
(Led By The Wolf)

Gabriel R Reynolds

MasterGabe94 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

(Led By The Wolf)

Chapter 23. (Morgause)

Twelve years passed Morgause was fifteen years old she stayed with Shelly and Nick who fell in love with each other. Nick was twenty seven and Shelly was twenty eight Shelly started to grey but Nick still looked fourteen because elves don't age like humans. Morgause went out to see the waters down the Mountain it was such a beautiful sight she breath in the beautiful air feeling the cool breeze blow in her face she smiled and then started using magic to bring some dead flowers back to life and she began to use her imagination and with magic she used fire water to form a show of elephants giraffes horses unicorns dragons tigers lions whatever her childish mind could think of. The laughed when wile she done it. She didn't realize that she was one powerful sorceress she was pure and innocent.

She went walking down the road back to the castle she stopped and picked up a stick and wonder she wanted a staff so she thought it and boom she made the stick into a long staff she was excited she put her hand on the top tip and formed a Ruby and she enchanted the staff with fire and red lighting. She turned and walked straight into Emryis they made impact so hard int knocked them both down. Emryis got up quickly.

Emryis: I'm so sorry I didn't see you.

Emryis hello her up and grabbed her staff and handed it to her.

Emryis: I'm Emryis I came from village of Ealdor in Essetir that's in the county of Avalon.

Morgause looked at him when he said that.

Morgause: I am Morgause and I'm originally from Avalon close to Camelot we had a castle in the White Mountains Uther destroyed it and killed my parents and took my sister Morgana away.

Emryis: I'm so sorry.

Morgause: Its ok come let me take you to my home.

She grabbed Emryis hand and visions flooded her mind she looked at Emryis in the eye she stopped and they both looked in each other's eyes. Emyrs thought she was the most beautiful women he ever met. Morgause Thought this man is the most powerful man I ever met and he's very handsome.

They let go of each other's hands.

Morgause: Your about to become the court wizard a lot of crazy things are about to take place here.

Emryis: What do you mean.

Camelot Soldier: There she is get her King Uther wants her dead or alive.

Emryis used magic stopping and arrow from hitting Morgause he made the arrow fly back into the guard. Morgause Made fire come to her hands and she set them on fire.

Emryis: Morgause! Come on!

He grabbed her hand and they went running to the castle soldiers of Camelot started flooding out the woods it was a invasion on Gododdin no matter the cost they were ordered to get Morgause kill her or bring her alive.

They got to the gat.

Morgause: James open the gate this is my friend Emryis he saved me we are under attack by Soldiers of Camelot.

James: Sound the alarm Soldiers from Camelot are attacking!

Morgause and Emryis was brought to King lot as well as Shelly and Nick.

King Lot: Morgause. Who is your friend?

Morgause: This is Emryis he's a… um… mage sorcerer wizard I'm unsure he's very powerful and he save my life when the soldiers of Camelot attacked us.

King Lot: I see. Are you sure they are after.

Emryis: If I may Sire.

King Lot: Go ahead.

Emryis: The shot an Arrow at Morgause and a soldier yelled King Uther wants her dead or alive no matter the cost.

King Lot: So he desires to start a war over my little princess sorceress Morgause? She's not a threat unless you threaten her what is King Uther so out against magic and killing people of Magic?

Nick: Because my lord the evil Sorcerer Slaygar killed his father.

King Lot: His Fathers best friend was a wizard and his mother was a mage!

Shelly: Also he had a visit with Dracula who turned two of his knights into vampires which turned out to be Draculas two sons.

King Lot had fear coke over him when he heard of Draculas name being mentioned he knew all to well of the story of Dracula and he knew Dracula personally.

King Lot: Dracula is cursed by an Angel it's not is not to blame for Magic and all magic ain't dark there is good magic!

A Guard named Rubin came in the throne room.

Rubin: Sire They are at the gates now with a battering ram!

King lot stood up from his throne and pulled his sword out his sheave.

King Lot: Let's give these soldiers of Camelot a warm welcome. Morgause they after you take your staff and join us for battle you to Emryis. Let's show the knights of Camelot that we allow magic and magical creatures are welcome. Nick join us.

They got up and began to fight King Lot looked at the soldiers that were at his gate.

King Lot: Morgause Emryis Nick y'all with me! Rubin open the gate!

Rubin: But Sire!

King Lot: I said open the gate!

Rubin open the gate and King Lot ran out fighting Nick Emryis and Morgause behind him they used magic of fire ice and force that burned them force them and push them over the bridge into the river.

They were unstoppable King Lot Pointed his Sword at the last Knight of Camelot that came.

King Lot: Look at all your fallen brothers! This didn't have to be but you! And your men attacked Morgause and my kingdom putting my people at risk of danger I should cut your head off and send it back to your tyrant of a king Uther Pendragon! What is your name.

Kane: My name is Kane!

King Lot: Well Sir Kane Knight of Camelot! Go tell Uther Pendragon that if He wants Morgause he have to come through me! And yes there is no peace but tell him get ready for we are at War! Blood will repay with blood he took my friends life away killing Morgause parents and they will be avenged!

They let the knight go.

Two days later Kane was standing in the throne room at Camelot King Uther was in a rage.

King Uther: Are your kidding me!!! You had one job Kane one Job! And that was to kill Morgause!

Kane: You told us no matter the cost kill Morgause.

King Uther: Yes But I didn't mean for you to go and start a Bloody War!!! You fool get out my Sight before I have your head cut off!

King Uther threw a wine cup at him as and ran out the door.

Gaius walked in at that moment.

King Uther: What Is it Gaius.

Gaius: Um Sire Merlin and I Were Outside the gates gathering Herbs and we'll Sire Dracula is here demanding to speak with you and he said that we can speak peacefully or we can go to war but he's talking to you today.

Sweat started building up on King Uthers Brow.

King Uther: Send him in. Arthur Morgana please go to your chambers stay there till it's safe.

Prince Arthur: What you are not sending me to my room Father. I…

King Uther: I am the king! And I am your Father Now…

Dracula: Easy Now they can stay I'm not ashamed for them two to see my face.

Magana and Arther looked at Dracula the two sharp fangs on his top teeth his red eyes and pale skin his long black coat and silver boots with a silver skull on the knee part of boots. Fear gripped their hearts.

Dracula: Listen I can end the war between you and King Lot but you must know that Morgause is also under my protection and you cannot by any means harm her if you proceed your children will become like me. Do you understand.

King Uther had rage flow through his mind and heart he wanted to kill Dracula.

King Uther: I don't care who or what you are Dracula but you are not going to touch Arthur or Morgana!

Dracula: So you quit trying to take Morgause Life?

King Uther: Yes I will.

Dracula: Good have a nice day.

Dracula disappeared in a flash of red smoke.