay attention.

She was dancing, and I was hipnotised with her moves and her ass. I was standing too close to her. When she took step back, she push me in my chest with her head.

And then, her eyes is locked with mine.

Chapter 4.
