
1001 mile

Stay tuned..

Vida_v97 · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter 3

Katie 🌸

,,This is stupid!" I groan at my homework.

,,You are stupid." My mom said and I look at her confused.

,,W-what?" I sttuter.

,,I just said truth. How can be math that hard that you call your math book stupid." She said and took sip of her coffee.

,,It easy for you to say, you are good at math!" I said and fake cried. And that an idea came to me.

,,Would you.." I said and smile.

,,No, not a chance." She said and shook her head.

,,You need to understand that alone Katie." She said and storm out the kitchen.

,,But mom!" I yelled at her.

,,No but, Kathrine! She yell back and I shut my mouth.

After I finish my homework, I decide to walk to Sofia's home to chill a little bit with her.

,,Hey bitches!" Theodore said when he bring booze to Sofia.

,,Hey Theo." I smile and push my hands toward Vodka.

,,Vodka isn't good for you." He said and I smack my lips on his cheek.

,,Eww, you are disgusting!" He said and I gasp.

,,Many boys would love to have this lips on their cheek's just to you know." I state

,,Yeah, on the butt cheek's." He said and sway his hips to the sofa.

  ,,Meanie." I pout and he chuckle.

,,I love you too,bestie." He smile and wrap his hands around me.

,,I need hug too." Sofia said and jump on us. We grunt and start to laugh.

,,Where is Elizabeth?" Sofia ask Theo 

,,She is babysitting her cousin." Theo said and I smack his hand.

,,He is our age for God sake." I said Theo start to kiss his now red hand.

,,Did you just slap your best friend because of some boy?" Theo raise his perfectly shaped eyebrows at me.

,,He is handsome." I just shrug. I know that all handsome boy's are jerks.

,,Maybe he is gay." Theo clap his manicured hands.

,,Keep dreaming Theo." I said and he blink at me.

,,And you too, meanie." I look at him.

,,He know that he is handsome, and just wait, he is 100% jerk."

And I was alright.

This morning when Eli introduce him to our friend group he just nod and sit in the corner of our table.

When I introduce myself to him with  smile, he scoff, and stand up from table.

My suspicios is true, he is jerk.

I'am walking now to the outside to smoke.

I always asking myself why am I start to smoke, this is just waisting money, but I can't quit. This is my way out of my nervouses.

You may ask why the fuck am I nervous, but I am. I don't know why,sometimes everything just piss me off, and I can't control myself. I need nicotine to release my stress. Alcohol and cigarettes. That is my way out. My mother know that I smoke, but she asked me politely to not smoke in front of her or in the house. I respect that.

My dad was a smoker. He died two years ago, and from then my stress is there. Not just stress, fear is also here.

I inhale first smoke and reliased it. This is peace.

,,Can you give me your number?" Girl said and I peak through hole on the wall.

There he is, Zane.

He is already catching girls.

,,No." He is serious and I stop watching when he start walking toward this corner.

I keep staring at the ground when I heard flicker of lighter and sharp inhale of air.

I look at him, and turn my sight again on the ground.

I'm annoyed of his behavior this morning.

,,You are my couisn friend." He said and I look at him. His voice is deep and his accent is nice to hear.

,,Yeah." I said and look at the opposite direction.

,,I would never tell that you are smoker." He smirk and I raise my eyebrows at him.

,,I would never tell that you are too, but here you are, life is full of supraises." I said sarcastically.

,,Life is shit." He said and took another smoke.

,,That's correct." I said and flick cigarette butt to the ground.

,,See you around, Z." I said when I pass around him to go to the class.

Life is shit.

His words swirling through my head all day.

And he is alright. Life is something that we are all afraid of it. This is what we are, where we are, and who we are.

I don't know why I had this dark thoughts, but I'am grateful, I have place to sleep, food to eat, friends to hang out, the best mother in the world. But, again. This is not enough for me. I should punch myself. I'm not grateful.

,,What are you thinking about?" Familiar voice bring me to the class I was in currently.

,,I was debating myself about some stupid stuff."  I said and rub my eyes.

,,You should come to my place tonight. We need to push out that thoughts outside your pretty little head." He said and I roll my eyes.

,,Thank you for the invitation Johna, but I will pass." I said to Johna and he scoff. Johna always flirt with me, but I never would be with him in some romantic shit. He is just jerk, like the other male species.

Sorry Theo, but you are different. In positive way.

My eyes fly through the crowd classroom, and land on some blue eyes watching me.

Yep, my first kiss, and my first sex.

Fucking Jared.

He look at me and Johna, and I roll my eyes.

What do you want motherfucker. You should go to fuck Millie, like you are when we been together.

That day I said to myself that I would never dating again.

And I wasn't. That was two years ago, just two days before my dad passed out.

The two is my unlucky number I guess.

Chapter 2? Done!

Luv yu.