
(Ong in Watt) GATE Thus The Suffering Earth Fought There (Gate Fanfic)

I don't own GATE, images and I own my OCs. This is mostly focused on the Alternate UN's POV AKA Alternate Earth's Intergovernmental Organization. Description: An unkown Anomaly... Or a Roman like structure showed up out of no where in the middle of a small UN outpost on the bridge of death, which is where the munument of the Russo-Ukrainian war somewhere in Western Russia, and started to have some critters showing up that is normally seen in earth like a squirrel, a butterfly, and a deer... And then the Outpost decided to send a drone, but lost connection.... And then called some people to check the place out and yet discovering another world connected to another world too.... And how will the alternate UN react or take action against the Saderan Empire and supporting the JSDF, how will it go for them against some countries wanting to take the gate for them selves...

Mepeman · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Ch 1.2: Spying On The SDF


"So what's up....."

'There's another anomalous structure that connects to an alternate universe of our own'

"I heard.... The situation is going good anyways, but now we dont know what our alternate world's intentions are"

"for now we're gonna try to prevent some things like preventing them from making the same mistakes our own made"

"And I dont China being stupid as well as other countries, including the US"

"So get the fuck out of here for now, I just want to sleep on my couch and then think"

'sure thing sir'

--2:26 PM--

--Alnus Base, Alnus Hill, Falmart--

--SIO. Olga Deretskiy-37-Male--

--On task-Recon and Observation of Camp Alnus alongside with other operstives--

[Days in Falmart confirmed, 35 Days, 1 month]

Special Intelligence Operative or SIO. Olga Deretskiy is a human being and a former Russian intelligence officer of the Russian Ground Forces since 2064 since he was 24, he was know for making good amount of Intel and his good heart and when there was a nest problem outside Moscow, and a group of surviving Russian soldiers consisting of only eight of them from the nest trying to escape which was gonna be hard for them, almost all of them are injured and hell Olga needed to do something, and with his good Intel he saved 6 of them, but the unfortunate two were killed from losing blood. And Olga wasn't considered the best Intel officer in the Russian Forces but instead an effective one.... And for six years he decided volunteered to join up with the UN defense forces in 2069 by becoming a intle runner and officer, which he succeeded becoming one, he wasn't the best but still effective, and made him to decide to permanently join the UN and leaving his career for being a Russian Intel officer, but still he is a member of the Russian forces.

And Now his job and mission is to observe the SDF base and report for anything unusual on them or other shit.

He's wearing a light mint jacket and dark green pants and a green plate carrier with AK and pistol mags and a dark green military rucksack, a ran beanie and black military scarf and it's not a shemagh. His clothing can blend in with the forest bit, not very much too, but atleast he's concealed and the good news is the SDF ain't bringing Thermal visions mounted on helmets or guns since they are likely in the early 2000s and not 2020 or 2029 where it's widely used by the Japanese Armed Forces and 2029 is where they got their army back and all that shit with 39% of countries is againsy and 13% ubstained and the rest is for since I'd US goes poof as well as some Japan's ally, Japan won't be able to defend it's self effectively without their suppliers and strong ally and yet they need the weapons and equipment with their own versions even without any help of any other countries.

And for the soldiers and solo operatives is Scattered around observing the alternate Japanese Forces and they should be a bit near each other just in case one of them gets spotted and the other that didn't get spotted would slknock Em out and give em amnesia pills or an amnesia syringe and after that make up an accident that they hit a tree or tripped and got knocked out for being stupid. And for other shit, helping the SDF out by killing assassins going through the night to kill key personell even though there's a whole chain of Colonels and Majors and other Captains and Lieutenants.

For now Olga is just watching them through his own electric binos, or the binoculars with Thermals and NVG shit plus it can be mounted on his FAST Helmet hanging on his rucksack right behind him and good thing the sun ain't gonna shine his lens for the Japanese to notice since the sun is on the opposite side of his view meaning right behind him, and above him is a Stealth observation drone that's the MK. 14 LRIRD above, piloted by an Unkown drone operator observing the SDF base above while the surroundings of the Japanese are individual observers camoflouged by invisibility cloth or either covered with leaves and grasses and as well.

And Olga doesn't see anything much unusually bad but instead he and other Operatives only see patrols and Japanese recon units exiting and entering the base, while the hackers listens in their comms and Spying on their their security cameras. And as well some Japanese soldiers were kidnapped and had their identity taken by their alternate selves, so giving the meaning those guys that's pretending to be their other selves inside the base, and probably either confused or something, but good thing they memorized the background of their other selves of course so they can keep it cool inside the base.

As well giving the observers a reason to actually not kill any of the personnel since those undercover boys could be in on eof the recon teams and get killed. And most predictions were true, the tech they mostly use is is from the early 2000s and most of their vehicles being the Type-74s and some old equipment and vehicles, and the question for them why do they use the Howa Type-64s, and it ain't much but they are smart on using equipment since they're in a fantasy world and the tech they posses is advance and possibly may fall into the wrong hands.

But good thing the MK. 12 wasn't traced bakc to them, since they don't have enouhb equipment to have coordinates or anything to find them, and as well the Japanese wondering who owns the UAV, and what they think is either from another civilization that has advanced tech that levels them or there's another GATE somewhere in Falmart.

Numerous helicopters were taking off  inside the Japanese base too, with armed soldier and some armed up AH-1s, giving the meaning some of their units is getting ambushed by Bandits or neither some stragglers wanting revenge after the second battle of Alnus Hill or anyone that got into a small skirmish and got the kind of needing help due to magical shit they may posses.

While unknowingly the SDF didn't notice any of the operatives assisting them by shooting some key personnel while they were shooting at them.

There is an observation post pretty well hidden inside a forest with a small up curve and hell it's well hidden with Anti-Thermals signatures and covered with a shit ton of leaves and covers, as well the advanced warning sensors are being delivered to them, and it's the only observation pose nearest to the SDF base near Alnus, and if anything bad would happen to the Japanese, they will be around to help, plus for their observation, an airbase is being built outside their walls and they will have air superiority after a while or few days and the aircraft they would be possibly be using is the F-4 EJ Kai Phantoms or T-4s but they would be mostly armed with Unguided explosives and rockets and some AAMs and sure they have AH-1s, but pretty much possibly the old versions since the Japanese on the earth where the alternate UN is has AH-1J2 a Japanese improved version and changing the gun caliber to 25mm, changing the engine, and having a 4 sticks for the rotors just like the vipers with some few visual differences and as well they use the advanced AH-70EJ the successor of the AH-64J.

And for now Olga is just reporting back to back to the post, but still investigating on what shit they secretly have like anything that could be a threat to them, like maybe having F-35s that could possibly used in their ops and hackers gathering good ass Intel for them to use, like what shit they have in service, what Classified files they may and may not have.

Olga firmly doubts the Russians on the alt Japan's side since back on the other earth, Russia lost the Russo-Ukraine war and lost its status as a superpower but instead hiding behind nukes and still having corrupt officials.... After a few years of Russia's lost in the Russo-Ukraine war, and having a Civil War sparked which lasted only in seven years. And pretty much casualties on 350k, 90k were civilians due to the accidents or screw ups and other faction committing warcrimes while the other side was doing good deeds with little warcrimes off course.... And now Russia is pretty different now after the Civil War... And Putin is still alive but in prison, hell he received gunshot wounds but he still lives and now dead from old age.

"Olga, Have you seen anything interesting?" someone spoke through Olga's peltor since it's connected to the comms connected to his other colleagues and the observation post and the person who spoke sounds Indian.

"Nyet I haven't Seen anything interesting why?" Olga asked as he kept observing the walls of the Japanese base as he kept seeing guards walkoling on top and snipers or sharp eyed soldiers on towers and some Anti-air placements.

"Just asking.... I'm not sure why though" the Indian dude talking to Olga answered, and Olga sighs as it just ended in a kind of awkward silence since for some reason one of the Intelligence, Recon Yada Yada dudes like him asked. Olga just continues to observe the movements of the base and he keeps seeing soldiers guarding the gate and pretty much nobody on the walls, but he continues to do so for a while.

"Ничего нового ничего нового/Nothing new nothing new as always" he whispers to his self firmly as he kept seeing the same shit over and over again.

*Beep* an immediate beep was heard again and it could be urgent, or it's that Indian guy again.

"Deretskiy, look! At the gate entrance, identified two cargo trucks carrying two unkown fixed winged aircrafts, can you see it?" the Indian Operative informed on what he saw and asked if Olga sees what he sees. Olga then panned his view to a gate entrance as he saw two trucks carrying cargo.

"I see it..." Olga said as he  saw the trucks moving a familiar Vietnam War era plane, and it's the F-4 Phantoms, and Olga already knows what they are since he came in prepared on researching shit about old equipment since 2022 like those type 10 and 90 tanks from JP and the good ol Abrams and F-35s and 22s and T-14s and SU 57s as well as the chinese Type 99s and ZTZs and their J-20s and other shit that could be useful to know.

"Vietnam war era strike or fighters, those are F-4EJs... Not sure if it's modified and a risk for ground Forces or us except for the Saderan and Bandits, and it's for the airstrip" Olga said and informed as he kept observing the F-4 Phantoms cable strapped to the pulled cargo thing from the truck while some Japanese Komatsu LAVs and a jeep escorting it towards the airstrip.

"Well that makes sense, old ass planes ain't really gonna last against much more advanced ones, I'm gonna report this back to the post that they have planes now" the Indian dude commented since he doesn't know much about old equipment used in the past.

"Sure thing comrade, and tell them the capabilities could be a Vietnam era style or possibly modified, tell them that" he said as he kept his binos on the vehicles headin out the gate.

"Roger that, out" he answered as he went silent on the comms. Olga just keeps observing while the Indian guy is gonna report the jets being transported to the airstrip outside the Japanese base as it now then took off.

*Beep* another beep was heard in his peltor while he was just trying to keep an eye on the Convoy.

"Observer Foxtrot-2 this is Watcher-8, be advised you got a wandering Japanese soldier closing in to your position, evacuating your post is advised how copy over" a female voice was heard asking him if he understood her info it was the Drone operator since she said her assigned callsign. Olga then stopped observing as he got his I off the Convoy to respond to the operator.

"This is Foxtrot-2 I copy over" he responded to the operator as he slowly crawled back and pulled his tucksack as he slowly got off his post and as well trying to cover his tracks.

"Roger that, grab your shit and avoid contact. Out" the Drone operator reminded as she ended the conversation while Olga was already grabbing his shit by packing his maps and other important shit and anything to cover up his ass so no suspicions would be known in his recent position as he now started to hear the voices of Japanese soldiers having a conversation in the forest, going through his post.

Olga took a whole 10 seconds of slamming all his shit inside as he wore is rucksack and grabbed his rifle as the voices of Japanese soldiers having a conversation started to get closer and closer, and he needs to move fast and ge the fuck out, and as well keep his head down.

*Sigh* "Damn" he said as he fully stood up and turned to his back by only meeting up with the eyes of four Japanese soldiers that was about to take a smoke and glared at him in confusion as he glared at the four too.

The two Japanese soldiers looked at him up and down analyzing him figuring out who he is, and good thing he doesn't have his good ol Russian patches on him except a glowing light blue on his front middle of his vest and both shoulders having one too. And the duo of SDF soldiers doesn't know that he's Russian, and they might instead think he's a soldier from a much more advance country in falmart allied with the Saderans, so now he has a problem.

And since Olga is standing sideways, he slowly opens one of his pouches on his tighs to grab a flash gun or a blind gun that obviously from the name blinds people. And one of them notices that as they all just freezes in place glaring at each other.

"He-" the other SDF soldier tries to alert his buddy that's a aware of what Olga was reaching as the SDF soldier tried to grab and aim his old Howa Type-64 Battle rifle or AKA the M14 copy.

*FLASH* a pretty bright ass white flashed on both their eyes as they were both blinded and pretty much the other Japanese soldier cuts off to covering his eyes in pain.

"Ahhhh My eyes!" a Japanese soldier said in agony and they can't see shit as Olga charges towards them with his Ak's butt stock ready to hit somebody in the face.


"Guho!" Olga whacked the first dude that's armed with the Type-64 in the face with his butt stock and got knocked out while the other soldier wihh the Type-89 just stumbles back and accidentally trips on his back which gave Olga the chance to knock his ass out cold which he does by doing the same thing as he did to the other guy.

"Son of a bitch" he said in frustration as he grabbed something off his utility pouch on the side of his vest which was some pills.... Amnesia pills.

"Man I hate doing this to people"

--3:01 PM, Day 35--

--Unkown location, Temporary UN Camp/Base, Falmart--

--Drome Control Tent, UN Airstrip--

The person. Who was controlling the Drone was a green eyed Racoon girl drone operator of the LRIRD MK. 14 and off course she always kept her eye on every Operatives for anything, but not always, as well the activities in the base, hell she saw Olga wacked both Japanese soldiers. She activated the selector Jammer thing as she Jammed both radios of the knocked out SDF soldiers from their command for a few minutes while Olga gives them Amnesia pills or syringes. And now her drone is low on feul, and plus she has to report at the sightings of Aircrafts being transported by trucks towards the newly built airstrip from the early 2000 Japanese forces something.

"Hey, Lieutenant" someone called somebody by rank as she turned around to her right side as she saw a male kobold bearing the rank Sergeant is sitting down on his chair and actually doing nothing, and the person he called by rank was her, and her rank is Lieutenant actually.

"Hm?" she raised her right eyebrow in question as she turned her head back to the screen of her drone.

"I'm assigned to switch your drone for now, meaning you're gonna have a break from the screen" he informed as the sergeant smiled and as well as the racoon girl did so too and hell she feels her eyes kind of burning from the computer screen.

"Huh... Good to know, my eyes are kinda burning anyways." she said and sighs as she then turned her drone.

*Beep* "All observation units, I'm bingo on feul and returning to base, another drone will be on the AO for over uhhhh..... 20 or 25 minutes out" she informed everyone on the ground as well as the post near Alnus as her drone started to go away from the airspace. the Sergeant then got his self in a comfortable position and turned on his computer and while outside there was another armed MK. 14 prepped up outside.

And for now shit's going well for the UN, and as well they have built new infrastructures for their forces around the gate and containing the gate by putting up a thick armored dome thing on both sides and being pretty heavily guarded, and more weapons and equipment is being transported, and Observation posts and outposts being setted up on good places as well as the council on the other side planning out for transporting other civilians to falmart due to its clean and green nature but the problem is their still gonna destroy its environment, and still they can find somebody that can do magic that can remove radiation and fix some things. But they ain't sure of hows shits gonna go.



