
(Led By The Wolf)

Gabriel R Reynolds

MasterGabe94 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

(Led By The Wolf)

Chapter 5. (Fleeing Ashagag)

King Uther had gotten married had a little Girl with his wife's sister and had it hidden for years he named her Morgana and his wife's sister took care of her and years later she felt guilty and was going to tell Her sister the truth of Morgana but King Uther had her killed along with her husband. He took Morgana who was four at the time and she had a sister beautiful blue eyes and blond hair her name was Morgause. King Uther commanded her to be killed she was only two. King Uther wouldn't hear of it so the soldier named Luke took the child and went off to kill it.

King Uther: Thanks Luke I'm glad someone knows how to keep orders dump her in the woods for the wolves.

Luke went off around the corner he found his girlfriend who was a made for the the Deceased lord of the castle meaning Morgause father. Luke stopped her.

Luke: Shelly! Here I'm sorry the king wants to kill the baby I cannot do that that's where I draw the line please take her I know I may never see you again but you got to keep Morgause safe please.

Shelly: Luke I get her out of the city but I'm not leaving you!

Luke: Shush. Shelly please look at the baby.

Shelly looked at the child beautiful blue eyes soft baby skin thin baby blond hair. Morgause Smiled at her and giggled. That's melted Shelly's heart. She felt a bind towards the little child and she looked back at Luke.

Shelly: Please come with us Luke.

Luke: I can't Shelly please stay safe and watch over that baby.

Shelly made her way out the castle and down the street she was heading towards the gate trying to keep the child out of sight in her arms. She hid behind ally wall as some of King Uthers roofless soldiers walked by. She rushed out the gate got almost to a horse carriage when she heard a soldier shout at her.

Greg: Hey Stop! What do you have their.

Shelly headed for the woods fast as she could. The soldiers took off after her she ran dad through the woods fast as she could she came to a road in the woods and the soldiers was right behind her. She hear a voice behind her. She turned and looked and in the road she saw a dark brown haired boy that looked to be fifteen maybe his skin was a dark tan Color he had green eyes looked really good he was on a horse pulling a wagon.

Nick: Come on get on let's get out of here

Shelly got on the wagon and they took off fast heading out of Avalon. The soldiers got on their heels arrows shooting by. Shelly tried to shield the baby she looked at the young boy as he shot back hitting one of the soldiers knocking him off his horse. One go close and was reaching for the baby Shelly pulled back grabbed a pan that was in the wagon and hit the soldier with it. Nick grabbed the baby from Shelly and handed her to another lady that was there. The soldier grabbed Shelly by her caller and Nick saw it and grabbed Shelly's arm and with the other hand he through a knife it went in to the soldiers throat he fell off his horse letting go of Shelly.

Nick caught Shelly and Shelly saw his ear as his hair flew back behind his ear. She backed away from him with shock.

Shelly: Your Your an Elf.

Nick: Yes Shelly I am and your safe your ok.

Shelly: The Baby where's Morgause?!?

Alice: She's Safe I Got her.

Shelly looked and saw a black haired blue eyed elf.

Nick: This is Alice my older sister she's seventeen.

Alice: You and This child is safe Shelly all is going to be ok.

Uther took Morgana home Gaius met them when they came in.

Gaius: Sire Your wife has given birth to a healthy boy and….

King Uther: Yes Where is he let me see him.

King Uther went towards his chamber.

Gaius: King Uther Wait!

King Uther: What Gaius!

Gaius: Your Wife Sire the Queen she's passed during her labour.

King Uther wept when he heard that he went in his chambers Gaius followed him. King Uther held her hand still warm.

King: Uther. I'm Sorry I'm Sorry Baby I'm Sorry I wasn't here.

He turned and looked at Gaius.

King Uther: Where's my son.

They brought the baby to him. King Uther: grabbed him and held him.

King Uther: Oh look Gaius. Blue eyes and he looks just like his mother.

Gaius smiled at the baby.

Gaius: Yes sir he's a remarkable child. What will you name him?

King Uther: His name will be Arthur Prince of Avalon.

Far Far East of Avalon in a land called Eden. It was a time of treachery was when it all started. A young man twenty years old, Alvin Ron Tarveno Was fleeing for his life. 

Both him and his best friend whom he called brother. Edward Duke Johnsieo Was his name. They were fighting Ashagag Soldiers they fought violently. 

Then was forced out the city the new King Scar Whrightenieo Order his soldiers to kill Alvin and Edward. These two were loyal to King Josiah Wrightenieo. 

Who was murdered by his second born son and his third son, Scar and Zohar Whrightenieo Was their names. Josiah Whrightenieo II. Was the first born he was left to die by the Merkons.

Alvin and Edward drove their horses hard out the city trying to reach safety.

Alvin: Edward we must split up! Go to Jovansreach I will go to Iveron We will meet at Crows Village in three weeks.

They departed five hundred soldiers went towards Alvin and five hundred after Edwards. 

Edward was cut off from Jovansreach So he went towards Dragons Bridge, Headend for Dragons Blood as he crossed the bridge an arrow hit his horse in the neck it flipped knocking Edward over the bridge as he went over his head hit the bridges side nocking him out. The soldiers rode up and Captan Vandeulcula Got off his horse and he went to the bridge and looked over it he saw nothin. 

Vandeulcula: He's dead lets go find Alvin. 

The Captan got on his horse and they all started off except for one.

Wa"ya Der Dunkelieh, Which is "wolf of darkness".

Wa"ya: I know your alive and I will find you and kill you Edward. 

Wa"ya turns and rides off towards his Captan Wa"ya was a powerful Mage of darkness and evil he would open the doors of Harcarsh, and free Econdire.

Lord Dagon Gibbs. The Archduke of the Temple of Shalom, Prince of Peace was killed by Zohar.

He took over the Temple and called it Fyn"rise Der Dunkelieh, "Prince of Darkness".

A man named Barnabas asked. 

Barnabas: What of the Archdukes staff. 

Zohar: Go burn it!

Then Barnabas went to the River Of The Dragon he was still faithful to Shalom he took the golden staff with the gold wolf head two ruby eyes and emerald nose he put it in a boat pushed it off. 

Then he looked up and saw Edward fall from the bridge Edward landed in the boat. 

Barnabas: Aye your destiny Lyes with Shalom. May the Lord be with you Edward Johnsieo, son of Edwin and Clara Johnsieo.