

North Pack

Ashera was disappointed when she realized she was still alive. She wanted to die. She thought she was dead and finally had found peace but it was all a lie.

 Her memory took her back to the siege;


Ash was having breakfast with her father and her mum when the sudden screams of the pack members brought it all to an halt.

"What's going on?" Ashera asked fearfully. Her mother hurriedly held her hands to comfort her.

"My baby, go to the safe room now. Do not stop on your way and do not come out until I come to get you. With this command, Ashera instantly knew they had been attacked and with the look of things nobody was prepared for it. At eighteen Ashera was full of zeal. She had been training hard with the best of warriors in all of Green Moss and she felt she was ready for her first battle.

"I can help mum. You know I'm very good" Her mum gave her a weak smile in response.

"I know darling but a siege cannot be your first time in battle. Your father and I cannot worry about your safety as we fight too. Listen to me. Please" Ashera was still adamant.

"LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER AND GO TO THE SAFE ROOM NOW!" Her father's anger surprised her. He had never yelled at her before then. He was both hurt and angry. Why will he talk to her that way? After all she was an adult. Angrily, she stormed towards the safe room.

 Sebastian and his mate got ready for battle. They changed into their wolves and rushed out of the dining hall.

  It was tougher than they assumed. They were fighting for their lives. Both Sebastian and his mate had a plan to take their enemies out when Sebestian noticed a familiar light brown wolf. Sebastian immediately sent a mind link to his mate.

"Is that Ashera?" He asked in disbelief. His Luna gave him no reply as she ran to where her daughter was. Ashera's wolf stood not knowing where or how to join the ongoing bloodshed. This made her vulnerable. A wolf was running behind her. Her mother ran to her and pushed her off the battleground. Her mother's wolf was held down by the wolf instantly and in no time an arrow came from nowhere and shot her mother's wolf. Everything happened so fast that Ashera could not do anything. She instantly regretted disobeying her mother. As if satisfied with how bad her mother was, the wolf left her limp and ran off. Ashera immediately ran to her mother. Her mother had shifted back to her human wolf. Ashera did the same. She cried as she held her mother's face.

"Mummy! She cried. Her mother smiled with blood in her mouth.

"I love you" That was her mother's last whisper before her body gave up. 

  Sebastian immediately feels the tug of the death of his mate in his mind link. He turned to the scene only to see his mate naked and dead on the floor. He gave a loud howl. His loss fueled his anger and his anger fueled his strength that day. He killed everyone that came his way with no remorse and ever since that they he lost every shred of humanity in him. Ever since that they Ash knew no peace. She was hated by every breathing thing. She did not know what would become of her


 Ashera knew whatever it was she could not do it anymore. After her mother's death, she had been living on eggshells. She never knew when she would be hit or insulted. She lost the life she could have had the day her mother died and she only had herself to blame. She killed her mother and the pack punished her by making her live for a fate worse than death. She could bear the treatment because she knew that she deserved it. The hope of finding redemption kept her going but after yesterday, she had no hope left in her.

She was fed up of the life she was living. She tried to move but her body betrayed her. She was sore all over. Her pain was only a reminder of what she had gone through mere hours ago.

Despite her pains, she stood up to the dressing mirror. She avoided looking at her reflection in the mirror. All she wanted was something sharp. She luckily found some pins on the table. Why the alpha had pins on his table did not raise a question in her. She did not care.

Ashera picked up the pins and struggled back to the bed. She sat at the edge of the bed. She began to tear up her skin with the pin. She focused on her wrist ensuring that she bled. When she was satisfied with how much blood she was losing she laid on the bed with all zeal to live gone. She closed and waited for death to welcome her. She would finally be free she thought to herself.

  Dylan barged into the room after waiting for a while. He needed her to be dressed by the time he got into the room. He did not want to meet a crying mess.

After breakfast and he still hadn't heard from her, Dylan barged in. The very familiar smell of blood hit his nostrils. He rushed to the bed only to meet Ashera paler than she was with blood dripping from her wrist. He pulled her up to make her sit. He held her face in-between his thumb and middle finger.

"You are mine now. You live for me. Your life is no longer yours to decide for. What were you thinking?" Dylan shouted in her face. Ashera was almost gone that she did not even have the brain power to comprehend what Dylan was yelling about but she could tell that he was yelling. In no time people rushed into the room. 

 Dylan had sent a mind link to the pack healers and he had requested they come fast.

"Make sure she lives" Dylan walked out of the room vexed. He did not see himself dealing with this behavior. He had too much to do and worry about already.