
(Ong in Watt) GATE Thus The Suffering Earth Fought There (Gate Fanfic)

I don't own GATE, images and I own my OCs. This is mostly focused on the Alternate UN's POV AKA Alternate Earth's Intergovernmental Organization. Description: An unkown Anomaly... Or a Roman like structure showed up out of no where in the middle of a small UN outpost on the bridge of death, which is where the munument of the Russo-Ukrainian war somewhere in Western Russia, and started to have some critters showing up that is normally seen in earth like a squirrel, a butterfly, and a deer... And then the Outpost decided to send a drone, but lost connection.... And then called some people to check the place out and yet discovering another world connected to another world too.... And how will the alternate UN react or take action against the Saderan Empire and supporting the JSDF, how will it go for them against some countries wanting to take the gate for them selves...

Mepeman · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Ch 1.1: Testing The Flying Lizard

--1:23 PM--

--Unkown location, Temporary UN Camp/Base, Falmart--

--Command tent--

"Stupid fucking shit" Hoshuko said, stressed out due to paper work and bad news from the reports.... They have a downed drone that collided to Japanese helicopter and crashed down to the barracks inside the Alnus base and the possibility of being traced back here, and the first deaths which was one of their scout teams..... A Recon team callsighed Recon Alpha 1-6 had a whole Humvee and Russian made futuristic looking BTR-95 (made up) got crushed and burned and the 2 other utility vehicles both MRAPs bugged the fuck out and the casualties of the recon group was 11 dead and burned soldiers and 10 survivors, half of the personell was killed and non injured, and the recon group was caught off guard and shit.

And now, she ordered an immediate hunt down for the flame dragon sinc eits a danger for so many people, and the local won't be able to take it on except for them, but unsure what weaponry should be used and hell it's heavily suggested lasers and rail guns and explosives should be used for that thing.... And hell she decided to send in 5 rail tanks to to two Armored companies created just recently and multiple QRF units, and her receiving more soldiers worth of 10 Battalions meaning 2 brigades with 2 seperate Colonels to assist her ass after her sending the reports so 3 officers are now in command, and there's still no general that's gonna be assigned in Falmart but still the UN knows they are capable atleast and good thing they already formed an on base emergency group like the MP and Firefighter dudes including medical personell like doctors and shit incase of some emergency that requires Em. and for two Colonels, Rukvar and Buckman and both of them having expirienced in combating Mutants and hostile factions to being an office Colonel.

"Colonel Hoshuko, how are you?" Hoshuko turned to her right where the command tent entrance is whee she sees the two Colonels with their office kind of shit like their small bags and files with them.

"Colonel Buckman and Rukvar, I'm ok, I assume you both are too?" she answered and her tone is kinda different as she asked back to the Icelandic Colonel Rukvar that's in his late 40s while the US Colonel somewhere in his late 30s is behind the Icelandic Colonel but still the two knows she doesn't look fine or happy of sort.

"Well you don't sound happy" Rukvar said, which was obvious to see over her face and tone as Hoshiko sighs.

"Casualties. 11 dead, 2 vehicles gone, half of the recon group is alive and a fuck up with that MK. 12 that collided with an alternate Japanese helicopter and crashed in the JSDF base hitting a line of barracks, predicted casualties somewhere to 30 or 40 and maybe 50 SDF personell both dead and injured and the possibility the drone getting traced back here by using the signal Whatever the fuck they might do" she explained as she stacked up some papers and folders on her left side as the two Colonels nodded and just looked at her.

"We'll get to our tables" Buckman said as the two heads over to their own respective tables while Hoshuko just watches them with her sleepy eyes.

Hoshuko leans her head back as she covered her faced with her hands as she groaned in despair because of some stressful shit.

"Guys I'm gonna go take a sleep while both of you deal with this shitty papers" she said as she removed her hands from her face and sighs and stood up from her chair and grab some of her shit.

"By the way, I got some boys going monster hunting, so atleast try to help em out with info or anything while I'm asleep" she informed as she left her table and approached the exit of the command tent.

"Monster hunting?" Buckman asked as he and the Icelandic Colonel looked at each other confused of what monster they are hunting like is it the Saderan? Or some critters. Well they don't know shit yet as they stopped looking at each other as they grabbed their pen and some other important shit.

"Did they find some mythical creature that caused those casualties?" Buckman guessed and as well as Rukvar had the same thing in mind.

"Could be.... Maybe a dragon, she mentioned about the vehicles being thrown off and burned, so it's a dragon, I think" he guessed as they grab some of the papers that's prepped for them and hell it's only a few that doesn't need for Hoshuko to sign and do some shit on it.

And then Klim showed up by entering through the entrance of the command tent with files on her hands as the two colonel immediately turned their heads to the dark elven Major.

"Colenel. Buckman and Rukvar, Major Klim I have something por you two" she informed them as she raised the folder on her hand high showing it to them.

"What's the file about Major?" Buckman asked as the two stopped what they're doing

"You will both see" she said as she got close enough for her to toss to Buckman's table and tossed it. And still Buckman tried to catch it thinking she tossed it to him but instead it didn't and it lands on the table and raised an eye brow and making an OK face and looked at the folder.

Buckman opened the folder as Rukbar walked towards him while carrying his chair on his ass to see the file Klim tossed to him. As Buckman opened the folder and Rukvar got besides him and looks at the folder that Buckman is openeong... Both of them got surprised for seeing the first image.

"That's a fire spitting dragon" Rukvar said in surprise at the image and well the other pictures pinned is actually one of the close calls of one of the jet pilots testing out the dragon's capabilities ended up in a close call to death on one of the pilots. And fuck it that high pitch ringing sound from that frequency shit which irritates the dragon and causes it to go rage mode to just find the source and hell they tried it.

"How the fuck did the pilot survive this shit" Buckman questioned since the first image was a dragon almost burning down an F-35B mid air while his wingman obviously took a picture of it.

"Piltos said they have no idea how, but the dragon flies like a helicopter but slower only reaching at the max of 35 Miles per hour meaning over somewhere to 50-56.... kmh? Something I think?" She said or maybe guessed about the speed and pretty much for their world's knowledge about fantasy shit and about dragons has a lot of things that could be right and wrong, and the speed is the same as the research predicted, and it's over 56 K/ph or 35 M/ph of speed and it can hover like a helicopter too, and possibly armored enough to stop some tank rounds and missiles except the advance weapons the UN has like rail guns and lasers and shit, and highly advance armor piercing rounds that was mostly used on heavily armored Mutants back on earth.

"So that fast, seems pretty slow but the same speed of a helicopter?" Buckman guessed as both he and Rukvar continued reading the file by flipping it to a second paper and showed another image of the dragon now half passed and pretty much pissed off.

"It has a brain and now it much more pissed after the pilots sent an APGM to it?" Rukvar asked.... And off course it would be rather dangerous for the locals for that but the appearance of it would make rumors spread like wildfire and a lot of people having their own theories on how it looks half passed as seen on the bottom picture and explanations.

"Yup, so right now we don't have the aircrafts to keep on sending since some of them are for quick reaction shit since we don't have a lot of fast air" Klim explained since there's not a lot of aircraft to cover a lot of ground plus some are pulled out from the storage and some are modified and upgraded.

"Make sense, we would rather have good penetrating power like those rail guns and lasers though"


Two F-35s are flying up above a forest over 800 ft high and speeding to 700 k/mh, searching for the big ass red flying fire spitting lizard AKA Flame Dragon to test out it's capabilities while some anti air that locks on biological targets are stationed pretty far and the range is kind of ridiculously long over like 500 to 800 to 1800 km close to 2000 km and the missiles are fucking speedy reaching to mach 20 plus other missiles used for destroying shit is more faster and having a scary as sound of whirring on the air and the speed reaching mach 35, especially having a prototype of an orbital laser which is still on testing back on 2077 earth. And hell that would be scary for the other countries on the Alternate gate and most likely mark the use of lasers and other Sci fi weapons as bad and shit and ban them while they use weapons that would be inneffective.


"Ghost Riders, your nearing the target, don't go stupid and die aight. over and out" a radio operator informed the two pilots thought the comms inside the F-35s.

"Hoover you ready?" the lead pilot with a pinoy accent asked his wingman that's right just besides his aircraft as he looked at the cockpit of the aircraft where he can see Hoover wearing a AAH/Advance Aviator Helmet is one of the most advance helmet for any pilots made by both US and China, the helmet has advance systems installed and it can be linked to any aircraft of what the pilot is riding and hell it's so good to use plus the visor gives night vision and Thermals and shit as well his cat ears covered.

"Uh huh I am" Hoover said as he gave a thumbs up and looked at him in response, and the Pinoy pilot nodded.

"Alright, activate the biological radar and put Unkown and big" the Pinoy pilot said through the comms as he activated he and Hoover activated their Biological radar.

"Activated" Hoover informed as his radar is all functioning ok at this time. And then for a little while a dot showed up on radar indicating the flame dragon is there.

"Ok... Target detected on out front right below moving in 35 Miles per hour, and over 500 feet above ground... 2 kilometers away, we're closing. Sound like he's hunting something" Hoover informed as he tried looking for the by like trying to stand up a little inside his cockpit but he can't since the dragon is under them and yet he know that's not how he should look.

"What do you think he's hunting Hoov?" The Pinoy pilot asked as they kept their formation up top.

"No Idea, some animal.... Humans I think" Hoover guessed and that would made sense but for humans not so sure, but animals yeha it would and hell what would the dragon eat anyways.

"That would make sense anyways"

"How about this let's get visual on him and try to make sure he is not hunting any humans or maybe demi-humans" the Filipino pilot said to Hoover through comms, and hell he already knows that but still forgetting to activate the camera.

"Yeah your right" he responded as he started to press some buttons in his cockpit and activated the mounted camera under his aircraft. The camera turned on and Hoover pans in down, as well as the Filipino pilot did so too to look for the red flying lizard.

"Target spotted, let's go greet him cap" Hoover spotted the visibly red dragon flying over a slow speed and informed the Filipino pilot by his nickname cap that's not his call sign.

"Yeah, let's go"

The two F-35s then dived down towards the flame dragon to greet him with a fast whoosh on her or his side... And still it's unconfirmed what the dragon's sex is and it's nature and not sure if its asexual and has eggs and shit... And chances are is for her nest being near.

"WAHOO HERE WE GO" the Filipino captain made a Mario voice and shouted as both F-35 goes pretty fast from 700 km/h reaching to 800 as they put their thrusters on full.

The Red Flying lizard a loud as kind of whoosh closing I as it turned around while it's flying and saw the two F-35s.


The Flame dragon leaned left as it felt the wind pushed her a little as both aircraft speeds off and breaks it's formation and Heads both seperate directions and turning their jets back to the dragon and by not going up. And hell the dragon looks from what they did.

"I think it we startled him" the Pinoy Pilot chuckled as they continued turning around from their seperste directions.

"Heh I think so, now let's start this shit" Hoover said as his F-35 is fully turned around but his eyes widens big time as he saw the dragon going after his leader.

"MAKO WATCH OUT!" Hoover shouted through their comms calling his callsign possibly, as he warns him. the flame dragon is charging at Mako's F-35.

Mako was confused at his shout through the comms as his F-35 was now fully turned and then he saw it.

"Wha-PUTANG INA MO!/ You mother Fucker!" he cursed in Filipino as he rolled right, barely dodging the dragon's flame that it spat out, as well it's bite and man Hoover got a picture of it.

"Holy Jesus fuck man I think we pissed it off" Hoover started to panic as he saw Mako barely getting bitten off the sky, and hell his adrenaline just activated and him having the urge to fire some missiles on it.

"Don't panic Hoover, it's slow except when it dives, we could've got bitten of the sky early if we get caught off guard." he explained but not sure if he's really like having A panick attack since he doesn't really get one through years of combat activities.

"Yeah I know, I'm just kind of afraid to underestimate this fucking lizard" he explained and hell he has a point, underestimating something would be bad and hell the dragon might have something up its sleeve.

"Well you have point" he agrees with the underestimate point shit since he could be right anyways, but before the dragon could or might catch up to them, his head ticks to go up and get speedy.

"OK let's go up, and get some speed so this lizard won't catch us and bite us off" he said as he lifts up his aircraft and got both his thrusters and afterburners up.

"Yeah... Roger that" he said as he followed to do the same thing by pulling up both thrusters and afterburners on. Hoover then looked back seeing the dragon trying to catch up but struggling to go up.

"Look at that she's trying to get to us while we're going up pretty fast" Hoover informed as the red dragon tried chasing them while the lizard was 240 ft away already and the afterburners are kind of strong as hell.

"She?" Mako then asked on maybe how he knew the sex? But still it could've popped up on Hoover's head.

"It just popped up in my mind but I'm not sure the dragon's a female since I ain't some fantasy mythical animals person" he explained which might makes sense.

"Yup, dragon's pretty slow on going up.... Aaaand there she goes" Mako said as he saw the dragon that was trying to fly up with her wings flat but instead she free falled, but she managed to grab some air back to keep Flying. The two jets stopped going up while Hoover then dived down while Mako just goes upside down grabbing his camera and smol 1/4 paper and pen to write down the test info.

"Alright, testing 25mm APDS.... Goin Buuurrrt" he said and chuckled as he switched to the guns and activated his Airbrakes while trying to get his crosshair on the dragon.


The gunfire from the F-35s Gau-22s nice brrrrt was heard as the bullets hits the dragon's back but with no effect which caused the dragon to be more pissed at Hoover's actions.

"Hit, no effect its is fucking scales and I just pissed it off more. Mako your up" Hoover informed since the direct shots he made was unneffective due to the dragons scales and the dragon growled.

"Roger, it's my turn to test that lizard" Mako answered as he puts his camera inside his utility pouch and dived the F-35 down while Hoover does the same thing Mako did by getting his plane upside down and pulling out a camera and 1/4 paper and pen.

"Testing MPGM-3 Interceptor." Mako said as he switches to missiles. The weapons bey under the F-35 opened and the one missile thats so advance and mostly used on bio targets could be enough to maybe kill the dragon since the MPGM-3 was used on some armored bio targets in the sky.


The guided missile was launched off the weapons bay of the F-35 and locked on to the dragon as it followed it, but still the dragon watched thinking it would be easy to avoid it but Unkown to the pilot's of what the dragon is feeling now, but they only know it's angry and not cocky.

The Dragon saw something came out under the aircrafts belly with a streak off smoke and thinking it was some arrow that's not gonna follow her or him, it decided to just go the left or right when it gets close and hell it wouldn't work. The missile then got close and the dragon immediately dashed left but hell the missile just immediately got it's right thrusters pushed it and the missile immediately pointed at the dragon. The Dragon was dumbfounded of what it did till it just sped up to it.


"WOOO! Tang ina mo ulol! Hahaha" Mako cheered at the beautiful sight of that explosion covering the dragon with smoke and yet outsmarting or playing the dragon and hell it's now confirmed the dragon is kind of cocky and smart.

"That's so fucking beautiful" Hoover adored that explosion as he wrote down the information of the dragon not being pretty brain dead like some other animals and shit.

However the smoke Cleared off as it gave a view of the dragon half passed and lost an armed from that which shocked both the pilots.

"What in the fucking shit!?" Hoover cursed as he saw the dragon still flying and looking so pissed with its mouth and half of its head burning. And Hoover has a pretty bad feeling about this.

The Dragon then quickly glared at the pilot's eyes looking so pissed but Mako is half scared but still the effect from the missile was so effective even in a fantasy world with fantastic mythical creatures. The Dragon then charged at Mako but still he didn't flinch, and in his mind is ACE COMBAT, FANTASY SKIES and not Hoover, he only senses danger.

"Cap... dont go ace combat shit" Hoover warned seeing Mako just Flying directly Towards the half passed dragon and not even seeing his expression.

"I won't, I'll go top gun mode" Mako said which caused Hoover to groan in annoyment as Mako then prepped his self.

"OH goddammit Mako, you are more retarded than I am" He sighed as he dived down towards the dragon too to help Mako out too just incase he won't die or damage the F-35 and pay for it.

*RIIIIIIIIIIIING* a loud ass ring was heard a little in their ears as they both charged at the dragon and hell Hoover got his eyes so wide thinking it could be some special attack drok the dragon but it ain't.

"Ghost Lead cut your shit return to base immediately over" a pretty very strict voice was heard through their comms plus it's not the same officer that informed them recently and hell Hoover immediately calmed down since ehe already know what was that high pitched screeching sound was and now pretty obvious the dragon is so disturbed as it got pretty more pissed and charged at the opposite direction.

"Oh damn I was gonna piss my pants if that dragon has some EMP shit oe whatever" he said, very glad at that point, while Mako was annoyed for being able to ace combat or top gun the shit out of the dragon, as both Jets turned around and Heads to the direction towards back to base.

"Sounds like someone's kinda pissed at you Mako.... I guess" and then just plain silence was just only heard for now.

And Now if the locals see how half assed the flame drsgon is, there'll be rumors about it, and it will spread like fucking wildfire around Falmart.