
***Out of Control***

|A (GAY) Harry Potter Fanfiction| ***This is my first fanfiction, so please be kind. I appreciate constructive criticism and advice.*** A few changes can influence your whole life. Harry don’t know how bad his life could have been, had he not received that letter from Gringotts. After Harry’s third year at Hogwarts, he gets a letter from Gringotts, asking him to come and meet his account manager. Harry leaves Privet Drive, with his aunt and cousin, intending to never return. Harry learns of betrayal and hidden loyalty. With three father-figures, one less best friend, and two loves, how will his future years go? |For some reason I can't add tags, and the tags I did add have disappered somehow, so here is some "Tags", I guess. #Gaylove #HarryxFredxGeorge #MollyBashing #GinnyBashing #HermioneBashing #DumbledoreBashing #ICan'tWriteShortThings #ImpliedMpreg #GoodPetuniaAndDudley. I think that is all... don't know|

Tyra_Pastel · Book&Literature
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chapter 9

Fred and George were the first to wake up, they were in an underground hospital room. They were laying in beds beside each other. Their dad, Charlie, Percy, and Ron were lying on beds on either side of them. Before they could get out of the beds Gornuk and Bill came into the room with another goblin, probably a healer.

"I see you are awake, Heirs Prewett. As the rest of your family will still take a little more time to wake up, I will give you your inheritance tests to look over, Gornuk said and handed the sheets of parchment out to each of them. Fred and George looked at them, they were very similar.


Frederick Gideon Weasley-Prewett

Age: 16 years 2 months, and 21 days

Birthday: 1st of April 1978

Status: pure-blood


Arthur Septimus Weasley-Prewett

Gideon George Weasley-Prewett

Fabian Frederick Weasley-Prewett


Lucius Abraxas Malfoy

Narcissa Violetta Malfoy nee Black


William Arthur Weasley-Prewett (older brother)

Charles Septimus Wealsey-Prewett (older brother)

Percy Richard Wasley-Prewett (older brother)

George Fabian Weasley-Prewett (magical twin brother)

Ronald Billius Weasley-Prewett (younger brother)

Creature heritage

Partly fire fae

Soul mate(s)

Harrison James Potter-Black

Magical abilities

Magical core (partly blocked, applied 1981)

Elemental magick (blocked, applied 1981)

Soul twin magick (blocked, applied 1981)


Prewett (right of magic)

Vault(s): 692-694, 800 000 G, 50 000 S, 2000 K, heirlooms, books, and artifacts.


Vault(s): 685 (Frederick's trust vault), 2000 G, 300 S, and 20 K

Potions, spells, and compulsions

Soulmate bond block (potion, applied 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993)

Magical leach (spell, applied 1981, 1991, to Albus Dumbledore)

Loyalty -to light, Albus Dumbledore, Molly Prewett, Hogwarts, Order of the Phenix- (compulsion, applied 1981, by Albus Dumbledore, partly broken)

Submissiveness -to Albus Dumbledore, Molly Prewett, Order of the Phoenix- (compulsion, applied 1981, by Albus Dumbledore, partly broken)

Hate -to dark, Slytherin, Severus Black-Prince-Lupin, Death Eater, outside nations- (compulsion, applied 1981, by Albus Dumbledore)

Dislike -Homosexual relationships, adults- (compulsion, applied 1991, 1993, by Albus Dumbledore, partly broken)

Indifference -Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, rules, creatures- (compulsion, applied 1991, 1993, by Albus Dumbledore)

Heightened anger (spell, applied 1981,1986, 1991, by Molly Prewett)


George Fabian Weasley-Prewett

Age: 16 years 2 months, and 21 days

Birthday: 1st of April 1978

Status: pure-blood


Arthur Septimus Weasley-Prewett

Gideon George Weasley-Prewett

Fabian Frederick Weasley-Prewett


Lucius Abraxas Malfoy

Narcissa Violetta Malfoy nee Black


William Arthur Weasley-Prewett (older brother)

Charles Septimus Wealsey-Prewett (older brother)

Percy Richard Wasley-Prewett (older brother)

Frederick Gideon Weasley-Prewett (magical twin brother)

Ronald Billius Weasley-Prewett (younger brother)

Creature heritage

Partly fire fae

Soul mate(s)

Harrison James Potter-Black

Magical abilities

Magical core (partly blocked, applied 1981)

Elemental magick (blocked, applied 1981)

Soul twin magick (blocked, applied 1981)


Prewett (right of magic)

Vault(s): 692-694, 800 000 G, 50 000 S, 2000 K, heirlooms, books, and artifacts.


Vault(s): 686 (George's trust vault), 2000 G, 300 S, and 30 K

Potions, spells, and compulsions

Soulmate bond block (potion, applied 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993)

Magical leach (spell, applied 1981, 1991, to Albus Dumbledore)

Loyalty -to light, Albus Dumbledore, Molly Prewett, Hogwarts, Order of the Phenix- (compulsion, applied 1981, by Albus Dumbledore, partly broken)

Submissiveness -to Albus Dumbledore, Molly Prewett, Order of the Phoenix- (compulsion, applied 1981, by Albus Dumbledore, partly broken)

Hate -to dark, Slytherin, Severus Black-Prince-Lupin, Death Eater, outside nations- (compulsion, applied 1981, by Albus Dumbledore)

Dislike -Homosexual relationships, adults- (compulsion, applied 1991, 1993, by Albus Dumbledore, partly broken)

Indifference -Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, rules, creatures- (compulsion, applied 1991, 1993, by Albus Dumbledore)

Heightened malice (spell, applied 1981, 1986, 1991, by Molly Prewett)


"Well, would you look at that…" George said, he tuned to Gornuk, "You were able to-" George began.

"-cleanse everything, right?" Fred finished, both looking at Gornuk now.

Gornuk didn't seem to mind the twin speak and answer, "Yes, Heirs Prewett, all blocks, potions, spells, and compulsions were removed in the rituals. You may feel different for the coming days, but do not fear, this will only be your true selves coming through now that all that filth was removed," Fred and George only nodded at the goblin. They went back to looking at their tests in silence, for anyone but them, that is.

'Harry is our soulmate! Fred! Harry is our soulmate!'

'Yes, he is! We really have a chance now.'

'I hope he will be okay with it though. He is the type to think no one could love him.'

'We have loved him since fourth year. We will just have to convince him.'

'Yeah, let the wooing begin!'

'Hey… right above soulmate(s), creature heritage?'

'Oh? Fire fae? What?'

"Hey, Gornuk?" Fred looked up at the goblin who was sitting by a table having a pleasant conversation with Bill and the healer goblin. When Gornuk turned to look at them George continued.

"What is this about creature heritage?"

Bill was the first to react, "What? You guys have a creature heritage?" at their nods Bill just looks more confused, "How can that be? I'm your older brother, and I don't have one…" He didn't look angry, only confused.

That was when Gornuk spoke up, "That is easy to explain. Creature heritage are dormant genes. Heirs Prewett are magically compatible with the dormant creature gene and therefore the gene activated," Gornuk explained for the three of them.

"Oh, so we are-"

"-compatible with the creature gene, but-"

"-Bill is not?" they asked, making sure they got the information right.

"That would be correct," Gornuk looked almost proud of them. With that they all began talking about random things to make the time go, from the non-confidential things from Bill's job to what the twins would name their shop, waiting for the rest of the family to wake up.

Their dad was the last to wake up, finding all of his sons sitting by a table talking and smiling. "What is happening here?" he asked, still a little disoriented from sleep.

"Dad!" Suddenly all the boys were crowding their father, "Are you okay?" was heard from all of them.

"Now, now. Stop crowding the man. Give him some space to breath," the voice of the healer goblin came from the table, and all the boys immediately backed up a little. "Lord Weasley, you have been sleeping for two hours, how do you feel?" the goblin asked.

"I feel fine, maybe a small headache," he said.

"That is normal after such an extensive cleansing ritual. Now, here is your inheritance test, I recommend you go through it thoroughly," Gornuk said as he handed the sheet of parchment to their dad. The brothers had all gone back to sitting at the table.

It only took a few moments before he looked up at Gornuk, "Gornuk, they are alive?" was all he asked, in a small whisper. At the goblins nod he said it a little firmer, "They are alive, we have to find them right away!"

Ron was the first to break, "Who is alive?" he asked.

"Our Da and Pa, Ron." Fred said.

Bill looked at them, confused, "Wait, what? You are talking like you already knew…" his voice faded out.

"That Molly isn't-"

"-really our mom? Yeah, we-"

"-knew, we were oblivated, too-"

"-that day, but the oblivion came off-"

"-after an experiment blew up-"

"-in our faces right after-"

"-our birthday this year," they said, shrugging, before pausing.

"Wait, how do-"

"-you know?" they looked at Bill.

Bill looked at them unimpressed, "Hello, Curse Breaker Weasley-Prewett, working for Gringotts," he said pointing at himself, "Have to take this test every other month," he continued, turning his finger to the inheritance tests on the table.

"Then why -"

"-didn't you say -"

"-anything?" George finished off their question. They were both looking at Bill, waiting for the answer.

Getting worked up imidi"I tried!" Bill said, maybe a little louder than necessary, "I tried telling Dad, but he collapsed as I was talking, and when he woke up, he didn't remember anything! I even tried telling Charlie, but the same thing happened," he guestered across the bed at Charlie before continuing, "I couldn't even convince Dad to come to Gringotts to be cleansed… Molly always got in the way somehow. I also think she stopped all the letters about it from reaching Dad," Bill had sat down on the edge of their dad's bed while talking and was looking down at his hands in his lap.

"Wait, Mum isn't our mum?" Ron asked, having followed the conversations like a tennis match.

Bill looked at Ron, "No, she isn't, you should have known, you weren't even obliviated," he said, rolling his eyes. He was still agitated after reliving the hopelessness he felt while trying to save his dads and brothers.

"Don't be like-"

"-that, Bill, he wasn't-"

"-old enough to remember-"

"-them, of course he wouldn't-"

"-know," Fred and George were now rolling their eyes at Bill. Bill had the decency to look chastised.

"I'm sorry, Ron," Bill apologized, giving his youngest brother a one-armed hug.

"Can we get back to the important part that Pa and Da are alive?" Charlie asked, he turned to Dad, "What do we do? How can we find them?" Dad looked as lost as Fred and George felt.

'What can we do? We don't have any clue where to even begin to look…'

'I don't know…'

Gornuk, who had been silently watching the entire time spoke up, "I think the ones that had us call you here will have the answer on how to find them," he said.

They all looked at him, "Where are they? When can we speak to them?" Dad immediately asked, looking almost frantic.

"Follow me, they have been waiting for you, and some other associated," Gornuk said as he stood up from the chair by the table he had been occupying for the last hour and a half.

All the Weasley-Prewetts scrambled to follow Gornuk as he left the room and began walking through the identical corridors.