
(MHA) The Strongest Heroes

Everything except my oc (Evie) belongs to Kōhei Horikoshi.

BakuNoNii · Action
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16 Chs

Entrance Exam

As skinny All Might rode an electric scooter, right behind him was Deku, holding a small locker on his shoulder. Evie was next to him, chewing gum in her mouth.

During the run, Deku suddenly started feeling dizzy. He tripped and fell into the street and let dry go off the object he had been carrying. All Might looked back.

"Come on, there's only 3 months left!" He cheered. Then he studied the overworked teenager. "Overworking…? You haven't been following my plan, have you? Overdoing things will give you the exact opposite of what you want. Don't you want to get into UA?"

"I do." Deku answered, struggling to stand back up. "But I can't just get in…I have to work harder than anyone else there or else there's no way I can catch up. I want to be like you. I want to become the greatest hero!"

All Might remembered the time when Deku had told him about his dream. In his head, he was thinking that Deku was thinking far into the future. All Might transformed into his muscle form and picked up Deku like he was a rag doll.

"You fanboy!" All Might said. "I like that. If that's the case, than you can't rush things now, now can you? But I understand your feelings. Leave it to this old man to change your training plans!"

"You're not old…" Deku mumbled.

And so the day of the exam came. All Might came walking down the beach in his skinny form, wearing his trench coat. He started to hear screaming and yelling. He looked up to the pile of trash to see Deku standing right on top, shouting to the world. He gave an amazed look, he saw Evie sitting a ways from the pile of trash. She put a finger to her lips and winked at him, as a sign that she thinks he's ready for the exam.

"He cleaned beyond what I expected him to," All Might thought. "He finished it all last minute, perfectly! Oh my, oh my!" He turned into his muscle form.

Deku started to wobble and fell off of the pile of trash. All Might dashed over and caught him before he could hit the ground.

"Good work!" All Might set Deku down. "Teenagers are amazing!"

All Might took out his phone and showed a picture of Deku. He was crying and laying one the ground in the photo he was looking at.

"This is you ten months ago." All Might said. "You did good, young Midoryia." All might looked Deku up and down. He now had a slightly muscular body. "The mirage of it is now just barely visible! You certainly have trained yourself to become a good vessel."

"I feel like I'm cheating," Deku murmured. "You've done all this for me. I'm too blessed." Deku started to cry.

"After all that work," All Might thought. "It was all your own hard work."

"Don't cry, Izuku," Evie hugged Deku. "That was all you. Go wash your face."

"Now it's time for the award ceremony, Izuku Midoryia!" All Might announced.

"Yes sir!" Deku answered.

All Might pulled a strand of his hair out. He started to speak, "Thus is something I was once told: something you receive because you're lucky and something you're given because you are recognized are in different essence."

Deku answered with a look of amazement. He finally reached his destination and would now go farther than just the world he had discovered.

"You got here simply by your own effort. Take it to heart." All Might finished.

Deku had taken up to a reality that would be surprising even in comic books. All Might held the piece of hair in front of Deku and said these two words, "Eat this!"

"…Huh?" Deku said with a confused face.

Evie fell down to the ground and groaned. She couldn't believe what she just witnessed. It was hardly believable after all that serious talk All Might just had with Deku.

"It really doesn't matter as long as you digest my DNA." All Might laughed.

"It's just too different from what I imagined!" Deku answered.

"Eat the damn piece of hair, Izuku!" Evie scolded.

8:40 a.m. -The same day (UA High School)

"We made it… " Delu said as Evie followed.

"Sweet, now let's go." Evie said, and she passed Deku.

Deku suddenly remembered what All Might had said to him and thought, "I ate the hair but did I really receive the power."

"Out of my way, Deku!" Bakugo yelled from behind.

"K- Kacchan?!"

"I'll kill you!"

"Ah, l- let's both just do our best!"

Bakugo completely passed Deku. Ever a since the sludge villain attacked him, Bakugo hadn't done anything to Deku.

"Well," Evie said. "At least he isn't attacking you or anything."

"Shut it, purple headed geek!" Bakugo yelled.

"Make me, spiky hair!" Evie stuck her tongue out.

Bakugo continued grumbling and headed inside. Deku had been reacting to him out of habit. But compared to the past, he was different from all of the training he went through.

"Just remember everything you've done these past ten months," Deku thought. "Take the first step to being a hero!"

Deku took a step, his legs shaking. Evie watched and sighed, knowing once again, what was going to happen. Deku started to fall, tripping on his own feet.

"Or I can just die now," Deku thought.

Before he could hit the ground, someone had stopped him. He look to see what happened, then realized he was floating. Evie held the bridge if her nose groaning.

"Sorry about that," a girl with shirt brown hair and pink cheeks said. "That's my quirk. Sorry for using it without asking." She set Deku back down, de-activating her quirk. "Aren't you nervous? I know I am. Well, let's both do our best." And she ran inside.

"Whoop de fucking doo," Evie sighed. "You talked to a girl that's not me. Even though you didn't actually talk…"

"Oh, boo," Deku weeped. "Ok, you win. I didn't talk."

Deku and Evie hurried inside. It was a pretty good start for the day of an exam. Evie was very sure she would pass. She had to pass. Deku couldn't keep himself together.

They say down in a large room with rows and rows of seat for the examanees. It was dark until a single spotlight came on, filling part of the room with light. A voice started to yell.

"Yo, examinees!" A hero was seen in stage as he yelled. "Everybody say 'hey!'"