
(Ong in Watt) GATE Thus The Suffering Earth Fought There (Gate Fanfic)

I don't own GATE, images and I own my OCs. This is mostly focused on the Alternate UN's POV AKA Alternate Earth's Intergovernmental Organization. Description: An unkown Anomaly... Or a Roman like structure showed up out of no where in the middle of a small UN outpost on the bridge of death, which is where the munument of the Russo-Ukrainian war somewhere in Western Russia, and started to have some critters showing up that is normally seen in earth like a squirrel, a butterfly, and a deer... And then the Outpost decided to send a drone, but lost connection.... And then called some people to check the place out and yet discovering another world connected to another world too.... And how will the alternate UN react or take action against the Saderan Empire and supporting the JSDF, how will it go for them against some countries wanting to take the gate for them selves...

Mepeman · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Ch 1.3: A Response Of A Mistake

--1:09 PM--

--Established UN base, Unkown location, Falmart--

[Days in Falmart confirmed, 47 Days, 1 month and half]

[personnel number exceeding to 30,009 personnel]

2 months, 2 months, yet they haven't rescued any of their own civs, even though that's what's their supposed to do since they said they could possibly be held captive, but instead of moving japanese Intel boys in.... Instead they just stand there and send recon units, or instead Article 9 just stops them from doing so, even if they know that the US and the UN should deal with this shit, but yet still they don't want any US and UN boys to come in and said they already have a problem in Afghanistan even there is a lot of Marines and the 7th fleet with them but they still said no.

But still, after hacking and all those shit, the UNCIA and the council isn't very happy, they all heard the damn conversation of all three presidents from all three superpowers and saying the Gate is a goldmine of resources, and hell other NATO members, as well as India and South Korea for some reason said that too and wants the GATE for thenselves and some other countries with the good exception of being a power hungry shitheads, other countries didn't bother but they rather kept an I on them, like Israel doing that shit.

Other countries like the Philippines, South Africa, Iran, Finland, Sweden, Thailand and some others.... And in the possible future the alternate UN would rather need to shit on them, or rather by exposing them, giving the UN a reason to arrest them, if they get in contact of that other earth.

But for now they're getting reports of the flame dragon that two F-35s that was ordered to test it was going shit crazy, by burning everything that's moving or either living things, the UN reported that over 4 villages was absolutely fucked meaning burned into ashes with no one left except for a few of them that had a good idea to jump inside the well which gave the UN to have like only 4 refugees.... But due to the lack of personnel, they won't be able to heavily guard a big refugee camp or newly made town and off course it's because of the possible crimes the refugees might do, or either someone to infiltrate the place if the number of 30k soldiers decreases due to ongoing operations, and depending of how big the refugee camp would be.

But now for their good news, they have buildings and equipment but the bad news is, it's all high-tech shit, Stealth comms and other shit and that would make them invisible to radar and radio frequencies and shit as well those equipment was transported to the observation post near the Japanese base on Alnus. More delivery of equipment and supplies as well as more manpower coming in a month, and over nearly a thousands of soldiers is gonna come in and take down a dragon, and hoping there won't be any bad casualties and any shit damages of equipment, since they're sending a newly made Advance Assault Company and an Air Defense Company sent out and two F-35s and two Good ol Fairchild republic's retrofitted A-10s with new armaments and a more powerful engine, and capable on carrying a hypersonic missile with laser guidance so meaning one missile will deal with the dragon very easily but a waste of resources, and instead here they come bringing missiles and AP rounds.

And Colonel Hoshuko and Buckman is inside the Command & Control room of the HQ Building, sitting watching the big ass TV screens showing a shit ton of helmet cams, vehicle cameras, and UAV cameras all in view of the big ass fucking formation of vehicles and choppas as well as the crew on an old US E-2D Hawkeye AWACS with modified radar capable on detecting biological threats plus a ton of upgrades on it as well as Rukvar and Klim inside the thing.

"Damn this is gonna be big for a first contact and a take down of a dragon." Klim said as both kept watching the TV screens all seeing other cams from different vehicles, soldiers to UAV cameras.

"I hope we won't waste a lot of expensive shit, a pretty big waste of recources, and let's wish those boys won't die" she pointed out since a lot of vehicles with Anti tank shit on them, anti heat covers, all those shit really really shows how paranoid they are... Or just they have a strategy or something, but it's pretty recommended to bring up the big guns to take down the dragon, like just bring a hypersonic missile and shoot it at the dragon will do it easy, but pretty much possibly a big waste of 100 billion worth of money. The vehicles are more expensive due to having newer tech installed on all of em.... And losing a Cargo VTOL would be bad as well and shit.

"Let's just wish...." she said as she stood up from the chair she's sitting at as she approached a Lieutenant doing shit on a computer.

"Lieutenant, how are they" she asked by not using some military terms and shit, the LT jumped in surprise a little since she just held his shoulder which he looked at her quickly and turned his eyes back to the screen of his computer.

"Ma'am, all Units are closing in to the dragon, Stick and his wingman are inbound to support the Japanese recon team, atleast buy some time for them, A-10s are almost prepped and ready to go and AWACS is on station ready to support the japanese"

"Thank you Lieutenant, and tell stick to not die alright" she requested as she tapped the LT's shoulder two times.

"Yes ma'am" he answered as he continued his usual task on the pc.

--3:12 PM--

--Unkown grassy fields, Falmart--

--1st Advanced Assault Company, 2nd Air defense Company [Inbound, ETA 5 minutes], two A-10s inbound, [Confirmed ETA 6 minutes], two F-35s closing in--

--Flame dragon in active combat with a SDF Recon group--

[Days in Falmart confirmed, 47 Days, 1 month and a half]


We can see something big and small, on air and land....

And it's a whole ass formation of 4 CVTOLs or quad cargo VTOLS carrying 2 rail tanks each, and the reason the rail tanks ain't on the ground is it doesn't have a very good speed so it's basically shit when in formation, and the VTOLs is surrounded by 10 AH-70A a Stealth attack helicopter based on both the Invictus and the 64 and on the ground is a whole formation of old M3A5s (none existant variant) and as well as the Russian state of the art Kurganets-25 Block 5 (made up) all ten each on formation alongside an some MRAPS numbering over 25 of them armed with some 20mm mounted on Manual and Auto Control System or the MACS, just like the CROWS but the difference of the MACS that it can be controlled by an AI and be more like a CIWS and shit, and 5 Russian Anti air mounted trucks, similar to the Pantsir but it was developed like 8 years ago back on earth, it's armed with four 45mm autocannons and armed with 6 rockets/or missiles which can be used for Air to ground, and 7 APCs fitted with a double stacked 40mm Autocannon with 4 mounted ATGM or AAM launchers on both sides, and mixture of Leopard 2A5s with NATO TUSK 3 armor and some T-90Ms aswell as the legendary M1A2 SEPv4 and v3 with TUSK 3 armor and somd PLO-1 looking tank and pretty based on the CV-90120-T but it's designed for mobility and biochemical shit as well taking the heat, as well all of them with Heat resistant armor cover and a lot of tanks carrying different flags from different countries like, Norway, Russia, India, America, Thailand and other more and it's only on tanks, as well waving the UN flag, coming in the hot desert, alongside with Maj. Chassman, while Rukvar and Klim will be watching inside the AWACS.....

And props for the dude who made the air conditioning work well for the dudes inside on every vehicles!

And in the fine big ass formation, Major Chass is inside an old American Cougar-H MRAP with his trusted friend Kavita on shotgun and some random soldiers as well as one of them checking if the systems of the MACS is all good and one soldier at the back of the MRAP loading the 20mm MACS.

Chass grabbed the small radio on the radio box attatched in the middle of the seat.


"Everyone eyes open, 20 minutes till arrival, arm up everything, were closing in out" Chass informed the whole formation through comms while the other soldier behind the cougar connected the belt of 20mm from a big 20mm ammo box on the back of the Cougar.

"MACS system all good, it's ready to shoot anything ma'am" the soldier right besides him informed as he puts back his tablet back on his top chest of his vest, and Kavita placeng her M110 right besides her as the Danish driver gave his SCAR-L to her to be inspected since he's driving, Kavita removes the magazine and inspects it and puts it on her lap, as well as pulling and holding the chamber and catching the bullet, as well she checked the insides of the SCAR for any errors that might screw it's user up.

And both soldiers who was prepping the MACS did the same too, but Chass already did check his gun for any errors.


"Mama Bird-1 and Mama Bird-2 this is Eye-catcher Actual, drop the long guns in 15 minutes how copy over"

"This is Mama Bird-1 we copy, over"

"Roger that out"

"Here we go guys"

--Unkown location, Falmart--

--Japanese Recon Group in active Combat with the raging flame dragon--

"Shit! This fucking thing changed so much!" Itami just cursed whilst shooting his Type-64 at it, while the LAV was just trying to nail it so hard with the 50. And hell all of them pretty much trying not to panic and shit with its pretty intimidating look of it being half burned and shit.

"Commander, this is bad!" Kurata shouted as he just kept driving straight to the dragon as well as the two other Japanese vehicles with Soldiers leaning out of the window and opening fire at the dragon.


The continuous fire of 7.62 and 50. Cal rounds was pretty much damn useless against the dragon, they're just drying up their ammunition, and they only have one licensed German Panzerfaust in their LAV which is not enough and possibly won't do shit to the dragon, and it didn't even flinch, but only causing it to be annoyed.

"Shit! No effect!" the SDF soldier shooting the 50. Inside the LAV said kind of like close on pissing his pants as the dragon just looked at the three little vehicles coming up to him over 30 meters away from each other, preparing it's breath to fry them up with fire, and Itami actually notices this shit, seeing the smoke building up from it's mouth.

"Shit! Kurata it's gonna spit at us! Stay clear!" he shouted in a panic, he kept opening fire at the dragon even though it's no use, but still they're giving the evacuees some time.... Even though there's some fucking kids and injured civs inside the car he's in and shit.

The Dragon then leaned it's head back looking like it's gonna sneeze, which it was gonna blaze their asses.

"OH shit, Kurata!" Itami shouted, and Kurata immediately turned right barely dodging the dragons fire, and damn it's just like a fucking flamethrower but more bigger, but does it melt, not sure for Japan but the 2077 UN yes.....

"Keep circling him!" Itami shouted his order on the top of his lungs as all three vehicles all started to circle around while the other jeep goes to circle the opposite way since the dragon is targeting Itami's vehicle, while all of them were just shooting at the dragon non-stop while circling it's ass, and shit their trying, and the good thing to do now is to call for Reinforcements and shit.... But he forgot about shooting the eye would do the trick.

And suddenly, the elf girl they rescued before, the blonde one that was supposed to be still unconscious just immediately woke up and immediately leans over the middle between the front seats of the vehicle, and she looks at Itami who's just shooting at the Dragon.

"ONO!" the elf girl shouted, sounding like she's trying to inform him of something which caused Itami to look at her in confusion of whats she's tryna say.

"ONO!" she said again which she then pointed her right eye which still confused Itami, but eventually her pointing her eye actually helped him understand what she meant.

"The eye" he said as he widened his eyes in realization as he immediately turned back to see the dragon's other eye.... Well there's no arrow on its own left since it got hit by an MPGM..... But he doesn't give a shit about what happened to the dragon since their in a situation that it's trying to fuckin burn their asses.

"Eye! Target the eye" he shouted, he gets his ass back inside and grabbed the small radio of the radio box inside the vehicle.


"ALL UNITS SHOOT ITS EYE! SHOOT ITS EYE!" Itami shouted on the radio, which confused the refugees AKA the local villagers on his actions as he leaned out and aimed his Type-64 and opened fire at the dragon again, targeting it's eye, as well the rest of the recon group started to whoot at its eye, or trying to since it's hard to shoot in a moving vehicle, and hell as well hard to aim and shoot an RPG.

The Dragon covered its face with its extended wings, and with its arms or legs, and it stopped moving staying in station and Itami saw the opportunity... Kind off.

He then grabbed his shoulder radio while everyone was just focusing fire at the dragon.

"Katsumoto, the Panzerfaust!" Itami shouted through the comms as the dude shooting the 50. Named Katsumoto, a big guy came down inside the LAV and got back up with a German made Panzerfaust with him aimed up the dragon and it's stick up front the missile is pulled up and armed.

Katsumoto is having a bad time trying to aim the Panzerfaust, and it's not very predictable if it will hit or miss, and yet he's still trying to aim but the shaking of the LAV is disturbing his ass.

"H-hold on, don't shake the car I ant aim!" Katsumoto complained but why did he though, the car is fucking moving and bumping up and down and shit.

"How do think a moving car in a rough terrain won't shake!?" the driver pointed out as the LAV kept on moving and shaking yet Katsumoto realized that the car is shaking and moving, even though it is the whole time.

He had no words but he didn't bother about since he's supposed to aim and shoot the Panzerfaust to the dragon.



Katsumoto pulled the trigger as the rocket is gonna directly hit it, luckily but not surely yet. But the dragon pretty much recognized the sound which caused it to stop blocking the bullets as it dashed to it's side, almost hitting one of the SDF vehicles whilst shooting it's flames towards the rocket....


The rocket then exploded which caused everyone to look in shock as the dragon stood still again and glared at the vehicles as well as it's occupiers, trying to circle him, and shoot him or her, but the dragon is getting smarter and shit.

"S-shit!" Katsumoto cursed at the sight as he dropped the empty Panzerfaust back inside the LAV as he poontrf the 50. Call back up to the dragon and started shooting at it again.... And the dragon just stared at them.

The Dragon then flapped it's wings as it hovered above the ground he was standing, preparing for another spit.

"Shit it's gonna do it again!" one of the SDF soldiers shouted... Terrified of the situation, and they only had one rocket.... ONE Panzerfaust rocket. The three vehicles got back in a straight line as it kept distance and kept moving in circles... And they eventually stopped firing.... Pretty much losing hope on killing it, but distracting it while the civilians get to safety would still work out but it would only cost their lives.



A missile hits the dragon on its side of its body, pushing it down on its right, and spat it's flames on its head which made the whole recon group confused and stunned of what happpened, as well as the evacuees viewing in the distance far away from the dragon, the whole Japanese recon group wondered who did it, and they are aware they have an airfield up but all they know the F-4s aren't really able to be up yet since some parts of it was kind of off, like there was errors on the maintenance, plus they didn't call any helicopters, and there's obviously no sounds from it's rotor blades.


"What was that?" one of the SDF soldiers asked as all of them that's not driving peeked outside the vehicles and looked up at the sky, seeing two objects coming in fast, and it's obviously planes as it started to get more closer and closer.

"Is that-"




Some fo the personnel of the recon group flinched at the explosion after seeing two jets brrrting the dragon VS as as well as shooting a barrage rockets at it, but causing little damage, except for that guided missile that actually hitted it's side giving it some scratches and broken scales. And some of the SDF soldiers recognized the jet fighter that gun runned the flame dragon recently, and in their mind is the US made F-35Bs which was one of the US's best and advanced multi-roles out there.

"Were those ours commander?" Kuribayashi asked while she was laying down inside the coverless jeep as they continued to circle the dragon on a far range...

"No I don't think so, those were americans" Itami answered since he saw a USAF roundel as well another Unkown roundel the time those two F-35s barraged the dragon's ass. The most of the SDF soldiers was actually confused of what the Americans were doing here, unless there's another GATE that showed up in the US.

"They wouldn't bring an advance plane right?" Kurata asked as he kept driving in circles whilst leading the rest of the vehicles too.

--3:14 PM--

--Unkown Grassy Fields, Falmart--

--Japanese Recon Group in active Combat with the raging flame dragon--

[Days in Falmart confirmed, 47 Days, 1 month and half]

[Capt. Stick and his wingman is on station and currently e ganging the flame dragon]

[Eye Catcher AWACS on station in the AO]

--Eye Catcher AWACS--

The AWACS is on station with stick and his wingman recently gun runned the dragon, but seeing not much effect after shooting their 25mm and those old mighty mouse rockets, Rukvar and Klim observed the strategy the Commander of the recon team did after hacking in their comms, and it's not that bad, and a pretty nice risk after almost getting burned with civilians, and kind of reckless but atleast he has courage to give time for others to get a distance with the exception of injured and civilians inside the Japanese HMV..... And for now the AWACS crew would need to guide both stick and his wingman as well the Japanese recon team on the ground to prevent them from almost getting killed again.

"Japanese recon team this is Eye catcher do you read....." a young Lieutenant asked through the Japanese recon team's own comms by hacking into it, and their pretty sure that they might panic or something.... But there was no response yet.

"Japanese recon team this is Eye-Catcher AWACS do you read over?" no response yet again, the Lieutenant then flipped up an Unkown switch on his right side near the computer he was stationed in as he held his headset comms on his ear.

"Japanese recon team this is Eye-Catcher actual do you read over?" he then said again, earning no response yet, he got a little impatient but he knows he has to wait for a few seconds.

"Hello? Is this.... Uhh-uh Amewicans?" a pretty bad or some English was then heard on his headset as he sighed in relief.

"No this isn't the Americans and I'm Norwegian, this the UN." he corrected as he earned a bit of silent.

"We were watching your reckless moves so right now we're gonna guide you, I'm gonna guide all of you while the F-35s will distract the dragon before the cavalry arrives" the LT informed as he got a camera up viewing their asses driving in a big circle as he earned some silence.

"you understood that right? Whoever is in the radio?" he then asked again as he saw some of the two other SDF soldiers talking about something in the coverless jeep, meaning wondering about them, on maybe how they got here.

"Y-yeah one of us did, and I understand and speak well over" another SDF soldier responded in perfect English which the voice sounded like a mid 30s japanese dude speaking.

"That's good to know, you the CO?" the Norwegian LT then asked.

"Yes I'm the CO, 1st Lieutenant Yoji Itami" the same soldier answered, which is good for him so he won't talk to a none English speaking person.

"Good, good... Your inside the humvee looking vehicle right? With civilians?" he asked another question, as he saw the two Japanese soldiers looking at each other giving the meaning they both realized that their CO was riding with civilians that almost died from a fucking flame.

"Y-yes I am" he answered nervously, and it's obvious why he is.

"OK look, your reckless, and let me tell you, grab your car and get some distance and drop of the civs so they won't fucking die with you, got that?" he suggested and asked again as he scratched his head a bit.

"Y-yeah I do were going" he answered as the LT saw in the camera feed that the Japanese HMV took off to the opposite direction away from the dragon, whilst seeing another gun run from stick and his wingman, not hearing the faint sounds of brrts and rocket barrages giving a flinch to the Japanese soldiers, as well as the local civilians in the distance being shocked, and awed at the sight of the gun run.... But still giving little damage to the dragon.

"Alright both vehicles that remained near the dragon, you are able to assist as long you keep yourself safe and not being stupid reckless out" he then said and ended the transmission as he saw the two other SDF vehicles move up a little closer to the dragon as they opened fire since he wasn't pqying attention that the dragon already stood up and aimed his mouth at on eof the incoming jets but instead got distracted by the MG fire from the two Japanese military vehicles, which confuses it to which on does she or he should fuck up first which only eded up getting another barrage of rockets making the dragon go down again with little damage.... it keeps repeating again, and again for the poor ass dragon.

And Rukvar then tapped the Norwegian LTs shoulder two times making him flinch a little from that but giving the meaning he did good as he nodded and continued his usual shit.

--On the ground--

[UN Assault force inbound in 1 minute]

*Boom boom boom*

More explosions was heard as the F-35s kept doing the same thing over and over again and pretty much close to drying up the rockets they have, and they have missiles yes but they will probably miss a lot of it so basically a waste of resources and it's inside the weapons bay under it so it would take time to lock on and shoot.

"Shit I'm almost out salvos" Stick then said as he saw his screen showing the numbers of how much ammo he has left, just like the war thunder hud which is helpful for any pilot Flying a plane and helicopter. Stick actually saw he has 9 rockets salvoes left and 149 rounds left on his 25mm and good thing the gun ammo was increased for F-35 to 200 rounds.

"Same here Stick, I'm down to nine you?" his wingman asked, callsign Birdie asked as both of them was gonna repeat the same gun run.

"Same shit, same shit" he answered since both of their rockets is down to nine and only having one MPGM inside the weapons bay which could be not enough after seeing a dragon actually being kind of a big spread flamethrower CIWS taking down an anti tank rocket.

"Damn this is kind of bad" Birdie then said which probably makes sense why he did say that.

"Yeah I know man, all we need to do is to hold off this lizard till the big guns come in, or if we can kill it with our MPGMs then we're all good" he said as they got their sight on the dragon again trying to get up once again as another barrage of rockets and a strafe of 25mm makes it go down again.




Itami dropped off some of the civilians which consisted of elderly and injured as well as children dropped off near some of the other villagers that was pretty far away from the battle, dropped the elf and mage but for Rory that's a maybe for them, including Mari volunteered on staying with them.

Which for now Itami, Kurata and pops was the only ones gonna go back with the rest to help trying to give them time.....

And in the distance is the whole force of UN vehicles and aircrafts already coming in, with the rail tanks still not being dropped, but the crew is inside and so on they will drop it on range of the dragon so they won't be so slow on trying to get into position.... But instead dropping it on the range where the rail tanks can shoot is a good idea, but a risk on having the cargo VTOLs getting fucked up.

And for now their start is to get the thunderbolts up, then the choppers then a barrage of APFSDS and electrical kenetic rounds HPV rounds from the rail tanks.