
(Ong in Watt) GATE Thus The Suffering Earth Fought There (Gate Fanfic)

I don't own GATE, images and I own my OCs. This is mostly focused on the Alternate UN's POV AKA Alternate Earth's Intergovernmental Organization. Description: An unkown Anomaly... Or a Roman like structure showed up out of no where in the middle of a small UN outpost on the bridge of death, which is where the munument of the Russo-Ukrainian war somewhere in Western Russia, and started to have some critters showing up that is normally seen in earth like a squirrel, a butterfly, and a deer... And then the Outpost decided to send a drone, but lost connection.... And then called some people to check the place out and yet discovering another world connected to another world too.... And how will the alternate UN react or take action against the Saderan Empire and supporting the JSDF, how will it go for them against some countries wanting to take the gate for them selves...

Mepeman · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Ch 1.4: Dragon Goes Boom!

--Unkown location, Falmart--

--Japanese Recon Group and Stick and his Wingman engaged in cobat with the flame dragon--


The Japanese HMV zoomed on, going bakc to the rest of the recon group to help out on trying shit on the dragon, they saw the two F-35s kind of struggling to keep the dragon down, even after seeing their repeated barrages of mighty mouse rockets and seeing the rest of the recon group still firing their small arms at the dragon, and Itami noticed that the two F-35s stopped shooting their rockets, and he knows it's bad, and hell they kept repeating on shooting them with 25mms now.

"たわごと私は彼らがロケットから出ていると思います. /Shit I think they're out of rockets" Itami said worriedly, as he kept seeing tracers hitting the dragon, and not pushing it down still.

They saw one of the F-35 Flying far up, looking like he's about to do something, but Unkown to him and the others inside the HMV, the F-35s weapons bay opened, and it's gonna shoot its MPGM.

"伊丹,彼は何をしているの?/Itami what is he doing?" Kurata asked, as they saw the F-35 kept going up, pretty far, yet Rory is interested on what's gonna happen like either the pilot of the F-35 would get his self killed or either, not.

"倉田を知らない/I don't know Kurata" Itami answered, and while the F-35 kept going up, it then turned around on a certain height and then started to dive down and giving them a view of the F-35's opened weapons bay. As the jet kept diving, somewhere to like 5 seconds, and then.

A streak of light appeared, and it quickly speeds up to the dragon acting like it's a hypersonic missile but it is a hypersonic missile.


The faint Boom was heard and the explosion being visible in their view, and the explosion's size was like enough to level a whole building and of how quick it was to move, caused the recon team to be stunned at its speed, and for Rory, not sure, she's just Rory..... And shit, the missile didn't kill the dragon but instead fucked it's tail up and some part of its back, but atleast they damaged it, and Itami saw its tail being gone actually, and the dragon roaring in pain, and bakc at the distance, well, all shocked, and scared from the explosion's power.

"なんてこと!/Holy shit!" Itami cursed of that size of an explosion as well as a couple of small pieces of rocks pacting their vehicle, and definetly a danger shit for them if they're too close, but the thing is what about the rest of the recon team, they were still there which caused Itami and the rest inside worry, as well as Kurokowa back with the other villagers.

Itami then reaches his shoulder radio so he could try and get a sitrep on them.


"みんな大丈夫ですか?/Guys are you all ok?" Itami asked as he gets pretty much more worried for his dudes after that strong ass boom.

"はい,私たちは大丈夫です司令官はすべて良かった,パイロットは私たちに警告した」/Yes, we're all right Commander all good, the pilots warned us." a sigh of relief was heard from him as his worries started to wore off from him.

"それは知っておくと良いことです,私たちはほとんどそこにいます/That's good to good to know, we're almost there, hold on" he informed as the HMV kept going through the grassy fields.

After a little while they were now getting closer, as the dragon kept getting distracted on lead being shot at on different angles from belonging the Japanese recon team and the two F-35s on the air just repeating it's short strafe of their 25mm equipped with APDS rounds mixed up with HE ones, but still not getting any effective damage but still serves as a distraction.

And then the HMV arrived with Itami and Pops pulling out their Type-64s again and started to open fire again.



Al those sounds, and all those wasted ammunition was just pointless, and actually made the Japanese to wonder why the fuck do they keep shooting even though it's just nothing on the dragon.

"なぜ私たちはまだ撃っているのですか?/Why the hell are we even still shooting?" Itami questioned his self as he kept shooting and shooting.

"あなたは私が助けることができることを知っていますか?/You know I cna help right" Rory said in Japanese and smiled sadistically and made Kurata confused as he kept driving, and pops can't even hear shit from all the sounds and Itami hearing it but not aware she spoke Japanese.


"私はできると言った-/I said I can-"


"なんてこと!/Holy shit!*" Itami shouted as he stopped shooting and took some cover after some speedy shit hitted the dragon so hard that it caused dust to start flying off the place like it's smoke and it was another MPGM.


"Japanese recon Unit this is Eye-catcher, the F-35s is bingo on feul and ammo, they're RTB and we got a whole formation of armor and air already converging to your position and they're about to bombard that area, immediate link up or keeping safe distance is requested for your safety out" Itami and the rest heard the transmission of on of the crew member of the AWACS as they see the F-35s Flying away from they're position to rearm and refeul, they saw the dragon struggling to get up due to the pain it's feeling right now after its tail being blown the fuck off by an MPGM.

"了解/Roger that" Itami answered.

"男の声を聞いた人に来て!/Come on guys you heard the man!" Itami reminded as all the Vehicles of the Recon team turned around and Heads to an opposite direction, and since they don't know where the formation is of what one of the officers from the AWACS said is, and they decided to head back to Kurokowa and the rest of the villagers, and as well Rory not being happy of the missile explosion interruption.

--3:19 PM--

--Unkown grassy fields, Falmart--

--1st Advanced Assault Company, 2nd Air defense Company [On station], two A-10s inbound, [Confirmed ETA 6 minutes], F-35s is RTB--

--Flame dragon heavily screwed--

[Days in Falmart confirmed, 47 Days, 1 month and a half]

"Alright boys were here, remember the plan alright"

"Roger that"


All both Companies arrived, and the whole Formation seperated in two groups, one being the farthest having the air defense equipment, the second is the whole formation of tanks on the front and IVFs and HMVs on the back, with the helicopters spreading out to all of them won't get fuck and the Rail tanks being the farthest from the whole formation, and probably positioning their selves.


"All units this is Actual, your clear to open fire, but what who you're shooting at, we got a friendly Japanese Unit inbound on ya so don't accidentally kill them out" Rukvar said through the comms of the formation as the tank hatches started to open with some crew members manning the machinegun, and others on their controllers to use the MACS then.




Multiple loud ass sounds of machinegun and explosions from the tank barrels and all that shit all open fired, and probably anyone who's near the vehicles not wearing any ear protection would get deaf and shit from all the gunfire. The helicopters started to charge at the downed dragon using their machine guns as well some spamming their rockets and using their ATGMS and as well the SPAAs BRRRTING at the distance and aswell in the distance coda village evacuees are all in shock and horror of the formation of armored vehicles aswell as seeing the multi-national Flags waving on the tanks, giving the meaning there's multiple nations or kingdoms joined up to help, but some thinks those were vassal states which is what leilei thinks too, and with Kurokowa being glad but raising an eyebrow on almost seeing every vehicles has son automated machinegun on top of them, and aswell some weird futuristic looking stuff on some parts of the APCs, as well seeing the PL-01s.

"Whooooh bitch!"

"Keep hitting her hard with those EAPFSDS"


"This is Boar-1 actual were on station, strafing the lizard




And then unexpectedly for them, two A-10s showed up out of nowhere even shocking and scaring more of the villagers.

And while the big ass barrage of bullets and explosives kept hitting the dragon, some of the HMVs seperste from the whole formation to head towards the refuges for their security, so no shit head would stab their asses while they were dealing with shit.

"All units be advised we have a Japanese squad approaching heading back to the civilians on top of the small Hill south west of your positions, watch who your shooting at" one of the AWACS crew members informed the whole formation as the Japanese recon team proceeded to approach the civilians fat up back on the small hill.

"All units this is Big Ass, we're deployed, stay clear out"

More and more explosions, gunfire all that shit was a lot, and the dragon can't even be seen on the ground anymore since all those Ground pounding of explosions from every vehicles and aircrafts attacking the dragon all at once.... And for the 3rd Recon team not knowing gon what they're supposed to do since almost all of them has no ammo left.

*BWWWOOOOOOOO-BOOOM* a pretty whirring Boom came from one of the rail tanks pretty much making a whirl on the air after that shot, giving a big ass explosion of dust on the ground like some jet flew by very fast.


More shots from the other rail tanks followed up from the distance as more explosives kept impacting the not yet so visible dragon.

--Eye-catcher Actual, E-2 Hawkeye AWACS--

Rukvar and Klim just observe the overkill looking sight of explosions, and almost every projectiles just fucking up the dragon, and all the rail guns finished shooting it, A-10s kept diving down dropping their shit on it.

Rukvar and Klim is aware that the dragon could be dead now, and hell they even saw the damage the MPGM did to the dragon's back and tail and Jesus sending tanks, choppers, rail tanks is too much, and the dragon could even be not there anymore instead of mashed eat.

"Hehehe, man what a sight" Klim said as she smiled at the sight as she kept watching the, well overkill of wasting munitions on a lizard that's actually easy to kill with MPGMs and probably ATGMs when it hits the right spot.

But for them they just wasted gas and a million of dollars worth of tank shells and bullets, with the exception of firing a the rail gun of the railtank, except for its Kenetic round that can actually penentraine like somewhere 15000mm of steel or even more than that.

"We're wasting money and recourses, those tank shells and rounds worths a lot of money and shit" Rukvar said in annoyance, he expected a coordinated kill, not this kind of shit he's seeing. He then changed his comms to the whole formation in his headset comms, and obviously to order an immediate cease fire.

"All units cease fire, cease fire, that's enough ass pounding on the lizard, we're wasting money and those rounds don't come out from dirt so stop" Rukvar ordered, which followed some of the officers telling the other units to stop firing aswell, they saw the camera that's viewing the whole overkill, seeing some of the vehicles ceasing their fire and some responding late, some still fired since some of their machine gun boxes is almost dried, meaning almost out of ammo and requiring a manual reload.

And after a while all vehicles all stopped firing, and the dust still covering the flying beast on the ground after the numerous explosions from the armored vehicles and aircrafts.... And everyone was on high alert, aswell the helicopters circling the bastard, but yet unsure if they killed it or not.

Rukvar leaned his head a little closer on the computer screen where one of the officers is observing at.

"All units this is Actual, all units scramble around, just in case the bastard starts flying how copy?" he asked through the comms as the smoke of dust still covered the dragon.

"We read, Scrambling the units over" Chass answered in the radio, as the camera screen showed some of the tanks, HMVs, APCs, IFVs seperating from the group and spacing from each other a little far for safety, so if the dragon starts flying, the dragon won't kill a group of them.

"Roger, out" Rukvar ended the conversation as he turned off his comms, and looked at one of the comms officers on board.

"LT, tell command to set up a refuge camp, we could be bringing home some people" he ordered to one of the officers.

"Yes sir" the Lieutenant answered as he turned on his comms and quickly changed his radio channels to contact command and Rukvar returning back to the camera.

"Actual, kill is confirmed, dragon's mashed meat over" one of the soldier's down on the formation imformed as Rukvar and Klim then looked at the screen seeing the mashed meats of the dragon on the ground, all of its meat in pieces or just became water, all lying on the grass.

*Blegh* the officer besides Rukvar wheged out in disgust after seeing the gross shit in the camera.

"Shit, I hate seeing this kind of stuff" he commented looking away from the screen.

"Copy that, we're RTB, Major Chass you take care of this, have some units with you and get in contact with the Japanese out"

"Roger that lad, out"




Ey this is done, and my Co-author and editor is mostly doing nothing so I'm the one who's like reviewing the chapters and editing it a little and shit, fuck.