
(Led By The Wolf)

Gabriel R Reynolds

MasterGabe94 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

(Led By The Wolf)

Chapter 24. (Slaygar)

Slaygar was so angry about loosing Jacob for Good but there seemed to be nothing he could do so he set out to find Duke. Angry for making the children and the boy Jacob and Cole that he was after he wanted their life source so he could live longer then he was he already lived two hundred years. So he had another plan he had all his men and Duke had good few years left so he set out to capture Luke and more young people so that he could live longer.

Slaygar was a evil sorcerer one of his men failed to bring him a red Elf child so with his hands on his face he burned slowly the man's face disfiguring it and kept burning his face In front of his men when he finished the head was just a scorched skull the screams stopped long before but his face was a complete skull but Slaygar made his men watch.

Slaygar: Look at this man see how his life ended remember the sounds of his screams and understand that will be you if you fail me.

Slaygar had gotten a high elf dark elf a wood elf and finally he had a red elf with a extra Elf. A man came in his name was Bailm.

Bailm: Slaygar heres you a Red Elf and another Elf a special on at that.

Slaygar turned and his eyes widen. He walked up and touched his smooth face he was only twenty but looked to be fourteen his hair snowy white eyes Icy blue.

Slaygar: A snow elf you are so beautiful yes you are what I need.

The snow elf was shaking his head.

Haytham: Get your hands off me.

Slaygar kept rubbing his face he used a spell that made him stop shaking his head. As he rubbed his face and fingers through his hair.

Slaygar: You Help me live for thousands of years.

Duke was tracking Slaygar he seen all the people and he he found their hideout and all the people young men and women about twenty and thirty years of age. Duke all of a sudden got hit in the head being knocked out cold.

When Duke came to he was surrounded by teenage snow elves.

Mary: My goodness kids did you have to know the poor man out j said bring him back I didn't say knock him out.

I am sorry Duke but you was about to get yourself killed.

Duke: Thanks miss um I never seen an Elf like you.

Mary: We are Snow elves.

Duke: I see well Slaygar has one of your kids.

Mary: That's Jake he's twenty and we got to get that boy back. He is my son.

Duke: I will do my best to help y'all.

Mary: Yes but we must wait for Victor and Sam to get back with the Hunters and together we will come up with a plan to save them all.

Duke: Well wile we are waiting on them I'm gonna work on a plan to get rid of Slaygar or a least save the people.

What Duke and the snow elves didn't realize was that the only way to keep another from loosing the years of their life was to take their place that was the rule of the three Dark Guardians.

The Dark Guardians was group of evil sorcerers that were immortal made by Econdire himself formed in the blood of a human elf dwarf and a dragon. They kept to themselves but when one Sought them out they grant them a three hundred years of youth but afterwards they had to bring a young person or child to take the life source to add another hundred years of youth for each person sacrifice three hundred years was added to the donor.

Slaygar had gotten on Hundred men and women young and old and they all stood in front of the Dark Guardians and the marked each of them at the full moon night which was that night they would suck the life out of each soul and give it to Slaygar with all one hundred men that gave Slaygar thirty thousand years of youth living. Slaygar was a handsome man his eyes were grey and hair long and black and his face smooth he was so arrogant he knew that he was going to live forever young he laughed his plan worked.

As for Duke he written up a plan and when Victor and Sam came in they all got with Mary and began to talk of the plan.

Later that night the Dark Guardians were in proses of transferring the lives from each person to Slaygar.

Duke Sam and Victor was trying to get down to the people to rescue them. They stopped at a camp which Slaygar was staying he wasn't there Duke. Knew something amiss was happening so he grabbed few things from his pouch and he began to make some type of explosive and put it in a box which Slaygar had a type of magical Crystal and he rigged it to explode when opened. They turned and went into the cave Duke saw Jake he ran to him and began to pull him away.

Jake: No stop you can't you must let me go.

Victor: Jake what are you talking about son let's go.

One of the Dark Guardians appeared and put hi hand on Jakes shoulder.

Dark Guardian: The Only way you can save this elf is if you or another takes his place.

Duke looked the Dark Guardian in the eye and it hit him the only way to save them was to take their place.

Victor: No!!! No No No!!! There must be another way!

Duke grabbed Jake and shoved him to Victor!

Jake: No Stop what are you doing!

Duke: Your too young to die you got to live.

Some of the Elder tribes came and took the youths place.

The Youth screaming at the begging them to stop but they wouldn't hear it. All forty of the Youth was saved the Dark Guardian took them they turned to dust. Duke yelled before his death.

Duke: Victor get him out keep him safe! Jake you will have the the key to free your kind from the great evil!

Those were the last words of Duke Halloway.

And the sadness of the sacrifice for the youth had them crying as they made their way to the only living elder which was the keeper Mary.

Slaygar was happy for his Thirty thousand years of life and Youth.

He went to his camp and to his box with the crystal and opened the box with the crystal it exploded burning his face head and arms.

Keeper Mary saw the flames and saw the youth of Snow elves humans coming.

Mary: Kids I know y'all are hurting but they couldn't bear the thought of y'all loosing your lives over that fool Slaygar.

Jake went to his room he built in a tree. Mary found him after she comfort the elven and human children she came to talk to Jake.

Mary: Jake I know you are hurt and upset but Duke did what he felt to.

Jake: No one is to die for me My Keeper. I can't stand the feeling that a man's life took my life's place he should have stayed alive not took my place I was ready.

Mary: But your destiny is to live for the coming battle sweetheart Death cannot have you now nether the dark Guardians.

The Dark Guardians appeared in the camp Mary took her Staff and pointed it to them.

Mary: You are not allowed here you had your sacrifices and these are not to be touched you know this!

Jake made fire come in his hands and he was ready to kill them or try to.

Dark Guardian: We came in peace because of the sacrifice of the lives that spared yours each life gets one thousand years added to their life a thousand years of youth then they grow older the natural way.

Jake: We Reject no one wants the thousand years of living brim your bloody twisted magic. That's blood tears and we don't want it.

Two of the Dark Guardians turn and walk away. The speaker spoke as he turned with the others.

Dark Guardian: The thousand years are given and it's settled the option of rejection is not is not Accepted y'all all each have one thousand years of youth.

They disappeared in red fire.

Jake with his hands covered his face and wept Mary went and put her arms around him.

A tall lizard man with horns like a dragon and a long dragon tail that walked like a man who's race in known as a argonian his eyes were red he was evil and was very well mastered in dark magic as well as Slaygar. He found Slaygar who was still alive faced burn so bad you couldn't recognize who he was Slaygar was using his magic trying to heal himself.

Daygar: Hello my Brother Slaygar is me Daygare. We will restore you the best we can.

Daygare had his men a army of skeletons and zagens which were a creature of a wolf lion and tree that was created with the red flames of Harcarsh.

Daygare: Slaygar we cannot save your beautiful face but you will love your thirty thousand years between the years giving to you and the Crystal which is now apart of you. You are now more powerful and the pain you feel will make you even stronger.

Three months later Slaygar was looking in a mirror at himself his once smooth handsome face and long black hair was no more and his head was like a skull with red skin over it he still had his teeth and he could still see all thigh over the crystal his yes were red he looked like a a skeleton with red skin on the places that were burned.

He slapped a table so hard it broke and he yelled from the top of his lungs.