
(On Hold) The Not So Perfect Being In The Omniverse

A powerful being has enough of his boredom so he planned to roam the multiverse and enjoy his life. He would kill you and take what is yours if you make an enemy out of him though you would get benefits if you chose to be his ally. Ray Morningstar which is his name would travel the vast multiverse while loving and playing with the plot. ______________________________________________ NOTE:- Mc actions are influenced by me so if you think that he has done something stupid then that means I was the one who made him do that. Though I don't think that I would do something stupid but just in case so I'm writing this note. ______________________________________________ There would be no use of clones be in a fight or sex. I hate that shit. ______________________________________________ Read tags before reading it and uploading one chapter a day. Current World- One Piece Fast-Paced Romance ______________________________________________ Note: I'm writing this because of boredom and this idea was in my head for some time. I would appreciate your criticism however spamming wouldn't be appreciated. If you don't like this fanfiction then okay leave here a review and read other fanfics of great authors. Please don't comment on every chapter that you don't like, etc.

BitchPleased · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Prologue - 1

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"What am I going to do? It's so boring here"

A voice sounded in a white room. The room was completely white with some furniture. There were two monitors with one chair in the room. There was no light in the room still you could see everything here.

The room was not that big though for some reason there were not any walls here. It looked endless and you couldn't even see the boundaries of this room. You could see as much as far you could while the rest was completely unseen from the sight.

The room didn't have any kind of sounds except the gaming sound and the voice of the young man who complains about his boredom to no one in particular. People might take him to a mental hospital if they see him talking alone though he was all alone here.

On the table were some pizzas and a bottle of Pepsi while the other side has some snacks in packets. The left monitor was displaying GTA 5 game while the other monitor was showing the Lucifer series which he had found some time ago when he was searching for something to pass his time.

The voice belonged to a male who was sitting on a chair while his feet were on the table. He had a remote player in his head and he was looking at the screen of his PC. He was playing the game while watching the series.

"It's so boring now. I don't even know what to do anymore".

The male said while sighing deeply. He was talking to himself while killing people in the game which made him smile a bit.

The male looked celestial in every sense. No matter whether it was his face or body, all of them were radiating celestial aura.

The male had a face that would put anyone in shame while his red eyes were glowing. He had silver hair and a body that was neither bulky nor too thin. He had a lean body while he had an aura of attraction that could attract anyone no matter the gender. He looked like a person who is in his early twenties.

He was wearing a white jacket with black jeans with white shoes. The materials of his clothing were unknown however it seems to be of good quality because of the comforts it was providing and as well adding charm to the male body.

{ A/N The Mc looks like the given photo here though he is never gonna wear those armours even in the future because it doesn't look good in my eyes}

"What should I do now? Maybe I should explore the entertainment area of that Earth".

The male said again while standing up.

The Earth he was talking about was a special case because of its special situation. That's why he named it Origin planet. The people on that planet are quite special to say and it interests him a lot.

The people on that planet has some special power which was imagination through their imagination power let them peek into another universe. This is quite interesting as they don't have any kind of special world. Most people on that planet don't even believe in the supernatural anymore.

With just their mind they achieved many things which are not even present in those worlds which have superpowers. Those people have achieved so many things without any kind of help from the supernatural though that world doesn't have any supernatural beings.

A small portion of people on that planet has that special ability to look into other universe and see it through the eyes of the protagonist. The protagonist is the son of destiny you can say.

When a world faces a big problem which they can't handle by themselves so they choose a person to fulfil the role of protagonist. The protagonist is mainly chosen by the will of the world because they can't interfere directly. If they interfere directly then the world would fall into chaos before destroying itself completely.

After seeing that world they would write it down and published it so others can read it. It's a form of entertainment for them to read it.


"And I haven't even checked the other worlds so I should read them".

The youth spoke with a calm voice. He was getting bored of watching this series and playing games for this long.

"It would quite easy for me to check the other worlds via reading and I'm getting bored as well".

The guy thought aloud with a small smile on his face though his eyes were full of boredom. No one knows how much time he had spent here all alone.

"Now the important question arises here. Should I summon the books here or go to that world?"

The boy thought aloud while tapping his chins continuously.

After some time he finally decided to visit that place because of his boredom and who knows he might find someone who would entertain him for some time.

The boy was about to raise his hand to open a gate when suddenly he stopped. He looked like someone who has made a silly mistake and laughed nervously.

"I have to name myself".

He said to himself. He started to think about what name he could choose to fit himself. He wanted a good name that could be called out easily by others. A name that would look good on him while it would also match with him.

Suddenly his mind went back to the series he was watching just now. In his eyes, the series was quite good though he liked the main character the most.

He liked the way he acts while. meeting someone and the attitude of not giving a fuck to someone is good in his eyes though sometimes he dislikes his actions.

The background of Lucifer was quite good. To fell from heaven because of something good in his eyes. He liked how Lucifer ruled hell and he could even understand how much bored he might have felt when he was ruling Hell.

When he was thinking about the series suddenly he gained enlightenment. The thought was sudden however it was welcomed by the boy.

'My name would be Ray Morningstar. Ray means light and Lucifer was considered the brightest light in heaven right behind the god of that Pantheon'.

Ray thought while praising himself for the genius idea. He was patting himself on his back in his mind while showing a smile.

'I should get myself a phone as well. It would help me more than reading books because I'm sure that I'm not gonna read all the books out there. There might be some books which I might not like and it would help me when I would go to some unknown world about which I might have not read'.

Ray started to get immersed in his thoughts and stood there motionless while tapping his chin. A habit of his whenever he goes in deep thinking about something. After some time he came out of it and raised his hands in front of him before doing a motion of slicing something. Suddenly a crack appeared in the space and it separated in the places making enough space for anyone to go in there. The crack was stable without any kind of sound though if you look inside you would find only darkness.

Ray started to walk inside it before disappearing into it completely without any kind of trouble. After Ray entered the crack it closed itself without any difficulty. No one could guess that there was a crack here some time ago.


In an empty street where no one was present and all of the shops were closed a crack started to form in the space. A cutting sound was coming from the crack however it was not very high so no one came outside their houses to check it.

The crack finally grew bigger before expanding enough to let someone enter with any trouble. From the crack, our mc Ray came out while looking around him curiously.

"So this is the place huh!"

Ray muttered to himself in a low voice.

The planet was dying slowly as he sensed. The air was not pure anymore and would make you ill slowly. The air was killing everything because of how much unclean it was. He was wondering how do they even live here anymore.

When he was looking at his surroundings he suddenly realised something important. The thing was he didn't want to show himself to the people of this world however he came out of the crack right in the middle of a street though for some reason no one outside which made him confused because people in this world would always be outside no matter the time.

He didn't want to show himself because of the curiosity of these people. If they find him then he might not be able to roam this world freely without using his powers. They would constantly ask questions to him which would not be good for them because he doesn't want to destroy their place of living.

He started to use his power to sense the living beings in this world and he was surprised to find out that the people were in their houses. He also sensed a living thing in the air that was flowing everywhere.

The thing tried to enter Ray body however it got destroyed the moment it touched the skin of his. The thing seems to be some kind of virus still he was not sure about it however this thing was inside of most of the people on this planet which was affecting them in some kind of way.

'I wonder what happened here that made people hide in their houses?'

Ray thought curiously while walking towards the end of the street.

He made himself invisible to the eyes of these people and made sure to hide everything about him like the smell and other things. It was because of the animals present here who could smell him.

The street was not that big though it was connected to the main road that's why there were so many shops here. Sadly they all were closed.

Before going out of the street he thought about taking a phone from one of the shops. The shop was quite big compared to the others present here. The shop was not that far from his place. In reality, he was going to take a look at the best phone here then he would make his phone which would be far better than these phones.

He reached the shop though it was closed however he passed through the door. The inside of the shop was very good because of the decorations. The paint was also good and the smell was nice which should be coming from some kind of freshener.

Ray went to the counter and started to look through the features of the phones while checking other things from his eyes. While he was looking at the phones, he found a wristwatch there.

Ray instantly picked the watch and took it out from its box. The watch was all black and you couldn't even differentiate between the display and the other parts. The watch was in the shape of an apple that was bitten from a corner.

He looked at the box to read its contents and features. After reading its features completely he was impressed. The best feature of the watch was its function to use the internet anywhere. He took watch and used his powers to modify it a bit.

He added the function of hologram in it whenever he would turn on the feature. It would help him to see things in a big frame. The second feature he added was the map function no matter the place. The third and the most important feature was the connection to the internet.

It would be always connected to the Internet no matter the universe and would give him updates on this universe. With this, he wouldn't have to worry about not knowing something. The Internet would also give him full speed and the data would never over.

After wearing his watch he sat on the chair and put his feet on the table while making himself comfortable. He stopped the time of the outside world to enjoy himself here fully. With some pizzas and a bottle of Pepsi, he was all set.

He opened the internet on the watch and started to search about the Lucifer series and then he found out comics from where it was originated. He was getting excited about it so much and chose to read the comics first. The comic book was named DC for some reason.

When he was reading comics he got many suggestions from the websites something like Marvel and Anime though he doesn't know about any of them however he would still give them time to entertain himself.

Sometimes some notifications were coming about some kind of virus and how you have to get vaccinated. There was some kind of instructions there however he ignored them completely.

'But how could notification show up when I had stopped the time of outside World?'

He thought suddenly however he went again to read the comic and completely ignoring the matter.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

BitchPleasedcreators' thoughts