




Villain: Eavesdropping, The Heroines Are So Beautiful



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Chapter 1209: Assassination Under The Night, Quick Decision [2]


Hearing this, the elders were all shocked.

Has issued a call to Mount Fuji?

In history, Mount Fuji convening orders have never been used, but now because of the death of the four masters, such a convening order is actually issued?

It is conceivable that the matter this time is really serious, and it has even reached the moment of life and death for the ancient martial arts world of Sakura Country!

"In the next period of time, everyone must be vigilant to prevent the ancient warriors of the Xia Kingdom from entering the territory of the Sakura Kingdom!"

Patriarch Abe said that the group of elders did not dare to be negligent after receiving the order.

Chu Xuan had already arrived in the territory of the Cherry Blossom Country at this time, and with his cultivation level, it was naturally impossible for the people of the Cherry Blossom Country to discover him.

"They're all converging on Mount Fuji? Could it be the call to Mount Fuji?"

When I found that many ancient warriors were rushing to Mount Fuji, I immediately thought of the privileges of the Abe family.

It should be that the Abe family took the initiative to use such privileges and summoned the ancient warriors of the entire Sakura Kingdom.

Very good, the rhythm of giving him a chance properly!

Before, I thought that there were so many ancient warriors in the Sakura Country, and if I did it myself, some rumors would inevitably leak.

Now they all rush to Mount Fuji, which saves a lot of effort.

It can only be said that Patriarch Abe gave a wave of divine assists!

very talented!

There is no need to be so anxious now, after all the ancient warriors in the Sakura Kingdom gather at Mount Fuji, they will be cleaned up.


According to the summoning order of Mount Fuji, the entire Mount Fuji will be blocked by 447, and ordinary people will not be able to enter it.

Three hundred thousand ancient warriors, how can we deal with them in one wave?

Chu Xuan has already thought of a way, and it is also the most suitable and most explainable way.

He quietly rushed to Mount Fuji. This huge mountain has too many symbolic meanings in the country of cherry blossoms. In the hearts of people in the country of cherry blossoms, it is undoubtedly a holy mountain.

So there will be a large number of tourists here every day, but now the government has taken action to let the tourists evacuate quickly.

The excuse is simple, there is a possibility of Mount Fuji erupting.

Such an excuse is undoubtedly perfect, everyone knows that this is an active volcano, there is a possibility of eruption!

So when the Sakura Country official gave such an explanation, the people accepted it very well, but they didn't panic.

Because many outbreak warnings have been issued in history, but the result was thunder and rain, and there was no outbreak at all.

This time the high probability is the same as before, it was just a false alarm.

Tourists evacuated, and ancient warriors gathered.

The ancient warriors gathered at Mt. Fuji didn't know what happened, and they were discussing together.

The summoning order issued for the first time made many ancient warriors of the Sakura Kingdom very puzzled, but they were not worried.

"You said, why did the Patriarch Abe issue a convening order?"

"All the ancient warriors are here, 300,000 ancient warriors, this is the foundation of our Sakura Kingdom!"

"With so many people gathered, it's no problem even if we attack Xia Guo!"

The ancient warriors of the Sakura Kingdom are very confident, especially now that they are summoned by the summoning order, and all the ancient warriors of the entire Sakura Kingdom are present.

The number of people is so terrifying that they are full of confidence.

Chu Xuan has listened to many exchanges of ancient warriors from the Sakura Kingdom, and really does not know where their confidence comes from.


They have never seen them win the country of Xia in the past hundred years of war, why are they so confident now?

But now that Patriarch Abe hasn't explained things clearly to them, he can take action first, such as firing all the patriarchs of the five great aristocratic families!

Those patriarchs were in the closed door, if they didn't realize the disaster of extermination, or if their patriarch asked, they would basically not wake up.

To put it bluntly, if he sneaks in quietly without revealing any breath, then he can completely kill the opponent without anyone knowing it!

It doesn't seem to be difficult to do this, he can do it 100% in hiding the breath.

Even if you stand in front of the other party, you will not be aware of any breath, just like a transparent person.

(chcd) "Let's start with the Hatoyama family!"

Choose one of the five major families, each family has many ancestors at the level of land gods, they are closed in the forbidden area, and they still don't know what happened to the outside world

Because no one informed them at all.

Especially for the other four families except for the Abe family, ordinary disciples are not eligible to enter the forbidden area at all because of the death of the patriarch and high-level officials, and it is impossible to awaken the ancestors.

So they are still nesting in the forbidden area until now, and they have not woken up at all.

Under such circumstances, it is undoubtedly the most appropriate to attack them.

After making up his mind, Chu Xuan went directly to where the Hatoyama family was.

It is also a huge courtyard building complex, and there are still many Hatoyama family disciples patrolling here at this time.

They knew that the head of the family and many high-level officials were dead, and they were very afraid, for fear that the enemy would come to their door.

But because of their responsibilities, they cannot leave and must continue to guard the family residence.

Golden pupil scanned the entire Hatoyama family, and soon found their forbidden area.

The secret room is located in the main courtyard of the Hatoyama family. The secret room is 500 meters underground. It is very bright and it is a huge cave.

There are also many courtyards in the cave, and the environment is good.


In every courtyard, there is an old man sitting cross-legged in the middle, as if he is comprehending the road of martial arts.

These people are the ancestors of the Hatoyama family who closed the death gate, there are four people in total!

Chu Xuan easily entered the secret room and watched openly from outside a courtyard, but there was no aura leaking from him.

The old man in the middle of the yard didn't know at all, even when Chu Xuan walked in front of him, he still had his eyes closed, his face was peaceful, and he was completely immersed in martial arts.

"Old stuff, let's start with you."

Chu Xuan smiled slightly, turned his right hand into a palm, and patted the opponent's head directly.


The palm wind arrived, and the old man seemed to have noticed something [suddenly opened his eyes.

But the moment he opened his eyes, he saw that the palm had been slapped on the head.


With a soft sound, the old man grunted, his body stiffened, his seven orifices bled, and he stared fixedly ahead.

Chu Xuan withdrew his palm, the old man was no longer alive, and he couldn't die anymore.

The palm just now shattered the opponent's head from the inside. If he can survive this way, it would be hell!

It's not the world of cultivating immortals, his brains are shaking evenly, if he can still survive, he will definitely flip the table.

Easily solve one, and quickly focus on the next goal.

The same technique, the same ease.

In less than ten minutes, all four ancestors of the land gods were beheaded by him, and nothing happened.

After finishing them, Chu Xuan left the Hatoyama family directly and went to the forbidden area of ​​the Koizumi family.

Now we have to make a quick decision, kill all the ancestors of the land gods within the blocking time, and then clean up those guys above, so that we can really relax. .


Chapter 1210: Annihilation Of The Ancestors Of The Land Gods, The Ancient Warriors Of The Sakura Kingdom Are Stunned [3]


The forbidden area of ​​the Koizumi family is the same as the forbidden area of ​​the Hatoyama family, or the forbidden areas of the five major families are basically the same, and they are all in the secret room of the owner's yard.

So it is not difficult to find it, especially now that their patriarchs are all dead, it is easier to enter the secret room.

Besides, he has golden pupils!

Use the golden pupil to easily scan the way into the underground secret room, open the mechanism, and just walk in.

Just like the situation with the Hatoyama family, the ancestors of the Koizumi family are also in closed doors, completely ignorant of the outside world.

It's really easy to kill them in this situation!

Using the same method, all the ancestors of the four families were wiped out, leaving only the Abe family.

Nowadays, there are so many masters in the Abe family, and it is impossible to sneak in under normal circumstances.

Especially now that Patriarch Abe is likely to notify those ancestors.

But it's not a problem for Chu Xuan.

Even if Patriarch Abe was guarding the yard, it would be very easy for him to enter, and even the other party would not be able to detect it at all.

Therefore, the ancestors of the Abe family were also suppressed and beheaded!

So far, in the ancient martial arts world of the big cherry blossom country, all the land god-level ancestors who have been closed to death have died, or it is because the ancient martial arts world of Sakura is completely unaware of the death.

At this time, Patriarch Abe was still waiting patiently, and the summoning order had been issued, and now a large number of ancient warriors gathered at Mount Fuji.

Seeing that the number of people was almost the same, he knew that he had to go out and explain clearly to everyone, and let them know what kind of danger Sakura Country was facing now.

So he ordered the disciples in the family to gather all the ancient warriors outside the Abe family residence, and all the disciples of the other four families were also summoned.

The Mount Fuji Furubu circle is composed of five major families, so in the case of the death of their patriarch, it is natural to obey the orders of Patriarch Abe.


When 300,000 ancient warriors gathered outside the residence of the Abe family, there was an uproar of people, and countless people were looking forward to the appearance of the Abe family leader.

"There must be some big action!"

"The members of the Sato family are here, it must be an external action!"

"People from the five major families have all arrived. Could it be targeting the ancient martial arts world of Xia Kingdom?"

Many ancient warriors are talking about them, they come from one school after another, and some schools have a large number of thousands.

Some are relatively few, just dozens of people.

But being summoned by the head of the Abe family, their identities are actually the same, and they all obey the orders of the Abe family.

This is the dominance that the Abe family has formed over countless years, and it is incomparable!

In the eyes of everyone, Patriarch Abe finally came to the gate accompanied by the elders.

In an instant, all the ancient warriors bowed their heads and paid tribute to the strongest person in the ancient martial arts world of Sakura Country.

"Everyone, I have called you here this time mainly to explain one thing. We will face a powerful enemy in the ancient martial arts world of the Sakura country, and now we need to gather everyone's strength to avoid losses!"

A simple sentence stunned the excited Gu Wu army.

What the hell?

They will face such a powerful enemy that the head of the Abe family will have to use Mt. Fuji summoning order?

what is going on?

There are too many doubts in people's hearts, and they are eager to get the truth.

Patriarch Abe didn't make them wait too long, and said directly: "The Black Dragon Society has learned that there is a laboratory base in Xiaguo, and there are a lot of precious materials, so they are going to go to get it."


"But some accidents happened, and the Black Dragon will be destroyed. I sent the Hatoyama family there, but was intercepted by the Xia Kingdom Ancient Martial Arts Alliance on the high seas. The Hatoyama family suffered heavy losses!"

"So I sent other people there, and as a result, among the five major families, the four heads of the Aso, Hatoyama, Sato, and Koizumi were killed, and the masters of the clan lost countless..."

Things are explained in detail so that everyone can understand clearly.

After hearing him explain all the process, everyone present was stunned.

The Xia Kingdom Ancient Martial Arts Alliance is actually so strong that it can easily destroy countless masters from the four families?

Are you kidding me?

In their opinion, a place like Xia Guo couldn't produce any real masters.

If they want to attack Xia Guo, they are also fully capable.

But now they heard that in the Furuwu circle of Mt. Fuji that they were proud of, countless masters of the four families were destroyed by each other, they really couldn't believe it and couldn't accept it.

"Master Abe, is it true?"

...… Ask for flowers...…

"Impossible, right? How could it be possible for the ancient martial forces of the Xia Kingdom to destroy so many patriarchs? There must be a conspiracy!"

"It must be the Xia Kingdom Ancient Martial Arts Alliance that used some dirty means to kill the four Patriarchs. This is unforgivable!"

Fear, anger and other emotions spread among the crowd.

Patriarch Abe looked calm, and said: "No matter what method is used, the death of the four Patriarchs is a fact. The opponent is likely to take advantage of the victory to pursue, and it is very likely that they will enter the Sakura Country to cause chaos. Therefore, we must unite and expel the enemy. even destroy!"

He could see quite clearly that the power of the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance should not be underestimated if so many masters could be easily eliminated.

Especially those people on the cruise ship must be the top experts in Xia Kingdom.



With such a mobilization, the opponent is very likely to come to the Sakura Country.

At that time, the ancient martial arts world of the Sakura country may suffer heavy losses.

"To call you here now is to unite everyone's strength for defense! Only by uniting can the enemy lose all opportunities! If the Xia Kingdom Ancient Martial Arts Alliance wants to take action against the Cherry Blossom Country's ancient martial arts world, it must get Fujita Mountain Doctor !"

"When the time comes, let them see the true power of Sakura Country's ancient martial arts world!"

Patriarch Abe said very firmly, and everyone gradually calmed down at this time.

In any case, they all listened to the arrangement of Abe's family.

Staying on Mount Fuji is also good, at least it won't let the enemy find an opportunity.

Once the opponent breaks into the range of Mount Fuji, they can quickly mobilize, surround the enemy, and completely annihilate them!

"Now the residences of the five major families are open to you, and you temporarily live in Mount Fuji!"

Patriarch Abe gave the final order, and at the same time asked the elders to quickly arrange the residence of the personnel.

At this time, Chu Xuan had already come to another place on Mount Fuji.


Mount Fuji is an active volcano, but it is not erupting now, so the crater is very calm, as if there is no danger.

However, Chu Xuan's golden pupils can see through the crater and see the hot and surging magma inside.

How to easily deal with hundreds of thousands of enemies?

The answer lies inside Mount Fuji with !.


Chapter 1211: Man-Made Volcanic Eruption? Do You Know What It Means To Be An Army By One Person? [4]


"Brother System, can this thing really work?"

Entering the interior of Mount Fuji, it is very hot and dry, unlike the cold outside.

If it wasn't for the protection of his majestic innate qi, he might have already turned into a mummy.

The magma capacity inside Mount Fuji is extremely terrifying, resulting in high internal temperatures.

This kind of temperature, if it is a grand master, I'm afraid it can't stand it at all.

Only land gods can move inside Mount Fuji, but they dare not touch the magma too much.

Because the magma temperature is too high, a large amount of innate true energy is required to resist the magma.

After a long time, when the innate qi is exhausted, it can only be swallowed by magma.

[Host please rest assured, the system produced must be a high-quality product, just make it! ]

[Just put things down and set the time, and the effect of "July 20" will naturally come into play when the time comes. ]

The system's voice was very joyful, making Chu Xuan wonder if he had some kind of special emotion like himself.

Looking at the blue crystal in his hand, there is a faint light flowing through the surface of the crystal, and there are some mysterious runes.

How can such a palm-sized thing really possess such terrifying power?

Feel it carefully, good guy, there is unimaginable energy contained in the small crystal.

"Set the time and wait for it to explode, right?"

[Yes, just wait for it to explode. ]

[Volcanic eruption needs to meet some conditions, the temperature and density inside the earth are not uniform, and mantle convection or mantle plume is formed inside the mantle. ]

[When high-temperature matter rises to the shallow part of the earth, partial melting occurs due to the decrease in pressure. Under the action of external force, these molten materials come together and form magma pockets in the shallow part of the earth. ]

[When the pressure of the magma pocket is greater than the pressure of the formation, the magma will break through the crust along the fault or weak place, causing a volcanic eruption. ]

[Simply put, extra energy can fuel a volcanic eruption!]


Chu Xuan:...

Good guy, are you giving me some science here?

But judging from Brother System's explanation, as well as the strange crystal in his hand, if the energy in the crystal is detonated, is it possible to trigger the eruption of Mount Fuji?

very good, very powerful!

"Cruel, so cruel! If it really erupts, how many people will die, brother system, why did you give me these things when you signed in?"

"I'm obviously very kind, how could I do that kind of thing... oops~ my hand slipped.

While speaking, the crystal had already slipped from his hand, and fell towards the magma ocean below, sinking into it.

Brother System: ...


Get cheap and sell well!

"It's so cruel, I can't bear to watch it here.

Chu Xuan sighed with emotion, and happily left the inside of Mount Fuji.

When he signed in to get this item before, he still felt a little puzzled.

This crystal seems to contain energy, is it for him to use it for cultivation?

At that time, I wondered if the elder brother of the system was doing something, or did he not trust himself?

If we don't practice every day, we can get a lot of cultivation just by signing in.

How about giving the crystals that contain energy now? Are you looking down on me, or yourself?

Now when I was thinking about Mt. Fuji, the elder brother of the system came out on his own initiative and finally gave an explanation.

This thing is specially used to deal with Mount Fuji.

Brother System, admit it, you definitely want to sink the Sakura Kingdom, right?


I hope this thing will not be too cruel when it works, otherwise it would be a crime to sink the entire Sakura Kingdom.

After all, Sakura Country still has some merits, such as some animations, or some movies?

After leaving the interior of Mount Fuji, he came to the Abe family again.

Seeing that the 300,000 ancient warriors were still there, he simply appeared in front of Patriarch Abe.

"who are you?"

The moment he appeared, Patriarch Abe's voice almost changed in fright.

Hit a ghost?

There was no sign of this sudden appearance, and he didn't notice any aura, and felt that the other party was like a ghost.

No, it's a ghost, it's still floating in the sky!

When he regained consciousness, his face was gloomy.

The other party is a person, because there is a shadow!

The fact that the other party can float in the sky proves that he is a land god.

But such a land fairy has never seen before!

There are more than ten or twenty gods in the land of Sakura Country, and he is very familiar with each of them, and has met each other before..

The senior members of the Abe family, as well as the many ancient warriors, were puzzled when they saw Chu Xuan appear.

Who is this guy? Could it be that he also came here with a summons?

Chu Xuan took the time to look at Patriarch Abe, and said with a smile, "I don't know you? You made such a big noise just to beware of the Patriarch?"

"What? Are you...!"

Patriarch Abe frowned, and immediately wanted to understand the identity of the other party.

Leader of the Xia Kingdom Ancient Martial Arts Alliance!


The other party's claim can already explain a lot of problems, there is no such thing as a leader in the country of cherry blossoms.

Then the opponent must be from Xia Kingdom, and it is the leader of the ancient martial arts alliance that they must beware of.

"It turned out to be you!"

Patriarch Abe's face was gloomy, and the coercion of the land god level was instantly exuded.

At the same time, the elders of the Abe family also showed their aura.

The breath of many great masters formed a violent storm, as if the end of the world was approaching.

"He is from the Xia Kingdom, the leader of the Yuanguo Ancient Martial Arts Alliance!"

The Great Elder shouted angrily, revealing Chu Xuan's identity to everyone.

Knowing Chu Xuan's identity, after a brief panic, the ancient warriors of the Sakura Kingdom gained the upper hand with anger.

"It turned out to be a native of Xia, kill him!"

"Kill him and avenge the four great families!"

The ancient warriors of the Sakura Kingdom roared angrily, the fall of the four major families was tantamount to slapping them 4.5 times in the face and trampling on the dignity of the ancient martial arts world of the Sakura Country.

Now that the rightful lord has appeared, he must kill the other party a thousand times.

Patriarch Abe also sneered again and again, "Stupid people from the Xia Kingdom actually took the initiative to enter our encirclement, do you want to die?"

"Oh? Is it surrounded? I really didn't pay attention to you."

Chu Xuan said lightly, Patriarch Abe was furious.

"Bastard! Just you, can you stop us hundreds of thousands of ancient warriors?"

"Hehe~ Do you know what it means to form an army with one person? Just you trash, it's really not enough for the lord to clean up!"

As soon as the words fell, the coercion that also belonged to the land gods broke out, and it rose rapidly, reaching the third level in a blink of an eye, which was consistent with Abe's family.

However, the coercion continues to increase!.


Chapter 1211: Man-Made Volcanic Eruption? Do You Know What It Means To Be An Army By One Person? [4]


"Brother System, can this thing really work?"

Entering the interior of Mount Fuji, it is very hot and dry, unlike the cold outside.

If it wasn't for the protection of his majestic innate qi, he might have already turned into a mummy.

The magma capacity inside Mount Fuji is extremely terrifying, resulting in high internal temperatures.

This kind of temperature, if it is a grand master, I'm afraid it can't stand it at all.

Only land gods can move inside Mount Fuji, but they dare not touch the magma too much.

Because the magma temperature is too high, a large amount of innate true energy is required to resist the magma.

After a long time, when the innate qi is exhausted, it can only be swallowed by magma.

[Host please rest assured, the system produced must be a high-quality product, just make it! ]

[Just put things down and set the time, and the effect of "July 20" will naturally come into play when the time comes. ]

The system's voice was very joyful, making Chu Xuan wonder if he had some kind of special emotion like himself.

Looking at the blue crystal in his hand, there is a faint light flowing through the surface of the crystal, and there are some mysterious runes.

How can such a palm-sized thing really possess such terrifying power?

Feel it carefully, good guy, there is unimaginable energy contained in the small crystal.

"Set the time and wait for it to explode, right?"

[Yes, just wait for it to explode. ]

[Volcanic eruption needs to meet some conditions, the temperature and density inside the earth are not uniform, and mantle convection or mantle plume is formed inside the mantle. ]

[When high-temperature matter rises to the shallow part of the earth, partial melting occurs due to the decrease in pressure. Under the action of external force, these molten materials come together and form magma pockets in the shallow part of the earth. ]

[When the pressure of the magma pocket is greater than the pressure of the formation, the magma will break through the crust along the fault or weak place, causing a volcanic eruption. ]

[Simply put, extra energy can fuel a volcanic eruption!]


Chu Xuan:...

Good guy, are you giving me some science here?

But judging from Brother System's explanation, as well as the strange crystal in his hand, if the energy in the crystal is detonated, is it possible to trigger the eruption of Mount Fuji?

very good, very powerful!

"Cruel, so cruel! If it really erupts, how many people will die, brother system, why did you give me these things when you signed in?"

"I'm obviously very kind, how could I do that kind of thing... oops~ my hand slipped.

While speaking, the crystal had already slipped from his hand, and fell towards the magma ocean below, sinking into it.

Brother System: ...


Get cheap and sell well!

"It's so cruel, I can't bear to watch it here.

Chu Xuan sighed with emotion, and happily left the inside of Mount Fuji.

When he signed in to get this item before, he still felt a little puzzled.

This crystal seems to contain energy, is it for him to use it for cultivation?

At that time, I wondered if the elder brother of the system was doing something, or did he not trust himself?

If we don't practice every day, we can get a lot of cultivation just by signing in.

How about giving the crystals that contain energy now? Are you looking down on me, or yourself?

Now when I was thinking about Mt. Fuji, the elder brother of the system came out on his own initiative and finally gave an explanation.

This thing is specially used to deal with Mount Fuji.

Brother System, admit it, you definitely want to sink the Sakura Kingdom, right?


I hope this thing will not be too cruel when it works, otherwise it would be a crime to sink the entire Sakura Kingdom.

After all, Sakura Country still has some merits, such as some animations, or some movies?

After leaving the interior of Mount Fuji, he came to the Abe family again.

Seeing that the 300,000 ancient warriors were still there, he simply appeared in front of Patriarch Abe.

"who are you?"

The moment he appeared, Patriarch Abe's voice almost changed in fright.

Hit a ghost?

There was no sign of this sudden appearance, and he didn't notice any aura, and felt that the other party was like a ghost.

No, it's a ghost, it's still floating in the sky!

When he regained consciousness, his face was gloomy.

The other party is a person, because there is a shadow!

The fact that the other party can float in the sky proves that he is a land god.

But such a land fairy has never seen before!

There are more than ten or twenty gods in the land of Sakura Country, and he is very familiar with each of them, and has met each other before..

The senior members of the Abe family, as well as the many ancient warriors, were puzzled when they saw Chu Xuan appear.

Who is this guy? Could it be that he also came here with a summons?

Chu Xuan took the time to look at Patriarch Abe, and said with a smile, "I don't know you? You made such a big noise just to beware of the Patriarch?"

"What? Are you...!"

Patriarch Abe frowned, and immediately wanted to understand the identity of the other party.

Leader of the Xia Kingdom Ancient Martial Arts Alliance!


The other party's claim can already explain a lot of problems, there is no such thing as a leader in the country of cherry blossoms.

Then the opponent must be from Xia Kingdom, and it is the leader of the ancient martial arts alliance that they must beware of.

"It turned out to be you!"

Patriarch Abe's face was gloomy, and the coercion of the land god level was instantly exuded.

At the same time, the elders of the Abe family also showed their aura.

The breath of many great masters formed a violent storm, as if the end of the world was approaching.

"He is from the Xia Kingdom, the leader of the Yuanguo Ancient Martial Arts Alliance!"

The Great Elder shouted angrily, revealing Chu Xuan's identity to everyone.

Knowing Chu Xuan's identity, after a brief panic, the ancient warriors of the Sakura Kingdom gained the upper hand with anger.

"It turned out to be a native of Xia, kill him!"

"Kill him and avenge the four great families!"

The ancient warriors of the Sakura Kingdom roared angrily, the fall of the four major families was tantamount to slapping them 4.5 times in the face and trampling on the dignity of the ancient martial arts world of the Sakura Country.

Now that the rightful lord has appeared, he must kill the other party a thousand times.

Patriarch Abe also sneered again and again, "Stupid people from the Xia Kingdom actually took the initiative to enter our encirclement, do you want to die?"

"Oh? Is it surrounded? I really didn't pay attention to you."

Chu Xuan said lightly, Patriarch Abe was furious.

"Bastard! Just you, can you stop us hundreds of thousands of ancient warriors?"

"Hehe~ Do you know what it means to form an army with one person? Just you trash, it's really not enough for the lord to clean up!"

As soon as the words fell, the coercion that also belonged to the land gods broke out, and it rose rapidly, reaching the third level in a blink of an eye, which was consistent with Abe's family.

However, the coercion continues to increase!.


Chapter 1212: Chu Xuan: Look, Your Volcano Has Super Erupted! [5]


Patriarch Abe was a little shocked when he saw that Chu Xuan's coercion was consistent with his own.

Such a young person is actually a triple land god?

Sure enough, Xia Guo has produced a terrifying guy!

According to his talent, if he continues to practice steadily, he may be able to surpass himself in a short time.

But as Chu Xuan's coercion continued to increase, he was completely dumbfounded.

what happened?

Not the third level of land gods, but the fourth level?

No, the coercion continues to increase!

This kid, what kind of realm is he!

Patriarch Abe suddenly panicked, and the fear is still going on!

"Patriarch, let's get rid of him together?"

The group of elders also seemed to sense that Chu Xuan's cultivation was terrifying, so he immediately proposed.

"Yes, kill him!"

Patriarch Abe shouted, we must act now, with so many people, can't we take him alone?

But at this moment, only a terrifying loud noise was heard, which seemed to come from underground.

What followed was a strong tremor, and the earth trembled violently, as if a terrible earthquake was coming!

Is there an earthquake again?

Patriarch Abe and the others were stunned. Earthquakes often occur in Sakura Country. There are 27,000 large and small earthquakes every year, but most of them are very weak.

The sudden violent vibration now made all the ancient warriors present instinctively terrified.


This scale is probably a terrible earthquake!

"Hold on! We are ancient warriors, it's just an earthquake!"

Patriarch Abe yelled to calm everyone down.

But at this moment, Chu Xuan laughed and said, "Just an earthquake? I'm afraid you didn't understand it. Just wait and see the show. I believe you will like it."

"What do you mean? Could it be that you buried explosives?"

Patriarch Abe has a cold face, what is watching a good show, what a lunatic!

"The explosives are really weak, how can a mere explosive surprise you.

Another loud bang was heard while speaking, and an ominous atmosphere seemed to envelope Mount Fuji.

The vibrations from the ground became more and more obvious, and even a large number of cracks formed on the ground, swallowing some ancient warriors.

Chu Xuan's body floated into the air, condescendingly looking down at the densely packed crowd below, as well as the continuous cracks.

The huge cracks that suddenly appeared made the ancient warriors panic, and they used lightness kung fu to avoid them.

Patriarch Abe felt uneasy, and always felt that Ben Xuan seemed to have done something extraordinary.

At this moment, the night sky suddenly turned red, and the intense fire light illuminated the entire night sky, accompanied by a scorching breath.

How can there be such a high temperature in this winter?

The anxiety of the Abe family and others became more and more intense, and a possibility popped up in their minds.

Is it a volcanic eruption?

By the way, this is only possible with volcanic eruptions!

In other words, Mount Fuji where they are located actually erupted?

No, there was no warning from the relevant departments before. In addition, they live in Mount Fuji and monitor Mount Fuji all the year round, and have not found that the volcano is in an active period.

But with a loud noise, a large amount of magma suddenly erupted from the crater, shattering their luck.


"How is it possible, how is it possible to erupt?"

Patriarch Abe looked at the magma erupting from the sky stupidly. The violent eruption made the magma column as high as hundreds of meters, and a large amount of magma scattered and flew towards the distance.

At the same time, a large amount of volcanic ash was spreading, and the strong pungent smell made people dizzy.

"Look, your volcano has super-erupted, are you happy?"

Chu Xuan's voice came from the sky, Patriarch Abe looked over immediately, his eyes were cracked.

His intuition told him that this eruption must have something to do with Chu Xuan.

But how did he do it?

It is not so easy to trigger the eruption of Mount Fuji, unless it is bombed with a nuclear bomb, which is possible.

But the use of nuclear bombs in Sakura Country will definitely be noticed immediately.

Moreover, they found no signs of missiles flying into Mount Fuji.

"You did it?"

Patriarch Abe gritted his teeth tightly, the continuously ejected magma looked terrifying, and this was just the beginning.

On that scale, the eruption that followed was the scariest of all!

Sure enough, just as he thought this way, he heard continuous loud noises from the crater, more magma erupted from the crater, the magma column was even hundreds of meters high, and the rising volcanic ash went straight into the sky thousands of meters high, Covers the entire Mount Fuji.

The scorching heat and the falling magma made the 300,000 ancient warriors tremble with fear, and kept using lightness skills to avoid the magma.

Although they are ancient warriors, most of them have low cultivation bases. If they are touched by magma, they may die directly.

So I can only dodge to avoid being swallowed by magma.

It's a pity that their ideas are good, but the reality is very skinny.

The continuous eruption made the amount of magma flying down from the sky extremely huge, like a vast ocean pouring down directly from the sky, drowning a large number of ancient warriors in an instant

A strong man with a high level of cultivation uses the innate body protection qi to protect himself, but under the continuous bombardment of the magma, the innate body protection qi shatters, and the body is directly smashed by the magma, igniting a raging fire.


"Asshole, asshole!!!"

Patriarch Abe can fully conclude that the eruption was caused by Chu Xuan. In just ten minutes, more than half of the 300,000 ancient warriors have been lost!

Some were swallowed by magma, and some fell into the huge crack, life and death unknown.

"Kill him, kill him!"

493 He roared crazily, his eyes were completely red.

Seeing this, the group of elders immediately surrounded Chu Xuan and jumped into the sky with lightness kung fu.

"Go down.

Chu Xuan pressed down with his palm, and a huge golden palm print landed, instantly pressing the dozen or so elders to the ground.

The magma that fell engulfed the dozen or so elders.

Patriarch Abe was so angry that the three corpses jumped up and down, and they flew into the air directly, approaching Chu Xuan.

"It's too late to choose to do it now.

Chu Xuan laughed loudly, turned around suddenly, and terrifying sword qi shot out from the fingertip hole, turning into a thousand-meter-long divine sword, slashing downward.

Patriarch Abe shrank his pupils suddenly when he saw the terrifying sword aura, and abruptly moved a few steps sideways to avoid the attack of the sword aura.

But when he looked at the place where the sword energy fell, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Hundreds of terrifying sword qi fell, completely covering the area of ​​the ancient warriors of the Sakura Kingdom.

bang bang bang!!!

The ancient warriors who came into contact with the sword energy instantly turned into ashes, and under such a terrifying sword energy, the earth was smashed out of a sky, engulfing countless warriors in the city.

Afterwards, the magma flowed into the abyss, and shrill screams could be heard coming from under the abyss.

"It's over, it's over!"

Seeing this scene, Patriarch Abe's brain was completely blank, and his mouth kept murmuring. .


Chapter 1213: Purgatory On Earth, Ask The Ancestors For Help! [1]


Countless ancient warriors howled in the abyss, and the extremely high temperature magma deprived them of their lives almost instantly.

The outside of the Abe family residence became a purgatory on earth, and a large number of ancient warriors continued to die.

As Chu Xuan's domineering sword energy slashed down, the violent vibrations under the surface caused the ground to split apart at a faster speed, engulfing more ancient warriors.

Mount Fuji is still erupting, and the hot temperature completely covers the cold winter, but it makes people feel extremely cold inside.

It was a disastrous day for the ancient warriors of Sakura Country.

Any ancient martial arts skills are useless in front of the volcanic eruption, and they don't even have a chance to dodge.

The magma as dense as the vast ocean shrouded it, the sky rained fire, thick smoke billowed, and the volcanic ash was blown into the distance.

The high-level members of the Abe family watched this scene, feeling extremely desperate.

Volcanic eruptions, they have no ability to stop!

The Xia people are so cruel, they actually caused such a volcanic eruption, which killed hundreds of thousands of lives, and even had a huge impact on the follow-up. I don't know how many people will die because of such an eruption.

Is this the Xia people?

"Bastard, bastard!!!"

"Do you know what you're doing? Do you know how many people are going to die from this eruption?"

Patriarch Abe's eyesight was cracking, and he fixed on Chu Xuan who was in the sky, wishing to devour him alive.

However, Chu Xuan said lightly: "No matter how many, it won't be more than your invasion, right? The Xia Kingdom lost more than 20 million people in the war that year. Now you just feel so sad?"

"Heh~ Don't be so double-standard, you will never pay back that blood debt, not to mention you are still whitewashing the aggression!"

Chu Xuan's attitude is so clear, so what if the 300,000 ancient warriors in the Cherry Blossom Country died? The volcanic eruption will cause more people to die in the Cherry Blossom Country, so what?


No matter how many, can Xia Guo die more than when they invaded Xia Guo before?

So whatever he does here, he won't feel that it is too much, on the contrary, he is very happy.

Patriarch Abe was speechless, he naturally knew what was going on in the war back then.

Even the ancient martial arts world of the Sakura country participated in the war, which directly led to the death of more Xia people.

At that time, he was also personally involved in the war, and the feeling of wanton slaughter made him very happy. For him, it was a wonderful time.

There will be no rules restricting him, even if he is facing ordinary people, he can raise the butcher's knife mercilessly.

The aggression was real, but they never admitted it was wrong. On the contrary, they felt that it was liberating the people of Xia.

They will never admit their aggressive ambitions!

Even now, they are still dreaming that one day they will be able to set foot on the territory of Xia Kingdom again and fulfill their imperial dream.

"Sakura Country Kobukai? It will cease to exist after today `"!"

"you you!"

Patriarch Abe was so angry that he almost had a heart attack, and his face was livid.

The screams from the abyss below made him very painful, but he was not Chu Xuan's opponent at all, and he was powerless to stop the current situation.

"Quick, ask for help from Biao Sui!"

Soon he made up his mind that now he can only resolve such a disaster by asking the ancestor who has been closed to death to show up.

It's just very strange, there has been such a big commotion, why didn't the ancestors take the initiative to show up?

Such a violent earthquake, even the reason for the eruption of the volcano, they will all be aware of the crisis, so they will take the initiative to show up.

But the fact is that they have not shown up until now, so is retreat more important than these things?


The senior members of the Abe family heard the order and rushed towards the owner's yard without saying a word.

The top priority is to ask the ancestor to leave the customs.

Only when the ancestors show up, can they have a chance.

Chu Xuan didn't stop them, on the contrary, he looked forward to it.

How desperate would they be if they found out that those ancestors were all dead?

Believe that they show the expression that makes him very satisfied!

Patriarch Abe was on guard against Chu Xuan, preventing him from attacking the elders.

Seeing that the group of elders had already rushed into the yard, his hanging heart finally let go.

Look at the abyss again, vomit blood!

The three hundred thousand ancient warriors were almost swallowed by the abyss, the red light below the abyss, the scorching heat, no ancient warrior could survive in such an environment.

Even the masters of the four families couldn't resist at all.

How many ancient warriors are there outside the abyss?

Less than a thousand people!

There used to be 300,000 ancient warriors in the Sakura Kingdom, but now there are only less than a thousand left.

Moreover, these thousand people are also facing the attack of the volcanic eruption and the risk of the abyss expanding.

There is no doubt that in the end they will all be swallowed by the abyss.

The head of the Abe family wants them to retreat, but looking at the surrounding environment, where is there a chance for them to retreat?

He simply gave up, and there were only a thousand people left, which was no different from having nothing.


Now we can only hope that the ancestors will show up quickly to take Chu Xuan down and protect the safety of their Abe family.

As long as the Abe family still exists, then the ancient martial arts world of the Sakura country will not be considered truly destroyed.

They have a lot of resources, and they will be able to use these resources at that time to quickly cultivate a large number of ancient warriors and gradually restore the power of the ancient martial arts world of Sakura Country.

"Don't worry, the lord likes to see your dying expressions."

Chu Xuan said with a smile, making Abe's family feel uneasy.

What the hell does he mean?

What exactly does that mean!

What he said at the beginning was a good show, but Mount Fuji erupted. The scale of the eruption was unprecedented.

The magma erupting from the crater now covers the entire Mount Fuji completely.

In addition, there is a large amount of magma flowing down from the crater, what a terrible picture that is.

When the volcano stops erupting, I am afraid that Mount Fuji, which has countless symbolic meanings, will cease to exist, right?

The question is, how did he trigger the eruption of Mount Fuji?

He couldn't think of any way to do this!

Because the magma inside Mount Fuji is relatively stable, even land gods cannot stir up the magma and erupt thickly.

Judging from Chu Xuan's attitude, he does not deny that he caused the volcanic eruption.

This guy, what kind of ability does he have?!

At this time, the elders of the Abe family had already entered the passage of the secret room. After arriving at the huge underground space, they immediately rushed to celebrate in the middle of the big courtyard.

That is the retreat place of the most powerful patriarch of the Abe family, Abe Duofun!.


Chapter 1214: It's Over, All The Ancestors Are Dead! [2]


"Ancestor of the Falcon, ancestor of the Falcon!"

The group of elders came outside the yard, knelt on the ground and shouted, begging the ancestors for support.

The ancestors who are now closed to death are their only hope. Only the ancestors can take action to suppress that bastard Chu Xuan.

Otherwise, all of their lives are in danger, and they will probably be beaten to death by Jinxuan!

But after shouting, there was no response from the yard, which made their hearts hang.

Is the ancestor unwilling to make a move?

Or should the head of the family come to greet him in person?

"Ancestor of the Falcon?"

The Great Elder called again cautiously, but the courtyard was still quiet, and there was no sound coming from it.

"Elder, do you want to go in and have a look?"

Some elders suggested in a low voice that time is running out now.

If it is planted a second later, the owner of the family will be in danger, and the disciples of the Abe family may be destroyed.

The Great Elder thought for a while, and felt that he had to go in to have a look, so he shouted, "Old Ancestor, we're coming in, it's very presumptuous!"

After speaking, he gently pushed open the gate of the courtyard and led the people in.

The environment in the yard is good, but unfortunately they are not in the mood to see it now.

In the middle of the courtyard, an old man was kneeling and sitting there with his eyes closed and his face pale.

"Ancestor of the Falcon?"


273 The great elder called out in a low voice, but the old man still didn't respond, which made everyone murmur in their hearts.

They have all come in, why is there still no movement from the ancestor?

When they got closer, they realized that there was a blood hole between the old man's eyebrows.

The blood around the blood hole has dried up, as if it has been dead for a while?

No, it should be said that the wound was burned by the high temperature, so that blood could not flow out.

"Old Ancestor!!!"

Seeing this scene, the great elder exclaimed in shock.

The other elders were also stunned, staring at the dead ancestor with wide eyes, completely in disbelief.

How could the strongest ancestor of their family, the great land god, die silently?

And judging from the scene, the patriarch Duo Falcon didn't struggle before his death, he was completely killed by one blow, and he didn't even quit his cultivation state.

Who is it that can sneak in here with such a terrifying method and kill the ancestor?

"Could it be that guy?"

The Great Elder thought of the scene when Chu Xuan appeared, quietly (chca) silently, even when he appeared in front of him, he couldn't detect any breath of him.

What if he sneaked in here?

very possible!

"Quick, look at the other ancestors!"

Other thoughts had already appeared in his mind, thoughts that frightened him.

The group of elders rushed to other courtyards to check the situation of those ancestors.

The result is naturally the same, all the ancestors were killed by a single blow, a small blood hole appeared between the eyebrows, and they were completely dead.


"It's over, it's over, it's all rote"

The Great Elder slumped on the ground, his whole body panicked, and his brain had lost the ability to think.

A few extremely powerful ancestors, they are all land gods, but they are still easy to assassinate, and even when they died, they didn't know that they were being attacked.

Could it be that Chu Xuan really made it?

But if he really infiltrated here, how would he not disturb the other ancestors when he shot and killed one ancestor?

If you want to kill the land gods in one blow, you must have powerful ancient martial arts skills.

And powerful ancient martial arts skills will inevitably have true energy fluctuations, as long as there is a little true energy fluctuation, other ancestors will definitely notice it.

But the result is that the other ancestors didn't notice it at all!

It was because Chu Xuan had other accomplices and chose to attack at the same time, so he was able to kill several ancestors instantly.

Or did it mean that Chu Xuan possessed powerful ancient martial arts skills that didn't give away any breath, and finally killed their ancestors?

"Quickly, go out and inform the Patriarch, and ask the ancestors of other families to take action!"

The Great Elder managed to regain his senses, hurriedly greeted the others, and quickly left the secret room.

When they returned to the station, they found that only Jiasheng was still struggling.

As for the other ancient warriors, as well as the disciples of the Abe family, they have all disappeared.

It is conceivable that they were definitely swallowed by the terrifying abyss and died unexpectedly.

"Where is the ancestor? Has he left the customs?"

Patriarch Abe was ecstatic to see them coming out.

As long as the ancestor is out of the customs, a few people join forces to take down Chu Xuan with ease.

During the short time when the group of elders went to invite the ancestor, he felt that he had been humiliated countless times.


Chu Xuan attacked the disciples of the Abe family directly in front of him, and made several consecutive strikes, only killing one person each time.

But even so, even though he stared at Chu Xuan, he still let Chu Xuan succeed, without exception.

Is the gap in strength between the two sides really that terrifying?

He wished he could kill Chu Xuan right away, but he couldn't do it with his own strength.

Now that the group of elders is back, it should be that the ancestors have left the customs!

But, why haven't I seen the ancestor?

The Great Elder shook his head, Patriarch Abe's face changed slightly, and he said angrily, "Could it be that the ancestor is unwilling to take action? The family has reached the moment of life and death, if you don't take action again, do you want to see the family collapse?"

"For the sake of my insignificant lifespan, can I really turn a blind eye to the crisis of the family?"

The first thing he thought of was that the ancestor was unwilling to make a move in order to survive.

The reason why the ancestor closed the death test is because of his lifespan. It can delay more time, and it may also produce miracles and finally break through.

But if it is shot, it will have a great impact on lifespan.

Especially if you fight against land gods, the wear and tear on them will be more serious, and the death process will be accelerated, and even after a battle, they will die directly.

If the ancestors don't come out now, they should be greedy for life and afraid of death.

The Great Elder kept shaking his head with a mournful face.

"Patriarch, Patriarch misunderstood, it's not that the ancestors didn't want to make a move, but, it's..."

"But what, you should say it quickly!"

Patriarch Abe can't wait to slap him down, this old thing, when is it, it's still procrastinating!

The Great Elder obviously sensed the Patriarch's anger and killing intent, and quickly said: "All the ancestors in the forbidden area are dead, they are all killed, kill them!"

"They're all dead? Even if they're dead, can't they come out... Wait, what did you say? The ancestors are all dead?".


Chapter 1215: The Death Of The Ancient Martial Arts World In The Sakura Country Shocked The World! [3]


It wasn't until halfway through that that I realized that what the Great Elder was saying was that all the ancestors were dead?

Killed, or killed in one hit?!

"Yes, all the ancestors are dead!"

The great elder said sadly, the ancestor died, but no one can save them now.

It is very likely that Chu Xuan did it, but how he did such an incredible thing, he couldn't figure it out.

"It's, it's really dead? What's going on?"

Patriarch Abe turned pale and asked quickly.

The Great Elder told the story of their entry into the secret room, and he was dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

A blood hole appeared between the eyebrows? He was killed without even coming out of the retreat state.

He also immediately thought of the way Chu Xuan appeared on the scene, and then thought that Chu Xuan caused the volcanic eruption, which seemed really likely to be something he did.

Old Ancestor, it's very possible - he was the one who killed him!

"Patriarch, now that the ancestors are all dead, we must turn to the ancestors of other families, otherwise..."

"No, the ancestors of other families should have died, and earlier than the ancestors of our family.

Patriarch Abe smiled wryly, looking lonely.

"What? How?"

The Great Elder was stunned for a moment, but the forbidden Xuan in the sky applauded at this moment.

"It's very smart to know that the old ghosts of the Abe family are the last to die."

His words undoubtedly proved the death of the ancestors of other families, and also proved that he was the one who did it.

"What kind of dirty method did you use to mutilate the ancestors of my family!"

Patriarch Abe gritted his teeth, the loss of the ancestors made his mentality completely collapsed.


"Dirty means? The leader of this alliance is different from you these days. He just appeared in front of them openly, and he couldn't find the leader of the alliance. Who is to blame?"


Patriarch Abe was so angry that the three corpses jumped up, but there was still nothing to do.

The ancestors are all dead, and there is a high probability that they will not survive.

Sure enough, Chu Xuan stopped talking nonsense with them, and the coercion of the land gods was raised to the seventh level.

In an instant, endless pressure descended from the sky, like a hundred thousand mountains pressing down on him, making everyone kneel down in an instant.

Even the erupting volcano paused momentarily at this time.

Immediately afterwards, thunder broke out in the sky, and the fiery red sky intertwined with black thunderclouds, just like the scene of the end of the world in a movie.

Patriarch Abe raised his head with difficulty. He is a powerhouse in the third level of land gods, but facing the coercion of the seventh level powerhouse, he also has no ability to resist and can only be directly suppressed.


Chu Xuan uttered a word coldly, and the Tianxing magma burst down along with the thunder and lightning.

"Do not!!!"

Patriarch Abe roared angrily, trying desperately to use his innate qi to resist.

But under the overwhelming pressure, it became difficult for him to even operate his exercises.

As the magma and lightning fell, Patriarch Abe was struck by the lightning in fear, his body turned into coke, and was immediately engulfed by the magma.

The same was true for the group of elders, who ended their lives without any chance to breathe.

After finishing everything, Chu Xuan glanced at the volcano that was still erupting, and sighed: "Brother System, you have done a terrible crime!"

After finishing speaking, he cast Tianya in front of him, this is not a place to stay for a long time.



Obviously you are quite happy yourself, but now you still blame him?


Can I have a conscience?

The eruption of Mount Fuji is still going on, and when the volcano erupts in Sakura Country, alarms have been sounded everywhere.

The people panicked and evacuated quickly in the area close to Mount Fuji, not daring to stay at all.

Everyone knows that Mount Fuji is an active volcano, and if it erupts, the consequences will be disastrous.

According to expert explanations, it is impossible to erupt within hundreds of years.

But now it has exploded. It can only be said that the brick family is really the brick family, and every word is painful.

Chu Xuan had already left the territory of Sakura Country and quickly returned to Xia Country.

He didn't feel guilty about what he had done, on the contrary, he didn't feel it was enough.

Just the lives of 300,000 ancient warriors, how can it be compared with the lives of more than 20 million people in the Xia Kingdom?

Not to mention those who have been cruelly treated by the Sakura Kingdom, how can their grievances be washed away easily?

The movement of Mount Fuji in the country of cherry blossoms is now being followed by the ancient martial arts world around the world.

The Global Ancient Martial Arts Forum has erupted into heated discussions!

When the summoning order of Mount Fuji was dispatched and a large number of ancient warriors gathered on Mount Fuji, the global ancient martial arts community had already received the news.

Too many people paid attention to the sudden action of the ancient martial arts world in the Sakura country.

... Ask for flowers...…

"It seems to be the legendary summoning order of Mount Fuji. What's going on? Why did Mount Fuji suddenly attack?"

"Is there some major event that happened in the Sakura Country, or is the ancient Wujie of the Sakura Country about to launch an action?"

"It is said that Sakura Kingdom is going to steal some information from Xia Kingdom, but the losses are heavy. Could it be related to this matter?"

"Wait, Mount Fuji seems to have erupted?"

People are discussing many possibilities [initially just researching what Mt. Fuji's actions are for.

Some people have already learned about some of the previous actions of the Sakura Kingdom, which seems to be to steal some important information of the Xia Kingdom.


However, all the people who were sent there died, such as the Black Dragon Society, such as the Hatoyama family and so on.

The battle on the high seas has also attracted the attention of the ancient martial arts world around the world.

The first thing people think of is that Xia Guo wants to advance the Hundred Years War?

But as the fighting on the high seas ended, the results were shocking.

The entire army of the ancient martial arts circle on Mount Fuji was wiped out, and all the four major families were destroyed.

The strength of the Xia Kingdom Ancient Martial Arts Alliance is really terrifying, it can easily destroy the four major families.

So now only the Abe family, the Big Mac, is left in Sakura Country!

However, not long after the Mount Fuji convening order was issued, Mount Fuji suddenly erupted, which made people feel very puzzled.

It seems that the ancient martial arts world of Sakura Country is very unlucky. When they gathered together, a volcano erupted. It is estimated that many people will be lost.

The Lord of All Saints Palace and others were also paying attention to this matter. When they saw the eruption of the volcano, the first thing they thought of was Chu Xuan.

Could it be something their ally leader did?

Anything is possible with Chu Xuan!

Good guy, directly triggering a volcanic eruption, Sakura Country will have to cry this time.

I just don't know what is going on in the ancient martial arts world of Sakura Country, and whether Chu Xuan can overthrow them with his own strength?

It is estimated that there will be a big disturbance there, and you will leave in the end?

"Everyone, what are you looking at?"

Chu Xuan had already returned to the port, the Lord of the Halloween Palace and the others were all here and had not left.

"Huh? The lord is back? Is there something wrong with Sakura Country's actions?"

Patriarch Ouyang scratched his head, come back so soon?

Didn't you say about three days?

It's not a day yet!.


Chapter 1216: Why Did A Good Volcano Erupt? The Panic Of Presenting Chrysanthemums On The Mountain[4]


"Nonsense, the lord personally takes action, what else can happen?"

Patriarch Dongfang said immediately, causing Patriarch Ouyang to scratch his head in embarrassment.

"A slip of the tongue, a slip of the tongue, purely a slip of the tongue."

"Okay, the operation of Sakura Country is over, and the mission is successfully completed!

Chu Xuan said with a smile, this trip to the country of cherry blossoms is very exciting!

"Oh? What does the lord mean by the successful conclusion?"

The leader of the Zhengyi faction asked, knowing that things must not be that simple.

"I believe you all know about the eruption of Mt. Fuji. The volcano erupted when 300,000 ancient warriors gathered. Do you think they can survive?"

The understatement made everyone gasp.

Three hundred thousand ancient warriors gone?

Good guy, it's very different from what they guessed before!

The original "Zero Nine Three" thought that Chu Xuan came to the Sakura Kingdom to disgust them, and by the way, he would deal with some strong men and kill some ancient warriors.

Unexpectedly, he actually uprooted the ancient martial arts world of Sakura Country!

It was really scary, completely beyond their expectations.

"It actually wiped out the ancient Wujie of the Sakura country! But why did that good volcano erupt?"


This is the doubt of many people. They had speculated that it might be Chu Xuan's tricks, but they were not sure.

Because it is really not that easy to make a volcano erupt.

But with Chu Xuan, anything can happen, so they were confused.

Everyone looked at Chu Xuan in unison, waiting for him to give an explanation.

"Naturally, a special method was used to make it erupt. Facts have proved that this effect is very good. The reason why the ancient warriors of the Sakura Kingdom can be completely wiped out is that the eruption of the volcano has provided a lot of help!"

Chu Xuan didn't mind telling the story, because it was too coincidental.

When it doesn't erupt, it just erupts after the summoning order of Mount Fuji appears, which is easy to make people suspicious.

And these people at the helm should have guessed something, so why not just explain it to them.

"Sure enough, sure enough!"

"It turned out that the lord did it,"

Everyone was filled with emotion, but they didn't ask what kind of means they used.

It must be a very, very special and powerful means to trigger a volcanic eruption.

It is impossible to export this kind of means to anyone.

If they possess such abilities, they will definitely not be able to explain exactly how they do it.

"Currently, the ancient military power of the Sakura Kingdom has been completely shattered. The Xia Kingdom can relax a bit. When the Hundred Years' War breaks out, it will save a lot of enemies, which is very beneficial to us. But we can't be negligent. I will not die if the Sakura Kingdom dies." , still dreaming about the dream of empire, hehe~"

Chu Xuan will not let down his vigilance because of the shattering of the ancient military forces of the Cherry Blossom Country, and that country will definitely have other ways.

For example, using official power at critical moments!

In the situation of being helpless, one must not underestimate the lower limit of Sakura Country.


They may use any means, it may be the use of biological and chemical weapons, or the direct use of military power, such as missiles!

If during the Hundred Years War, the Cherry Blossom Country came to do one thing, say to conduct some military exercises, and then launch missiles towards Pioneer Island, what terrible and lethal effect would it cause?

No one has ever used these means in the past Hundred Years' War.

However, if Sakura Kingdom lost its ancient martial power, if it still wants to participate and invade Xia Kingdom, then it is very likely that these methods will be used.

So Chu Xuan will not relax his vigilance against them, on the contrary, he will monitor them more closely.

"What the leader said makes sense. It seems that we have to continue to pay attention to the Sakura Kingdom in the future."

"Then shall we go back to the alliance headquarters now? It seems that there is nothing else, it is better to continue with the alliance.

"Yes, yes, there is also the matter of the alliance office, the leader, let's set up more offices!"

Many people at the helm are very concerned about the affairs of the office, and they all want to become inspectors.

It's a pity that Chu Xuan has only arranged three offices now, and they haven't seen any effect yet, and they are not sure whether they will continue to set up offices in the future, which makes them quite worried.

Chu Xuan naturally understood their small thoughts, and immediately said: "No problem, then go back to the alliance headquarters first. As for the office, wait a while to see the situation."

"By the way, do you want to attack the secret base in Sakura Country? It feels very dangerous to keep them!"

Patriarch Xuanyuan said at this time, and reminded everyone...

The secret base is very important to Sakura Country, and the many documents that were exposed before are still circulating on the Internet, causing heated discussions.

Because of those documents, countries are now very wary of Sakura Country.

Because some of them talked about the infiltration of the Cherry Blossom Country into their country, whether it is business, military, or even the scientific and cultural fields, etc. [all are infiltrating.

Even monitor some important people!

The exposure of the documents has made the officials of the Sakura Kingdom very busy now, and the ambassadors in various countries are summoned and protested every day.


Even their eldest brother beat them on purpose, which made Yinghua Kingdom very uncomfortable.

Chu Xuan laughed and said, "Don't worry, the lord of the alliance has already made arrangements, how could that place be missed?"

As soon as everyone heard it, they knew that he must have done something behind, so they ignored it and quickly set off to return to the alliance headquarters.

In the secret base of Sakura Country, Chrysanthemum Xianshang has returned.

He hoped that the Furubu circle on Mt. Fuji would be effective and bring those materials back.

But with the subsequent development of things, everything seems to be out of control.

Mount Fuji erupted!

"Eruption? Abnormal energy fluctuations detected?"

After the report came out, Shanshang Xianju's eyes widened, and an incredible thought came to 4.0's mind.

Could this volcanic eruption be caused by humans?

No, no, how could human power cause a volcano to erupt?

If it is bombed by a large number of missiles or even nuclear bombs, it may trigger the eruption of Mount Fuji.

But no missiles flew into the range of Mount Fuji.

Could it be... Xia Guo?

The Furubu circle of Mt. Fuji suffered such serious losses on the high seas, Xia Guo may have sent people into the Sakura Kingdom.

If it was a volcanic eruption triggered by the Xia Kingdom, things would be serious.

"Quick! Find out the situation on the other side of Mount Fuji, I want all the details!"

He shouted in panic, and issued orders one by one, and a large number of intelligence personnel quickly moved towards Mount Fuji, which had gradually subsided. .


Chapter 1217: Being Struck By Lightning Because Of Being Too Evil! [5]


The perimeter of Mount Fuji has been cordoned off, controlled by the Self-Defense Forces, and no one is allowed to approach.

Whether it is the public or media reporters, they are all isolated outside the cordon.

The media can only observe the situation of Mount Fuji through the position of the cordon!

After the huge Mount Fuji erupted violently, the magma had gradually cooled down at this time, but the fire spread on Mount Fuji, and the smoke billowed, making it impossible to see clearly the situation inside

The fire covered the entire Mount Fuji, and the scale was terrifying. Firefighters were fighting the fire, but with little success.

The intelligence personnel from the secret base had already arrived at the outskirts of Mount Fuji, and after showing their credentials to the person in charge of the Self-Defense Forces, they entered it and began to investigate the situation of Mount Fuji.

When they entered Mount Fuji, what they saw frightened them.

As the fire spread, they groped their way to the residence of the five major families.

However, the abyss that appeared on the ground terrified them deeply. In the courtyards that had been reduced to ruins, there was no sign of anyone's existence.

In the entire Mount Fuji, except for them, there is no sign of any biopsy!

What the hell is going on here?

Didn't it mean that hundreds of thousands of people gathered here before?

After searching around, they left quickly, returned to the secret base, and reported the situation, along with some videos.

Xianju on the mountain was stunned after listening to the report and seeing those videos again.

Three hundred thousand ancient warriors, that's three hundred thousand ancient warriors, but now I don't see any of them?

In other words, did the 300,000 ancient warriors die when the volcano erupted?

The ancient military power of the Sakura Kingdom was directly taken over by a group of people?

He can be sure that no ancient warrior has left Mount Fuji, because the secret base has been closely monitored.

Furthermore, 300,000 ancient warriors are not a small number. If they leave, the target will be very obvious, and they will be easily seen.


"Dead, all dead! It must be Xia Guo's conspiracy, it must be Xia Guo's conspiracy!"

"Damn it! How on earth did Xia Guo cause the volcano to erupt? How the hell did it happen?"

Xianju on the mountain kept muttering in his mouth, his face was ferocious, and he seemed to be crazy.

He is the clearest about how many ancient warriors there are in Sakura Country, and he also knows that all the ancient warriors gathered at Mount Fuji because of the summoning order of Mount Fuji by Patriarch Abe.

But now Mount Fuji did not see any ancient warriors, plus the abyss that suddenly appeared outside the Abe family residence.

He has every reason to believe that all the ancient warriors are dead, died in this volcanic eruption.

That damned devil of the Xia Kingdom actually killed all their ancient warriors, and directly smashed the ancient martial arts power of the Sakura Kingdom!

This is the biggest challenge to Sakura Country, and a declaration of war on Sakura Country!

He was very angry and wanted to report to the royal family immediately so that the royal family could take revenge directly.

But after thinking about it, without the power of ancient martial arts, can Sakura Kingdom still compete with Xia Kingdom?

Is it the use of military force?

Stop making trouble, the military power of Sakura Kingdom is like ants in the eyes of Xia Kingdom!

If a military conflict broke out directly between the two sides, then the Xia Kingdom would be able to annihilate all the military forces of the Sakura Kingdom within a few days.

Even if Xia Guo is more ruthless and directly uses some nuclear bombs, then Sakura Kingdom will be able to feel the pain of the little boy again!

I believe that Sakura Country cannot bear such pain!

Today's Cherry Blossom Country has been left far behind by Xia Country in terms of military power, and will never be able to catch up.

Furthermore, if the Xia Kingdom's ancient martial arts world was angered and they went directly to the Sakura Kingdom, what should they do?

He held back, feeling confused about the future.

"Sir on the mountain, Lord on the mountain, our intranet has been invaded again!"


At this time, someone came to report, with a flustered tone and deep helplessness.

Being invaded again, this time faster, tearing up their firewall in an instant.


Xianju on the mountain shivered and quickly regained his senses, turning his head to look at the computer.

All the computers in the base turned black, and a number appeared on the computers.


What's the meaning?

Before Xian Chrysanthemum could react, he saw the number change and it became 19

This thing is actually counting down?

Countdown to what do you want to do?

Xianju on the mountain wanted to break his head but didn't understand, but the countdown had already returned to zero.


Suddenly, there was a terrifying loud noise in the sky, shaking the base several times.

Xianju on the mountain almost couldn't stand still, and lay on the ground directly.

"Again, another earthquake?"

"Damn, the eruption of Mt. Fuji seems to be caused by the earthquake, and now the earthquake is coming again?"

There is chaos in the base, and everyone is looking for shelter.

Although the secret base is built very solidly and can withstand large-scale earthquakes, judging from the earthquake this time, the earthquake might be very powerful.

Before they could find shelter, they heard countless deafening thunder coming from outside.


"Report! A missile exploded over the base, causing, triggering a thunderstorm!"

An observer hurried in from outside the base and told what he saw.

He saw a missile flying over the base, and with a burst of strong light flashing, the missile exploded violently, and the shock wave spread to the base, causing the base to shake.

But Shockwave is just the beginning!

After the missile 220 exploded, a large-scale thundercloud appeared over the base.

The dark thunderclouds made him feel terrified, so he immediately entered the base to report.

"The missile caused a thunderstorm? Could it be the legendary weather weapon?"

Presenting chrysanthemums on the mountain was at a loss, but he quickly took people out to check.

And just when they went outside to check, thunderclouds in the sky suddenly fell and lightning bolts as thick as buckets struck straight towards the base.


Xianju on the mountain burst into obscenity, and in the next moment, lightning directly pierced him, turning him into coke, and even the other people who came out also died.

The death of Xianju on the mountain did not stop Leiyun from bombing, and more lightning came, launching crazy bombing towards the secret base.

Before the people in the base could even understand what was going on, the thick walls were blasted away, and the lightning killed them instantly.

At this time, Chu Xuan broadcast these images via satellite, and everyone was dumbfounded.

"So, you have to be kind, and you can't do a lot of evil, or you will be punished by God.

"Just like the base of Sakura Country, it was struck by lightning because it was too evil!"

Everyone: ...


Is it human?.


Chapter 1218: The Whole World Is Shaking, The Ancient Military Power Of Sakura Country Is Gone! [1]


"If you're not mistaken, did the leader use weather weapons?"

Patriarch Gu is not very sure. Meteorological weapons have always been legends, and no one has really seen them.

But judging from the effect of the missile, it should be a weather weapon.

Everyone was surprised, weather weapons?

That is legendary high technology!

If a country can master this technology, the overall military strength will have a terrifying improvement.

Will the missiles used by Chu Xuan really be meteorological weapons?

Chu Xuan smiled, but did not deny it.

His arsenal has developed a large number of products, and weather weapons are one of them.

What causes thunderstorms is naturally one of the weather weapons, and from the effect point of view, it is still very good.

Sure enough, the arsenal presented by the system for signing in doesn't make sense at all.

The most amazing thing is that thunderstorms can also attack in a targeted manner, which directly exceeds the cognition of countless people.

"Hiss~ It's really a weather weapon!"

"The technological power possessed by the lord is really terrifying."

Everyone is an ancient warrior, but in this era, they also have some understanding of the power of technology.

Especially the development of thermal weapons in modern times has made many ancient warriors feel threatened.

Hundreds of years ago, when it was still a firecracker, the ancient warriors ignored it directly.

That kind of rubbish can't pose any threat to them at all, and a variety of hidden weapons can easily kill them in seconds.

But in just a few hundred years, some ancient warriors even began to arm themselves with thermal weapons, especially the ancient warriors with low cultivation, they liked it the most.

Huge lethal pistols, submachine guns, machine guns and the like have become their favorites.


The tough ones will directly carry the bazooka on the field!

"Leave the affairs of the alliance headquarters to you, and the leader of the alliance has to go to Lingnan."

The matter of the Cherry Blossom Country is just an episode. It has been a few days now, and I don't know how the development in Lingnan is going.


The helmsman replied at the same time, they still have a lot of things to do now.

In particular, we must keep an eye on Sakura Country at all times to prevent them from being impatient.

If Sakura Country is in a hurry to do something, it will be very uncomfortable.

Due to the rules of the ancient martial arts world, they cannot attack ordinary people, but now they can only stare at them.

If something really happened, it could only be decided by Chu Xuan.

After everyone separated, Chu Xuan took a special plane to Lingnan again.

On the side of Sakura Country, the destruction of the secret base is disastrous news for the royal family.

The eruption of Mount Fuji itself caused a huge disaster, and the entire country sounded the alarm and entered a wartime state.

For the royal family, this has been very, very uncomfortable.

But the news that they received afterwards made the royal family tremble with fear.

After the summoning order of Mount Fuji, Mount Fuji erupted, and as a result, none of the ancient warriors survived!

The ancient military strength of the Sakura Kingdom disappeared on this day, which made the royal family feel very unreal.

Three hundred thousand ancient warriors, that's three hundred thousand ancient warriors, and they all died because of the eruption of the volcano?

Totally impossible!

Something must have happened!

But with the news that followed, the secret base was completely destroyed, and the Hui people were completely dumbfounded.


Thunder strikes?

The thunder and lightning directly smashed the secret base, and no one can come out alive?

Something is wrong, something is wrong.

The ancient military power was destroyed, followed by the destruction of important secret bases, everything was too coincidental.

"Someone must have done something! Conspiracy, definitely a conspiracy!"

The royal family was furious and immediately ordered a thorough investigation.

At the same time, the Global Ancient Martial Arts Forum was also completely shaken.

"The power of the ancient warriors of the Sakura Kingdom is gone? It is said that there are 300,000 ancient warriors?"

"It's so strange that the volcano erupted just as they were gathering at Mt. Fuji, because of a coincidence!"

"Someone must have done something. It is said that they gathered to deal with Xia Guo!"

"And the secret base in the Sakura Kingdom was also destroyed. Xia Guo, it must be Xia Guo's hands and feet!"

"According to the images fed back by the satellite, it is very likely that a weather weapon destroyed the secret base. In addition, the eruption of Mount Fuji has detected abnormal energy fluctuations!

"Xia Guo has mastered a terrifying technological power, a technological power that can trigger a volcanic eruption!"

The global ancient martial arts community quickly launched an investigation, and soon got a lot of information.

Judging from various information, everything points to heavy!

Immediately, someone expressed his position to crusade against Xia Guo and asked Xia Guo to give an explanation.

It can be said that the crowd is excited, and they can't wait to start the century-old battle immediately.

However, there are always smart people who give another statement to make most people shut up.

"A volcanic eruption is terrible, but can it destroy the Grandmaster? The Great Grandmaster?"

"Sakura Country has quite a few land god-level ancestors, but none of them survived. According to reliable sources, there is only one ancient warrior from the Xia Kingdom going to Sakura Country, Chu Xuan, the leader of the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance!"


"That young man? What method did he use to kill all the land gods, and even wipe out the entire ancient military force of the Sakura Kingdom?"

As various news came out, the ancient martial arts world around the world was shocked.

It is a fact that the ancient military strength of the Sakura Kingdom is gone.

And the person who caused this incident turned out to be the leader of the Zhenguo Ancient Martial Arts Alliance!

He alone managed 300,000 ancient warriors!

Three hundred thousand human lives, and the aftermath of the volcanic eruption, what kind of crime is this?

If it was in the past, now the global ancient martial arts world has launched a crusade against Chu Xuan.

However, at this time, the global ancient martial arts world remained silent on this matter.

Especially those large ancient military forces have no intention of launching a crusade order at all.


Can they defeat the person who can kill the ancient martial arts force of the entire Sakura country with their own strength?

Perhaps uniting the power of the global ancient martial arts world (Mode's) can threaten the other party, but what if the other party goes to other countries in a rage and directly kills him?

I'm afraid no one can stop it!

Chu Xuan, the leader of the Xia Kingdom Ancient Martial Arts Alliance, must be a formidable powerhouse. His own cultivation is definitely the top powerhouse among the gods on land, and he also has a very terrifying technological power in his hands!

In Xia Kingdom, a terrifying and peerless evildoer really emerged, an invincible evildoer who is enough to shine in the entire era!

He is only twenty-five years old!

The twenty-five-year-old land fairy was already dreamy, but now he is found to be the top among the land gods!

In the global ancient martial arts world, the helm of the top forces can't wait to go to the forbidden area.

For this matter, they need to seek proof from the experienced ancestors!

As a result of verification, Chu Xuan's cultivation base is at least the seventh level of the land gods, and may even be the eighth level, or even the pinnacle of the ninth level!.


Chapter 1219: The Silent Global Ancient Martial Arts World Must Not Be Provoked! [2]


"The Nine Layers of Land Immortals? The Ultimate Powerhouse?!"

"Xia Guo unexpectedly produced such a terrifying evildoer, he is only twenty-five years old, only twenty-five years old!"

"The sequence of the strongest in the world, Xia Guo unexpectedly appeared!"

The helm of the world's top ancient martial arts forces has been shocked by this news at this time, and it is really hard to believe this fact.

Even the few leaders at the helm of the top forces have obtained incredible information.

Is there only Jiuzhong for the land gods?

No, not necessarily!

Some of the world's top powerhouses have reached the Ninth Layer of the Land Immortals, but they feel that there is still more room for improvement.

It's just that no one can break through to that level, and they are still stuck in the ninth level of land gods throughout their lives.

But in its long years, it has basically been determined that the land gods are not only Jiuzhong, but also a higher level.

Chu Xuan is only twenty-five years old this year, but he may already be the Jiuzhong of the land gods.

So in his career, will he have the opportunity to break through the shackles of the Nine Layers and reach a higher level?

Several people at the helm don't know, but they dare not be negligent.

In the global ancient martial arts forum, the demise of the ancient martial arts force of the Sakura country has aroused many people's discussions.

The Mount Fuji volcano erupted, and the secret base was struck by lightning. Before the incident, the Sakura Kingdom sent people from the Furutake circle of Mount Fuji to the Xia Kingdom in an attempt to seize information on a laboratory base.

397 Then so many things happened in Osmanthus Country.

Everything seems too coincidental, so coincidental that people simply don't want to believe it.

Therefore, the destruction of the ancient military forces of the Sakura Kingdom must be closely related to the Xia Kingdom.


Especially for the destruction of the secret base, some people have provided solid evidence that it was hit by a missile.

The missile attack triggered a thunderstorm and destroyed the entire secret base.

Therefore, one thing is certain, that missile is the legendary meteorological weapon!

Xia Guo has developed a weather weapon!

Meteorological weapons have always been legends, and various countries are also researching them, but so far they have not been able to research anything.

Artificial rainfall is not a weather weapon!

Those that can trigger thunderstorms and carry out fixed-point attacks are the real weather weapons.

Has Xia Guo's scientific and technological power developed to such a terrifying level without them knowing?

What people were discussing was only Xia Guo's devastating blow to the ancient military forces of the Sakura Kingdom, but they never mentioned the crusade.

They knew that people from Xia Kingdom had sneaked into Sakura Country and caused this kind of thing on Mount Fuji.

What kind of monstrous powerhouse is that, Chu Xuan, the leader of the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance, what kind of monstrous things can he do? Is there anyone else in the world who is his opponent?

No one knows, so no one discusses the crusade.

In this regard, the Global Guwu Alliance has chosen Sheng.

There is no doubt that Chu Xuan, a peerless evildoer, is powerful enough to destroy a country's ancient military forces, and he is an existence they cannot afford to provoke.

Even if they join forces to attack, will the ancient martial arts community of Xia Kingdom agree?

Certainly not!

The Hundred Years War itself is imminent, Xia Guo has already mobilized, ready to meet this challenge.

At this time, what's the point of launching a crusade in the ancient martial arts world around the world?


For Xia Kingdom's ancient martial arts world, wouldn't that be the same as the Battle of Hundred Armies?

Furthermore, now that Xia Kingdom has a strong man like Chu Xuan, will there be any changes in the Hundred Years' War?

Therefore, the leaders of many top forces are already thinking about what to do next, and a strong person like Chu Xuan must investigate clearly!

Whether it's his cultivation, his property, people around him, etc., all must be investigated.

Only by understanding the opponent can we find a chance to defeat him in the future.

Otherwise, when the Hundred Years War starts, if Chu Xuan (chbg) descends directly on Pioneer Island, it will be very difficult for ancient military forces from all over the world to conquer Pioneer Island.

Unless they also have an extremely strong person, then they can fight Chu Xuan.

"Don't provoke that guy, otherwise it will be a huge blow to us!"

"Until you find out, you must not confront him head-on!"

"Enter Xia Guo immediately, no matter what, investigate his situation first!"

The person at the helm of the top forces immediately issued an order, and the top priority is to find out who Chu Xuan is.

As for the ancient martial arts of Sakura Country?

Have a little sympathy, it seems to be quite miserable.

But it's just a sympathy, because no one will "claim justice".

Who is willing to directly offend such an extremely strong person for the ancient martial arts world of the Sakura country that has been destroyed?

What's more, without the power of ancient martial arts, they are very greedy for those ancient martial arts resources in Sakura Country.

If you have the opportunity, you must get it.

Obviously, the ancient martial arts resources of the Sakura Country have become a piece of fat in the eyes of the ancient martial arts circles of all countries, and everyone wants to take a bite.


This is the cruelty of the ancient martial arts world, and it is the same in any ancient martial arts world.

The royal family of Sakura Kingdom is also paying attention to the global ancient martial arts forum, they are very active, no matter before or now, it is the same.

Talking about the annihilation of the ancient military forces of the Sakura Kingdom, and the pinning of the murderer on Chu Xuan, the royal family is naturally very happy.

As long as Chu Xuan is locked, then the global ancient martial arts world is likely to launch a crusade.

A villain like Chu Xuan must be brought to justice!

When the global ancient martial arts world launches a crusade against Chu Xuan, the Sakura Kingdom will be able to benefit from it and re-cultivate the ancient martial arts power.

But after looking at it for a while, the royal family suddenly realized something was wrong.

The Global Ancient Martial Arts Forum has indeed been discussing this matter, and expressed sympathy for the experience of Sakura Country.

But from the beginning to the end, no one mentioned the crusade. They were more discussing how terrifying Chu Xuan's cultivation was, and what kind of technological power Xia Guo had mastered.

what happened?

Why didn't they follow their ideas at all?

The royal family was dumbfounded, and the Yinghuang was even more furious, directly flipped the table, and quickly summoned other high-level officials of the royal family.

If there is no crusade against Chu Xuan, people from the ancient martial arts world around the world will not be able to form a large force to enter the country of Xia.

If he hadn't entered Xia Country, what chance would he have for Sakura Country to benefit from it, and what chance would he have for revenge?

"The Global Ancient Martial Arts Forum did not mention the crusade against Chu Xuan. You say, what should we do now?"

Yinghuang said coldly, the faces of the sellers were also very ugly.

They are also paying attention to the forum, so they know what the situation is like now.

"Huang, there are too many people pretending to be deaf and dumb, so we must take the initiative!".