
Exam Challenges

There was silence. Even a pin dropping could be heard. The examinees decided to stay quiet and not embarrass themselves. Deku on the other hand was fangirling over the pro hero who stood at the center of the auditorium.

"Oh, wow!" Deku mumbled excitedly. "It's the Voice hero, Present Mic! I listen to him all the time on the radio. I'm so moved! All the teachers here are pro heroes as well!"

"Shut up," Evie said, chewing on gum.

"As you students have read in the application, you'll be taking part in a ten minute mock battle right after this." Present Mic said.

Excuse me!" A teen with blue hair yelled at Deku. "Your mumbling is insanely immature! You are distracting everyone here! If you cannot quiet down, simply tape your mouth shut!"

"Ah! Sorry about about…" Deku whimpered quietly.

Evie stared at the boy, kicking her feet up onto the table in front of her. Her stare sent slight shivers up the boy's spine. He knew something felt off about her. He sat down fidgeting with his stiff fingers.

"Eheheh…" Present Mic chuckled nervously. "Well, here's the rules and how the mock battle works." The screen behind Present Mic showed different kinds of robots. "Each robot will be worth different amounts of points. Every one that you destroy, you gain points. There's also a catch, the zero pointer. You'll be sent to different rooms to change, that way you won't end up with your schoolmates. Now fill those hearts with courage! Lemme hear you say-"

"PLUS ULTRA!" The entire auditorium yelled.

Everyone was sent to their different centers. Deku looked around. He saw the brown haired girl and the blue haired boy. Deku thought to himself, 'Ah, there both here.'

Deku felt hands grab his shoulders. He froze then turned around slowly to see Evie staring at him mischievously. Deku yelled, startled.

"Ahhhhh! Evie, why'd you do that?!"

"Ahahah!" Evie laughed, holding her stomach. "I thought you'd be more aware of yourself after all that training. Hahhh, you have to admit, it was kinda funny."

"It was not!"

Evie rolled her eyes and punched Deku's shoulder softly. "Live a little. Also, I saw Kacchan was here as well. Bummer, I was hoping that annoying jerk wouldn't be here."

"Oh, it's fine. It's gonna be fine."

The blue haired boy walked over and stopped once he was behind Izuku. Up close, he was quite tall compared to Deku and Evie.

"About earlier, sorry for yelling at you like that." He said

"Agh!" Deku quickly hid behind Evie, once again, he was startled.

"I'm Tenya Ida. Hope we get along, though I'm confident I will make pass the test."

Evie stared at Ida, whilst taking the gum out of her mouth. "Ok? Anything else you need blue?"

"Please, do not call people weird names! And sticking your feet on the auditorium tables is such immaturity!"

"Meh, I honestly don't give a crap."

Evie smirked at Ida. He knew she was up to something, or she was at least thinking of something that he was not meant to know. Ida stepped away from Evie and moved over to Deku to talk, alas Deku wasn't even a quarter as intimidating as Evie was.

Evie shrugged and watched the pink-cheeked girl. She looked quite social and soft. It made Evie want to rub her cheek against the pink and squishy looking mochis.

"Alright, kids…" a tired voice came from a speaker. "Your test is starting now. Don't kill each other. Ughhh, I'm too tired for this. Just get on with it."

Doors opened and teens started rushing through to start destroying robots. Deku was getting smushed by the crowd's impatient rushing. Evie easily got out with her ropes, they stuck to the ceiling, allowing her to swing above the crowd. She grabbed Deku with once of her ropes while swinging and set him down outside.

"Sorry, Izuku," she said while running after a few robots, smiling with cockiness. "That's all I can do for now."

"It's alright, Evie…" Deku whispered. "I think I've got this."

The examinees finally got out of the overwhelming crowd. Robots were disappearing quickly. Deku couldn't even find one that was free. He had chickened out the first couple minutes.

"This is terrible!" He thought. "After all that training with All Might. I can't fail now! Where are all the robots?!"

He came across the brown haired girl. She was bending over trying to catch her breath and looking like she was going to vomit.

"That's 45 points in total now." She panted.

"45?!" Deku whimpered. "I'm failing!"

"That boy doesn't know what he's doing…" one of the judges said. "What's his name?"

"Izuku Midoryia." Another one said. "Don't know his quirk, though."

"That blonde one is the total opposite." A third mentioned. "He already has 75 points. Katsuki Bakugo and Izuku Midoryia are from the same school."

"Let's watch what happens. The zero pointer will bring some entertainment."

Huge thuds could be heard throughout the mock city. The zero pointer was finally released. Students panicked.

"What the hell is that?!"

"There's no way…"

"That's the zero pointer!"

"It's fricking huge!"

Examinees were running away from the giant zero pointer. Deku was right in front of its path. He fell over in plain fear. Evie, on top of a building near by, smiled while sucking on a lollipop.

Deku couldn't move. He was too scared. After everything he'd been through, he couldn't get away. Ida passed him, seeing his terrified expression. He continued zooming pass everyone.

Deku saw at the giant robots feet, a girl, who was stuck under a small pile of debris. His instincts kicked in, thinking, "she's in trouble. She'll be smashed if I don't do something!" Suddenly, Deku started flying through the air at an incredibly fast pace. His arm had bulked, his legs ached. He remembered what All Might had told him while every bit of power gathered to his arm.

"When you use this power, from the bottom of your heart, yell these words."


The zero pointer had a giant dent in its head. That punch Deku created made huge gusts of wind. Everyone was amazed.

"Isn't that the kid who kept running around like a chicken?"

"I thought he was quirkless."

"Whatever, that was awesome!"

Bakugo saw Deku in the air. He wasn't amazed or impressed, in fact he was mad and holding his anger as he had just observed the boy he thought was quirkless, destroy a giant robot larger than a building.

Deku started to fall, holding his now broke and bruised arm. His legs flailed about as he fell.

"My arm and legs, they're broken!" He panicked. "At this height, I'll most likely die! I still have my other arm. If I time it right I can repel myself back into the air. Why isn't Evie helping me?! You're getting closer to the ground! Punch in 3, 2, 1-"

Deku felt a hand slap his cheek. He automatically stopped falling, instead he was now floating. The girl who was trapped under the debris had saved him from his death.

"And release." She struggled.

Deku dropped down to the ground. He looked up and started dragging himself across the ground.

"There's still one minute, right? I can still get a point!" He thought to himself. "I have to! I have to get at least one point!"

An alarm blared. Time was up. Deku hadn't gotten a single point. He fainted due to shock and pain.

"All right, all right, my sweets." A short older lady walked through the scattered crowd of examinees. "Take these gummies, they'll make you feel better."

Examinees we're amazed and gasped in awe. It was the famous nurse hero, Recovery Girl.

"Oh dear, this poor young man. It's like he doesn't know how to use his own quirk." Recovery Girl said.

She puckered her lips and kissed his head. "Smooooch. There all better."

Deku's legs and arm shifted into the correct position. He was still unconscious. Evie hopped down from the building and caught herself with her ropes that were shooting out from her back. She landed in front of Deku, looking completely unscathed. Her ropes made a bed-like platform and placed Deku on it. She walked away with Deku since the exam was done and everyone was meant to go home.

"That boy's quirk hurts himself?" Said a judge. "It's like he just received it."

"Did you see that girl who carried Midoryia? Look at her points. A perfect score."

"100 hero points and 100 rescue points. Unbelievable. One in a million."

Examinees were heading home. Recovery Girl shooed everyone home except for Deku and Evie, since Deku still needed to brace his arm just in case.

"Thanks miss Recovery Girl." Deku said tiredly.

"Oh, honey. Don't mention." Recovery Girl answered.

Evie moved away from the wall she was leaning on and grabbed Deku's ear. "What the hell were you thinking, you idiot? Jumping in without a plan like that? Sure, you saved the damn girl but what if she wasn't there? You could've just grabbed her instead of taking down the whole damned thing!"

"Ok, ok, I'm sorry! Ow, my ear!" Deku rubbed his ear when Evie let go.

"Ah, whatever." Evie ruffled his hair.

They were finally allowed to leave U.A. for the day. Deku especially was tired. After that eventful day, they headed for the exit of U.A. grounds.

"Deku, damn it!" Bakugo's voice called out. He panted as he caught up to Evie and Deku and caught his breath before speaking again. "What the crap was that?! Your supposed to be quirkless! Than what was that back at the exam?! Are you looking down on me?!"

"Ah- no, no! Of course not, kacchan- I mean I would never-"

"Ahh, give it a rest." Evie threw the rest of her lollipop behind her and turned to Bakugo. "Yeah, he's got a quirk now. Not that you would care. I mean your supposedly stronger than him. That's what you always said anyway."

"Shut up, purple extra!"

"Ouch, that hurt my heart. Why don't you just leave Izuku be for once?"

"Just because you've got a quirk, doesn't mean I'm gonna let you look down on me! Lying nerd! I'm still gonna surpass you and All Might and that purple geek! So don't expect me to just give up!" Bakugo ran off starting to slightly tear up but wiped away the tears.

"Well, that was weird." Evie shrugged and opened a piece of gum from its wrapper.

Deku sighed and they continued there walk home. Turned out that all the hard work Deku went through paid off. The results would come arrive as late as a week later.