
(Led By The Wolf)

Gabriel R Reynolds

MasterGabe94 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

(Led By The Wolf)

Chapter 21. (Merlin And Emrys)

Far deep in a village of Ealdor in Essetir Hunith and Balinor a Dragon Lord were together they loved each other.

But one night Balinor came in and started packing his things.

Balinor: Hunith honey I'm sorry I have to go King Uther is after me he killed all of the dragon lords and dragons here in Avalon I must flee for my life I cannot put you in anymore danger I love you Hunith.

Hunith: Balinor please don't go take me with you!

Balinor: Baby I can't if they Catch us they will kill us both I cannot.

Balinor Headed for the door with his stuff and put it on his horse and mounted up.

Hunith walk outside and shouted at him.

Hunith: Balinor! I'm pregnant with your child!

Balinor Looked at her tears fell from his eyes as he looked at her and said.

Balinor: Be safe and stay alive I love you.

He rode off leaving Hunith alone crying and weeping as she watched her lover leave out of sight in the woods.

Later that day a knock came on Huniths door. Hunith opened it she had a cold and dark look on her face. Standing at the door was King Uther Pendragon himself.

King Uther: Hey Mis Hunith it's Been a long time how have you been?

Hunith: What do you want King Uther?

King Uther: Yes To the point then. Have you seen Balinor? I know you to was close.

Hunith: He went that way.

King Uther: Are you sure ma'am?

Hunith: No I was too busy crying cause someone is out to kill him.

She said coldly.

King Uther: Hunith I'm sorry but that man was a evil evil dangerous man I'm sure you understand why we cannot let someone like that walking freely around Camelot and Avalon right.

King Uther turned and walked away and as Hunith shut the door she hit the ground again crying and weeping praying to Jirah to keep her lover safe.

Nine months later Hunith was in labor Katherine who was eight was watching her mother Abigail help deliver Huniths baby.

Abigail: It's a boy.

Hunith reached for him she spoke softly.

Hunith: Merlin.

Then she yelled Abigail eyes widened.

Abigail: you having another one. Hunith you have twins.

Hunith laid her head back and held Merlin close to her and looked at Abigail.

Abigail: You have another boy!

Hunith smiled.

Hunith: Emryis

She reached out her hand for the other baby Abigail gave her and she held Emryis close to her and Merlin and smiled at them and softly laughed.

Hunith: I will have two men in the house.

Abigail smiled.

Abigail yes you will.

14 years later Merlin and Emryis was playing using magic and Hunith caught them.

Hunith: Boys no no. Y'all can't do that y'all have to keep from doing magic if you get caught y'all be killed and so will I so y'all cannot do magic I'm sorry.

You understand Merlin.

Emryis: I Understand mom but I'm Emryis.

Hunith Looked at both her sons and said.

Hunith: Yes right well I see that now your wearing green and Merlin is wearing red.

Merlin and Emryis were identical twins and were a lot a like and very very close but time was coming where destiny will take them separate ways.

They went out to play with the other kids without using magic. Hunith watch them and smiled and saw Katherine and Merlin talking they were sweet on each other.

Hunith turned to clean up her house and to cook a meal for the boys when she saw standing in front of her a Wizard.

Nicholas Maldore: Fear not Hunith my name is Nicholas Maldore. I'm here to tell you that on your boys fifteenth birthday you must let them go. They are to take the path leading to Camelot Merlin must go to Camelot to Gaius and Emryis must go to Gododdin where he will become the Court Wizard.

Hunith: How did you…

Nicholas Maldore: Get in Your house? I used a spell. Your boys are even more powerful then I am they ar mages Wizards warlocks sorcerers and Druids all in one and they are twins identical twins in fact. They have a magical bond. I promise you they always be together they may have to be separated for a wile but I Promise you they will be ok.

Hunith: But Merlin can't go…

Nicholas Maldore: Go to Camelot because Uther Pendragon because he outlawed magic and he's killing all who does magic and he even killed innocents he thought were magic. Uthers rule is about to end and Prince Arthur will be Crowned King and Merlin Will help him reunite Avalon and bring peace to the Magical realm.

Hunith: I can't loose my boys I lost there father!

Nicholas Maldore: I'm afraid you will not have a choice. I got to go now. Goodnight.

He disappeared in blue fire.

Hunith had tears in her eyes she knew it was true and had to happen sad thing was tomorrow they turned fifteen.

Later that night Emryis and Merlin had the same dream.


A dragon appeared in their dream he spoke.

Kilgharrah: Two Destinys lyes head of you one of y'all will go to Camelot and Serve Prince Arthur the other will go to Gododdin and serve King Lot. Merlin you will bear the mark of the dragon.

Merlin felt the burn on his left shoulder.

Kilgharrah: Emryis you will bear the mark of the Crow. Now awake and fulfill your destiny.

They both woke up and grabbed their left shoulder. Hunith was sitting right there she looked at the mark on their shoulders. A tear fell from her face.

Hunith: Come on let me cook y'all one more breakfast before y'all go.

They ate their food and Hunith talked to them and started talking about some embarrassing times that made them both blush and laugh. Like when Emryis and Merlin were twelve and they hated their babysitter so the turn her hair into snakes and called her medusa. Who left them before they could change her back. And of course it gave her powers to turn her tormentors into stone. That was funny in a way but wrong.

They finished eating in Silence tears fell from Hunith she knew they had to go.

Merlin and Emryis hugged their Mother and went down the road together. They came up to the sign that pointed right which said Camelot and left which says Gododdin.

Merlin: Well Emryis I guess this is it I go to Camelot and you go to Gododdin.

Emryis: Yes brother ima miss you. Hey you know the spell you can use to contact me I know you have to be careful and quite about it but let's stay in touch.

They hugged each other and for the first time in their lives went their separate ways.