

North Pack

"Why are you not ready?" Dylan screamed when he walked into the room by 7:30pm only to find Ashera sleeping. He was not in a good mood and he did not have the patience for this girl.

  Flora stormed into his meeting and started a fight. He had to stop his meeting to listen to her. She wanted to know why he had brought Ashera into his bedroom even though he would not bring her or anyone else inside his room.

When he could not provide an answer Flora burst into tears and started complaining about how she was not respected. He was threatened to tell her he could not respect her or make her his Luna. He has used her up. He had no use for her anymore but he did not say that.

Instead he pulled her in for a hug, stopped her tears to keep her happy. That was their dynamic and he was satisfied with it.

"I... sle...slept off" Ashera hurriedly got off the bed and ran off to the bathroom.

  Sometimes Dylan thought of how life would have turned out if he did not betray his friend just to spite him. He sometimes did not like how he had turned out but he did not dwell much on that mistake. He had the most powerful pack that he had always wanted, and he was happy. He could have any woman he wanted also. That was enough for him.

  Ashera walked out of the bathroom to pick up the lotion. In her attempt to go back to the bathroom to get dressed, Dylan stopped.

"I don't have time for that. Dress up in my presence", Asher hesitated. She was not comfortable dressing in his presence. Dylan stood up when he noticed her hesitance. Scared, Ashera peeled the towel off her body. She got dressed under Dylan's gawking eyes.

"Wear the red sparkly dress" She nodded and picked up the dress hanging in the walk in closet. She put on the red dress. It was a very long dress. The back of the dress was bare, it had a slit up to her crotch and the chest area was opened also.

She hated how exposed her body was to him. How much control he had over her angered her. She cursed her father for selling her out for nothing, and she swore revenge on him. She would kill her father and when she was done with him, she would kill Dylan. They both deserved slow, painful deaths. She would kill them, she promised herself that much.

 When Ashera turned around, Dylan smiled.

"You are not as bad as I thought" Ashera rolled her eyes at his statement.

"I need you to behave tonight." With that, he left the room. Ash sat on the bed feeling like an idiot. Here she was dressed in this dress that was not a dress waiting to be called upon. She was almost dozing off an hour later when the door was opened. Flora's hard gaze made her uneasy.

"Come with me", She instructed.  Ashera stood up and followed her.

"Fighting makes the experience worse". Ashera was confused, but she refused to ask Flora what she meant because, even if she did ask, Flora was not going to tell her. Her wait this time was brief. She was ushered in as soon as she was given a mask. 

  The room was filled with men and very few women. She noticed Dylan despite his mask.

"Lay on the table" An angry sounding voice instructed. Ash looked around and realized she was the only one standing asides the guards. 

"Don't make him repeat himself" A feminine voice from beside the man said. Ash knew laying down would expose her more than she already was and she was not even on underwear.

 Ash did as she was told. She lay on the table. She was on the table in the midst of everyone in the dark room. Before she could understand what was happening, soft hands grabbed her breasts with the thin fabric that was barely covering it. Ashera made an attempt to stand up but she was pushed back down.

  Her hands were soon fastened to the end of the table. The same was done to her legs. This made her more exposed. Her clothes no longer did anything to cover her up. She did not put up a fight. It was not going to be worth it. She's tied up. There was nothing she could do. Ashera closed her eyes to block out the situation she was in. 

  Different hands were on her body. Her entire being was assaulted. Hot tears fell as her body was being used up. Ashera just wanted to die in that instant. She was used and she did not fight them. She just let them use her body up. 

Suddenly, she began to feel dizzy

   Dylan ordered his visitors to leave her. They all moved to a different room to have their event while Ash's passed out body was on the table.


North Pack

Ashera opened her eyes slowly. She looked down at her naked and bruised body. She could not hold her scream in. She put all of her frustration into that scream. When she got exhausted she remained on the table.

"Screaming will get you nowhere. These people do not care about you. Clean up and put it in your past" Ashera stood up angrily.

"You dare say 'those people'?" You are exactly like them. You are a bunch of sick people who do not have any power outside terrorizing the whole of Green Moss.

"Power is power, regardless of how it was obtained" Flora clapped back.

"I want you to remember your statement when those you trample upon decide to fight back. Where will your so called power be then?"

"Stop this shouting this instant" Ashera and Flora turned to see Dylan by the door. Dylan ignored their stares.

"Get her cleaned up and come meet me for lunch" Dylan walked off.

  Flora grabbed Ashera and dragged her back to Dylan's room. She was in pain in every part of her body she did not even know existed.  Flora made her a bath and she cleaned off her body as she cried in the bathtub. She was so angry but also did not know what to do.

Three days with alpha Dylan and her life was already hell. Ash did not know what she could do. She did not know her way around the pack enough to escape and Dylan did not let her out of his room. An idea popped in her mind. Ashera quickly got out and asked Flora for drugs.

"I need sleeping pills" She requested. Flora looked at her wearily.

"And who do you think will give that to you?"

"Just two pills please. I can't sleep. I can't stop thinking about yesterday. I just need to forget about it even if it's just few hours of sleep" Ashera begged shamelessly. Flora knew how the first night on that table felt and she did not have help from anybody. Instead she was expected to be available for Dylan the next morning.

"I'll get you the pills but no one can know about them. In the main time get dressed and eat your lunch" Flora walked out to get the pills and Ashera ate her food.

  Flora came back in to time. "This does not mean we are friends" Flora said and walked out once again leaving Ash by herself.

 Ash went to the bathroom to fill the bath tub up before using her pills. She started feeling sleepy a few minutes after the pills. She removed her clothes and entered the filled-up bath tub. Her plan was to fall asleep inside the bath tub and just die finally. 

  Her plans were interrupted once again when she felt herself being pulled out of the water.

"What were you thinking?" Flora's hysteric screams filled her ears. Ashera was unable to answer, tears just spilled from her eyes.

"I can't do this" Ashera pushed Flora away from her.

"Let me die!" She cried. 

"You are so quick to want death. You want to die? I will show you what death is like" Flora grabbed the weak Ashera and pushed her head into the water-filled tub. Ashera struggled against Flora's aggressive pushes but she was too sleepy to fight back.

"Die you bitch. Ever since you got here you have been a thorn in my life", Flora continued to push Ash into the water. 

 Strong familiar hands pulled Flora away from Ash.

"What do you think you are doing?" Dylan slapped Flora with the back of his hands. The impact of his hit caused her to hit the wall. Dylan pulled Ashera out of the water and left her on the floor. She pulled Flora to the room.

"What was that all about?" Dylan asked again. Flora sensing Dylan's anger did not try to defend herself. Dylan grabbed her screaming in her face.

"What the hell is your problem? You have been acting up since I brought her here"

"You want that ugly girl to take my place. I've been through too much with you to let you replace me like that!" Flora screamed back.

"Nobody is taking your place! You want to continue what your usual routine is?" Dylan asked knowing his answer. Flora in that moment realized she had been jealous for no reason. 

"I'm sorry ok? I allowed my jealousy to get the best of" Flora said but Dylan still wanted her punished for what she said.

"Strip" Dylan looked at him confused.

"I said strip!" Dylan pushed her on the bed upon the second command. 

"I don't want to sleep with you now Dylan. You still haven't apologized for hitting me. What got into you?" Dylan hated the confrontation and the only way he could escape it was by lashing out. He hit her face once again causing her to fall face flat on the bed. He pulled down the shorts she was wearing roughly. He hit her but hard, twice.

"You don't speak to me that way" Dylan warned as he hit her face. Flora stayed still. She could not believe that Dylan would actually treat her this way.

"I own this pack and everyone in it including you so you learn your place" Flora nodded in agreement as he continued to hit her. Flora took all he had to offer. 

  As soon as Dylan came he dressed back up and knelt by the bed. Flora was a crying mess. Her makeup had been smudged with tears. 

"I'm sorry baby. You made me angry. This will never happen again"

"Promise?" Flora asked in a defeated tone

"I promise" Dylan swore to her. Flora forced a smile.

"That's my angel. He spanked her ass softly and helped her dress.

"Let's ditch the pack for the day. What do you say?" Dylan asked in all attempts to apologize. Flora had been begging him for a date. She was getting angry people referred to her as his mistress and not his girlfriend and she believed taking her on dates will take that rumor out of the mouth of people.

"That sounds nice" Flora said with a forced smile. She has been begging him for a date for the longest time and now is the best time he chose?