
(On Hold) The Not So Perfect Being In The Omniverse

A powerful being has enough of his boredom so he planned to roam the multiverse and enjoy his life. He would kill you and take what is yours if you make an enemy out of him though you would get benefits if you chose to be his ally. Ray Morningstar which is his name would travel the vast multiverse while loving and playing with the plot. ______________________________________________ NOTE:- Mc actions are influenced by me so if you think that he has done something stupid then that means I was the one who made him do that. Though I don't think that I would do something stupid but just in case so I'm writing this note. ______________________________________________ There would be no use of clones be in a fight or sex. I hate that shit. ______________________________________________ Read tags before reading it and uploading one chapter a day. Current World- One Piece Fast-Paced Romance ______________________________________________ Note: I'm writing this because of boredom and this idea was in my head for some time. I would appreciate your criticism however spamming wouldn't be appreciated. If you don't like this fanfiction then okay leave here a review and read other fanfics of great authors. Please don't comment on every chapter that you don't like, etc.

BitchPleased · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Prologue - 2

" " - It's for talking.


' '- It's for thinking.

Thanks for reading this.


"Why are all of these Mcs are so pathetic?"

Ray shouted to no one in particular. He was very irritated right now. You could see him hitting the table he was sitting on though nothing happened to the table.

After reading the comics about Lucifer, he started to read other comics which were published by the DC franchise. He started to read about many superheroes and he liked them very much though the world of this comic was quite dark which for him was quite exciting.

After reading all comics of DC he went to read the comics of Marvel which made him excited because of how similar these two franchise were. What he liked about Marvel was the light theme they used for their reader. They made sure that even a child could read their comics because it doesn't contain that much gore or other r18 things.

Both of the franchise was his favourites as they both delivered unique stories for him. He even watched both of their films however he didn't like the fact that the villains were made so weak compared to their comic counterparts.

His favourite heroes were Logan, Superman, Spiderman and Thor. He liked their badass attitude in comics and as well as their wills to do something. Their powers were very cool in his eyes.

After reading about these two franchise he started to enter their fandom battles where even he started to participate for fun though there are so many toxic fans in both franchises respectively. They would hate you if you tell them that you liked a particular character from any of these franchise.

One time when he was watching a death battle between Sentry and Superman he came across the name Goku. It was a deadly battle between Goku and Superman. The hype for this character was quite high compared to other characters.

He searched for his name and found out about his series or Anime in simple terms. He started to watch this Anime and was very surprised when he finished it. Though there were some times when he thought of dropping because he was quite uncomfortable about watching a drawing even it was great.

After finishing this Anime Goku became his favourite character. He just liked his character and he doesn't know even why. The way he power-ups in the middle of the battle amazes him.

The craze of Goku made him watch other Animes out there which he enjoyed a lot. The other Animes were good too though they still didn't come across as his favourite character.

Sometimes some Animes made him quite mad when the mc of that show was acting like a bitch. What was it called again beta mc? yeah!.

When he started to watch Animes he started to explore the fandom of these Animes. He learnt many things from there which was a good thing for him because he found out about some good stuff.

He learnt that most of the mc of Japanese mangas were beta which made him drop many Animes. Then there was the scenario of while girl hitting a bit fit for no reason.

The best came around when he found about the fanfictions. He read many fanfictions and was happy because he was reading what he wanted to see in those Animes.

After fanfictions what came around him was Novels. They were written by Chinese people and were quite good because they don't make their mc a beta though they don't know how to write a plot most of the time. So it's got repeated which made many people mad including me.

And for some reason, they tend to make their mc quite arrogant which was not good in the eyes and the mc of those novels tends to speak more than doing some action. Sometimes they get saved by the luck of being a protagonist.

Honestly, I hate those Mc who couldn't do jack shit and still goes to save the day before being saved by someone else. The most affected are the ones who love those protagonists. Some time their lovers die just so mc could have the motivation to become strong.

There were some MCs who were quite good and wouldn't let anyone tarnish their reputation. They would plan and then attack their enemies before completely erasing them from the living world. They would spend many years making plans like these to get rid of their enemies without anyone knowing who did it.

The best thing was fanfictions no matter what. He liked how people were reincarnated in other world and become strong while getting girls for themselves.

Though there were some exceptions like in some fanfic the Mc doesn't even train when something bad happens with them they start to act like a bitch. They know that the world they are in is dangerous however they still think of not doing anything.

He would never love someone who is a drawing however after watching the sacred thing Hentai. He started to love 2d girls very much. He gets attracted to them easily that's why he has so many love choices.

He gets angry when the mc doesn't love a girl who is very much in love with him instead choose to go with some other girl who might leave him in future.

Though when he was exploring the genres of Hentai he came across something which should not exist in any world. NTR this genre should not exist. He got so angry when he read hentai of this genre. He almost destroyed the Earth but he held himself back.

The second thing which he came across was sad hentai which was very disheartening for him. He didn't like how the girl named Saki went through so much because of her innocence and ignorance.

For the world to treat a girl like her so badly made him angry and he decided to do something about that world when he would finish up with his entertainment. Except for this, no other hentai made him so sad and angry not even those NTR ones.

He doesn't like it when the person whom you are loving suddenly betray you just for some money. The whole thing about getting addicted to a dick is just purely ridiculous. He doesn't even understand how those authors who write this shit could even think about this whole crap.


Ray was currently reading fanfic about a guy who got reincarnated with some op cheats however it all went downhill when he started to follow the mc like a dog and even made him strong. The worst thing was he even helped the original mc to get his love.

"I can't read it any further"

Ray said while sighing and deleted his history of that specific fanfic. Whenever he doesn't like fanfic he deletes his history of that fanfic so it would never come in front of him.

Ray turned off his watch before yawning and stretching his body. Even though he doesn't care about time however his body was still sitting for no one's know how much time. So he was feeling a little tired because of that trashy fanfiction which always seems to make him made for some reason.

"I don't even know just how much time has passed though no one would know about it".

Ray said while he snapped his fingers to resume the time of the outside world.

"Hmm, let's check that virus about which constant notifications were coming to me"

He said while turning it on again and searching for that virus information.

He easily found a page because of the popularity of this virus. The more he read about it the more he felt that leaders of this world were not doing anything good.

He even laughed when some of the leaders of this world removed the lockdown because they told the public that the virus has finished when they were getting at least 10 thousand patients in a whole day without counting the people who were dying regularly.

And to make matter worst they allowed a large gathering of people in a small area and even let people celebrate their festivals outside of their home which helped Covid to spread more quickly.

The vaccination is also delayed due to many reasons as they were telling people. Negativity was spreading like a wildfire here because of people blaming each other for the cause of this pandemic.

Prices of everything is increasing at an alarming rate which created even more problems for poor people. The government is not helping either in that case.

Necessary things are getting over like beds and oxygen cylinder for people. Hospitals don't have any more space to let people in so they are sending them back. Many people have died outside of hospitals and they can't even die peacefully as there is no space for people where cremation could take place.

Though some good things did come out of this pandemic. Creator's are helping poor people by providing beds and foods with an oxygen cylinder. Other creators are doing a charity stream to raise funds for poor people while the public is donating whatever money they could.

This showed people that humanity still exists and people would come together to fight a bigger cause and help others who can't fend for themselves. Even when negativity is spreading, people remain positive while praying for God.

"Sigh! I should do something to this world before going on my adventure"

Ray said while showing a smile that would put any girl in love with him.

"I would help them only because of them I'm finally gonna free of my boredom"

Ray said again while walking towards the exit of the room before raising his hand snapping his fingers to remove himself from the memory of camera storage.

He passed through the door and looked outside. The sun is still shining brightly while the wind is flowing slowly. His hair is fluttering in the air and suddenly he started to levitate in the air.

He started to go higher in the sky and slowly crossed the clouds and went outside of the Earth. He stopped when he was above the Earth and could see it. It looked so beautiful from his point of view.

When he was appreciating the planet he noticed some satellites roaming the planet though those would never be able to see him as he was still invisible. The satellites passed through his body without any trouble.

He ignored those satellites and raised his right hand above him towards the Earth. He made a slapping motion towards the Earth and suddenly something started to come from the Earth and went in the opposite direction of Ray. It was completely dark in appearance and would make anyone disgusted if they would look at it.

"It's my gift to you all. Enjoy!"

Ray shouted towards the Earth and vanished from his place completely without leaving any kind of his traces.


As usual, people were fighting to the death as covid was on them. They could not go outside because their family safe and even they go outside they have to wear a mask.

It's been more than one year since this pandemic started and took many lives. They couldn't breathe in outside air as they have to wear a mask.

The situation is worsening day by day while the leaders of those countries are still trying to play politics. They still don't care about the value of human life.

"Mom, can I go outside to play?"

Asked a little girl who seems to be around 5 years old. She was looking at her mother pleadingly. Her mother gave her a sad smile.

"No, you can't go outside. Why don't you watch something on mobile"

Her mother said while kissing her forehead which made the little girl happy.

"When would I go outside mom?"

The girl asked her mom innocently. After all, it's been a year since she went outside to play with her friends.

"I don't know sweety. Let's pray to God. Ok?"

Her mother said while walking into the kitchen room. The girl nodded and went to her father side who was sleeping in the bedroom.

'I hope you are in good health mother'

The woman thought while cutting the vegetables for lunch. She looked quite sad while thinking about her mother who is living alone right now in another country.

Her father died from this virus and they couldn't even go there because the government didn't allow travel to other countries. She was beyond angry but couldn't do anything.

Her mother is living with no one however they had hired a maid who is currently living with her mother. The maid is helping her mother with all the works.

When she was cooking the food she suddenly heard many voices outside of her house. She immediately went to the balcony to check what was happening and was shocked when she saw something unbelievable. The other people were also shocked and we're shouting.

A black fog was coming from the surface of the ground and as well as coming from everyone houses. It was disgusting for some reason and it had an awful smell as well which made the people pinch their noses.

The black cloud got bigger and started to go into the sky. Slowly it disappeared from the eyes of people. The people could feel something on the planet right now. They could feel just how much lively their home has become.

This incident happened in all parts of the world and everybody saw this. The whole world was shocked about this. The scientists were trying to find what had happened and the results shocked the entire world.

The scientists told the world that for some reason the virus has gone. They couldn't find any traces of it anymore and the pollution has been erased. The scientists didn't have the answer on how did this happen.

People became happy when they heard outside. They were now finally free from the hell they were living. They celebrated this day and even put a world holiday on this date.

When the world was finding the reason for this phenomenon they heard the voice of a male from the sky.

The voice said

It's my gift to you all. Enjoy!".

This made everyone panic because they didn't know the owner however religion came forward and told this world that it was the work of a God. The scientists tried to search outside by using satellites and were disappointed when they didn't find anybody.

What people didn't know that people have lost the negative sides of their inner self on this day. Ray didn't just remove the pollution and virus he also removed the negative thoughts of people towards anything because he knew that they might repeat it in the future.

Now, this world would prosper without any kind of hatred in people hearts. They would not wage war because of stupid reasons and would not harm other people just because of their colour and nationality. The future generations would not have any kind of discrimination among them and would live happily.


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