
(Led By The Wolf)

Gabriel R Reynolds

MasterGabe94 · Fantasy
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(Led By The Wolf)

Chapter 4. (The Transition From a Good King To A Tyrant From Human To Monster)

Four years past Uther Pendragon was Crown King and Aurelius was The Hand of the King the adviser for a moment the Kingdom Of Albion was at peace but soon it would change, Trevor and Alucard was patrolling the woods when they came across a familiar symbol that was carved in a tree they went south from the tree and saw another then Alucard smiled and looked at his brother and they kicked their horses raced to the old meeting place and there they saw Logan, Ben, and Cole.

Trevor: Uncle Logan! Wow you.... haven't aged a day. Wait Y'all Look strange.

Trevor and Alucard saw three sets of blood red eyes looking at them, they felt the wild in them and fear came on them they reached for there swords.

Alucard: Shalom have mercy on us.

Cole: Wait Relax boys we ain't gonna hurt you. And Yea Bro none of us have aged it's the curse of being a bloody vampire mate.

Alucard: Man y'all look like wicked beasts. Where have y'all been why y'all just now coming to see us it's been 10 years.

Logan: It's not Safe for us to be around y'all much we are creatures now not humans anymore the gift that your father gave us eternal youth but also a thirst for human blood we learned to control ourselves but the people wouldn't understand us and they would seek away to destroy us.

Ben: Right So Logan get to the reason why we're here.

Logan: Ease up Ben we can visit them a little.

Ben: Yea and Risk Dracula coming and turning them right now and possibly decide to kill me and Cole to punish you for not bringing his sons to him when they turned seventeen!

Trevor: Turn Us? Uncle Logan what's he talking about?

Alucard: Yes Uncle Logan what is he saying?

Logan hung his head down and looked at his two nephews.

Logan: Ok Your father said when y'all turned seventeen he was going to make y'all like we are blood sucking vampires, and he stated he make our lives a living hell if we kept y'all from him.

Ben: Y'all must run! Run east to Adhagag that's the Kingdom of Moreland Wood a very peaceful place y'all will be safe their.

Alucard: No! We can't just leave we have a duty! Brother!

Trevor: Uncle Logan we can't leave we are the Knights Of Camelot we're sworn to the King.

Cole: And what will your king do when his city is being attacked by a unkillable vampire huh? And what if Dracula doesn't destroy the city but turns you! You think King Uther is going to say o it's ok hes let's bring some of the servants down so they can suck the life from them huh?

No! No you need to run! Run far away get as far miles kingdoms there is between you and your father!

Trust me if you care about Camelot and the beautiful country of Albion you leave!

Logan: Cole easy bro! I know your worried but keep your head on your shoulders brother! We will figure this out.

Cole: I Promised Queen Hope Logan! I promised Your Sister in Law who died because of King Bayn and changed your brother to be what he is!

I promised Queen Hope I would not let any harm come to her kids!

Logan: I did To Cole their my Nephews inLove them to I....

Trevor: HEY!!!

They stoped arguing and looked at him.

Cole: Bloody hell did you have to holler we have super hearing you know.

Alucard: Were Grown and we made our decision! We're Knights of Camelot!

Trevor: And we sworn an oath and we will not leave our post we will not back away from our duty's!

Alucard: Dracula is determined to change us he have to come through all Camelot I'm sure one of the Dragon Lords and Wizards or Mages can stop him if not we won't back down he have to kill us.

Cole: Awooo!!! You idiots.

He covered his eyes with one hand that hand had long sharp claws then he clinched both fists and blood poured out from wear his long sharp fingernails went through his hand.

Cole: Do you have any idea what your saying theirs no Stopping Dracula there's no killing him he was cursed by the Angel of the Lord himself to walk this world till the end of time there's no Killing Dracula your putting an entire country to death!!!

Logan: Cole!!! Stop!

Ben: Logan! He's right we can't let them go back.

Trevor and Alucard pull their swords out.

Trevor: Back off All of you!

A bluish greenish flame came upon the sword magic from Gaius, Alucards sword had a red flame, they all backed up not sure what a magic sword would do to them.

Logan: Wo Wo! Trevor Alucard calm down look...

Alucard: Shut Up! Back off we're leaving we're Leaving now!

They Got on their horses and fled fast as they could make them run they heard Logan yelling for them to come back they didn't even slow down or look back.

Dracula: Hahahaha!

Logan, Cole, and Ben, froze where they were and then slowly turned around to face the Vampiric Father.

Logan swallowed hard.

Dracula: So Loyal to King Uther Pendragon not knowing that he will become a monster. Awe don't look so shocked no Uther won't be a Vampire but he will become a Tyrant the day of his wife's death and the birth of Uthers Youngest son who one day United the Seven Kingdoms of Albion and he will be the High King Of Albion.

Logan: Dracula Please don't kill my friends.

Dracula: Hahaha! Don't kill my friends please he said. I'm not going to kill your friends!

But you all will be punished!

He walk up to Cole who was looking to the ground Dracula gently put his hands on each side of Coke's face and said.

Dracula: Now now Cole is that how to address your father?

Cole: Your Not My.....

Dracula and Cole looked eye to eye Cole Couldn't speak for Dracula was his father his Vampiric Father his sire as was Logan and Ben.

Dracula: Hushshshsh... you know what you did was wrong Cole y'all all are breaking my heart now you must pay a price.

On the right side of Coles cheeks Dracula sunk his four finger claws in Coles face and scratched the right side of his face slowly then normal the wounds healed but the scare remains.

Cole touched the right side of his face which once was smooth but now he could feel the scars.

Dracula: You feel that you wear that till the end of time!

You feel that pain on your chest? Now you know how I feel.

With a quick swing of his hand and with one finger he cut the left side of Bens Eye blinding him for a second it healed and he could see again but the scar stayed. Ben also felt the pain in his chest which Dracula was feeling.

Dracula then gently put his hands around Logans head.

Dracula: Logan. Logan. My baby brother from our dear ol mother she misses you and wants to see you. You feel it you feel the pain y'all made me feel when you try to keep my boys away from me.

Tears fell down Logan's face he felt the pain when Dracula clawed Coles Face and felt it again when he clawed Bens Eye and felt each aching beat of Dracula's heart.

Dracula put his thumb in the right side of Logan's Lip and with its sharp pointed thumbnail cut Logan's top and bottom lip all the way little past the chin on the right side, it healed slowly and the scare remand.

They all fell on their knees before Dracula.

Dracula: I am your father I made you what you are Vampires I am your sire!

And you learn not to fight against me you learn I'm not playing games here and you will not get in my way and keep me from seeing my boys!

I am the only thing that can make you truly feel pain I can't kill you but I can make you feel pain and your lives a living hell. So stay out of my way and when Trevor and Alucard turn y'all show them how to survive!

Aww don't look so sad about your pretty faces it looks better then it did the ladies will be loving the look of y'all!


Now Boys if you excuse me I must reunite with my sons.

Ben: No No No!!!! Logan! What are We Going to do?!?

Cole: He's Gonna Turn The boys Now!

Logan: We Got To Stop Him.

Dracula caused a fog to go through the forest, the vines and trees s started moving Trevor and Alucard looked at each other then came to a stop their horses bucked and went crazy they both fell to the ground and the horses ran off, they quickly got up to their feet.

Dracula: Hello Boys.

They turned quickly and saw their father standing there in front of them.

Alucard: Father?

Trevor: Dad...

Dracula: Come to me my Sons let me give you a gift.

The vines and trees surrounded them there was no where to run and escape.

Trevor looked and seen his father the red eyes the fangs long sharp nails in his hands he looked like a Munster.

Trevor: No get away your evil.

Dracula spoke and used what seemed like a hypnotizing spell.

Dracula: Calm down boys it's alright.

A calm came upon both of them they stood there and looked at their father. Dracula embraced Trevor and bit his neck then Dracula bit his own wrist and Trevor drink the blood and then Dracula did the same to Alucard.

At that moment the transitioning started happening Logan Cole and Ben Rushed up just in time to see Trevor and Alucard change.

Logan: No Dracula why!!! Why curse your kids to live like this?

Ben and Cole hung their heads down sad about what was happening to Trevor and Alucard.

Dracula: It is not a curse Logan it's a gift and you should be thankful for it you can do things no one else can stop your hiding and use your gift!

Trevor's hair went completely white Alucards solid black but a Trevor was shining the both looked like Dracula and Logan Cole and Ben. Their eyes were Red fangs in their mouth and sharp claw nails Alucard seen what he became fear gripped his heart he got angry and bitter he was dark as he looked at his father and said.

Alucard: I will destroy you for this!

Dracula: No you want in time you thank me.

Tears fell from Trevors eyes as he seen himself in a reflection of w near by pond he turn to his Father glowing almost like an Angel but not as bright as one.

Trevor: Father you Beaufort shame to your family and our Mom you really think this is what she wanted?

Those words ripped through Draculas heart as he began to speak Trevor stopped him.

Trevor: Save it Father! I may look like you now and be a vampire but know that I am not you and I choose to be good and I will stop your reign of terror!

With that he ran of fast Alucard followed.

Cole: Did they just ran super speed with training?

Dracula: They come around! Logan Coke Ben! You will watch over them!

Logan: They don't want anything to do with us thanks to you! Why would you be so selfish and make us suffer with the same curse as you! The Angel…

He never finished that sentence Dracula back handed him sending him flyers 20 feet away he crashed into a trees the tree fell.

Dracula: Don't you ever bring up the Angel again! I will make you regret it!

Dracula disappeared in a puff or dark blood red colored smoke.

Cole: Ben how did he do that?

Ben: I don't know at all. It appears that he he knows magic.

Uther Pendragon was in the tomb looking at his Father Constantine's grave which was beside his mothers grave and Amorous grave.

King Uther: Father you left too soon I promise you I will kill the fool who sent these wicked people and I will bring order back to Avalon! I will crush whoever gets in my way no one will stop me!

Tears fell down his face. At that moment King Uther began to change for the worse.

Giles came in the tomb with him.

Gaius: Sire you sent for me?

King Uther: Giles how did my father die again?

Gaius: The dark sword of Slaygar sir.

King Uther: Ok yet it wasn't really Slaygar we only defeated him.

Gaius: Well yes Sire.

King Uther: He's been alive for a thousand years right Gaius? Please tell me how I know you wizards live along time but Slaygar has been around sense the cave men days. Tell me Gaius how?

Gaius: Well Sire he uses black magic and also steals the life force from others mainly children Sire those that he has no use for.

King Uther: Gaius So don't you thing magic is the problem?

Gaius: Sire Amorous was a Powerful Wizard. The dark one too his life to.

King Uther covered his eyes and rubbed them.

King Uther: Perhaps you are right Gaius. Leave me I need to think.

Gaius Walked out the tomb at the door he looked back at king Uther. His face was cold and dark. Gaius Started worrying at that moment he prayed to Shalom to comfort King Uthers mind and to not go that dark path he seen him standing before.

Trevor and Alucard went to Gaius dorm they were closed in hoods and robes Trever had on a white robe and Alucard had on a black robe so far no one seen them.

Gaius Came in and shut the door and when he turned around he jumped back when he saw Trevor and Alucard and calmed down when he saw who it was.

Gaius: Great Wolf You boys scared me. Um why are you two in robes?

Trevor and Alucard looked at each other and took their robes off revealing to Gaius what has happened to them.

Gaius: Oh my God… what are you. What happened you two look like like well vampires!

Trevor: Gaius me and my brother was in the woods meeting our uncles and saw they have changed as well but they were well like this. They was warning us of our father and that he was in Avalon and we must stay hidden and away from them and the woods we saw what they were and drove our horses fast away but then He came.

Gaius: Wait Count Dracula the King of Castlevania is here?

Alucard: Yes Gaius he's here and he turned us into this hideous form of creatures. Gaius Please can you cure us?

Gaius: Alucard Son I'm sorry but there is no cure for this it's a curse y'all will walk This earth for eternity till the very end. I'm sorry but the Angel of the Lord cursed your father and any who has been caught by him willingly or forcefully receives the same curse. I'm sorry y'all but there is no cure.

Trevor: Gaius what do we do.

Gaius: I'm sorry to tell you this but you gonna have to leave Camelot. King Uther is on a war path I fear that he blames all magic for what happened to his father.

Alucard: Can he kill us?

Trevor: Hush Listen.

Dracula walked in the Halls of the castle of Camelot.

Dracula: Trevor Alucard where are you come out and face me children.

King Uther jus so happen was around the corner and he heard Dracula and came stout he corner and saw him.

Face to face King Uther and Count Dracula stood.

King Uther: Count Dracula. King of Castlevania.

Dracula: King Uther Pendragon King of Avalon.

King Uther Drew his sword out it's sheave and pointed at Dracula.

King Uther: I knew the day will come when we faced each other.

Dracula: And your that emotional lunatic I wanted to such the blood dry and rip your head off your head.

Dracula drew his sword and pointed it at King Uther.

They began to fight.

Trevor: Oh no Gaius King Uther is out there fighting our father.

Gaius: That is not Good. Not good at all!

Alucard: We got to stop him!

Alucard took off as did Trevor.

Gaius: Hey Guys no don't! You bloody fools.

Gaius ran down the hallway try to find them and King Uther.

Gaius came up to see King Uther Fighting with all his might and Dracula was just playing with him.

Gaius: Sire come on stop that's Dracula!

King Uther: He is Evil and in my castle he is not welcome!

Gaius: Sire Please stop you can't kill him and he's just playing with you.

Dracula: Very wise old man where's my children.

King Uther fell to the ground and Dracula came in with a heavy swing of his blade but it stopped Alucard stopped him.

King Uther seen Alucard and grabbed his sword and shoved it deep in his chest.

Dracula eyes widen when he saw that. Stunned Alucard stumbled back and looked at the sword and he wasn't dying nor did he fall to the ground. But stood there he pulled the sword out of his chest and the wound healed. Alucard gave the sword back to King Uther.

Alucard: Please stop fighting!

Dracula: That little worm needs to be put down he's not worth living!

Trevor: Father please spare our kings life and we will do whatever please don't destroy Camelot!

Dracula: Ok I won't if you come with me both of you.

King Uther hit up quickly and spoke firmly.

King Uther: All if you dark evil monsters get out of my castle!

Trevor and Alucard looked at who was once their king they saw fear anger and darkness.

Trevor: Let's go Alucard. Ok Father leslts get out of here.

In a flash they were gone.

The king rushed to his ear room. He shouted.

King Uther: Aurelius! Gaius! Come on gather the lords!

The lords came in the war room and Aurelius came up to His Brother King Uther and said.

Aurelius: Brother what is this meeting about.

King Uther: Dracula the lord vampire was in these halls and no Guard reported it! Why?!? And two of my knights was turned to be that evil creature. Both Trevor and Alucard! My father died and because of Black Magic and there will be a law against any magic no one is to use magic in Avalon anyone caught will be publicly executed.

Aurelius: King Uther Wait you can't…

King Uther: I am the King! And I have declared this and it's law! Anyone caught doing magic will loose their head!