
(Led By The Wolf)

Gabriel R Reynolds

MasterGabe94 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

(Led By The Wolf)

Chapter 6. (Dragons Cove.)

Gentle hands picked Edward up out the boat a very small man spoke.

Mercer: Look at this Mara a golden staff. 

Mara: Mercer that's the staff of Shalom our Lord and Creator. 

Mercer: I see well let's go see what to do with this poor broken human they took him and dressed his wounds. Then they put the staff in a very safe place. 

Edward came to the place called Dragons Cove three miles from Dragons Blood. 

The hide out of the dwarves and elves.

As for Alvin he was riding hard to get away from Scars Soldiers they went through the forest three arrows hit Alvin in the leg he rode on hard and fast he turned his horse towards the Skull Canyon, finely he looses them he got off his horse limped to a tree then he took out his knife then a rock then begin to cut the badly wound leg off there was no saving it. He growled loudly and then he tried to bandage the leg good he passed out as he was trying to wrap his leg. 

Gentle hands graved him and set him on a stretcher. 

Alissa: Be ezy with him now. 

Eleven Guard: We will Alissa don't worry, Man this Human is one strong man he cut his leg off and tried to bandage his own leg. 

Eleven Guard: Brave warrior in deed another said with a gruff voice. 

Alissa. Alright put him in the wagon and get him to father and Finras. 

They came in the tent. Where her father was and Finras was standing outside the tent looking at them.

Finras: Hey Look What I got.

Finras: Alissa?!?

Alissa: Finras! Quick help me here! 

Finras: Oh my. A badly wounded human ok then, Alissa what you get into? 

Alissa Father! help us! 

She yelled out the tent.

Alissa's father came in the tent.

Father: What wow a human ok we ain't got much time I get the water to clean the wound Alissa get you herbs we need it when I get threw cleaning the wound, Finras get the bandages ready. 

They fixed him up then they waited on him to respond.

As they waited Nick showed up with Alice Shelly and Morgause.

Finras: Two More Humans hey one of them is a baby.

Nick: Finras can you fix up some food for Shelly and the baby and Alice to.

Finras: Yes I can.

Finras went to take care of Shelly Alice and Morgause.

Nick when into the tent.

Nick: Father um… woe who is that.

Father: I don't know Alissa brought him in and he cut his own leg off.

Nick: Wow. Father I just got back from Avalon all is lost their Uther Pendragon has ran out every elf killed every dragon except one whom he uses as a trophy under his kingdom and every witch wizard and mage any one that can do magic has been driven out or executed. Uther killed this baby Morgause parents.

Father: No this is bad news. Where is Morgause?

Nick she is here with me and Alice a women named Shelly Saved her she is with us to.

Father: Make sure they are took care of.

Nick: Yes Father.

As for Edward he soon awoke, He rose up and got out of the bed he notice his arm was in a sling and broke he walked to a chair and sat down looked around and found a small man. 

Mercer: Aha so your up moving around aye.

Edward: Your a small small man. 

Edward looked at the small man and Said nothing else just looked at him shocked.

Mercer: Ha I'm a dwarf you humans are pathetic you all forgot about the dwarves, elves, argonians, kajits, kanines, and ratiets?

Edward: I Never heard of y'all. 

Mercer: Ha! No Kidding. Names Mercer, The Dwarf put his hand out towards Edward he shook it.

Edward: I'm Edward nice to meet you. 

Mercer: Your arm will heal. hehe Mara used her special herbs on it. It be like it was never damaged. 

Edward remembered. 

Edward: O NO!!! Alvin I got to get to him.

Mercer: Whoa hold on now! You ain't in no shape to go running after your Friend! you must rest and gain your strength! 

Edward: But I got Three weeks to get to Crows Village! That's were we suppose to meet.

Mercer: Son you are a long way from Crows Village. We go find your friend but now u stay rest and regain your strength you will need it really soon Edward!

Back at the Elvish camp. Alvin awoke he looked around and saw that he was in a tent and a man walked in he looked at him. 

Shavon: Oh your up that's good now you don't try to get up and you rest you gonna need it. 

Alvin: Hey you didn't throw my leg away did you? I like to make a walking stick out the bone.

Shavon: Ha! Wow first thing the man says when he wakes up is. Hey you didn't throw my leg away did you I like to make a walking stick out of it. Hahah! I didn't Fynrise was gonna see if he could make u a walking stick out the bone he felt like that's what you wanted.

Alvin: Really that's pretty cool.

Shavon: Yea he's a mage he also is working on a peg leg for you.

Alvin: I think you for that. 

Alvin looked at the man looked at his leg the looked back at the man he pulled hisself up and looked at the man closer.

Alvin: What are you I never seen a man with big long and sharp ears. 

Shavon: Aha! Well that is something all the humans forgot about us. I like my clan are High Elves. My name is Shavon. Who are you?

Alvin: I'm Alvin Tarvando. 

Shavon: Your welcome here Alvin now rest you will need to heal so you can gain your Strenth.

Shelly sat at a fire and ate and fed baby Morgause. Alice sat with them and said.

Alice you will be safe here with us you can stay as long as you like.

Shelly: Thanks I just go to make sure that Morgause Is safe.

Alice: We will look after her and you to.

Nick: I'm going in to town to get supplies I be back Finras needs some black embark from a willow tree.

Nick road off in the sunset.

The camp laid down to sleep and it got late Alvin looked at he ceiling of the tent and thought about his best friend a Edward.

Alvin: Pease be safe and ok my Brother.

He closed his eyes and went to sleep.