
1001 mile

Stay tuned..

Vida_v97 · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

Katie 🌸

I pretty much wasted myself, I groan every time when someone try to push me on his chest, or grab my ass. Theo is grindim himself on some boys back, and the boy is angry, I need to move away Theo before he get's punched on the face. He is not drinking because he drive, but that not stopping him to be high from his crazyness. I move away Theo and me, on the corner of the room, the light from kitchen illuminates us, but that not stoping me from dancing. Some guy  offer me joint and I took it. I inhale and chug vodka from the battle. This is paradise for my head. I feel light, like the feather. Theo is dancing like the maniac, and I laugh at his dance moves. Some guy with the gel on his hair start to whisper something on the Theo's ear, and Theo chuckle, then I turn off myself, I don't need to babysitting him, he knows what to do, he is not child.

,,Hey K, I'm going outside to inhale some fresh air with this cupcake, are you going to be fine?" Theo ask and I nod.

,,Go. Have fun." I wink at him, and he dissaperied in the crowd. I inhale one more smoke from the joint and pass it to the guy who offer me. He nod at me and walk away. I chug my vodka, and start to dance slowly, I clumsily took step back and slam my back at someone chest. I turn myself, and looked at emerald eyes I was willing to see just yesterday.

He smiled at me, on my confused face.

,,Hey." He whisper and I smile.

,,Hey Z." I said and he mutter something on his chin.

,,What are you doing here? Where is Eli?" I ask him, and he shruged.

,,I don't know, I just follow some guys here." He yelled on my ear, and some guy pass joint again to me.

I inhale and look at Zane.

,,You want?" I offered him, remmembering Eli's talk about him and weed.

He nod his head, and took joint from my fingers, slowly brushed it.

Something erupt in my stomach, and I wanted this feeling that I not felt long time ago.

He smirk at me, and I follow his hand, his lips slowly hug butt of joint and he inhale smoke.

,,Cheers." He chug beer and I chug vodka.

,,It's good to know someone here." He said refering to me.

,,You don't know me." I state and he lean into my face.

,,I would love to." He wink and I was about to crush to the ground.

Someone poke my shoulder and I turn around to see fucking Jared with narrowed eyes. He look at Zane, and lean into me.

I push him.

,,What tha fuck you want?" I ask him angry.

,,To talk." He said and I raise one eyebrow.

,,Good for you, I don't want." I turn around to Zane whose watching me intessively.

I felt poking again.

,,What?!" I yelled at Jared face.

,,Please, I'm sorry." He said and I shook my head.

,,You should think about that when you fuck Millie in the bathroom of fucking school." I yelled and with the corner of my eye I see Zane smirk.

,,She is mistake." He said and I laugh.

,,Fuck off." I said and he just stood there.

,,No." He said sternly.

,,Zane, let's go." I grab Zane's hand, and he follow me.

,,Were did you want to go?" He ask me on my ear, his lips slowly brush my ear. I shivered.

,,Just here." I moved us in secluded corner.

Music here is less audible and I don't need to yell.

,,Who was that?" Zane ask and I look at him. Should I told him?

,,It's just my ex." I said and shook my head. He is the last person I want to talk about.

,,He cheated on you?" He ask. I know that he is hear what I told Jared.

,,Yeah." I nod.

,,He is jerk." He said and I smile. You are too.

,,You are too." I repeated that outloud and gasp when I look at him. He look at me confused. I don't want him to leave, his company is pretty good actually.

,,Why is that?" He ask me in his British accent, and I think that my panties is wet right now.

,,Oh. I didn't mean to say that." I smile sheepishly.

,,I know that I am." He said and I laugh.

,,Yes you are." I said and look at him, and turn my gaze to the fucking Millie, she is walking toward us.

Zane gaze follow mine to the Millie and he scoff.

What the fuck?

,,Hey handsome, do you want round two?" She ask Zane and then look at me with disgust.

Bitch, you were fuck my boyfriend, not me yours.

Round two? He isn't fuck her.

I look at him and he narrowed eyes to her.

,,What is your name?" He ask her and I chuckle. She throw daggers with her eyes towards me.

,,Millie." She smile and hug his huge biceps.

Did I just said huge? Yes I did.

,,Look, why don't you go to the bathroom and wait for me?" He said and I felt dissapointed. He's gonna leave me. Why I feel dissapointment? I don't know, but his company is keeping me warm.

,,Okay." She smile and gag at me. I look at the ground.

At the time she was walking away, Zane grab my hand and lean into my ear.

,,Can we go outside?" He ask me and I felt confused. Did he is going to ditch Millie?

Yeah, he is.

Fucking bastard. I laugh and nod at him. He smile too, and we go toward doors.
