
1727-1737 repost

Chapter 1127: The Heroine Wants To Beat The Protagonist? Chen Ruobing's Framing! [3]


Ye Fan looked under him, full of confidence.

If the capital is insufficient, then use another method to satisfy your woman.

For fancy, he is still very confident.

{I don't know how the hidden killing building is completed, has Jian Qing been killed?}

{The headquarters of the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance is not easy to infiltrate, but if it is the hidden killing building, then there should be no problem, their mission success rate is 100%!}

{Jane Qing, that damn bitch, must pay the price!}

Whenever he thinks of Jian Qing, his hatred explodes like a volcano.

If it wasn't for Jian Qing, how could God of War betray him?

If it wasn't for Jian Qing, how could his Dragon King Palace be destroyed?

So what if Father Jian killed himself?

Who told that bastard to threaten his status?

Anyone who threatens his status, no matter who he is, must die.

Now he is eagerly looking forward to the completion of the task in Yinshalou, and kills Jian Qing first, so that he can let himself vent his anger.

And it can also make Yinshalou and Guwu Alliance face each other!

Even if the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance didn't realize that it was Yinshalou, he would take the initiative to expose it!

At that time, Yinshalou will fight against the Guwu Alliance, and it will inevitably suffer heavy losses.

Similarly, if Jian Qing died at the headquarters of the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance, it would be a huge blow to the morale of the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance.

On the whole, no matter what the final result is, he will not suffer.


The Alliance Headquarters heard Ye Fan's sacrifice, Li Yan and others now have the heart to kill.

This cerebral palsy thing is really annoying. I never feel that I am at fault. The fault is always someone else?

From the beginning of the development of the Dragon King Palace to the present, he has done countless wrong things, but he will always push the faults on others, pick himself up and clean himself.

Even when targeting Chu Xuan, he was the one who provoked Chu Xuan first, but so far, he still thinks that Chu Xuan was targeting him, affecting his pursuit of beauty or something.

How funny!

How did a person with this personality become the main character?

The author of the cerebral thrombosis who constitutes the world of the novel, probably has a very wrong view of the three views, right?

It is true that the protagonists of many novels have such a character, which is really bad.

As long as it's the woman I like, no matter whether the other party has a fiance or not, I have to go and rub it.

Even those who are already famous and beautiful will use various reasons and various means to obtain it.

Let me ask, is this kind of person not having the right three views?

However, it is this kind of people with wrong three views who can often become the protagonist, and they are extremely double-standard.

What is beneficial to oneself stands on the moral high ground.

Those who are not good for themselves will use all kinds of double standards, and then try to kill others.

"Sister Yan, I want to go to that yard, can I beat him up first?"

Su Yanran asked, if such a protagonist doesn't beat her up, she will feel sorry for her conscience.

"I'm going too! I want to beat him up today!"

Bai Mei also raised her hand and said, the other girls also raised their tails.

They are all serious about beating up the protagonist violently.


As long as there is an opportunity, you must do it yourself and teach that guy a profound lesson.

Jian Qing also said: "Just to test the power of the particle weapon, let's cripple his limbs first."

As he spoke, he took out a sniper rifle, which was very similar to Barrett's, but it was loaded with a particle energy system.

She hasn't tested how powerful this gun is against the opponent until now. It was a gadget given to her by Chu Xuan.

Li Yan shook his head and said: "I know everyone's feelings, but it's not the time to do it yet. Young Master Chu already wants to torment him, so everyone just wait. After Young Master Chu finishes cleaning him up, we'll beat him up again it is also fine."

When she spoke, the girls stopped.

No one dared to object to the doctor's order, and they deeply admired Li Yan's wisdom and city government.

"By the way, our Xuannv Palace can also do some exposure about the matter of Yinshalou. Since you dare to accept the entrustment, you have to bear our anger!"

Ye Fan cannot move now, but other people can [such as Yinshalou.

Although Chu Xuan has also let Yinshalou and the protagonist dog bite the dog, it does not affect their revenge on Yinshalou.

You must know that Yinshalou has a large number of temporary bases in Xia Kingdom and overseas.

"Yingying, find those temporary strongholds, Xuannv Palace is ready to attack!"


You Ying was full of enthusiasm, and immediately began to search for a temporary stronghold in Yuanshalou.

Those places are hard to find, but as long as there are electronic devices, she is like a god.

It might take some time to find, but definitely not too long.

Besides Chen Rubing, she has already figured out how to find Feng Tian Yun, make that guy shut his mouth forever, and bring the secret to the ground.

Open the Guwu Forum and re-register a trumpet.

Now that her reputation in the ancient martial arts world is rotten, she can't use the previous accounts.


Before, she had to divide the time.

As for how to clean up, she has already thought about it, and has asked someone to come over to help.

When those people come, the whitewashing should go smoothly, and then she will be the goddess in the hearts of countless people in the ancient martial arts world.

After looking at the forum, I found that there are still many people discussing the post that exposed her, and many of them are unsightly comments.

She poohed 020 bitterly, and then chose to post.

'Flower picker Feng Tian Yun strikes again, seven innocent women die tragically!'

Such a title can easily attract the attention of countless people in today's lively Guwu forum.

The flower picker! Feng Tian Yun! The woman died tragically!

Every key word is enough to move people.

Feng Tian Yun is very famous in the ancient martial arts world of Xia Kingdom, because he is the most famous flower picker, and I don't know how many women have been murdered by him.

Whether it is an ancient warrior or an ordinary person, he does not refuse anyone.

As long as you like it, you will find a way to get it.

Now Chen Ruobing took advantage of the ancient martial world's knowledge of Feng Tian Yun to post directly, and also posted some videos.

In the video, several women were naked and died in a miserable state.

Judging from the state, he was brutally tortured by Ryoya during his lifetime.

"Feng Tian Yun, I'll just wait for the ancient martial world in the imperial capital to find you, and then I'll deal with you properly!"

After Chen Ruobing posted the post, she continued to stare at it, looking forward to someone coming in to watch and leave a message.

The most hopeful thing is to cause public outrage, by then, Feng Tian Yun will have nowhere to hide!

Even if he leaves the imperial capital, there will be many people chasing him. .


Chapter 1128: Feng Tian Yun's Counterattack Is Perfect! [4]


There is only the victim in the video, but there is no trace of Feng Tian Yun.

But it didn't affect Chen Ruobing much, because as long as they saw the tragic situation of these victims, their anger would make them lose their minds.

Especially the exposed person is Feng Tian Yun!

The ancient martial arts world would think that only a person like Feng Tian Yun would commit such a frenzied and heinous insult.

Chen Ruobing, who has a strong control over people's hearts, knows that her goal will be achieved!

Sure enough, many ancient warriors soon entered the post to watch.

The video content is not long, just over a minute.

But it was this minute-long video that completely aroused the anger of countless ancient warriors!

"Damn it, it's that bastard Feng Tian Yun again!"

"The flower picker hasn't died yet?"

"Why can everyone tolerate that guy alive until now? Since he killed so many women before, we should crusade him, dig three feet to find him, and let him stand trial

"If he had been found in the first place, these victims would not have appeared now!"

The ancient warriors were excited, and their hatred for Feng Tian Yun soared wildly.

As long as you are an ancient warrior in the Xia Kingdom, you will hear some related things more or less.

When Feng Tian Yun was committing crimes like crazy, there was even a period of time when the female ancient warriors in Xia Kingdom didn't dare to go out casually.

If you want to go out, you must go with a companion, and there are several men accompanying you, so that you feel safer.

Later, the ancient martial arts world did attack Feng Tian Yun, but that guy was like a slippery loach, unable to catch him at all.

Later, Feng Tian Yun seemed to disappear and never appeared again.

But now he appeared again, and directly killed seven women!


Judging from their identities, those seven women were all ordinary people!

Feng Tian Yun, that bastard, not only mutilated women, but also chose ordinary people, why?

Can the rules of the ancient martial arts world be trampled on by him at will?

Countless ancient warriors left messages one after another, and Chen Ruobing has been following up on these. Seeing people's anger, he was very satisfied.

"That's right, develop like this. Feng Tian Yun, you will surface soon." "

Chen Ruobing is full of confidence, and these things about Da Xiaozi and Tianmo Palace must be hidden.

The best way to keep a secret is to die!

Only the dead can truly keep the secret forever!

As for her foster father, Sovereign Xianyin, he also knows about the matter, but from the current point of view, it should not be exposed, and will even defend Ye Fan.

But, can she trust her adoptive father forever?

Obviously not!

As long as her adoptive father is still alive and knows these things, there is a possibility of them being leaked out.

Maybe one day when the dutiful son had a conflict with the adoptive father, the adoptive father would say something wrong?

Although he doesn't want to admit it, the filial son seems to be a troublemaker, and he can have conflicts with others wherever he goes.

Even if it was only the Dragon King Palace that he was in charge of before, wouldn't it be betrayed by countless Gods of War in the end?

Thinking of this possibility, killing intent flickered in her eyes.

Anyone who threatens her most beloved filial son must be eradicated!

"Father, after your last value is gone, I will personally send you on the road!"

She murmured a few words, then continued to follow the forum, desperately hoping that someone could find Feng Tian Yun.


For the sake of her filial son, she could think of killing her adoptive father who loved her dearly.

And Sect Master Xianyin was able to kill his own disciple for the sake of his beloved goddaughter.

The personalities of the two are very similar, but this scene is so sad.

"Feng Tian Yun, Chen Ruobing slandered you on the Guwu Forum."

When Chu Xuan learned of Chen Ruobing's actions, she lamented that she still has the means.

She really understands the human heart, and she plays it very skillfully.

A few words made Feng Tian Yun stand on the cusp of the storm and become the target of public criticism.


If the ancient martial arts world starts to search for Feng Tian Yun, then it is really possible that he will be found.

Feng Tian Yun knew about this, and immediately went to the forum to check. When he saw this, his nose was almost crooked.

Since he followed Chu Xuan, he didn't do that kind of thing anymore. Even if there was a need, he would go directly to the club to solve it.

How long have you forgotten how long you haven't been a gentleman on Liang, and now you're being framed by that bitch Chen Ruobing?

"Chen Ruobing, do you think you can slander me like this? Hehe~~ Too young!"

After watching the video carefully, Feng Tian Yun smiled, he knew how to fight back.

Want to use the ancient martial arts world to find him?

go dream!

At the moment, he made some preparations, and then posted a post on the forum.

'I, Feng Tian Yun, hereby clarify about being slandered!

Many ancient warriors were still cursing in the post, and soon someone said that Feng Tian Yun himself posted a post to clarify, which made people feel puzzled.



You clear up the wool! Do you still want to deny that you have done such a criminal thing?

But when they entered Feng Tian Yun's post, their expressions became very strange.

There are some text introductions, followed by some small videos.

"It's not just that bitch with evil intentions slandering me on the forum, so I would like to make some clarifications here, please watch the video below. The point is to see the time in the video I posted and the time in the video posted by that bitch!"

Just such a few words, followed by a series of small videos.

Seven short videos!

Watch the time in the video?

Many ancient warriors were puzzled and opened the small video with curiosity.

And when I saw it, some people covered their eyes, some (Li's) were stunned, and some sprayed water.

There are some unsightly scenes in the video, some are a woman playing happily with a man, and some are a group of women happily playing with a man.

The man in every video is the same!

And that man is indeed Feng Tian Yun!

"The time he said... Wait, this seems to be a surveillance video, Feng Tian went to this guy to take a sneak shot?"

"The time in the video is the same as that posted by the person before?"

"What does the coincidence of time indicate?"

"Does the upstairs have any brains? The time is consistent, which shows that Feng Tian Yun has a perfect alibi! When the victim died, he was still playing happily in the clubhouse!"

"There is also an introduction to the clubhouse in the video, just go and investigate to find out!"

"So someone really framed it? f**k, this wave of counterattack is perfect!"


Chapter 1129: The Rumormonger Is The Murderer! [1]


Judging from the clarification made by Feng Tian Yun, he has no time to commit the crime at all.

During that time, I was chic in the clubhouse, and I had a lot of fun with my young lady. How could I have time to kill those seven women?

So it has been proved that someone is planting and framing.

What is the purpose?

Could it be that he had some hatred with Feng Tian Yun in the past, so now he has made such a move, wanting to make Feng Tian Yun a target of public criticism?

It's entirely possible.

The ancient martial arts world was also miserably harmed by Feng Tian Yun, and many women were harmed by him.

It is entirely possible for someone to do something like this and frame it up now.

But another question arises, what are the identities of the seven women killed in the framing video, and how did they die?

Judging from the video alone, he must have been killed and humiliated during his lifetime.

"Now I can confirm that the previous incident was framed, but who killed the seven women?"

"Such a bad method, the murderer must be brought to justice!"

The ancient warriors were discussing, but no one suspected the person who released the video.

Because just judging from the released video, it cannot prove that the other party is the murderer.

These videos can be found on the Internet, or a little modification can form such a video.

From the point of view, the people who posted the posts are at best spreading rumors.

For the rumormongers, they didn't even feel that they should condemn them.


Because the person who spread the rumor was Feng Tian Yun!

Who is Feng Tian Yun, the Xia Kingdom's ancient martial arts circle is very clear.

I don't know how many people wanted to kill Feng Tian Yun, but they never had the chance.

"Young Master Chu, what should we do next?"

Feng Tianyun contacted Chu Xuan, and Chu Xuan naturally gave him those videos, otherwise he really couldn't clarify himself.

Chu Xuan said lightly: "It's very simple, turn the blame on Chen Ruobing. Heh~ Anyway, she has a bad reputation now, and it is true that she killed the person."

The seven victims were killed by Chen Ruobing!

In other words, Chen Ruobing arranged for people to do it, and made it look like he was humiliated and died.

Only in this way can people believe that Feng Tian Yun really did these things and find him.

"But... just say Chen Ruobing did it? It's hard to do without evidence."

Feng Tian Yun felt embarrassed, and he naturally didn't want to let that woman off Chen Ruobing.

It's a pity that he doesn't have the ability to avenge himself now, because Chen Ruobing is surrounded by a land fairy who is the master of the Immortal Sound Sect.

If he went to seek revenge by himself, he might be killed by Sect Master Xianyin.

Furthermore, Chen Ruobing's cultivation seems to be higher than him, and he is not an opponent at all.

"The evidence will naturally be given to you, and you can post it on the forum when the time comes."

Chu Xuan directly said that the evidence about Chen Ruobing is simply not too much.

Now is also the time to release a little more, it depends on how Chen Ruobing accepts the move.

It would be a good thing if we could know the backer behind her from this.

Feng Tian Yun was completely relieved, and soon received the evidence Chu Xuan gave him.


When I opened it, I found that Chen Ruobing had used her own account to contact some idlers and killed ten women.

The evidence is very simple and direct, and the spearhead also points to Chen Ruobing's trumpet in the ancient martial arts forum.

After having these evidences, Feng Tianyun posted another post, directly posting the evidences.

Because of the clarification, his account now has a lot of attention.

After publishing the post, many people clicked in to view it.

When I saw the evidence, I was dumbfounded.

Although these evidences did not directly tell who it was, it also proved that the rumor maker arranged the tragedy.

In other words, the rumormonger is the mastermind behind the scenes, the real murderer!

"Simply refreshing the three views, the rumor maker turned out to be the murderer, it's interesting (chei).

"Sure enough, I have a lot of hatred with Feng Tian Yun, otherwise why would I do such a thing?"

"Murting seven women in order to deal with Feng Tian Yun is something that a human being can do?"

"No matter what kind of hatred there was in the past, it is an unforgivable felony to rape seven women to death now, and it is a flagrant violation of the rules of the ancient martial arts world!"

The ancient warriors who saw the evidence were filled with righteous indignation. They didn't suspect the rumor maker before, thinking that the other party found the video from somewhere, and then planted it on Yun.

Unexpectedly, those women were killed by the rumormongers!

Now Feng Tian Yun releases the evidence, and directly confirms the rhythm of the hammer.

"Find out the real culprit and bring him to justice!!"

"Whoever he is, he must be punished justly!"

"Strongly urge the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance and the Ancient Martial Arts Association to take action and bring the murderer to justice!"

People's anger was quickly mobilized, and they demanded that the murderer be found out.


Feng Tian Yun knew that now that all the attention was not on him, Chen Ruobing would definitely have a headache in the future.

It's just that he was a little depressed. Chu Xuan should have a lot of evidence about Chen Ruobing in his hand, and it could even directly prove that Chen Ruobing killed those people.

But why didn't he just release the evidence?

As long as it's released, Chen Ruobing will die at the rhythm of death.

But what Chu Xuan said, he didn't dare to ask, he could only guess in his heart.

Chu Xuan naturally didn't want to play Chen Ruobing to death so soon, mainly because Chen Ruobing still had some backers behind him.

The backer who has not been exposed until now must be very remarkable.

How can he feel at ease if he doesn't get those backers out?

Right now, Chen Ruobing is going to be forced to a dead end step by step, so she has to contact those backers.

Tianmo Palace is very powerful, and it is also one of Chen Ruoshui's main backers.

But definitely not the most important backer!

Because Chen Ruobing has been developing in Xia Country, and Tianmo Palace has almost no room for development in Xia Country!

Judging from this, the Tianmo Palace might just be one of Chen Ruobing's many powerful backers.

The real big fish is still lurking underwater, waiting for Chen Ruoshui to contact.

Besides, at this time, Chen Ruobing, when Feng Tianyun released his alibi, was already so angry that the three corpses jumped violently.

She didn't understand why those idiots would give her the surveillance video with the time?

But I didn't seriously review it, so I posted it in a hurry, so that Feng Tian Yun had the opportunity to prove that he was not there, so that he failed to frame him!

From this point of view, it is estimated that the ancient martial arts world will not launch a campaign against Feng Tian Yun, and it will be very difficult to find him.

At this time, she suddenly discovered some other posts. .


Chapter 1130: Shadow: Is My Identity Exposed? []2]


"how come?"

Seeing Feng Tian Yun's post again, Chen Ruobing was shocked.

The evidence in the post includes the evidence that she used the trumpet to contact social idlers, and there is also a record of sending money.

These are nothing, but what scares her the most is why there is such a detailed~record?

With these records, it means that Tian Yun probably knew that he did it himself.

It's just that for some unknown reason, he didn't choose to release the complete evidence.

Otherwise, the ancient martial arts world would know that it was her Chen Ruobing contact who killed seven ordinary people, and wanted to frame Feng Tian Yun.

What the hell is that old guy Feng Tian Yun thinking?

Chen Ruobing couldn't figure it out, and she didn't dare to think deeply, for fear that something that she couldn't control would happen.

"You escaped unharmed, Feng Tian Yun!"

Chen Ruobing gritted his teeth, although Feng Tian Yun hadn't released the evidence yet, he might have grasped it.

Now that his reputation in the ancient martial arts world is already rotten, if those hard evidences are released again, then he will not even think about standing up.

If that's the case, you must quickly cleanse yourself, especially about the Patriarch!

If you don't clean up, you will never be able to appear in front of other ancient warriors.

Looking at the phone, she has not heard from the few people she has been waiting for.

If they arrive, their whitewashing plan can be truly implemented.

"You guys have to hurry up, or I really can't hold on."


"My reputation depends on you!"

Chen Ruobing muttered to herself, apparently those few people were very, very important to her.

When Chu Xuan noticed this, he was very curious.

Reputation depends on them?

Could it be that Chen Ruobing wants to whitewash herself?

It is very similar to the situation of Ye Fan before!

When Ye Fan joined the Ye family, he used a whitewashing plan, and finally succeeded in recognizing his ancestors and returning to his clan, and also washed away all his previous sins.

Now, what kind of method Chen Ruobing would use made him very curious.

Chen Ruobing is a very smart woman, and the plan she came up with must be much smarter than Ye Fan.

Maybe it's a good opportunity to find out her backer!

Thinking of this, he immediately asked the monitoring system to monitor closely, so that no movement could escape his eyes.

Right now, Chen Ruobing's trumpet has become the target of public criticism, and many people want to find out her true identity.

However, Chen Ruobing used all false information when registering, and it was a virtual IP address, which could not be found out at all, which made many people depressed and felt that they were being played by rumormongers.

"No matter what, we must find this guy and torture him to death!"

This is almost the voice of all ancient warriors, eager to find the rumor maker.

Chen Ruobing was very conspicuous. After knowing that her account was useless, she immediately gave it up and did not log in again.

The Ancient Martial Arts Alliance and the Ancient Martial Arts Association seemed to have heard the appeals of all the ancient martial arts practitioners, and immediately issued a joint statement to severely punish the murderer!

Before Chu Xuan let Qing Yunzi and the others make a move, they had already made a decision.


Such a bad thing, if the Ancient Martial Arts Association and the Alliance do not express anything, how will the Ancient Martial Arts World be managed in the future?

In the end, Qingyunzi contacted Chu Xuan and talked about the matter on the Guwu Forum.

Chu Xuan's attitude is naturally to let them investigate. If they really have a way to find evidence of Chen Ruobing, then they can only say that Chen Ruobing deserves to be like this, and he will not deliberately stop it.

But it shouldn't be that easy, right?

It's just that he didn't expect that people like Qing Yunzi really had a solution, because they found a person, You Ying!

"So my identity is revealed?"

Looking at the helmsmen in front of him, You Ying was a little confused.

Her identity should be well hidden, but now they know it?

Qing Yunzi and others laughed loudly, and said: "Although Miss Youying hides well, there are still some flaws to some extent. Cough cough~ It's mainly Miss Youying's name, it's hard not to make people doubt it."

It turned out to be the name of the pot!

Youying suddenly realized that she was still using Youying until now.

This name is relatively special, although many people in the ancient martial arts world have strange names, such as Qingyunzi.

... Ask for flowers...

Names like You Ying appear in the ancient martial arts world, but there is nothing special about them.

But the key is that when You Ying was an ordinary person, this name had been with her.

Therefore, it aroused Qing Yunzi's suspicion.

Asking now, it really is the case.

It can only be said that You Ying was too young, and was finally tricked out by them.


"People in the mundane world and the underground world think that Youying should be very old and a stingy guy, but they didn't expect the legendary Youying to be such a young girl.

"If they knew, their jaws would probably drop in shock, wouldn't they?"

"Miss Youying, we don't know much about the Internet, so can you help me find the murderer?"


Patriarch Ouyang and others made a request, but Youying hesitated.

She knew who the murderer was, but did she really want to help with the investigation?

She glanced at Li Yan, saw Li Yan nodding, and said, "No problem, as long as the other party leaves traces on the Internet, they will definitely be recruited!"

"Great, with the help of Miss Phantom, we can definitely find the murderer!"

Everyone was happy, and sighed that there are not too many capable people around Chu Xuan.

Youying's computer technology may really be able to play a very good role.

Although she is an ancient warrior, with such skills, she can deal with network issues calmly!

"Give me three days, and I will definitely find it!"

You Ying is full of confidence, she already has the evidence, but she can't say it now, otherwise it will make people suspicious.

"Thank you, Ms. Shadow!"

Only then did the helmsman leave, and after they had left, You Ying asked, "Sister Yan, are you really going to expose Chen Ruobing?"

Li Yan took a sip of tea slowly, and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter if you are exposed, after all, Qing Yunzi and the others have come here. As for Young Master Chu, it shouldn't be a problem. Big deal, cough~ You have to work hard these days, let Ci Just be less happy.

"Sister Yan~"

You Ying blushed, "What's the matter with driving a car?"


Chapter 1131: The Protagonist Thinks He Can Do It, The Killer Is Approaching The Protagonist? [3]


Qingyunzi and the others found Youying, but Chu Xuan didn't know about it.

Even if I know it, I don't think it's a big deal, I can only say that Chen Ruobing is unlucky!

If Youying went to investigate in person, he would definitely find clues very quickly, and finally connect them into a complete chain of evidence, directly nailing Chen Ruobing to death.

Although it will affect some of his plans, it doesn't matter.

As for Chen Ruobing's pawn, it's about time for her to go for a walk in Tiangong.

And the protagonist, if Chen Ruobing leaves, he will definitely be taken away.

The greatest possibility is to bring it back to the Heavenly Demon Palace!

Because Chen Ruobing is the saint of the Heavenly Demon Palace, after taking her back, Ye Fan should be confined to the Heavenly Demon Palace.

Thinking about the capabilities of the Heavenly Demon Palace, it is almost impossible to train the protagonist in a short period of time.

Even after the century-old "April 73" war, or even the end of the century-old war, it may not be possible to cultivate successfully.

Because Xia Guo is the real blessed land, only in Xia Guo, the strength of the protagonist can improve the fastest.

Beyond the boundaries of Xia Kingdom, it will be affected to some extent.

The plot line has reached this point, but the protagonist is still a waste. In fact, the future of the protagonist can basically be determined.

With so many heroines already gathered around him, and losing a lot of opportunities, the protagonist still wants to rise?

Impossible, impossible in this lifetime!

You know, the most early opportunity is the most important.


But in the early stage, the protagonist has been suppressed by him, so that until now he has not really obtained a decent degree of education.

Even under his suppression, the protagonist's life is miserable. All kinds of torture almost drove him crazy, and he also wiped out the extremely important Dragon King Hall.

You know, the Dragon King Hall in the plot line will develop into an ancient martial arts force in the future, and because of the protagonist's various hacks, and the special arrangement of the author of the cerebral thrombosis, the improvement of the Twelve Gods of War is very, very scary.

In the mid-term, the Dragon King Palace has become one of the top forces that cannot be ignored in the Xia Kingdom's ancient martial arts world, and it is also extremely loyal to the protagonist.

At the end, the Dragon King Palace has become the number one ancient martial arts force in the world's ancient martial arts world, and it has overwhelmed countless top forces who can't lift their heads and can't breathe.

Such an important Dragon King Hall is now a thing of the past, completely reduced to dust in the long river of time.

For the next two days, Chen Ruobing hid in the yard in the suburbs, never daring to leave.

Sect Master Xianyin did not leave either, and has been treating Ye Fan to help him restore his Nine Yang Body.

Now the Body of Nine Suns has shown signs of recovery, and it should be able to recover within three months.

In this regard, Ye Fan is full of confidence, thinking that three months later will be the time for him to change his fate against the sky.

When he regains his physique and really starts to practice, he will be able to quickly catch up with his peers, even surpass that bastard Chu Xuan.

It's not the land god, he is absolutely and completely fine.

What Chu Xuan can do, he can definitely do, and do it better.

Knowing the sky-defying attributes of the Nine Suns Body, he is already looking forward to his life in three months.

Just can't leave now, because the Guwu Alliance and Chu Xuan will definitely not let him go easily, and Ruobing will not let go easily.

If Ruobing's killing of Patriarch Jing is not handled well, they will be caught as soon as they show up.

And the Ye family is still looking for him!

Once found by the Ye family, one can imagine his ending.

Out of various considerations, he chose to stay in this yard.


Although life is difficult, seeing Chen Ruobing every day is the best day for him.

It's just that I'm a little young now, and Chen Ruobing doesn't seem to have agreed to have sex with me yet.

Otherwise, he will definitely make Chen Ruobing feel the joy of being a woman, and let her know what a super whirlwind is!

If Chen Ruobing knew what he was thinking now, I really don't know what he would think.

Just when they thought everything would gradually calm down, the appearance of some people cheered them up.

In the middle of the night, some dark shadows quietly approached the yard.

They are fast, their movements are weird, they hide in the darkness, and they shuttle erratically, making it difficult to catch their traces.

In the courtyard room, Sect Master Xianyin frowned and woke up from his sleep.

The spiritual consciousness of the land gods has told him that some people are slowly approaching this courtyard.

Although their aura is well hidden, even a grand master cannot find them if they are not careful.

But he is a land god, with strong spiritual sense, and he is very clever in controlling his surroundings, so he still noticed those different auras...

He got up quietly, without disturbing anyone, and quietly came to the dark corner of the yard.

Here, he found another person, Chen Ruobing!

"Why did the good girl come out?"

Sect Master Xianyin lowered his voice, surprised by Chen Ruobing's appearance.

Chen Ruobing shook her head lightly, and said, "It feels like someone is approaching, come out and take a look."

Sect Master Xianyin nodded slightly. His good daughter's intuition is very keen, and he knew this very early on.

"Father go out to see who it is."

"Father, be careful."


As soon as the words fell, Sect Master Xianyin had already left from the dark corner and came outside the courtyard.

It was very dark everywhere, and I couldn't see my fingers.

Wen couldn't stop the spiritual consciousness of Sect Master Xianyin, and soon detected two faint auras beside him.

call out!

He rushed over in an instant, obliterating the two of them with a light press of his palm.

After taking a closer look, his brows were tightly wrinkled.

"Killer? Wait, are you from Yin Tea House?"

Seeing the two dead people on the ground, Sect Master Xianyin recognized their identities.

The other party was wearing night clothes and was obviously a killer. And they wear different masks on their faces, which is the most typical feature of Yinshalou 0.8.

The other thing is to take off their clothes, and you can see the logo of Yinshalou on the shoulders!

Judging from this, these guys are the residents of Yinsha Building.

It's strange, how come the killers from Yinshalou appear here, and they are very targeted, they are here for them.

"The other party is a person from Yinshalou, and someone should have issued a mission for us, which is a bit troublesome.

Sect Master Xianyin returned to the dark corner of the courtyard and explained the situation to Chen Ruobing.

Hearing that it was the killer of Yinshalou, Chen Ruobing's face changed drastically.

Could it be that someone really released the task?

"Father, what should we do now?"

"How to do?"

Sect Master Xianyin's eyes flickered coldly, and he said sharply: "Of course they are all killed, it is impossible to find useful information from them."


Chapter 1132: Ye Fan Panicked, And Yinshalou Came To Him! [4]


"Does foster father need my help?"

Chen Ruobing also knew that these Yinshalou killers carried out their tasks directly, and they didn't know anything about their employers.

So even if they are caught, they will not be able to ask anything.

Moreover, killers in Yinshalou are generally very loyal, and when they are caught, they will basically swallow the poison hidden under their tongues and die directly.

In addition, there is the scariest thing, that is, there is a built-in chip in the body of each Yinsheng killer.

These built-in chips allow Hidden Killer to monitor what they are doing. Once the killers who perform the task do not reply or move for a long time, they can know whether they have been captured through the chip.

If captured, but the killer did not kill himself, the chip would explode, shattering their hearts.

This is the method of Yinshalou, so that no killer will leak any information.

It is also one of the reasons why no one has been able to find the headquarters of Yinsha Building so far. 27 It's just that the master Xianyin and Chen Ruobing are obviously not included!

They know the location of the headquarters of Yinsha Building very well.

"The good daughter stays here, and the adoptive father will be done soon."

Sect Master Xianyin left after speaking, and then there were a few small voices outside, followed by corpses being thrown outside the yard.

After all the voices disappeared, Chen Ruobing came out from the darkness.

When I looked again, twenty corpses had already fallen outside the yard, all of which had their pulses broken by the shock.

"There are a total of 20 Hidden Killing Building killers. We have to go to the Hidden Killing Building headquarters to find out who issued the entrusted task, hum!"

Sect Master Xianyin beheaded twenty killers in an instant, but he was still calm, as if he had done an insignificant thing.


"There are many masters in the headquarters of Yinshalou. If the foster father goes directly, I am afraid that there will be conflicts with them. Otherwise, we should find another way?"

Chen Ruobing was thinking, Yinshalou is a dragon's pond and a tiger's lair after all, although the head of Xianyin Sect is very powerful, but he doesn't know what kind of masters there are in the headquarters of Yinshalou.

For that kind of top power, it is not surprising to have an ancestor at the level of a land god sitting in command.

If conflicts arise there and fight, no matter whether you win or lose, it will be of no benefit.

Sect Master Xianyin pondered for a moment, but still listened to Chen Ruobing's words.

"Master, Ruobing, what's going on here?"

Ye Fan's voice came from behind, and the two looked helplessly.

"Xiaofan, why did you come out?"

Chen Ruobing greeted her, not wanting Ye Fan to know about these things.

However, Sect Master Xianyin said directly: "Xiaofan has seen it, so I can't hide it. These are the killers of Yinshalou!"

"What? How did they come to the door?"

Hearing the word Yinshalou Killer, Ye Fan couldn't hold back and was a little shocked.

The entrusted task was just released at the Yinshalou, and now the killer from the Yinshalou came to the door, and the situation didn't look good.

Chen Ruobing and Chen Ruobing are both very shrewd. After hearing this, they can understand that these killers are probably targeting Ye Fan.

It's just how did Ye Fan provoke Yin Sha Lou?

"Xiaofan, do you have any grievances with Yinshalou? How did these killers find you?"


Chen Ruobing asked, Ye Fan wanted to deny it, but after seeing her curious eyes, he still couldn't bear it.

"Actually, I issued an entrusted mission in the Yinsha Building. The goal is to assassinate the woman next to Chu Xuan, Jian Qing! That Jian Qing used to be the captain of my Death Squad in the Dragon King Palace, but she betrayed me and joined Chu Xuan, so ..."

"And I knew that Master and Ruobing were going to deal with the Guwu Alliance, so I thought if I could help, so I went to Yinshalou. But why did the people from Yinshalou come to me?"

Ye Fan told the whole story, he really wanted to help Chen Ruobing deal with Chu Xuan, and he really wanted revenge.

Chen Ruobing and the two looked at each other, they didn't expect such a reason, they had a headache.

"It seems that there is no need to go to the hidden killing building, hey~"

Chen Ruobing sighed, making Master Xianyin a little puzzled.

"Good girl, shouldn't you find the landlord to settle this matter? You should have assassinated that simple thing, but now you find Ye Fan instead!"

Chen Ruobing shook his head and said, "No, there is no need to find them. The Yinshalou killers came to deal with Xiaofan, which means that they have carried out the mission before, but the mission failed and caused huge losses."

"If I'm not wrong, it should be that the headquarters of Yinshalou suffered heavy losses, so the owner of Yinshalou became furious and sent killers to deal with Xiaofan!"

"Yinshalou is very reputable in Xia Kingdom, including the global ancient martial arts community. If only a few people are lost, they will continue to act until the target is beheaded for the sake of mission success.

After listening to her explanation, Sect Master Xianyin suddenly realized that this was the case.

Makes sense!

"It's very likely that the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance took action quietly and severely damaged the headquarters of Yinshalou, but there should be some people in Yinshalou still alive."

Sect Master Xianyin also made some guesses, and he will know from now on when he deals with Ye Fan's killer.

"They can find here now, which means that we have been exposed. Foster father, we have to move to other places.


Chen Ruobing's first thought was to move the position. It's not safe here anymore.

If you continue to stay, you may have to face the endless assassinations in Yinshalou.

090 Although there is a adoptive father, the people in Yinshalou are unlikely to succeed.

But if they make too much noise, they will be exposed, and Chu Xuan and those guys will be the real trouble.

"Yes yes yes, move the position now. Xiaofan pack up quickly, we leave this place overnight!"

Sect Master Xianyin nodded again and again, letting Ye Fan, who was still a little confused, prepare.

Ye Fan finally came back to his senses, went back to the room in a panic, packed some clothes and came out.

For him, the assassination of Yin Tea House must have been disastrous.

Because he has no cultivation now, he is no match for those guys at all.

A random killer can kill him thousands of times!

Although Master and Ruobing are not weak, they cannot guarantee that they will protect him from harm 100%.

For the sake of my life, running away is the right choice!

After the three of them packed up their things, they left decisively. Not long after they left, another killer from Yinshalou arrived.

However, when he saw the twenty corpses on the ground, he replied to the owner of Yinsha as soon as possible.

Knowing the result, the owner of the hidden killer was furious, screaming in anger, and immediately dispatched more manpower, and at the same time dispatched the killer who was on a mission to return quickly.

If you don't kill Ye Fan and the people around him, how can you get this bad breath?


Chapter 1133: Hidden Killing Building: Chase And Kill Ye Fan With All His Strength, Until He Dies! [1]


The inspector caused such a big loss to the hidden killing building, the hidden killing building owner must be very, very angry.

But he couldn't help it, because he was no match for the patrol envoy.

Even if the land gods in Yinshalou leave the customs, it may be difficult to pose a threat to the patrol envoy.

Moreover, the land gods in his Yinshalou really don't show up casually, they are all indifferent, even if he asks for help, they may not necessarily help.

Besides, he was the one who accepted the commission from Yinshalou, that's why the inspection came to the door!

If not, how could the inspector deal with him in Yinshalou?

Looking at the overall situation, it is very likely that Ye Fan plotted against Yinshalou, and wanted to play the trick of borrowing a knife to kill people, so that he could deal with the Ancient Martial Alliance.

What a calculation!

So we have to kill that guy Ye Fan, how can he not vent his anger if he has caused such misery to Yinshalou?

"Everyone hunts down Ye Fan until he dies! Start now, don't let that kid get away!"

The owner of Yinsha was so angry that his teeth were itching. Judging from the collected information, Ye Fan seems to have a backer, and he is also the legendary Xianyin sect of the hermit sect.

The Xianyin Sect Master seems to be by Ye Fan's side at the moment, which means that the killer of the Yinshalou Tower is very likely to be killed by the Xianyin Sect Master!

Such a Xianyin sect, if you provoke him to the Yinsha Tower, do you really think that Yinsha is easy to bully?

Fortunately, Sect Master Xianyin took the initiative, otherwise he would really have no way to invite those ancestors to show up!

Yinshalou is a killer force, so it will naturally have a strong intelligence network. If you want to investigate something, you can easily find it.

If they don't have a strong intelligence network, how can they dare to accept commissions all over the world?


The owner of Yinsha also took action himself. Knowing that the first action failed, Ye Fan and the others must have left the yard.

Maybe we can find some clues in the past now, otherwise it will be very difficult to find them again after a long time.

Feeling the dilapidated yard in the outskirts, after checking the corpses, he asked other killers to clean up the aftermath and pour corpse powder on them. With the smoke coming out, the twenty corpses quickly disappeared.

Hidden Killer looked around the yard, focusing on the footprints on the ground.

Footprints are messy, should have been in a hurry to leave.

Looking along the footprints, it is not the direction to the city, but deep into the mountains.


The owner of Yinsha couldn't help swearing, judging from the footprints, there were three people, and it is not clear who the other one is.

But they are now heading towards the direction of Dashan, so it is very difficult to do.

It is really very, very difficult to find the traces of the three of them in the mountains.

What's more, they definitely didn't stay in the nearby mountain peaks, and they probably ran far away into the deep mountains and old forests.

He is currently short of manpower, and it is almost impossible to find people in the shortest possible time.

What can I do?

Is that all?

Of course not!

If this is the case, who will make up for the loss of his hidden killing building?

If you don't kill Ye Fan, he won't be able to swallow his bad breath.

People must be found, even if more resources are used.

"Order everyone to search along the footprints. If you are alive, you will see people, if you die, you will see corpses. They must be found!"



The killers responded one after another, and some high-level officials immediately contacted the killers overseas and asked them to return quickly.

After all, even if all the people in the Xia Kingdom were called, they would not be able to find them in the shortest time.

If it takes a long time, the traces left in the mountains will disappear completely, and it will be almost impossible to find someone.

Yes, it would be easier to find them if they were hiding somewhere in the urban area.

But the boundaries of the deep mountains and so many ancient martial arts forces will limit the scope of their activities in Yinshalou, and it will be very difficult for me.

Therefore, it is necessary to find out the person before the other party moves away.

Chu Xuan already knew about the operation of Yinshalou, and noticed the location where Ye Fan and the others evacuated, thinking whether to get some news out.

Otherwise, it would be almost impossible for the people in Yinshalou to find them.

The dog-eat-dog game isn't over yet!

Thinking of this, Chu Xuan called Long Wei.

"Notify the people in the hidden killing building, let them go to the vicinity of the Raging Fire Sect, and find the three of Ye Fan."

The big mountain near Blazing Fire Sect is where the three of Ye Fan are hiding now.

There is a stronghold of Chen Ruobing there.

It is said that the cunning rabbit has three caves, but Chen Ruobing is more than that!

No one knows where she has a safe house!

Now the mountain near Raging Fire Sect is only one of her many safe houses.

If the surveillance system hadn't been monitoring their movements, they would have never known that this was Chen Ruobing's safe house.

In the safe house, Master Xianyin praised Chen Ruobing severely.


"..."As expected of my daughter, I can still find such a place!"

This place is a cave, very hidden, covered by woods outside, and the road is winding, it is difficult to find this place without knowing the road.

Hiding here, the people in Tao Tea House should not be found for the time being.

"Father, how about we stay here temporarily and leave after Xiaofan's Nine Yang Body recovers?"

Chen Ruobing doesn't want to cause too many troubles now, the more troubles there are, the longer it will take for the filial son to recover his body of nine suns.

So until the eldest filial son recovers, he should stay here honestly.

"Is it okay to talk about the foster father's revenge later?"

Chen Ruobing begged, and Sect Master Xianyin immediately said: "No problem, just listen to my good daughter. Well, foster father will go find something to eat first."

As he spoke, he was about to go outside, but Chen Ruobing stopped him.

"Father, don't worry, I have stored a lot of food here (to Zhao), enough to last for two years."

"Oh, that's good!"

Sect Master Xianyin was even more satisfied. My good daughter was still the same as before, everything was well arranged, very perfect, and very thoughtful.

"Xiaofan, you stay here with foster father, I'll go out to do some things first."

The matter of whitewashing must be dealt with quickly, otherwise the follow-up will have a great impact on me.

If she fails to complete the cleansing, she will have to hide for the rest of her life, and she will not be able to see people from the Xia Kingdom's ancient martial arts world, or she will be chased and killed by those people, especially the Ye family.

"What is Ruobing going out now? Those people in Yinshalou..."

"Don't worry, they don't know my relationship with you, it's still very safe. Some things have to be dealt with. w

After she finished speaking, she left. Ye Fan had no choice but to stop her, so he could only sigh helplessly.

"Master, shall we start the treatment now?"


Chapter 1134: The People Who Approached Chen Ruobing Turned Out To Be Them! [2]


Ye Fan and Master Xianyin stayed in the cave and were busy with treatment, and Chen Ruobing hurried to the city after leaving.

She knew that the people she was going to face were the well-trained killers in Yinshalou, so she had to be careful, and it was best to cover up all traces.

So when she left, she deliberately chose some difficult routes, and crazily performed lightness kung fu. It seemed very clever to use this method to reduce the traces left behind.

When she came to the urban area, she quickly entered a club.

After entering the resplendent clubhouse, she went directly to the front desk and tapped the counter with her fingers.

When the lady at the counter saw it, she quickly lowered her head and said respectfully: "Ms. Chen, please.

After speaking, he stepped aside, and there was a door under the counter.

Chen Ruobing directly entered the door, and below was a dark passage with many rooms.

She decisively opened one of the rooms, and there were already five people waiting in the room.

Seeing her coming in, she got up quickly and said: "Miss Chen, the head ordered me to come to see you, and everything is according to your orders."

When Chen Ruobing saw these five people, he was really relieved.

"You guys are here, there should be still time. Did Master You tell you?" 070

"The head has said it, but the specific operation needs to be ordered by Miss Chen."

Chen Ruobing nodded slightly, it seemed that Master You had said something important, and they were willing to help.

"Well, now I need you to disguise someone as me. I believe you also know what happened to me, this is the only way!"


"Understood, I don't know where the person Miss Chen mentioned is?"

"I will bring her over tomorrow, and then you can do it with confidence. How long will it take?"

"It can be completed with a little bit at most, and it is guaranteed that no one can see the flaw."

The five are very confident, and their skills are absolutely top-notch.

The disguise technique can be used not only on oneself, but also on other people.

If you want to disguise yourself as Chen Ruobing, you can give them a day to do it perfectly, and it's an all-round disguise.

"That's good, you stay here, after the matter is done, there will be a big thank you!"

Chen Ruobing was relieved, the person sent by Sect Master You must be the best talent.

With the help of them (checs), it will be much easier for me to clean up.

It's just that Da Xiaozi's whitewashing plan is a bit troublesome. After all, he has lived in the Ye family for a period of time and so many things have happened, it is almost impossible to whitewash.

The most terrible thing is that Ye Haolong escaped with Ye Fan before.

Just for this point, the Ye family will definitely not let it go easily, and will hunt and kill Ye Fan throughout the ancient martial arts world.

Chen Ruobing left, but did not choose to return to the cave near the Raging Fire Sect, but chose to go to another community.

She is a very cautious person. Naturally, it is impossible to rely on only a few people for the whitewashing plan. It must be perfect.

She still doesn't know that everything she does now has been seen by Chu Xuan and recorded by the surveillance system.

Looking at the five people in the picture, Chu Xuan still recognized them.


"It turns out that these are the people Chen Ruobing called to help. It's really unexpected that it's them!"

"Tiandimen, one of the top hermit sects, you have narrowed the road now."

As one of the top hidden sects in the ancient martial arts world of Xia Kingdom, Tiandimen is not inferior to Xianyinzong in strength, and even a little stronger than Xianyinzong because of some special means.

The so-called special method is the disguise technique.

Their disguise technique is very clever, even to the point of perfect duplication.

In the past, Tiandimen used the disguise technique to make Xia Kingdom's ancient martial arts world full of storms, and it also used the disguise technique to make Wukang around the world in a hundred years of war.

What Chu Xuan didn't expect was that this very low-key hidden sect would have something to do with Chen Ruobing, and after knowing what she was doing, Master You even dispatched five of the sect's most proficient in disguise techniques to come come to help.

Now I can already guess what Chen Ruobing's whitewashing plan is. It is nothing more than using people who have been disguised to wash their whitewashing. When the time comes, they will play a trick or something to clean themselves up. Then the whitewashing will be completed. ?

Even the Jing family may be fooled by her again, thinking that she is still the perfect mistress.

The previous one was just someone else in disguise.

Should I say it or not, Chen Ruobing is indeed a very intelligent person.

Such a whitewashing plan seems to have many loopholes, but it seems that there are no loopholes.

"And who are you going to contact now?"

It has been confirmed that Tiandimen has something to do with Chen Ruobing, now what I am curious about is who will Chen Ruobing find to help her perform this scene?

You know, if you use a corpse as a disguise, it won't be convincing at all.

To be truly convincing, it has to be a living person. When the time comes to direct another scene, the whitewashing plan will be successful.


If he hadn't mastered the surveillance system and kept all the evidence, it would have been difficult to expose Chen Ruobing.

The five people from Tiandimen continued to stay in the room, and had no intention of leaving. They were just making some preparations before the disguise, nothing more than some materials.

They carry those materials with them, and now they just sort them out.

If we can't get more information from them, we can only start with Chen Ruobing.

Watching her come to a certain household in the community, there are also people waiting for her here.

A woman with a body similar to hers!


The moment she saw Chen Ruobing, the woman immediately knelt down.

"Get up, are you ready?"

Chen Ruobing said indifferently, after the woman stood up, she respectfully said: "Xia has devoted herself to the master and died!"

"Okay, I'll go to a place with me tomorrow, I'll disguise you as me, and then play a scene. You have to be mentally prepared, you might die!"

"It is our honor to die for our master!"

The woman's eyes are wild, giving Chu Xuan the feeling that she is a dead warrior.

Could it be that this is a slayer cultivated by Chen Ruobing?

It is possible, she has been planning for many years, and it is normal to train some dead men.

But what the woman said next made him understand that it was not cultivated by Chen Ruobing, but another ancient martial arts force, but the helm of the ancient martial arts force had a close relationship with Chen Ruobing, so the woman called her the master! .


Chapter 1135: Chu Xuan: This Woman Has A Lot Of Backers, So Ruthless! [3]


"Master, the old master asked when you will go back, he misses you."

old master

Such a title made Chu Xuan's heart skip a beat, as if it was a bit weird.

What is the identity of this old master who emerged?

It seems that the identity of the woman in front of me is not simple, it should be from some ancient martial arts force.

When Chen Rubing heard her words, he pondered for a while, and said: "I will go back to Fenghun Villa to see him when I have time. Not now, there are many things that have not been dealt with yet.


After the woman finished speaking, she lowered her head. As a dead soldier trained by Fenghun Villa, she must not talk too much.

After completing the tasks assigned by the old master, the next step is to execute the master's orders.

[Sealing Soul Villa? Is it there?]

[Good guy, Chen Ruobing really has a lot of backers. How many relationships has she developed over the years?]

[Even such a hidden family has become her backing, troublesome!]

Hearing the name of Fenghun Villa, Chu Xuan couldn't help but smile wryly.

Chen Ruobing is a woman who really surprises people.

No, it should be said to be frightened.

Fenghun Villa is a very special hermit family, they rarely show up in the ancient martial arts world, but their strength should not be underestimated.

It has appeared in the plot line, and it was broken by the protagonist comrade.


He never expected that the hermit family who was killed by the protagonist in the plot line would actually have a relationship with Chen Ruobing, and the relationship seemed to be very deep.

I really don't know what Chen Ruobing was thinking when the protagonist destroyed the Soul Sealing Villa in the plot line?

Maybe she won't have any mood swings, because she is a selfish, extremely cold-blooded woman.

For the sake of her filial son, she even has the intention to kill her adoptive father.

For her filial son, she would raise the butcher's knife without hesitation to the man who had had sex with her.

So she shouldn't be sad when the Soul Sealing Villa is destroyed, and even feel very happy.

Fortunately, she was finally able to hide her secret, and everyone who knew her relationship with Fenghun Villa was completely buried.

Only the dead can keep secrets, she has always believed in this!

[The old owner of Fenghun Mountain Villa is several hundred years older, and his image is also a bad old man with age spots on his face. What is the relationship between him and Chen Ruobing?]

[The titles of the old master and the master, is it the relationship between master and apprentice, or godfather and daughter?]

[Huh~ Chen Ruobing wouldn't even let that bad old man go, right? If that's the case, it would be a bit disgusting. ]

Chu Xuan thought to himself, the old owner is several hundred years older, although he is already a land god, his appearance is really difficult to deal with.

His face is full of age spots, and his figure looks very thin, like dead wood, and he has big buck teeth.

If Chen Ruobing can even deal with such an old man, it will really refresh the three views!

Judging from the men that Chen Ruobing has had sex with so far, they are basically very handsome, no matter what, they are also handsome uncles or something.

Even Ye Haolong has the image of a handsome old man.

But the old owner of Fenghun Mountain Villa, really can't stand it!

At this time, the heroines listened to his voice and were speechless.

Why do you pay attention to such a strange point?


The next day, Chen Ruobing brought the woman into the room of the clubhouse.

"She's handed over to you, be sure to do the best!"

The five people got up and walked around the woman several times, praising her again and again: "This woman's body shape is almost the same as Miss Chen's, so it can save a lot of trouble.

"Miss Chen, don't worry and leave it to us, no one will be able to see it!"

"With such a body shape, it can be handled in less than three hours!"

Chen Ruobing said: "I naturally believe in your abilities, otherwise Master You wouldn't have invited you over. Then get ready to start!"

The five people put the woman on a bed and took out the materials they had prepared.

Their disguise surgery is to fundamentally change the appearance of a person, which is actually similar to plastic surgery.

It's just different from normal plastic surgery!

Some flaws can be seen more or less in plastic surgery, for example, the face will be stiff, prosthetics need to be filled, and so on.

Their disguise technique is not needed, and the effect will be normal, just like the original one.

Seeing that they had already started, Chen Ruobing waited patiently.

Three hours passed quickly.

"Miss Chen, everything is done."

Chen Ruobing turned her head and nodded slightly, and immediately untied the bandage on the woman's face.

...ask for flowers…

The moment she saw the result, Chen Ruobing sighed: "No matter how many times I watched it, this disguise is amazing, it's amazing, it's really amazing!"

What appeared in front of her was a woman who was no different from her.

From the appearance point of view, there is no difference.


In addition, some fine-tuning has been done on the figure, which is almost exactly the same as her, and it is difficult to tell her apart.

"Miss Chen is ridiculous!"

The five stepped aside and asked Chen Ruobing to check and accept the results.

After watching for a while, Chen Rubing said, "Thank you five gentlemen!"

"Don't dare, dare not. Now that it has been completed, I will go back and report to the masters first.


"it is good!"

After the five people left, Chen Ruobing looked carefully for a while, and then said: "Xiao Lian, you must listen carefully to what I want you to do next!"

Xiao Lian nodded her head heavily, and there must be no flash doctor in the matter that the master explained.

"First of all, I will arrest you to the Ancient Martial Arts Association. You must admit that you were the one who killed Master Jing and those bodyguards. And you have been lurking in the Jing family for three years!"

"The reason why you did this is because you have a grudge against me, you hate me deeply, and you want to make me notorious forever. So you chose the time to do this series of things while I was on a business trip overseas, understand ?"


"In addition, you must show strong hatred, wishing that I would die immediately. The Ancient Martial Arts Association will judge you, and the result of the trial is likely to be you

"Now let me tell you about the detailed process at that time!"

Chen Ruobing told what she had done before, and Xiao Lian listened carefully, remembering everything.

When Chu Xuan saw this scene, he praised that Chen Ruobing was indeed ruthless.

In addition, the brainwashing skills of Fenghun Mountain Villa are very powerful, and the dead soldiers cultivated are very, very loyal, even if they know they will die, they don't hesitate at all.

This is very similar to the secret guards, dragon guards, and phoenix guards of the Chu family, they are all absolutely loyal.

Unfortunately, all the evidence has been recorded by him pill!.


Chapter 1136: When Chen Ruobing Took The Initiative To Go To The Ancient Martial Arts Association [4]


Chen Ruobing wanted to play tricks, so he naturally wanted to watch a play.

Now that the two hidden forces of Tiandimen and Fenghun Villa have been caught, will Chen Ruobing have other backers behind him?

In the ancient martial arts world of the Great Xia Kingdom, it is actually an exaggeration to have so many ancient martial arts forces behind her back.

If it was done a little more, Chu Xuan would probably be depressed for a while.

What makes her unwilling to expose until now is probably very, very strong.

It can't be related to the three hidden sects of Kunlun Mountain, can it?

Chu Xuan, the three major hermit sects of Kunlun Mountain, had never considered it, thinking that it was almost impossible.

There are very few people in those three hidden world sects, and they are very, very low-key, and they never want to have any contact with outsiders.

If Chen Ruobing could get "387" and them as their backing, he might have already taken down the ancient martial arts world of Xia Kingdom, and he wouldn't need to plan a "ten-step operation step by step."

So what popped up now was Chen Ruobing's last backer in Xia Kingdom?

He is not sure about this now, and can only hold a skeptical attitude.

At this time, Chen Ruobing had already finished talking to Xiao Lian about everything, emphasized it twice, and finally asked Xiao Lian to explain it by herself. After confirming that there was no problem, she took her away.

Chu Xuan knew that the other party was planning to go to the Ancient Martial Arts Association, and it should be to start whitewashing.

A very smart woman, she knew that going to the Ancient Martial Arts Association was the best choice.

Nowadays, the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance is very powerful, and many ancient warriors are willing to find the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance to handle matters.

But no matter what, the Ancient Martial Arts Association is an official organization, and its status is still very detached.

Moreover, the Ancient Martial Arts Association has been operating very stably for many years, and has not done anything that can be criticized, so the city warriors still respect the Ancient Martial Arts Association.

At this time, Chen Ruobing chose the Ancient Martial Arts Association because of such considerations.


In addition, he should be worried that he will meet him when he arrives at the Guwu Alliance, and he will trip her up, and even see through her plan.

It is also possible to kill her the moment she sees her, without giving her any chance.

At that time, how will she clean up?

"Tsk~ Do you want to go and have a look?"

As for Chen Ruobing's upcoming acting, Chu Xuan is very interested in watching her perform, live performance!

At that moment, he went directly to the Ancient Martial Arts Association and arrived before Chen Ruobing.

Seeing him bubbling, Qiu Yu was puzzled.

"Nephew Chu Xian, what are you doing in the association?"

Now Chu Xuan is the leader of the Ancient Wu Alliance, shouldn't he stay at the headquarters of the Ancient Wu Alliance?

Running to him for no reason really made him a little flustered.

It seems that as long as Chu Xuan Yi appears every time, it means that there is a sin!

Today's Xia Kingdom's ancient martial arts world really can't stand the toss, don't make any more troubles, or he will have a headache for the ancient martial arts association.

"The boy is just here to catch up with Uncle Qiu. Doesn't Uncle Qiu still want to drive people away?"

"You boy......"

A black line appeared on Qiu Yu's forehead, why don't you believe what your kid said?

Go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, you kid brings important events every time you come to the door, now I'm really a little afraid of you.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Qiu Yu was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and he was sure that he would only come if he had something to do.

"What's the matter, I really came to see Uncle Qiu to catch up and drink tea.


"Drink tea? Come on, the best Dahongpao is for you, hurry back to your alliance to play.

"Uncle Qiu, don't be so heartless, or let my father come to catch up with Uncle Qiu?"


That kid, what are you doing?

If that old fox Chu Xinghe came, he would have even more headaches.

Every time that old fox appeared, he would definitely trick himself. It may not bring about any major events, but every time it makes me depressed for many days.

Although it is a close friend, it is better not to meet such a close friend, let everyone's friendship remain in the memory, and it is quite happy to look back occasionally.

If it is the ability to meet, he feels that the friendship will be exhausted!

"It's up to you, just don't make trouble for me."

Qiu Yu had no choice but to meet such an evildoer as Chu Xuan, he was also very desperate.

Chu Xuan laughed straight away, drinking tea leisurely.

Not long after, people from the Association reported something...

"Chen Ruobing? That woman actually showed up on her own initiative?"

Knowing that Chen Ruobing appeared, Qiu Yu's first thought was to bring him to justice.

But I also wondered how the other party would come out.

She is already wanted, shouldn't she be hiding?

How dare he show up now! Could it be that he came here to surrender?

It is estimated that Xia Guo no longer has a place for her, and knowing that there will be no possibility of turning over, so she voluntarily surrenders, and maybe she can reduce some punishment.

"Yes, but there are two Chen Ruobings."


The staff of the association are also very depressed, or have also become depressed.

"What? Two Chen Ruobings?"

Qiu Yu was at a loss, suspecting that the staff member was trying to make him happy.

There is only one person, how could there be another Chen Ruobing?

"Yes, there are two Chen Ruobings outside. They look exactly the same. I don't know what's going on. One of them said he wanted to meet the president to clarify some things."

Qiu Yu frowned tightly, two people who look exactly the same, it's a bit weird.

"Let them in, and see what trick it is."

Qiu Yu instinctively felt that the matter was not that simple, but he had to see someone before he could investigate.

The staff quickly brought the two of them over. When Qiu Yu saw them, he was really confused.

Sure enough, they look exactly the same, facial features, body size 0.4, temperament, etc., are completely consistent in all aspects.

What, what's going on here?

As for his difference, one of them was tied with a rope, and his expression was very angry. Looking at the other person, it seemed that he wanted to eat her.

"What the hell is going on with you...?"

Qiu Yu's face was sullen, and he had no idea what the situation was now.

Chu Xuan looked at the sofa at the back, and said, "Young Master, I'm also very curious. How could there be two Chen Ruobings? Why don't you explain?"

Chen Ruobing heard Chu Xuan's voice, how familiar that voice was, how many times it woke her up in the middle of the night.

Turning his head to look suddenly, his heart beat violently in fright, and his face almost couldn't hold back.

Forbidden mystery?

Why is he here?.


Chapter 1137: Chen Ruobing's Acting Skills, Chu Xuan Is Watching A Fool [5]



why is he here

Chen Ruobing was so frightened that her heart rose to her throat!

She didn't choose to go to the most popular ancient martial arts alliance, because she was afraid of meeting Chu Xuan.

Although Chu Xuan is a young man, he is very, very shrewd and has a deep city, so he is not easy to deal with.

If he is allowed to come across it, it is very likely that he will see through his plan.

That's why she chose the Ancient Martial Arts Association!

As long as the Ancient Martial Arts Association decides that she is fine, then she can basically clear her name.

Unexpectedly, no matter where she went, she would meet Xuan!

Especially at such a critical moment, she was a little flustered now.

What should I do if I encounter Chu Xuan during the whitewashing process? Seek a solution online, urgently!

Fortunately, she is also a person who has seen big winds and waves, so she quickly stabilized her emotions and said seriously: "I went abroad on a business trip to deal with some business matters. I came back these two days and found something. It seems that I am wanted gone."

"So I looked into it and found this guy.

As he spoke, he pushed Xiao Lian in front of him, with an indifferent expression and even a strong killing intent.

Qiu Yu frowned and said, "Chen Ruobing, what the hell are you doing?"

"What the hell is going on? I should be the one asking you what the hell you are doing, right? To be fooled around by a person pretending to be me, and even wanted me? Don't you guys investigate?"

Chen Ruobing was very angry and agitated, and confused Yu.

Why is this woman so arrogant?

Against the generals!


Seeing Qiu Yu's blank expression, Chen Ruobing was secretly happy, knowing that her strength had played a role.

"Hmph! I don't deny the so-called accusations against me. They were all made by this guy! How could I do those disgusting things when I was on a business trip abroad a while ago?"

"Heh~ You even had a relationship with your ex-eunuch and killed Xiaotian? How ridiculous! How could you think such a disgusting thing is the truth? I wonder if you have any brains!"

Chen Ruobing still maintained his strength, which really made Qiu Yu a little confused.

"This person's name is Xiaolian. The reason why she pretended to be me is for revenge. Moreover, she has been lurking in the Jingjia Manor for three years! Even without my knowledge, she had many incidents with Xiaotian. relation!"

"Xiaotian didn't even know that she was a fake. Poor Xiaotian was killed by her in the end! Trying to seize the family's property!"

Chen Ruobing gritted her teeth and said, not hiding her resentment towards Xiaolian.

"You said that she did all the things you accused of doing?"

Qiu Yu didn't quite believe it, but who could believe such a thing suddenly appeared?

Are you going to admit that they were wrong before?

Impossible, the evidence has been conclusive before!

"Of course, could it be that I, who was on a business trip abroad, did it? Doubt it? Look at this ticket, look at this news!"

Chen Ruobing took out her mobile phone and released the 'evidence' directly.

The so-called evidence is her air ticket information to go overseas, as well as the news she posted overseas.

Judging from the dynamic time, she has been on a business trip for at least half a year!

And the accusations against Chen Ruobing were basically within the past six months!

In other words, Chen Ruobing didn't do it?

Qiu Yu couldn't believe it, and even doubted whether it was a smoke bomb released by Chen Ruoshui.

He immediately asked people to check the ticket information, and even checked the airport video and so on.


It turned out that Chen Ruobing actually went abroad during that time!

There are even some videos of her abroad!

Got it wrong?

Seeing Qiu Yu's investigation, Chen Ruobing secretly sighed at her wit.

Fortunately, she had already contacted some hackers, hacked into the airport's network, and forged some evidence, otherwise it would be revealed if she checked it now.

"President Qiu, are you clear now?"

Chen Ruobing said coldly, but Qiu Yu still didn't quite believe it, and said, "What's the specific situation, I have to ask this...Xiao Lian."

"Let me ask you, why did you dress up as Chen Ruobing? And why did you do those things? You killed Patriarch Jing and killed dozens of bodyguards. What is the reason?"

"For what? Of course it is to make this bitch regret it, make her pay the price, and make her notorious forever!"

"Haha, hahaha~ bitch, Jing Xiaotian smells good, she keeps calling me honey on the bed~"

Xiao Lian looked crazy, and even wanted to rush to Chen Ruobing's side and bite her.

If the staff hadn't forcibly pulled her back, she would have been bitten!


Chen Ruo icily shouted, and immediately slapped her, causing one side of Xiao Lian's face to swell up.

But Xiaolian didn't seem to know the pain, she still stared at Chen Ruobing bitterly, as if she wanted to eat her alive.

Qiu Yu frowned violently a few times.

After Xiaolian spoke, he realized that the voice was exactly the same as Chen Ruobing's.

Holy crap, there are actually two people so similar in this world?

Could it be plastic surgery?


He stepped forward, turned Xiaolian's face directly, and pinched her face, the touch was normal.

"It's not plastic surgery? What's going on?"

After confirming that it wasn't plastic surgery, Qiu Yu felt a bit of a headache.

Immediately he asked several female staff members to come in and took Xiao Lian down for verification. 910010612027 Feilu 023202150]

The face may be the same, but the figure may not be exactly the same, right?

The previously exposed videos of Chen Ruobing have a complete display of her figure.

Now as long as you compare it, you will know it naturally.

After about twenty minutes, Xiao Lian was brought back again.

"President, it's exactly the same as the one on the video, it's the same person."

"There are really two people so similar?"

Qiu Yu was really shocked, and was completely stupefied by Chen Ruobing's scene.

Chu Xuan, on the other hand, looked at the two with great interest, sizing them up, as if wanting to see the difference.

Chen Ruobing noticed his movements. Although there was no change in expression on his face, he was already panicking.

Chu Xuan, this little bastard, can't really see something?

It should be impossible!

The few people at Tiandimen did it so perfectly, they would never reveal their secrets.

She must not take the initiative to talk to Chu Xuan now, because the time of her business trip was half a year ago, that is to say, she had never seen Chu Xuan.

If you say it now, wouldn't it be revealing?

"Uncle Qiu, I don't know if you have heard of a faction in the ancient martial arts world. They are very good at disguise? They can even be fake to the extent that the naked eye can't see it at all. Even high-tech equipment can't detect it? ".