

North Pack

Ashera was surprised when her sight got insulted by the bright light of the morning. She looked at her wrist only to find it healed. She tried to stand up but a voice stopped her.

"Don't even think about" Ashera was shocked to hear a female. She looked up only to be met with a tall gorgeous woman with ash hair and very angry looking blue eyes. She had no idea who the woman was but with the way she carried herself with an air of authority she was probably really important.

"What did he see in you?" 

"What" Ashera asked weakly.

"What did Dylan see in you? He would rather sleep with you than I" Ash nodded weakly.

"No" She managed to get out.

"You want to come here and destroy everything I have spent seven years working on? Dylan is mine and not even you will take him from me" 

"I don't want him" Ash said as tears rolled down her face. She remembered what she was subjected to two nights ago.

"Why else will he take someone like you in? I am Flora and Dylan has been my boyfriend since. Ashera wondered how she was with a man as terrible as Dylan. He is a rapist.

"Did he rape you too?" Ashera asked before thinking. A frown made way to Flora's face.

"I'm sure you came onto him. How dare you accuse him of such?" Her screams were hurting Ashera's ears but she dared not complain.

"Just know that your shameless self cannot stay in this pack with my man. Understood?" Ashera just nodded. All she wanted was to be dead. Why didn't Dylan leave her to die? He had this breathtaking woman as his partner, what more did he want? 

"You cannot sleep your way up here you shameless slut" Ashera stayed still as Flora continued to rain insults on her. She cried and Flora did not care. How was she supposed to explain that Dylan raped her and that was her first time? How should she explain that she wanted to die but Dylan chose to let her live.

  Flora walked out of the room angrily. How could Dylan do this to her despite all she has done for him? After Riven caught them seven years ago and Flora stormed out on both of them, Dylan came back to beg her.


Flora ran out of the pack heartbroken, sad and embarrassed. How did she let herself be played? She thought Dylan loved her for real. Finding out he only used made her embarrassed. She knew she was a nobody compared to both alphas but she did not deserve to be played like that. She heard the noise of someone running after her. She slowed down a bit. Riven was running after her to fix things. If he did not make her over think she would not have fallen for Dylan's lies. 

 Flora immediately started running the moment she say a dark hair instead of brown.

"Stop running goddamit" Flora stopped in her tracks. He was her alpha after all. There was nothing she could do when he commanded her like that.

"I'm sorry ok? I lied. I do love you Flora and I am so sorry it happened this way but he had to know one way" Dylan confessed.

"You led Riven to us! How much of a jerk could you be?" Flora started hitting Dylan. He held her hands.

"Was it stupid of me? Yes do I regret it? Yes would I do it again if given a second chance? Absolutely. I want you Flora and I do not care about Riven or anybody. It was high time he knew what it feels like not to have something"

"This is still about the jealousy you harbor for Riven. I cannot be a pawn in your games Dylan."

"This is not a game to me Flora. Come back with me. Let's mark each other and live as Alpha and Luna" Dylan offered.

"Absolutely not! What will you do if your mate comes in now? Love her while I am your Luna? I will not have that be my situation" Flora knew alpha's had strong pulls to their mates that they sometimes could not stop it or control it.

"I want you"

"I don't think so. You just want someone Riven wants" Flora countered.

"Come with me. We will be lovers until we both find our mates" Dylan offered again. He was desperate. Flora agreed to that.

"Exclusively?" Flora said. She knew Dylan had tendencies to sleep around but she will not allow it.


Now Flora was angry because Dylan broke his promise. He has broken that promise of exclusivity since the very beginning. The height of it for her was when she realized how terrible of a person he was three years ago. She couldn't leave him even if she wanted to. He had too much information and recorded tapes of her. He had sworn to leak them all if she ever thought of leaving him.

 Why Dylan brought that good for nothing girl to his bed that he never let her come to be what she did not understand and Flora was determined to find out why he did what he did. Why did he let her into his bedroom when he would not let her? It made no sense. Was she not doing something that girl has done?

 Ashera was left alone to her depressing thoughts. Before she could go back to sleep, the door to the room opened again. Two maids brought her food.

"The alpha wants you to eat and be dressed by 8:00pm" They left her alone with food. She stared at the food not knowing which one to take. She finally settled for the white rice and veggie. She did not have the appetite but she knew that she needed to eat something. She forced herself to eat.

After eating she laid back down to have a quick nap. She knew she was taking a gamble because with the look of everything outside it was late already. She closed her eyes still. She needed the rest. She had no clue what her stay will bring but if two nights ago was just the beginning, she knew she could not stay here for long. She had to find an escape plan.

Whatever way was a way for her.