




Villain: Eavesdropping, The Heroines Are So Beautiful



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Chapter 1220: Excellent, The Royal Family Of Sakura Kingdom Has Been Banned! [3]


"Yes! We must take the initiative! Only by taking the initiative to express our royal family's demands to the global ancient martial arts world can we achieve our goals!"

"Chu Xuan used dirty means to harm the ancient martial arts world of our Sakura country, and 300,000 people died. He is a devil and should be judged!"

"Emperor! It must be announced to everyone that Chu Xuan's actions are provoking our royal family and our Sakura Kingdom!"

"Chu Xuan is declaring war on us! We must correct our attitude, even if we use all means, we must make him pay the price. This attitude must be known by the ancient martial arts world around the world, so that they can be forced to take action!"

The high-ranking members of the royal family gave suggestions one after another, and they were all very scheming people.

Judging from the discussions at the Global Grain Forum, we know that many people don't want to take action against Chu Xuan-.

All weak countries can understand, because if Chu Xuan can destroy the ancient military power of the Sakura country, then he can destroy the ancient military power emperor of their country.

So those weak countries will not launch a crusade.

But what about the powerful ones?

For example, the country where the sun never sets, such as the beautiful country, such as the pyramid country and so on.

They are also silent on this matter, and there are very few ancient warriors who even discuss it in the forum.

What a bastard!

how can they do this

Over the years, Sakura Kingdom has been giving them various benefits, and even cooperated with their country to suppress Xia Kingdom.

In the end, when the Cherry Blossom Country was in trouble, they turned out to have such an attitude?

Did they also develop fear of Chu Xuan?

It shouldn't be!

Then there is only one explanation. Those big countries want to protect themselves wisely, and don't want to take the lead in attacking, so as not to cause serious loss of their country's ancient military power when dealing with Chu Xuan.


They're all old foxes!

They all want to watch others die first, and they don't want to be the first to shoot.

In this case, the royal family can only force the world's ancient martial arts world to take action with a firm attitude.

If Chu Xuan is not killed, what face does Sakura Country have in the world?

If Chu Xuan is not killed, what chance does Sakura Country have to rebuild the ancient martial arts?

Emperor Ying was silent for a moment, and said: "That's right, it's time to show our attitude to the global ancient martial arts community! Even if we use military power, let them do it!"

It doesn't make sense that they are the only ones suffering in Sakura Country!

After the matter was agreed upon, the royal family of the Sakura Kingdom immediately issued a statement on the Global Ancient Martial Arts Forum.

'The leader of the Xia Kingdom Ancient Martial Arts Alliance, Chu Xuan, killed 300,000 ancient martial artists in the ancient martial arts world of Sakura Country. He committed a heinous crime. The global ancient martial arts world must launch a crusade against such villains to maintain the peace and order of the global ancient martial arts world...

The statement was sent out quickly, with harsh words and a stern attitude.

The world's ancient martial arts community quickly paid attention to this statement, and was speechless about such a statement from Sakura Country.

Big fool?

I didn't see that Chu Xuan's cultivation base is so advanced, he can directly destroy the ancient martial arts power of your Sakura country, and now he wants us to launch a crusade?

Co-author of your Sakura country's ancient martial arts was wiped out, now you have to watch other countries' ancient martial arts being wiped out, so that you will be psychologically balanced, right?

How funny!

But some of the statements also worried them.

If the world's ancient martial arts world does not launch a crusade, the Sakura Kingdom will use all means to retaliate against Xia and Chu Xuan.

Including but not limited to the use of economic power, technological power, etc.!

Even when necessary, military power was used to launch long-range strikes against Xiang Guo's ancient military forces.

What is Remote Strike?

To put it bluntly, it is to use the power of missiles and the like!


Is Sakura Country crazy?

If these military forces are used, it will not be a dispute between the ancient martial arts circles, but a war at the national level!

If a military conflict breaks out between Sakura Country and Xia Country, it will definitely lead to an escalation of tension in the Asia-Pacific region. At that time, should the Pretty Country and Bangzi Country participate?

If you participate, it will directly be the rhythm of the world war!

The royal family of the Sakura Kingdom actually threatened and kidnapped with a world war, forcing the world's ancient martial arts world to launch a crusade against Chu Xuan?

How shameless!

It is in line with their usual style!

"Is the royal family of the Sakura Kingdom crazy? Using military force to carry out long-range strikes, do you want to start a world war?"

"It must be crazy! Or maybe it was premeditated, a manifestation of ambition!"

"These big fools, how could we possibly listen to them? It's fine for Sakura Country to suffer by itself, and don't implicate others!"

The attitude of the global ancient martial arts community in this regard is very firm, and now is not the time to launch a crusade against Chu Xuan at all.

...... Ask for flowers......…

If I really want to attack Chu Xuan, I have to wait until the Hundred Years War!

Who wants to take the initiative to provoke a terrifying existence that can destroy the ancient military power of a country?

Don't you know that ancient warriors respect the strong?

Who dares to fight against such a strong man?

In other words, after a crusade, who will be the first to charge and sacrifice his life?

The royal family of Sakura Kingdom was not surprised by such a reaction.

Not crusade yet?


That's up to you!


Ever since, the Royal Family of the Great Emperor Sakura Kingdom spoke directly on the forum.

"Could it be that the world's ancient martial arts world is afraid of Chu Xuanyi? It's ridiculous!"

"If you don't launch a crusade against him, you will be destroyed!"

"The Cherry Blossom Country is having a hard time. Could it be that you will be able to get better when the Hundred Years' War takes place?"


"Chu Xuan's action against the Sakura Kingdom is a declaration of war, and we must respond severely! We will not hesitate to use any means, and Chu Xuan and Xia Guo will bear all the responsibility for the incident!"

Words like these directly caused many ancient warriors in the global ancient martial arts world to line up with them.

"No one wants to crusade at this time!"

"Are the royal family of the Sakura Kingdom all fools? No wonder the power of the ancient martial arts will be wiped out directly, and they deserve it!"

"If there is no crusade, a world war will start? The aggressive nature of the Sakura Kingdom is still exposed!"

The laning of many ancient warriors made the royal family of the Sakura Kingdom furious, and they were about to turn into keyboard warriors immediately.

However, at this time they suddenly discovered that they were unable to speak in the forum.

They are all banned!

In other words, all users in the Sakura Country are banned!

This made the royal family so angry that their noses almost turned crooked, and they actually cut off their voice channels?


And soon, a statement from the Global Ancient Martial Arts Forum made the royal family very aggrieved.

The royal family of the Sakura Kingdom first went to the small black room to calm down, and the rumors would only make the situation more tense. We all sympathize with what happened to Sakura Country, but things need to be considered in the long run. When do you calm down, let you out of the little black room!'

Such a statement made the royal family angry, and made the global ancient martial arts world laugh.

When Chu Xuan saw it, he burst into laughter.

Good guy, this wave of operations in the global ancient martial arts world is a bit irritating, sir. .


Chapter 1221: Office Address, The Heroines Are Doing Something [4]


Judging from the attitude of the global ancient martial arts world, they still follow the consistent rules of the ancient martial arts world, the strong are respected!

Only the strong have the right to speak!

Equal strength makes people want to compete and want to outdo each other.

And when absolute power appears, more people choose to avoid the edge temporarily, and it is impossible to choose head-to-head confrontation.

In terms of individual combat effectiveness, the global ancient martial arts community really doesn't think they are Chu Xuan's opponent.

They were also worried that after offending Chu Xuan, Chu Xuan would reenact the memory of the Sakura Kingdom's ancient martial world.

At that time, it will be them who will suffer!

An extremely strong man like Chu Xuan is the most terrifying, moving quickly and silently.

If he is bent on revenge and chooses to act alone, who in the world's ancient martial arts world can resist?

Even if you are always vigilant, how long can you last?

It is very unwise to choose to spend a lot of manpower and material resources just to guard against Chu Xuan alone.

It is undoubtedly a wise choice to silence the royal family of the Sakura Kingdom, and let them calm down in the small black room.

As for when it will be released?


Anyone else ask this question?

Really ignorant!

The royal family of the Sakura Kingdom jumped their feet in anger, but what can they do?

Now the entire Sakura Country is banned from speaking, even if you register a new account, you can't speak at all.

I can only watch helplessly as the global ancient martial arts community continues to discuss and even ridicule them.


It's really sad!

Chu Xuan now fully understands the thoughts of the global ancient martial arts community, but he has not let down his vigilance.

They choose to silence the royal family of the Sakura Kingdom now, just to avoid the edge for the time being!

In the next century's war, they will definitely spare no effort to take action, and even create various plans against him.

"Hundred Years' War, hehe~"

Chu Xuan smiled and stopped paying attention.

During the Hundred Years War, he was preparing to counterattack the global ancient martial arts world, and end the once-in-a-century war at once.

If you want to avoid future troubles forever, you have to be overbearing enough to kill enough people!

Killing the panic in the ancient martial arts world around the world, killing the fear in the ancient martial arts world around the world, so that they will no longer have the ability to launch a battle of hundreds of armies!

Even to rule the world of ancient martial arts!

Only in this way can we truly prevent the recurrence of the Hundred Years' War in the future.

He already had a plan for what to do at that time.

Now let's deal with Xia Guo's internal affairs first!

To fight against the outside world, we must first settle down inside.

Back here in Lingnan, head to Chancheng as soon as possible.

Calculating from the time, Li Yan and the others should have gone to Chancheng to meet with the person in charge of the office and deal with the issue of the location of the office.

According to his previous request, the address was chosen in Chancheng.

Not only because Xianyin Sect is in Chancheng, but also because Chancheng is very, very important in the entire Lingnan area.

The headquarters of a large number of ancient martial arts forces are in Chancheng!

But when he came to Chancheng, he was suddenly a little dazed.


The establishment of the ancient martial arts alliance office set off a wave in Lingnan, and as the Bai family and the He family swore to join the office, more ancient martial arts forces are also eager to join.

For most of the ancient warriors, it is definitely beneficial to join the office of the ancient warrior alliance, because they need shelter!

Except for a few ancient martial arts forces, they basically chose to support them.

The problem of location selection Chu Xuan has explained to the person in charge before, but he did not expect that the location chosen now is very interesting.

It's just outside Xiqiao Mountain!

Xianyinzong is located deep in Xiqiao Mountain.

The location is a bit different from what Chu Xuan thought, and it always feels like someone is doing something!

Outside of Xiqiao Mountain, there is a five-story residential building, which has already been bought by the person in charge and used as an office building for the office.

But next to the houses, a building is being built.

With the power of money, the construction progress of the building is very fast, and it will not take long to complete it.


The person in charge had already greeted him outside, and when he saw Chu Xuan, he hurriedly saluted.

"Why is the location here in Xiqiao Mountain?"

"Reporting to the lord, Palace Master Li made a temporary decision, saying that the location here is the best."

The person in charge explained clearly, Chu Xuan suddenly felt that these heroines were messing around.

To actually choose such a place as the office building is to target Xian Xueying.

"The location is really good. Strengthen the vigilance. If the ancient martial arts forces in the Lingnan area want to come, join the office and screen them. Make sure that the ancient martial arts forces that join the office are clean!"

"Follow the leader's orders!"

The person in charge replied respectfully that it was his task to screen out the ancient martial arts forces.

As the person in charge of the office, his task here is to let more Gu Wushi join the office and at the same time screen them...


Then there are various resource allocations, assisting members to deal with various problems, and so on.

It can be said that the development of the office is all on the person in charge.

The inspector, on the one hand, supervises the work of the office, and on the other hand, helps the office deal with enemies that cannot be dealt with.

Entering the office, Li Yan has a special office as an inspector, which is on the fifth floor.

Now the fifth floor is all used by the people of Xuannv Palace, and there are also some disciples of the holy medical school following.

These disciples were naturally found by the little girl. For these holy medical disciples, now is definitely a highlight moment in life.

Because of the ancestors who had disappeared for countless years, the legendary genius doctor suddenly issued an order to go to Chancheng to help the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance establish an office and do a good job in logistics support.

After coming here, there were also things that shocked them.

That is, their ancestor turned out to be a member of Xuannv Palace, and he was also the legendary land fairy of Xuannv Palace.

Simply, simply stared at all the disciples of the Holy Medicine Sect.

If the little girl hadn't explained to them that joining the Xuannv Palace did not mean leaving the Sacred Doctor School, they would have been crying.

"Master Chu is back?"

When Xiao Muqing and others saw Chu Xuan enter the office, they ran over and surrounded him.

"Is everything over in Sakura Country settled?"

"Young Master Chu is too powerful, he wiped out 300,000 ancient warriors in the Cherry Blossom Country!"

"Hee hee~ Now the world's ancient martial arts circles are afraid to speak." 3.8 The heroines know this matter very well. You Ying has already controlled the network on the side of Sakura Country, and knows more details.

Facing the flattery of the hostesses, Chu Xuan was also a little flustered, and laughed: "Of course, it's just the ancient martial arts world of the Sakura Kingdom, just destroy it directly. But we have to beware of the royal family of the Sakura Kingdom, who knows what they will do later What kind of action do you make?"

"Don't talk about those boring things, why did Sister Yan choose the office outside Xiqiao Mountain?"

When Li Yan was asked, he said directly: "Xianyinzong, the number one hermit sect in the ancient martial arts world in south of Lingnan, is located in Xiqiao Mountain. Xianyinzong is the biggest variable, so they can be suppressed very well here!"

"Furthermore, what Sect Master Xianyin did in the imperial capital before revealed that the three views of Xianyin Sect were not correct. The office should be more careful with such a sect."


Chapter 1222: The Dissatisfaction Of The Disciples Of The Immortal Sound Sect, Do You Really Regard Yourself As A Direct Disciple? [5]


"It makes sense, it makes sense!"

Chu Xuan nodded again and again. Anyone who thinks that what Sect Master Xianyin did in the imperial capital before is simply inhuman.

In a special period, revenge actions were launched, which made everyone in the ancient martial arts world feel at risk.

When this kind of thing was done, countless people were dissatisfied, and it also made some people doubt what the purpose of Sect Master Xianyin was.

Does he really want revenge?

If you want revenge, why didn't you do it before, but at such a critical period, when the Hundred Years War is about to start?

The last time they did something during the Hundred Years' War, the Pioneer Island battle almost went wrong.

Now that the Hundred Years' War is about to start, let's do something again.

It's been like this twice, it's hard not to doubt it!

"Sister Yan chose the location very well, so I just stared at Xian Zhichen."

"Sects with unrighteous views, you really have to be careful. It's best to keep an eye on the disciples of the Xianyin Sect to see how they behave."


Li Yan answered 27 with a straight face, apparently really planning to do so.

She knew that Chu Xuan came to Lingnan mainly to clean up the protagonist, and at the same time determined that the protagonist could not develop.

So she chose to set up an office outside Xiqiao Mountain, in order to keep an eye on Xianyinzong, and at the same time keep an eye on the protagonist and Chen Ruobing.

The most important thing is Chen Ruobing and Ye Fan!


Immortal Sound Sect or something, it's not a problem at all.

Chu Xuan can single-handedly kill the ancient military forces of the Sakura Kingdom, how could the mere Xianyinzong be his opponent?

After Chu Xuan went to the Cherry Blossom Country to do these things, she seemed to have a rough guess about Chu Xuan's cultivation.

The ultimate powerhouse, the real supreme powerhouse!

Chu Xuan is likely to be the land god Jiuzhong, and it is impossible for the Xianyinzong to have an ancestor of the land god Jiuzhong.

If there was, Sect Master Xianyin's tail had already been raised to the sky, and he had already come out to harm the ancient martial arts world. It is impossible to wait nearly a hundred years before taking revenge.

At this moment in Xianyinzong, Ye Fan feels that everything is fine!

After coming to Xianyinzong, he finally realized the beauty of life again.

And because of Chen Ruobing, he now lives in the yard next to the Xianyin Sect Master, receiving all kinds of superior treatment.

Chen Ruobing is the goddaughter of Sect Master Xianyin, and this matter has been spread among the high-level officials.

In addition to what Sect Master Xianyin said before, the attitude of the elders towards Chen Ruobing is still good.

After all... Chen Ruobing is the only woman among all the top management, so rare.

The identity of Ye Fan's direct disciple has been notified to all the disciples of Xianyin Sect, so now he goes out with the title of direct disciple, which can be described as majestic.

Regardless of his lack of cultivation, he can hold his head high and hold his chest high wherever he goes, exuding his own bastard aura, and walking with steps that his relatives would not recognize.

As a direct disciple, you will inherit the Xianshou sect!

All the disciples of the Immortal Sound Sect will have to serve him in the future. Even now, many Xianyinzong disciples have come over to greet him, wanting to get closer.

It's so cool, going out for a stroll when he has nothing to do, makes him feel the same as when he returned to the Dragon King Palace, he is so much-anticipated.

Now as soon as he went out, he was followed by dozens of Immortal Sound Sect disciples. They were mighty and majestic, and the group of elders didn't seem to have any objection to this.


However, more Xianyinzong disciples are very dissatisfied!

In the past, senior brother Chu Ming was also a direct disciple, but he was never so arrogant, he was very kind to others!

Now this Ye Fan has become a personal disciple as soon as he came!

In fact, it's nothing to be a direct disciple, but you, a person with no cultivation base, dare to be so arrogant?

It's too much!

"This bastard came in through the back door, and he said that the body of the nine yangs is actually incomplete, and it has not recovered until now! It turned out to be so arrogant!"

"Brother Chu Ming was so kind and treated people well in the past, what is this thing now? A villain has achieved success, and he looks like a nouveau riche!"

"I really don't know what the suzerain is looking for in him. Is it because of the incomplete body of nine suns? It's so funny!"

"Although I really don't want to comment on the suzerain's decision, but choosing him as a personal disciple this time is really a stain!"

"Little bastard, do you really think you are a direct disciple? Hmph! If such a useless hot chicken fails to become a top expert, I will definitely beat him to death in the next sect competition!

The dissatisfaction of many Xianyinzong disciples towards Ye Fan is directly expressed.

Some disciples had some means and found out about Ye Fan's incomplete body of nine suns through various channels.

So when you see him, just ignore him, let alone salute him.

Over time, Ye Fan seems to have noticed this too.

Although he was angry, he didn't directly trouble these people.

As these disciples said, he has not yet cultivated, so he really can't be too arrogant, otherwise he will be suppressed every minute.

It is even possible that they will murder themselves secretly when no one is aware of it.

Everything has to wait for my Nine Suns body to recover, when the time comes, my cultivation base will rise like a rocket, and I can slap these guys in the face at any time and tell them to shut up!


Thinking of the highlight moment of face-slapping in the future, he trembled with excitement.

How wonderful!

When he was in the Dragon King Hall, he often slapped others in the face.

It's been a long time since I came to Xiaguo, I haven't experienced that kind of feeling 157, it's a bit unfamiliar.

This time, I will make a good show of myself during that sect grand competition, and slap all those who look down on him in the face!

"Hi, what time is Floorgate?"

He asked a disciple next to him, and the superior attitude didn't make the disciple feel that there was anything wrong. Instead, he said flatteringly: "The Zongmen Dabi will be held in two months, if Senior Brother Ye participates, he will surely amaze everyone!"

Although I feel a little disgusted when I say it, but being able to build a good relationship with my direct disciples will definitely benefit me a lot in the future.

"Oh? In two months?"

Ye Fan struggled a little, two months, if he wanted to recover, it would normally take two months.

But at that time, the time left for myself to practice was very short, and it was difficult to beat these guys in the face.

It seems that I have to discuss it with Master, and add things from many countries.

Especially the elixir for improving cultivation!

Those elixirs can promote the recovery of the Nine Yang Body, which is of great help to him.

It's just a bit expensive, and I don't know how many of these things Xianyinzong has.


If he could get the Huayin Pill, or the pill formula, then he was sure to recover completely within half a month.

It's a pity that that bastard Feng Tian Yun has already discovered his mind, and now he ran somewhere to hide, and it would be as difficult as climbing the sky to find him. .


Chapter 1223: Chu Xuan Messed Up And Caused The Disciples Of Xianyinzong To Revolt? [1]


"Hey, hey, what are you talking about?"

The sudden noise interrupted Ye Fan's thoughts, and when he turned his head, he saw the disciples following him glaring at a dozen people not far away.

The dozen or so people pointed and pointed, making no effort to hide the disdain and ridicule on their faces.

That's right, it's a joke in itself to become a direct disciple without any cultivation.

Even if he possesses the incomplete Nine Yang Body, in the eyes of the disciples of Xianyin Sect, that is the back door.

The suzerain's decision is really speechless.

Is it necessary to spend a lot of resources to repair his Nine Suns Body?

Even if the Body of Nine Suns is a reserve of land immortals, it would not cost so much resources for him.

Ye Fan must have something to do with the suzerain in order to become a direct disciple.

Compared with Senior Brother Chu Ming, he is really far behind.

Brother Chu Ming was already a strong master in the realm of the master before, and he treated people very well. He basically treated them equally regardless of whether they were inner disciples or outer disciples.

However, such a beautiful brother died, so that Ye Fan took advantage of it.

Furthermore, Ye Fan's domineering attitude made them very, very upset.

A villain succeeds, a villain succeeds!

Isn't it just becoming a direct disciple, what's so arrogant about it?

If the Nine Suns Body cannot be restored, there is a high probability that the status of direct disciple will be revoked eventually.

Because the elders will never allow a useless person to become the future suzerain, and all the disciples of Xianyinzong will not agree!

I really hope that he will always be such a useless person, the body of the nine yangs can never be restored, that's the fun.

"Criticize yourself, Senior Brother Ye Fan, you guys are so brave!"


The people around Ye Fan seem to have a tendency to become dog legs, and through Ye Fan passing on the name of his disciples himself, he has also become a hero.

Those people in front are his senior brothers, and they have to respectfully salute when they meet each other on weekdays.

But now with Ye Fan, they feel that they can stand up straight, and even step on those guys.

The dozen or so people who were reprimanded were furious, you bastards! What a shame for Xianyinzong!

Do you really think Ye Fan can sit firmly on the throne of direct disciple?

Don't forget that there are several other talented senior brothers in Xianyinzong!

If they stand up, I'm afraid the suzerain will have to think carefully about it.

"A bunch of dog things〃"!"

After cursing angrily, they quickly left the scene.

Ye Fan watched with a calm expression, naturally knowing what those people were thinking.

Not just jealousy!


Seeing that he has become a direct disciple, do you feel envious and jealous?

It's also understandable, after all, I am such an excellent person, no matter where I go, I will be envied and envied by others.

I only blame myself for being too good, and also blame them for being too hot!

"Brother Ye Fan, those guys are too rude, I suggest you complain to the elders and let them accept punishment!"

The dog leg immediately said, Ye Fan has such a thigh, you must hold it tight!

"Oh? Complain to the elders?"

"Yes, complaining to the elders will definitely be effective, and they will definitely be punished! Brother Ye Fan is a direct disciple, and his status is still higher than that of the elders."


"They offended Brother Ye Fan, if the elders don't punish them, wouldn't it be a joke?"

Ye Fan was a little moved, it seemed to be a very good choice.

Using the elders group, you can easily eradicate some people in the sect who do not accept you, and it will be very cool to beat them in the face when the sect grand competition is held!

Such a good opportunity must not be missed!

"Let's do this first, and then we'll see."

Ye Fan already had an idea, and then continued to wander around.

He likes the feeling of walking around very much now, because he can always see Xianyinzong disciples saluting to him, which can greatly satisfy his vanity.

{report, must report!}

{I am the best person in the world, a direct disciple, why do you hot chickens look down on me?}

{Wait! I will report and punish you, and then I will humiliate you hot chicks during the Zongmen Dabi!}

Ye Fan thought to himself, with a faint smile on his face.

[Tsk~ The disciples of Xianyin Sect seem to be very dissatisfied with the protagonist comrade now. ]

[However, this wave of reports from the protagonist comrade is a bit disgusting, but maybe it is a good opportunity? ]

[Hey~ There is a lot of chaos inside the Immortal Sound Sect, I guess the elder group will also have a headache, right?]

Chu Xuan had already witnessed all the process through the surveillance system, and immediately had an idea in his mind.

Since the disciples of Xianyin Sect are dissatisfied, they should stand up and explain their true thoughts to the sect.

Ye Fan is so arrogant, they should stand up and revolt directly!

If you want them to revolt, you have to do something yourself, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve perfect results.

The masters listened to the voices of the two people, it was heaven.


Ye Fan is the kind of guy who has a small belly and a small belly, and a villain.

Now he has become a direct disciple of the Immortal Yin Sect, but he has no cultivation level himself, so logically he should keep a low profile, work hard to restore the body of the Nine Suns, and then practice hard.

But he chose to Zhang Yang everywhere, which made many disciples of Xianyinzong very dissatisfied with him.

You are digging your own grave!

After Chu Xuan knew about these things, he definitely wanted to do something.

Will it cause chaos within Xianyinzong?

It seems that he wants to use those Xianyinzong disciples, but what will he do?

The hostesses are very curious, and Li Yan even thinks that maybe they can help?

Anyway, the office is outside Xiqiao (Qian Nuohao), so it is really easy to do something.

It has been a few days since the establishment of the office, and the disciples of the Yinzong have not bubbled up yet.

On the contrary, some other ancient martial forces came to apply to join the office and become one of them.

Right now, the person in charge is reviewing those ancient martial arts forces!

"Join the office... By the way, maybe it can be done like this!"

Li Yan immediately had a plan, summoned all the heroines, and quickly discussed the action, which made the heroines praise one after another.

As this wave continues, the office must properly occupy the main reason.

No matter how Xianyinzong accepts the move, there will be disharmonious voices inside the Yinzong!

"Yan Ran, please invite Xuanyuan Hao over here."

"it is good."

Xuanyuan Hao, that is, the person in charge of the Lingnan Office, is a top expert from the Xuanyuan family, and a master-level powerhouse!.


Chapter 1224: Li Yan: Welcome People With Lofty Ideals To Join The Office! [2]


"Meet the Inspector!"

Xuanyuan Hao came to the office and saluted respectfully.

The identity of the inspector is higher than him, and the other party is the owner of the Xuannv Palace, and the closest person to Chu Xuan, so the status can be imagined.

Even if he is the Patriarch of the Xuanyuan family, he is polite to Li Yan.

"Elder Xuanyuan, I don't know how you are doing with the review of the personnel who apply to join the office?"

"Everything is going well. At present, there are 16 ancient martial arts forces applying, all of which are ancient martial arts forces in the Lingnan area, and most of them are second-rate and first-rate forces."

"The review work is progressing in an orderly manner, and there should be results within three days."

This kind of progress is already very good. Sixteen ancient martial arts forces have applied, and the other ancient martial arts forces have not made any movement yet.

But they will definitely choose to apply to join soon, and now they probably still have a wait-and-see attitude, wanting to see the effect of other members who joined the office.

Li Yan nodded slightly, and said: "The progress is very good, but the development of the office has to be accelerated, time waits for no one."

Xuanyuan Hao understands what it means, and the alliance will set up three offices now.

If they don't complete the construction quickly, it will have an impact on the creation of other service 020's melee.

Only when all three offices are built quickly and achieve excellent results, can the alliance quickly create more offices.

To put it bluntly, now they are three offices that are just pilot projects.

The results will affect the future development of the league, and the burden on their shoulders is very heavy.

"The inspectors mean to speed up the progress of the review of members, and to call more ancient martial arts forces to join?"

"Yes, we welcome all people with lofty ideals to join the office. As long as they belong to the ancient martial arts forces in the Lingnan region, no matter what the identity of the other party is, they are welcome to join. However, the review cannot be slack."


"Elder Xuanyuan, issued a notice in the name of the office, calling for more ancient martial arts forces to join. When necessary, you can also mention the various benefits of joining the office."


Xuanyuan Hao's expression changed slightly, what are the benefits of joining the office?

Naturally, they can get the support of alliance resources, and even when they have enough contributions, they can exchange for treasures in the alliance treasury.

The alliance treasury is still a secret until now, and only those who have joined the alliance are qualified to know. (chaj)

Saying it in advance now will inevitably attract a large number of ancient warriors to join.

In this way, the office will soon receive a lot of applications, and in the next time, I am afraid that the office will be completely busy in terms of personnel review.

"There are quite a few ancient martial arts forces in Chancheng, Elder Xuanyuan can start from this point."

Li Yan said with a hint, and Xuanyuan Hao made his statement immediately.

There are indeed many ancient martial forces in Chancheng, but so far only two have received applications from the ancient martial forces in Chancheng, and the number is still very small.

As the ancient martial forces who have been entrenched in Chancheng all the year round, they are more shrewd and want to see what benefits other ancient martial forces who join the office can gain.

When there is no absolute benefit, most of the ancient martial arts forces in Chancheng choose to wait and see.

Maybe there are some ancient martial forces in Chancheng who need the office to help them deal with things, but that doesn't mean they are willing to join the office.

Joining the office means becoming a subordinate of people like Xuanyuan Hao, and they are still quite resistant.

After explaining these things to Xuanyuan Hao, Li Yan led many heroines to patrol around the office.

She is an inspector, and the task is destined to be relatively heavy.

Especially when the office was just established, it is inevitable that there will be some people with ulterior motives.


She has to ensure the safety of the office and help deal with some enemies that the office cannot solve.

Numerous heroines with defying cultivation are patrolling, which is really a beautiful landscape.

Xuanyuan Hao has already started to make announcements, and directly posted a post in the name of the Lingnan Office in the Guwu Forum.

As soon as the post was sent out, it caused many people to discuss it.

"Calling more ancient warriors to join the Lingnan office? The speed of alliance expansion is accelerating!"

"It seems that the office has just been established, and now it is eager to speed up. Is it too anxious?"

"Joining the office still has a lot of benefits, at least you can get the protection of the alliance!"

"Look, the various benefits of joining the office are mentioned later. What is the alliance treasure house? There are countless treasures? There are even pills to improve cultivation?"

"Enough contributions can be exchanged for treasures? Hey~ How big is the alliance's treasure house, and how many treasures are there?"

At the end of the announcement, there are various benefits for joining the office. The benefits are definitely not as good as those of the alliance headquarters, but the alliance treasure house is still the same.

As long as you have enough contribution points, you can exchange for treasures in the alliance treasury.

This is the most exciting, but also the most curious.

"Does anyone know what good things are in the alliance treasure house?"

"Has anyone exchanged it?"

"Is it the treasure house of the alliance? Hmm... just changed a magical weapon some time ago, how should I put it... it feels like that!"

"Upstairs, are you showing off? Hehe~ I bought a bottle of Great Returning Pill, which improves my cultivation base, and my cultivation base has been raised from the third level of the innate realm to the fifth level. Did I say anything?"

When such a post was sent out, some alliance disciples became active.


Before, they kept silent about the treasure house of the alliance, and they didn't dare to say it anywhere, which really suffocated them.

It's really frustrating to exchange good things but not be able to share such news with others, and can't go out and brag about it.

Now that the office's announcement came out, the alliance headquarters didn't say much, that is to say, the alliance headquarters supported the statement of the office.

That said! They can finally brag about the goodies they got in the Alliance Vault!

Therefore, all the alliance disciples stood up to speak, and the various treasures exposed were really dazzling.

It even made the top forces in various regions of Xia Kingdom popular.

What kind of alliance treasure house is so exaggerated to the extreme.

It is said that the treasures are endless and can never be exchanged!

The elixir for improving cultivation has relatively few side effects. In addition, there are all kinds of magical weapons, massive cultivation methods and so on!


It's worth it!

Join, must join!

They don't have a chance to join the Alliance Headquarters, but they can do it elsewhere!

Like those three offices!

Countless ancient martial arts forces turned their attention to the office, eager to try.

It's a pity that the announcement of the office also said that only the ancient martial arts forces in the current area are recruited.

Applications outside the current region are temporarily not supported!.


Chapter 1225: The Disciples Of Xianyinzong Are Envious, And The Office Benefits A Lot [3]


Tongtian Valley, a first-class force in Lingnan area.

The owner of the valley, Shao Huayin, gathered together with many elders and was studying the posts in the office.

Pay attention to the replies of those alliance disciples, and they are often shocked to the point of exclaiming.

After watching for a long time, Gu Zhu finally quit the forum and asked: "How much credibility do you think the words of these alliance disciples have?"

The elders looked together, their eyes burning.

"At least 90%! Judging from the way the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance behaves, they won't be able to deceive people with such clumsy lies. That is to say, the treasure house of the alliance really exists, and there really are the biggest treasures!"

"As long as you have enough contribution points, you can exchange for corresponding treasures. There are magic weapons, top-notch pills, and even forbidden equipment!"

"What a terrifying ancient martial arts alliance! Although this move is intended to expand rapidly, it is really attractive."

"Master Gu, why don't we go to the office to have a look? Even if you don't want to join, it's better to have a look first."

The elders were very moved. The various treasures mentioned by the disciples of the alliance were really varied, and some of them made them covetous.

Shao Huayin was naturally greedy too, because just now he saw that the treasures mentioned by the alliance disciples were exactly what he longed for.

Too bad I couldn't find it for years!

Now the opportunity is in front of him, it depends on whether he can grasp it.

"It's no wonder those who joined the alliance headquarters didn't say anything. No one wants to share such a big benefit with others!"

"Now the office has taken the initiative to tell about the treasure house of the alliance in order to expand rapidly. This matter can't be concealed. However, will it attract some ancient martial arts forces to join forces and seize the treasure house of the alliance?"

What the lord said makes sense!


The alliance treasury has a fatal attraction, which will inevitably make some people take risks.

Maybe even some ancient military forces overseas will intervene!

However, the Great Elder directly shook his head and denied, saying: "No! As long as you are a person with no problem in mind, you will not choose to join forces to rob the alliance's treasure house!"

"The headquarters of the ancient martial arts alliance itself was formed by the top forces in the ancient martial arts world of the imperial capital, and those top forces are all seated by the ancestors of land gods. Moreover, the leader of the Chu alliance is now exposed to be a top-notch powerhouse, and it is very likely It's the land god Jiuzhong! Could it be that the owner of the valley forgot about the global ancient martial arts forum?"

"Single-handedly shattered the power of the ancient martial arts of the Sakura Kingdom, and even made the global ancient martial arts world dare not mention the crusade. Let me ask you, who dares to be an enemy of the ancient martial arts alliance in Xia Kingdom?"

The words of the Great Elder were recognized by everyone.

There is no doubt that Chu Xuan is the scariest evildoer in this era.

The actions of the Sakura Kingdom alone shocked everyone, and the matter is still being discussed on the Guwu Forum.

But no matter how we discuss it, we just don't talk about the crusade against Chu Xuan.

It can be seen from this that the world's ancient martial arts world is also afraid of Chu Xuan's power, and dare not do anything to him at all.

The owner of the valley nodded again and again, he will definitely not forget this matter.

"What the Great Elder said makes sense, so hurry up and visit the Lingnan Office. I remember that the Lingnan Office is in Xiqiao Mountain in Chancheng, right? Elders, follow me!

Shao Huayin was decisive and set off directly with the elders.

Thinking and acting in the same way as Tongtian Valley, there are also many ancient martial arts forces in the Lingnan area.

Compared with the ancient martial arts in other regions, they have inherent advantages, and they are very excited now.

If what those alliance disciples said is true, then we join the office, and if we make enough contributions in the future, we can exchange for the treasures they want.


Apply to join, must apply to join!

Especially some first-rate forces, second-rate forces, and third-rate forces are more eager.

The office is different from the alliance headquarters. There is no threshold for membership application, and the top forces in the region may not be required to join.

Therefore, as long as they meet the conditions, they can become a member of the office after passing the review.

Such advantages must be firmly grasped.

If you can join the office, you have to do something quickly to get contribution points, and get treasures faster than the ancient martial arts forces in other regions!

In Xianyinzong, because of the announcement from the office, many disciples are now discussing this matter.

"I didn't expect that joining the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance would have so many benefits! The treasure house of the alliance is too strong!"

"You said, how many treasures have they exchanged for the top forces that have already joined in the imperial capital?"

...... Ask for flowers… 0

"There are at least a thousand alliance disciples replying to the post, and hundreds of treasures are listed. I admit, I am greedy.

"Hehe~ It's the same as saying who doesn't envy, the top forces that joined the imperial capital have taken advantage of it for nothing for several months!"

Xianyinzong is a hidden sect, and there are many cultivation resources in the sect. Logically speaking, they don't have any worries about cultivation resources.

However, that is only for inner disciples, or some elder disciples, or direct disciples.

Ordinary disciples, even ordinary inner disciples, have limited resources.

Like this hidden world sect, they pay more attention to cultivating a small number of top talents to continue the sect's top combat power.



Ordinary disciples, their resources are more than some other ancient martial arts forces, but not much.

Right now, there is an opportunity for them to obtain more resources and obtain the treasures they have dreamed of, so they are naturally envious.

As a top hermit sect, can I join the five?

Even if you want to join, it should be the headquarters of the alliance, right?

Especially the suzerain is an arrogant person, it is really difficult for him to join.

Thinking about it, many Xianyinzong disciples were helpless, and wanted to leave Xianyinchen for a moment.

"How about... let's go to the elder first, let the elder persuade the suzerain, and ask about the relevant situation?"

"Yes, yes, with so many treasures, maybe the suzerain will also be tempted. At that time, we can directly join the office. Think about it, the office is located outside Xiqiao Mountain, which is the closest to our Xianyin sect! "

Some disciples made a suggestion, and some inner disciples, even elder disciples, took the lead and went directly to the elders' group.

After hearing the news, the group of elders also looked at the post for a while, and were a little moved.

But will the suzerain join?

Obviously not possible!

After all, the things that the suzerain did in the imperial capital before were difficult to do. In particular, I had a conflict with Chu Xuan and wanted him to join the office?

Difficult to climb!

But try rice anyway!.


Chapter 1226: The Suzerain's Self-Confidence Makes The Disciples Disappointed! [4]


"What? Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Sect Master Xianyin was very emotional. When the elders told him, his mentality exploded instantly.

"Want this seat to join the office? Unless he, Chu Xuan, apologizes to this seat and invites this seat with a big sedan chair, and it is the alliance headquarters, then this seat can still consider it!"

Board of Elders: ...…

I lost you, Rem, do you want to fart?

It is possible to stab you eight knives, and you will carry the sedan chair eight times, so you won't be afraid of being laughed at if you say it?

Besides, our Immortal Sound Sect is an ancient martial arts force in the south of the Five Ridges, and not from the imperial capital, so how could it be possible to join the alliance headquarters?

Regarding the suzerain's attitude, the elders actually expected it.

After all, because of the incidents in the imperial capital, the suzerain is considered to be enmity with Chu Xuan and the Guwu Alliance.

It is very difficult for the suzerain to join the office. "Little Seven

It's just that I didn't expect the suzerain's attitude to be so exaggerated. It seems that I think too highly of Xianyinzong, right?

"Elders, have you forgotten that Chu Xuan and the Guwu Alliance are our enemies? They are not good for Ruobing, they are oppressing our Immortal Sound Sect!"

"Besides, the three elders were taken away by the inspectors of the imperial capital before. Don't you forget?"

Hearing this, the faces of the group of elders changed slightly, and they quickly fell silent.

Indeed, judging from the current situation, it is unlikely that the two sides will come together.

It's just that those things in the Alliance Treasure House are really attractive, many of which are not available in the Immortal Sound Sect, let them Chen Yi's.

Only by joining the office can they have the opportunity to obtain those things.


What a hassle!

Seeing their silence, Sect Master Xianyin was very satisfied, and said coldly: "You can't sell your conscience for a little profit! Besides, if you join them, you will have to obey them in the future. Don't tell me you are going to surrender your status matter?"

Every word, every sentence, was deeply rooted in the hearts of the elders, letting them know that this matter must not be completed.


It's just... the treasure house of the alliance is not a petty profit, but a super big cake.

"The main reason is that many disciples in the sect are discussing this matter, so..."

"Discussing this matter? Hmph! As a disciple of the Immortal Sound Sect, how can you not be a little bit arrogant? What is a mere petty gain?"

"Send an order to forbid anyone to talk about weight!"

If someone discusses it, let them all shut up. This is the perfect way, right?

The elders are helpless, in fact, they really want to join.

If it was the suzerain before those things happened in the imperial capital, they would definitely try their best to persuade them.

After all, there are really too many benefits to joining an office!

Under today's general trend, there will definitely be many ancient martial arts forces choosing to join.

Let's talk about ancient martial arts forces like Tongtian Valley, if they join, they will have enough contribution points in the future, can they be exchanged for many treasures?

After having those treasures, the overall strength of these ancient martial forces in Tongtian Valley will rise rapidly.

One day in the future, it may even surpass Xianyinzong.

At that time, will the Xianshou sect still have the right to speak in the Lingnan area?

The elders thought very far, but the suzerain didn't think so.

All he thought about was how to take revenge, how to trample Chu Xuan under his feet, and make his precious goddaughter happy.

Especially when he thought of the fact that his arm was cut off by Chu Xuan, he was so angry that tears came out.

A good person will directly become Yang Guo, but he doesn't have an aunt like Xiaolongnv!

It hurts to think about it.

"Don't bring up this matter again, let's go!"

"I'll take my leave.

The group of elders had no choice but to withdraw from the Xianyin Hall.


Sect Master Xianyin watched them leave, and snorted heavily, feeling a little proud.

Look, he has absolute control over the sect.

He could tell that the group of elders was a little moved, but under his strength, the group of elders could only dispel these thoughts.

Sure enough, he is the invincible overlord of the Immortal Sect!

There are many disciples waiting outside the Xianyin Hall, and the elders are discussing with the suzerain, they are not qualified to go in and listen.

Now that the elders came out, some elders and disciples immediately stepped forward and asked, "Master, did the suzerain make a decision?"

They are looking forward to it!

If you can join the office and exchange for some treasures in the future, it will be a matter of minutes.

With the current situation in the Immortal Sound Sect, the suzerain has reserved most of the resources for Ye Fan to use in the future.

Even the resources that these elder disciples deserve have been reduced a lot...

If you want to change the situation, you can only join the office.

Because after joining the office, as long as they do things that are beneficial to the alliance and the ancient martial arts world, they can get contribution points.

There are two types of contribution points, one is individual contribution points and the other is collective contribution points.

Collective contribution points are obtained by the ancient martial forces they belong to!

When obtaining contribution points, both will be obtained.

The treasures exchanged through personal contribution points are their personal things.

The Great Elder shook his head and said: "The suzerain does not agree, and his attitude is very firm."

A simple sentence directly shattered the expectations of the disciples of the Immortal Sound Sect.

"What? The suzerain disagrees? Why?"

All the disciples are dumbfounded, they don't agree to join, and their attitude is still very firm?



The group of elders looked at each other, they were all without ministers.

Of course they know why, but can they tell?

Certainly not!

"The suzerain has ordered that if you don't join the office, you will not be allowed to discuss this matter in the future. Let's leave, don't think too much, the right way is to concentrate on cultivation."

Disciples: …

God is so righteous!

It doesn't matter if they get the same resources as before.

But the key is that their resources have been reduced now, and they will have to make wedding dresses for Ye Fan in the future, how can they be convinced?

"What are you still doing? Let's go 3.2!"

The big boss made a face, Ou disciple quickly lost his face.

Just judging from their aggrieved expressions, it is obvious that they are very, very dissatisfied with the suzerain's decision.

It was obviously a good opportunity to improve your strength, why did you refuse it?

Could it be that the suzerain's brains were trapped by the big iron gate?

No foresight at all!

The elders watched and shook their heads. This decision of the suzerain may cause dissatisfaction among many people.

But what can be done?

If the conflict between the Sovereign and Chu Xuan cannot be resolved, it is absolutely impossible to join.

But is it possible to resolve the contradiction?

Of course not!

Unless the suzerain is willing to abandon Chen Ruobing!

But judging from the suzerain's doting on Chen Ruobing, it was impossible. .


Chapter 1227: Chu Xuan's Deceitful Plan, The Protagonist Wants To Die? [5]


Now that the suzerain refuses to join the office, the future Xianyin sect may be surpassed by many ancient martial arts forces in the Lingnan area.

The reason lies in the alliance treasury!

With a large number of treasures, as long as enough contribution points can be exchanged, how many ancient martial arts forces can quickly increase their strength in a short period of time?

Nobody knows!

But they know that if the current Xianyinzong really goes on like this, then they can only stand still!

"Sister Yan and the others have come up with such a thing, the change is a bit fast."

Chu Xuan had already come to Xiqiao Mountain, opened the Guwu forum on a whim, and found the above things.

It has only been three hours since the announcement was issued, and the response has been very enthusiastic.

He hadn't considered telling the outside about the Alliance Treasure House before. One of the reasons was that he was worried that the Alliance Treasure House would be missed by others.

But judging from his current cultivation, no matter who invaded and wanted to seize the alliance's treasure house, he was confident that he would make the other party pay the price in blood.

Choosing to expose the alliance's treasury at this time will be of great help to the development of the alliance's 27 offices.

He didn't have any dissatisfaction, or he suddenly realized that he seemed to have forgotten about it.

When they were in the imperial capital, they were not told about the treasure house until they joined the alliance.

Now, active exposure will definitely benefit the development of the alliance office.

In the face of so many treasures, absolutely no normal ancient martial arts force can sit still.

Those who choose to refuse to join should be forces similar to Xianyinzong.

Sect Master Xianyin's refusal was expected, and it was absolutely impossible for the other party to join.

The biggest reason is Chen Ruobing!


Knowing that Chen Ruobing was wanted by the Ancient Martial Alliance, how could the Chief Suzerain still join?

If you really join, then the Alliance will have a legitimate reason to directly enter the Immortal Sound Sect.

If you enter the Immortal Sound Sect, you may find traces of Chen Ruobing.

So he won't opt ​​in!

The other one is that Sect Master Xianyin was too arrogant and arrogant. How could he join in after his arm was chopped off?

However, the disciples of the Immortal Sound Sect really want to join the office, because there are so many benefits.

It's a pity that the suzerain didn't agree, which caused them to have some resentment towards the suzerain now.

Nobody wants to waste an opportunity, especially if their resources are being cut.

It is rare to know that there is a powerful ancient martial arts alliance that can provide huge treasures, and they will definitely be moved.

For Chu Xuan, this is a great opportunity, an opportunity to create a rift within Xianyuzong!

He directly used the disguise technique, and after a simple disguise, he entered the Immortal Sound Sect.

The chosen image, that is, the role of a passer-by in the Immortal Sound Sect, plus clothing and so on, will not make people suspicious.

"The environment of Xianyinzong is good, it is very suitable for retirement.

"Giving such a good place to Xianyinzong is really a waste of time!"

Entering Xianyinzong easily, a group of Xianyinzong disciples were soon found talking under the big tree.

Mixed into this group of people, and soon knew what they were talking about.

Judging from their words, they are still discussing the matter of joining the office, and they are also studying why the suzerain disagrees.

There are so many benefits, the suzerain really has no reason to refuse.


"What do you think the suzerain is thinking? It's so good to join the office, but don't join!"

"From what the elders said, the suzerain seems very excited."

"Hey~ Obviously I can get a lot of resources, but in the end..."

The disciples said very sadly, Chu Xuan Gong.


His laughter caught the attention of these disciples, and they looked over one by one, very dissatisfied.

"Boy, what are you laughing at?"

The oldest ones are all in their fifties, but they are only at the first level of the Innate Realm.

The faces of other people are also very ugly. They are distressed here, but now there are still people laughing!

Bastard, can you figure out the situation?

Chu Xuan's smile didn't change, and he said: "I'm kidding that you haven't figured it out until now, the suzerain must have a reason for doing this!"

"Hmph! Then talk about it and see if it makes any sense!"

Dozens of disciples are very upset, your kid looks like he is in his twenties, how could he be smarter than them?

"Hehe~ Let me tell you about it. If Xianyinzong joins the office, what benefits will everyone get?"

"Naturally, the contribution points are exchanged for the items in the alliance's treasury, right? In that way, everyone's cultivation can be improved in a very short time. For the Immortal Sound Sect, that must be a good thing."

"But for another person, it's not a good thing. For example, our direct disciple Ye Fan, he is a waste now. If everyone's cultivation level continues to improve, but he is still a waste, what will happen? ?"

Everyone has been attracted by his words, followed his thinking, and vaguely understood something.

"Ye Fan is the personal disciple appointed by the suzerain, but he is a useless person. At this critical moment, if everyone improves their cultivation, it will be very difficult for the suzerain.


"For the suzerain, it has already used means to transfer everyone's resources to Ye Fan, but in the end, it will be difficult for the suzerain to get everyone through the alliance treasure house?"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed.

That's right, 867's words are very reasonable!

If Suzerain is for Ye Fan, it is very likely that he will refuse to join the office!

That guy Ye Fan is a well-connected accountant, and now the suzerain still does this kind of thing for him, it is unforgivable!

All of a sudden, the disciple who was dissatisfied with Ye Fan at first, now developed a strong resentment.

It's all that bastard, it's that bastard who killed them!

"Ye Fan!"

"It's Ye Fan who killed us, that bastard! He's a rat shit, rat shit!"

"He is the stumbling block on everyone's road to success!"

Chu Xuan looked at the disciple who had become angry, and smiled to himself.

Simple deception, combined with the current situation, can easily make everyone believe his words.

Now these people not only develop resentment towards Ye Fan, but also a strong distrust towards their clan.

A rift has already formed inside the Immortal Sound Sect, just wait for this rift to expand rapidly!

Just as I was thinking this way, I suddenly saw the protagonist comrade walking from a distance, accompanied by dozens of people.

That bastard's air is short of having the word "arrogant" written on his face.

Walking at a pace that no relatives would recognize, his tail was almost raised to the sky.

Look at these disciples of the Immortal Sound Sect again, well, the protagonist comrade is a bit desperate now!.


Chapter 1228: The Protagonist Goes Farther And Farther On The Road To Death [1]


There was a lot of movement when the protagonist walked over, and dozens of people were dragging it like something, that arrogant attitude couldn't be ignored at all!

The group of people around Chu Xuan looked over in unison.

They were already very dissatisfied with Ye Fan, and with Chu Xuan's fooling around, now they have developed a strong resentment towards Ye Fan.

Seeing his attitude again, and thinking about what he did in the past few days when he came to Xianyinzong, no one can bear it.

If you keep a low profile, maybe no one has said anything yet.

But you, a person with no cultivation base, relying on your status as a direct disciple, domineering in the sect, forming cliques, and occupying their resources.

Who can stand it?

Ye Fan also discovered this group of people, but he didn't care.

You foolish people, soon you will taste the pain!

So what if you don't have cultivation now?

He is a direct disciple!

As long as it is a direct disciple, there are many ways to deal with all those who are not convinced.

Any disciple who is arrogant in front of him will have to pay the price.

Since these people are dissatisfied with him now, let's deal with them severely.

Wait until the Zongmen Grand Competition, and then let them know what true talent is against the sky.

As long as there are enough pills for his Nine Yang Body, the recovery progress will be accelerated.

If he could recover within half a month, then he would be sure to slap everyone in the face during the Zongmen Grand Competition.

He knew the special features of his body, no matter how many pills he took, there would be no sequelae.

Therefore, when the Nine Yang Body is restored, not only will his cultivation speed increase, but he can even continue to forcefully improve his cultivation.

If you can be promoted to the level of a grand master before the Zongmen Dabi



It's such a cool picture to directly hit the rhythm of the entire sect in the face.

"You guys, why are you not polite when you see me?"

Ye Fan walked over with dozens of dog legs, his expression indifferent, his nostrils upturned, frantically showing the arrogance of his own disciples.


Among the crowd, the disciple with the highest cultivation level snorted heavily.

Arrogant, really too arrogant!

"You seem very unconvinced?"

Ye Fan said immediately, the attitude of looking down on thousands of people, as if he was already a peerless powerhouse, despising all living beings.

"Heh~ People without any cultivation can become direct disciples. Isn't it too obvious to go through the back door?"

"Not bad! You still occupy so many of our resources, won't your conscience hurt?"

"I really don't know what the suzerain is thinking. People like you can still become a direct disciple! What a big joke!"

"Compared to Senior Brother Chu Ming, you are far behind!"

Many people couldn't hold back and stood up to ridicule directly.

At first Ye Fan could still listen calmly, mocking the ignorance of these people in his heart.

But when he heard Chu Ming, he couldn't hold back.

Chu Ming was the original direct disciple. Not surprisingly, the future Xianyin Sect will fall into Ciming Zhanchen.

But for the sake of Ruo Bing, for him, Master chose to kill Chu Ming, and he knew about it.

Therefore, Chu Ming actually became a taboo in his heart, and he was very worried that that matter would be exposed.

At that time, not only his master will be impeached, but he will also lose his status as a direct disciple.

Now that someone mentioned Chu Ming, Ye Fan's face suddenly turned cold, and he stared at the disciple suddenly, his arrogance rose wildly.


"You deserve death!"


Everyone was stunned by his sudden change, but he just said such a sentence, how could he be guilty of a crime and deserve to die?

This guy is so funny!

Ye Fan said coldly: "You guys are so courageous! I am a disciple of Xianyin Sect, but you dare to be so arrogant in front of me, are you flouting the rules of Xianyin Sect?"

"Hmph! Tell them what kind of crime it is to despise a direct disciple in Xianyinzong!"

As soon as the words fell, a dog leg jumped out from behind and said loudly: "It is a felony to despise a direct disciple. If it is light, you will be punished with a staff of one hundred, and you will be punished with Si Guoya facing the wall for three years! If it is serious, your cultivation will be abolished and you will be expelled from the sect!"

As soon as this remark came out, the crowd became agitated.

Damn, Ye Fan is really shameless!

It is absolutely unbearable to use the rules of Xianyinzong to oppress them now!

"Ye Fan! You are just a piece of trash, why should you become a direct disciple? There are so many outstanding senior brothers in the sect. Compared with them, you are far behind!"

"The incomplete body of the nine yangs? That is also disabled! The suzerain's decision is really ridiculous, ridiculous!"

"Don't try to use the sect's rules to suppress us, I will teach you a lesson today! And you bastards, do you want to be enemies of the entire Xianyin sect?"

Nearly a hundred people, filled with righteous indignation, directly surrounded Ye Fan and the others.

The commotion here also attracted many disciples of the Immortal Sound Sect nearby, who rushed to join in the fun.

After that, he also joined the team.

For Ye Fan, they are really interested.

In just a few days, Ye Fan's domineering behavior has become unbearable for them.

If such a person inherits the Immortal Sound Sect in the future, it will be a disaster, a devastating disaster!

Ye Fan didn't expect these people to be so crazy, and he was a little bit worried, because he is now a useless person without any cultivation.

But thinking that he is a direct disciple, and he has already complained to the elders, he thinks that these people will be punished soon.


That being the case, what else did he have to worry about?

"Bold and reckless! Despise the sect rules! As a direct disciple, I must guard the sect rules and maintain the dignity of the sect!"

"You people should abolish your cultivation and expel the Immortal Sound Sect!"


Those words completely ignited the anger of everyone.

Abolish the practice, right?

What a big breath!

"Get rid of him! Everyone must remember that the law does not punish the public! Could the Suzerain still punish so many of us? Besides, the ones who did the wrong thing are the Suzerain (Hao Hao Zhao) and Ye Fan, so why punish us? "

Chu Xuan in the crowd shouted, and immediately got everyone's response.

The crowd rushed up one after another, without using any weapons, just using the simplest and most brutal boxing kung fu, the innate qi continued to fly away, instantly crushing the dozens of dog legs around Ye Fan, who couldn't breathe.

Ye Fan's eyes widened, they didn't dare to touch the people?


Don't slap your face!


Ye Fan was directly pressed to the ground by two people and output crazily, causing him to scream in pain.

Chu Xuan couldn't help but want to applaud, he really deserves to be the protagonist comrade, he has to do something wherever he goes.

In other words, the current wave of operations is really going further and further on the road to death, and it directly cuts off the back road.

It can only be said that the protagonist comrade is very angry!

What to do next?

Why don't you really beat this guy into a cripple first!.


Chapter 1229: The Poor Protagonist Was Beaten Violently, Is He Going To Be Disabled? [2]


The angry crowd was really merciless in their attacks, as if they were going to beat Ye Fan to death.

Buttonholes, nose piercing, pussy teasing!

Chu Xuan, who saw all kinds of unscrupulous attack methods, called him an expert. After this wave, the protagonist comrade may not be in the rhythm of being physically castrated.

It can only be said that what the protagonist did was so unpopular that so many people hated him so much that they wished to kill him directly.

If it wasn't for the fact that he had the title of direct disciple, he would have been beaten to death by these people.

Ye Fan fell to the ground and curled up. Although there were many people around him protecting him, how could there be enough people to face the angry crowd?

Even those who wanted to protect him were taken care of, and they were beaten to death.

[Tsk tsk tsk~ Sure enough, public anger is hard to offend, why doesn't the protagonist understand this truth? ]

[As long as you keep a low profile, as long as you keep your tail between your legs, you won't be greeted like this by your classmates. ]

[f**k! This wave of teasing feet may not have a hundred years of skill! ]

[Should I say it or not? After all, it is the protagonist. How can the little supporting role's flirtatious feet work? It's still not broken!]

Chu Xuan watched 883 very happily, and even enthusiastically stepped forward to guide.

Those angry Xianyinzong disciples didn't think too much at all, and if they were guided, they would go straight to death.

Dozens of Ye Fan's dog legs are desperate now, they just can't figure it out, they obviously want to hug their thighs, but why did they hug a nuclear bomb?

As a direct disciple of Ye Fan, how could he offend so many people?

As a disciple of the Immortal Sound Sect, how could he be so cruel to a direct disciple?

"Don't fight, don't fight, he is the direct disciple of the suzerain, the direct disciple of the suzerain!"


Someone is shouting, wanting to move out the suzerain to suppress people.

Chu Xuan immediately shouted when he heard this: "What about sectism? Is the suzerain trampling on the dignity of every disciple? Can the future of the sect be put aside for a waste city


"Could it be that the suzerain can kill all the disciples of the sect for his own selfishness? Brother Chu Ming's death has not yet been explained!"

The impassioned words made everyone even more angry.

That's right, even if it is the suzerain, how can he ignore so many disciples?

The so-called law does not blame the public, even if Ye Fan is killed, the suzerain should not punish so many people, right?

Besides, Senior Brother Chu Ming's death was indeed very strange.

He obviously went out with the suzerain, but died inexplicably in the end.

After returning to the Immortal Sound Sect, the suzerain didn't seem to be in a hurry to investigate the death of senior brother Chu Ming, and even directly made a waste who walked through the back door as a direct disciple. It's hard not to make people suspicious!

Brother Chu Ming is such a good person, what is the real cause of his death?

"It was definitely killed by Ye Fan, a bastard! Brother Chu Ming died too unjustly!"

"There is also the suzerain! Senior brother Chu Ming has followed him for so many years, but he is not worth it for a trash who walked through the back door. Senior brother Chu Ming is too unworthy!"

Some of the elder's disciples were roaring, which frightened Ye Fan, who was being violently beaten, to the point of death.

What the hell, why did someone talk about this?

"It's not me, I didn't do it!"

"I don't know why senior brother Chu Ming died, I don't know either!"

He kept screaming, which made people feel even more suspicious.

If you didn't do it, what did you do in such a panic denial?

There must be something strange, there must be something strange about Chu Ming's death!


"Beat him! Avenge Senior Brother Chu Ming!"

The disciples who had a good relationship with Chu Ming couldn't bear it at this time, and they shot one after another, and directly dealt a critical blow to the protagonist comrade.

The fist hits to the flesh, hitting Ye Fan's eyeballs almost popping out.

"It's over, it's over, it's going to be broken!"

Ye Fan's eyes widened, and the crotch was taken care of, kicking and kicking.

Even if (chad) is made of titanium alloy, it cannot withstand such a frequency.

What's more, he is a useless person now, and all the people who attack are ancient warriors.

He could clearly feel the sadness coming from his egg, as if he wanted to say goodbye to him at any time.

No, absolutely not!

He protected his head with one hand and his crotch with the other, and crawled out with difficulty.

"Want to leave? Drag it back!"

The disciple of Xianyinzong who saw him saw that he wanted to slip away, so he grabbed his foot and dragged him back, continuing to be violent.

Chu Xuan covered his eyes when he saw it, what a guy, he was beaten so hard that he didn't pull off his lotus seeds?

tut tut~

Comrade the protagonist is a bit miserable. After this operation, I am afraid that there will be psychological shadows.

Poor baby, now it's really a common anger between man and god.

The disciple of the Xianyin sect beat Ye Fan for more than an hour, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, his body was swollen several times, and now his own mother can't recognize her!

All the clothes on his body were stripped off. In this cold winter, he was shivering and almost became a fool.

"Bah~ what an unlucky thing, it's less than an inch, what are you blocking?"

"You Rem! How about a little toothpick?"


After the violence, dozens of people were all overthrown by them, and they felt refreshed.

It's been a long time since I've felt this good, it's really comfortable!

Ye Fan is already exhaling more qi and taking in less qi.

Under the successive beatings, his consciousness has begun to blur.

Chu Xuan believed it completely, another wave of attack would definitely send him to the west, the kind that God couldn't stop.

However, after all, it was the thief God's favorite cub. At the critical moment, there was still an injured disciple who stood up and dropped a smoke bomb directly.

The thick smoke was billowing, and it was extremely pungent, causing many disciples of the Immortal Sound Sect to back away.

When the smoke cleared, Ye Fan had already been taken away by that person.

"Bastard! Let him escape!"

"Damn! He escaped, will the Suzerain..."

"Don't worry! Can the suzerain really punish so many of us?"

Everyone looked, there were three hundred people!

Since the entire Immortal Sound Sect has only about a thousand people, if they are all punished, it will cause very, very serious consequences.

The suzerain shouldn't be that stupid, right?

Chu Xuan was secretly laughing at the self-comfort of the disciples of the Immortal Sound Sect.

I still underestimated the immorality of your suzerain.

To that guy, Chen Ruoshui is the most important person!

Moreover, the arrogant and self-willed Sect Master Xianyin will not punish you because he is worried about something wrong with Xianyin Sect?


I'm just waiting to see a good show, I'm really looking forward to how the next play will be performed. .


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