
(Led By The Wolf)

Gabriel R Reynolds

MasterGabe94 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

(Led By The Wolf)

Chapter 7. (The Skull Kingdom.)

The people in Ashagag those that were not dead we're chained and were made to work as slaves. They destroyed what they knew as the most beautiful town of Ashagag and rebuild it as a place of terror and sorrow. 

Ashagag was no more. But the Skull Kingdom of Econdire was built.

Wa"ya walked in the Courtroom in the once white and beautiful castle.

Now it was a black dark castle with the Red Skull on the doors if the castle.

King Scar: About time you got here Wa"ya!

Wa"ya: Yes my lord. I'm here to Serve you. 

King Scar: My brother Zohar told me about your dark magic and he said you gifted with the power of Econdire. 

Wa"ya: Is there two guards I can use?

King Scar: Yes them two Deg and Hughes. Do as you wish. 

The two Coward guards tried to run but the other guards blocked the way. 

Wa"ya use a black smoky like magic and posses Deg then Wa"ya made him grab his sword and then Hughes and Deg begin to fight.

Hughes: Deg it's me Hughes come on Deg!

Hughes was fighting for his life then the posses Deg thrust his sword into Huge's chest Wa"ya stopped possessing Deg. 

Deg looked at Hughes. 

Deg: Hughes!? what! No Nooooo.

Hughes: Deg... It wasn't you... 

Hughes pointed at Wa"ya. 

Anger weld up in Deg he pulled his sword out of his dead brothers chest. 


Wa"ya used blood magic stopping Deg were he was, flew up off the ground as Wa"ya sucked blood out his body with his hand. The skin and everything fell off hand began to burn to ashes then with a absorb magic he took all the flesh and veins and blood. 

Then Deg was nuthen but a dry Skelton.

Wa"ya flipped his hand down and the skeleton fell on his dead brother. 

Wa"ya: There you go My lord. 

King Scar: Is there any more You can do. 

Wa"ya: Aye yes but my lord.

Zohar: Will you have the old dead king Vadilhighya to come back? 

King Scars face darken. 

King Scar: What!? Why!? 

Wa"ya: I will show you my lord. 

King Scar: Then do as he asked guards but remember be respectful to the old kings bones!

They brought the Bones Of the old king up to Wa"ya.

Wa"ya did a magic which used his own blood and the blood he took from Deg he use the dark magic and the old dried skeleton came back to life. 

The evil skeleton of King Vadilhighya looked around.

Vadilhighya: Ahahahahaha! 

Vadilhighya: I love what you did with the place, King Scar Wa"ya for bringing me back I give you the power of the red flame of Econdire.

King Scar: Wow you brought the old Dark One back, What else can you do?

Wa"ya: I can make you an army of the undead, But I need a humen to sacrifice.

Vadilhighya: Make me a Skeleton Army starting with those two.

Wa"ya used blood magic absorbing the flesh blood and veins out of Hughes like he did Deg and Hugh's became a dry skeleton then the he used that blood magic to bring the two skeletons to life.

The they started getting ready for the Awakening.