
(Led By The Wolf)

Gabriel R Reynolds

MasterGabe94 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

(Led By The Wolf)

Chapter 22. (Henry Morgan)

Two Wizards got married Joe Morgan and Melany Wiggins.

They lived in a beautiful place called Twin Hills.

They were so happy joy was in the air, the Wizards and Mages were United as well as all the Witches, Sorcerers, Sorceress, Druids, Dragons, Vampires, Werewolves, Dwarves, Elves, Faes, Kajits, Knines, Centaurs, Minotaurs, Fairy's.

This place was like a Heaven and beautiful But then He came. He attacked Joe and Melany Morgan's house Morgan gave birth to a beautiful boy the day before the fought.

Joe was killed and Melany was wounded bad she grabbed her baby and ran fast as she could the evil mage followed her she ran straight to the Salvendor school.

The Grand Wizard Nicolas Maldore, was by the gate he saw her.

Maldore: Open the gate came out!

He said and pulled her and the baby inside behind him and with his wand he took his wand and used the blue lighting against against the red lightning coming from the evil mages black staff.

They stopped and eye to eye The Grand Wizard Nicolas.

Maldore: No it can't be you.

The Evil Mage smiled and in red smoke disappeared.

A Centaur and Minotaur ran up they knew the wizards did not turn against them, they came to help.

Please save my baby. Melany said she gave the baby to the Minotaur and she passed out death was calling her, the fairy's came and made her disappear.

Maldore: What are you doing?

Fairy Queen: I cannot tell you and before you ask I can't tell you if she lives, we tell you where to bring the baby!

The Grand Wizard looked at the Minotaur.

Maldore: Go to South there's a town there called Ashabad take the Child there is someone that will take care of him he will train here when he's of age. His name is Henry Morgan. Go now!

They took off together both the Centaur and the Minotaur with the Baby.

A knock came on a door.

A little girl skipping to the door thinking it's her daddy opens it fast just in time to see a Centaur and a Minotaur disappear.

She gasped.

Child: MOM!

Mother: Hold on Baby!

She heard the baby cry and she looked Down and saw Henry.


Mother: A baby!?!

She came and saw him.

Mother: O my God!

She picked the baby up.

Mother: You poor thing.

Child: The horse man and bull man brought it.

The mother laughed.

Mother: They did Mom?

Child: I'm not lying!

Mother: Ok hun I believe you sweetie!

She looked at the paper on the Baby's chest.

Mother: Henry Morgan… so that's your name?

The baby stopped crying when she reached down and picked her up.

Thirteen years passed Henry was sitting down folding his clothes Macy came in an sat on his bed behind him took her shoes off and propped her feet of Henry's shoulders Henry kept folding his clothes.

Henry: Morning Sis.

Macy: Morning bubba.

Henry began to smell a horrible smell.

Henry: Do you smell something.

Macy: Um No...

Henry kept folding clothes and then he grabbed his water and took a sip and put it back on his desk and Macy's foot touched his cheek Henry's nose crinkled.

Henry: Oh My God! It's your feet they stink.

Macy then shoved both them in his face.

Macy: Oh really! Smell it smell it!

She said laughing.

Henry: Aaaah stop it hahaha stop!!!

Henry turn and grabbed her.

Henry: Ok then come here!

Macy: No! No! Let Go! Let me go!!!! No!!!! Hahahahahhaha!

Henry started tickling her she giggled and ran down the hall Henry's fingers on her ribs as she tried to get away.

As the went down the hall Macy knocked a glass vase which was her mom's favorite, she screamed.

Macy: No!!!

She thrust her hands out and the vase stopped and floated.

Macy: Whats happening! What's happening!!!

She started to freak out.

Macy: Henry! Henry!!!!

The vase came up and then dropped fast Henry stretched his hand out fast the vase floated, Henry's heart raced he lifted up his hand and the vase went up as well he gently motioned his hand and the vase gently sat down on the table.

Macy and Henry quietly went outside and sat on the Porch speechless about what happened.

All of a sudden an huge black bat with black scales and horns flew towards them it had a black and red envelope it dropped it in Henry's lap and flew off it was huge.

Macy: Was that a bat?

Henry: I never seen one that big.

Macy: It had horns!

Henry: Yea I know weird.

They heard talking down the street and they turned to see their mom and an old man with a long white beard and long white hair.

Grand Wizard Nicolas Maldore was talking to Megan Smith the mother of Macy and stepmother of Henry.

Megan: Professor Maldore. I have not seen anything strange about Henry sense my Daughter found the baby at our door step and claiming a horse man and a bull man brought him he's only 13 and my daughter is 15

Professor Maldore: Mrs. Smith you sure you haven't seen anything strange out of the young boy?

Megan: No well there was one day I could have sworn he was talking to a snake and the snake nodded and turn away, that was weird but I thought it was just some grass snake.

Why does the boy means so much to you.

Professor Maldore: Mrs. Smith do you remember the letter with the boys name on it?

Megan: Your the Grand Wizard?

Professor Maldore: Yes I am and that boy is a young wizard.

They got to the house where Henry and Macy were and Megan went to pick up a pot of flowers.

Megan: Oh my God! These flowers keep dying on me.

Professor Maldore: Hold on Mrs. Smith. Watch.

She backed up and looked at him and he reach his hand out at the dead flowers and wiggled his fingers a little and the flowers came back to life, Megan Macy and Henry watched amazed as they watch the green and beautiful colors come back to the flowers.

Macy got excited and turned around to the pot of flowers that was dying and she tried the same thing as the Professor but the pot broke.

Megan Henry and Professor Maldore turns and looked at the broken pot.

Megan: What happened?!? Henry did you you do that?

Professor Maldore: Ms Smith, he didn't Macy did.

Megan: What How my daughter is not a witch?

Professor Maldore: Yes. It appears that your daughter is a young witch.

Um Mrs. Smith, who was your late husband?

Megan: Johnathan Smith.

Professor Maldore: Awww. I see. Mis Smith your husband he was an awesome Wizard.

Megan: What how. He never told me nor did he show anything like this!

Professor what does this means?

Professor Maldore: Well Mrs. Smith it means your daughter must come to the Salvendore school and learn how to do magic so she won't break the flower pots wile trying to make them come back to life again.

He said chuckling as he winked at Henry.

Macy Huffed and looked away as Henry grind at her.

The Professor looked at the boy.

Professor Maldore: Henry I see you have a black and red envelope so you also did magic to. Am I right?

Henry: Well I stopped moms vase from busting when Macy got scared and it fell.

She was making it float up!

Professor Maldore: I see. Macy when you do magic you must not ever panic take a deep breath calm yourself you have full control.

Remember that. Now Henry show me what you did start with those broken pieces of the flower pot.

Henry stretched both hands out at the the Maldore softly spoke to him.

Maldore: That's it Henry calm you got it all in control, now lift a piece up.

Henry Lifted them all up at once and he made them all come together and the pot fixed like new and he made the flowers and dirt go back in the flower pot and made the flowers come alive again but even bigger he stopped when he noticed what he done.

Professor Maldore: Oh my that should be Impossible!

Megan: What! What you mean?

Professor Maldore: There was only one student of mine that did that on his first try and her name was Alison she's the same age as your daughter now 15.

Macy come here.

Macy went to him and looked up in his eyes.

Macy: Yes sir?

Professor Maldore: Look at that stick, good now focus on it make it float. Good that's it keep calm you got this.

Macy spun her fingers around the stick spun around and around she got excited and it broke.

Macy: Oh no.

Professor Maldore: Its ok calm yourself good good look at that see that's how you do it control.

Macy was spinning both pieces of the broken stick making one turn one way and the other turn another way.

Henry was laughing with joy and excitement. Megan walked up to Henry and put her hand on the side of her head and rubbed the back of his head feeling his smooth beautiful black hair.

Megan: Sweetheart your so handsome, I know I'm not your real mother but you always be my boy I love you son.

Henry: I love you to mom.

They hugged each other.

The Professor walked up and spoke.

Professor Maldore: Mrs. Smith. I must take them now to the school they be back for Fall Fellowship and the Winter Festival and then summer your children will come back to you and on behalf of Salvendore we thank you for taking care of Henry.

Megan: Professor Please keep my babies safe!

Professor Maldore: I will Mrs. Smith.

The Centaur came up as did the Minotaur with a wagon and horses with wings.

Henry/Macy: Wow!

Megan: Oh My God! The Horse man and Bull man a Centaur and Minotaur! And horses with wings! WOW!

Macy: I told you mom.

Megan: I know sweetie I thought you was Imagining it sweetie I'm sorry I doubted you.

Henry and Macy got in the wagon with the Professor and they left waving at their mother.

Professor Maldore: The Centaur and the Minotaur picked a really good home for you nice woman I hate that you don't have a father figure in your life Henry.

Henry: I would trade my step mother or step sister for full family I love them.

Professor Maldore: I'm happy For you Henry you will meet some good friends up here it feels right to have you come this year no telling what might happen this year.

Macy: So where we going?

Professor Maldore: I'm dropping y'all off at the train station 97/83 that train will take you to the beautiful Twin Hills station their you meet the half Giant Malcalum Hestes. He will take you to the Salvendore school. Then you eat and be showed to your rooms.

They flew through a portal in a tree Macy and Henry hid thinking they was going to crash they heard the Professor laughing.

Professor Alice: Oh good heavens Professor Maldore did you have use the tree again why do you always got to scare the children to death why can't you just come here through the cloud like all the rest do.

Professor Maldore: Oh you old Witch why you got to take all the fun out of it?

Professor Alice: Old Witch! Last I checked you was ahead of me by a thousand.

Maldore: Hey don't give my age away now.

Professor Alice: Nicolas! Don't you have few more children to bring. Hmm.

The Professor Maldore laughed and went through another portal he came back a half a second later.k with 9 more students there ages were 13-16

Henry: That's was fast.

Professor Alice: Oh honey that's his trick.

A red head boy and got out and ran and puked by a tree and Henry saw the girl get out with her hand on her head. Professor Alice shook her head.

Professor Alice: What am I gonna do with him.

She said to Henry then went and got the red head boy and the red head girl.

Professor Alice: Oh you poor dears come on let's get you on the train. Professor Maldore called Henry to him.

Henry: Yes sir?

Maldore: See that man over their by the bank go tell him who you are.

Henry looked at him then turn to see Professor Maldore but he was gone.

Henry went to him.

Henry: Hey sir.

Kane Poole: Yes kid what can I do for you.

Henry: Um I'm Henry Morgan.

Kane Poole: Oh! Yes it is you! Hey it's Henry Morgan he's back! Henry you have a lot of gold that was left by your parents and also you had many donate to you for your loss hoping that when you return you be able to buy the things you need for school or snacks on the bus.

So how much do you want today.

Henry: O um enough to get me and my sister through the year and if we meet friends we buy stuff for them to.

Kane Poole: Ok here and here's you a little extra just in case you need it always carry more if you need it or not. Anyway here's you a brief case a gift from The Grand Wizard Maldore. You can step inside it.

Professor Alice: Henry it's time to go son.

Henry: Thanks Kane. I'm coming Professor Alice.

He put the two bags of gold in his briefcase and they fell deep. Henry looked in the briefcase and looked at Kane.

Kane: Oh it's bigger on the inside it's a magic briefcase

Professor Alice: Come on Henry we can't wait any longer we got to go.

Henry: Coming!

He came and got on the train.

Professor Alice: Ok Henry you go where you want to sit and rest we be on here for two days we have refreshments coming by soon. Macy you can sit with your new friends or with your brother it's up to you.

Macy sat with her new friends and at first Henry sat in a room by himself then the red head boy came.

Ben: Hey can I sit here with you?

Henry: Sure:

He came and sat down beside him he extended his hand.

Ben: Hey my names Benjamin Caraway but my friends call me Ben.

Henry: Hi Ben I'm Henry Morgan.

Ben: Nice to meet you Henry.

The woman came by the door.

Waitress: Y'all want anything off the Trolley?

Henry looked at Ben and saw the sad and hungry look in his eyes.

Henry: We take the whole lot.

He bought it all. Then the Red head girl came in and sat across form Henry and Ben.

Mary: There Your are Ben I been looking for you.

Ben: Mary Lue I was sitting here with my new friend Henry and away from the stupid Ronald.

Henry: Who's Ronald?

Mary: He's Just a stupid bully who won't leave Ben alone. Anyway I'm Mary Caraway please don't call me Mary Lue I hate that name.

And Ben you have one more time throw candy paper at me ima!

Henry burst out laughing at them they all laughed,

Mary: I mean it!

Ben: Well you want shut up a second and you want stop looking over me like I'm your child. I may be 13 but your 14 and still you ain't go to mother me!

Mary if I don't look after you who will.

Henry started laughing again it was so funny watching them to fuss. Henry felt a bond between them start to build they all felt it.

They laughed some more And Henry couldn't stop looking in Mary's eyes. He thought man she is so pretty.

Mary: What is something in my hair.

Henry: No! No. I was just thinking how your eyes look like that water outside it's pretty.

Mary: Oh thanks…

Henry: Your Welcome. Oh look another magic card.

He said changing the subject fast and grabbed it and opened it.

Henry: Oh wow it's Professor Maldore and he's gone.

Mary: Well he can't hang around all day you know he's got to check in on everyone else you know.

Ben: Yea I guess your right but what is it between him and Professor Alice?

Henry: Yea I was wondering that to.

Mary: Really Y'all didn't hear what Professor Alice said?

Henry: No What?

Mary looked at Henry.

Mary: Really you was standing right there!

Ben: Bloody hell Mary Lue tell us.

Mary balled her fist up and tighten her teeth angrily then calmed herself and said.

Mary: She said They Been married for seventy-two years and he still never changed! Ben In swear ima knock you out one day.

Ben: Blimey how old are they?

Mary: No one knows.

Henry: Well heheh they sure get around good.

Ben: Yea. Hey tell us about yourself Henry.

Henry Told them what he knew about his life but there was a lot he didn't know but wanted to learn. They entered into the school Zone and went inside the school and were lead to a a big table that was covered in food and they sat down to eat.