
(HP X MCU) Multiversal Adventure : World Outside Hogwarts

This story is a meta story that i decided to write after the boring same fan-fics. everyone has a overpowered talent or system that helps them. in this story, the MC has no special talent or system. The story is realistic and grounded. The MC has to put effort to gain something. And things have to make sense to happen. There is a lot of details be it about science or programming. and people talk. Finally, the MC does not just want to be stronger for no reason. He would much rather be watching TV then fighting a dragon as it is dangerous and because THATS WHAT A NORMAL FUCKING HUMAN WOULD . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The MC transmigrates into another world. But there was an error, so he did not die and later finds out that the one he calls his brother was supposed to be him. This error made his system nonfunctional. The MC lived until he was 15 when he found out that the world was the Harry Potter world all along. Hogwarts letter came not for him but for his brother. When the MC was alone, he got contacted by a mysterious man and got the power to travel to the MCU. When the MC goes to the MCU to become strong, he finds that there the Harry Potter movie here had his brother as a character. The MC realizes He was an extra in a HP fanfic movie all along. Join him in his exploration of the world outside Hogwarts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attention- #This will not have harem and 18+. # The story will be more like a slice of life adventure and action combined type of story. # MC will not be OP #System will only be his phone with few functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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34 Chs

Chapter 20 : The Tour-part 2

[ROhan POV]

As we reached the ground floor, I turned to face my new employees, ready to continue the tour. The last hour had been incredibly intense, and I couldn't recall a time when I had spoken so much in my life. I was relieved that I had taken the time to prepare for any questions they might ask the night before. It was time well-spent.

I noticed that some of them seemed skeptical of my plans, but I knew that convincing them wouldn't be easy. The goal I had set for myself, to harness magic, seemed impossible in their eyes. Magic in this world had always been exclusive to those who possessed the ability to wield it. Many renowned wizards had attempted to uncover its secrets, but their efforts had been in vain. Storing and utilizing magic as a resource had proven to be elusive.

However, I had witnessed incredible things during my time in the MCU world. There, I had seen magic artifacts beyond imagination, as well as scientific advancements so advanced they appeared as magic. If I could reverse-engineer some of those wonders and make them work in our world, I believed I could not only achieve my goal but surpass it.

Of course, I had chosen not to disclose my experiences in the MCU to my employees. That was a secret I would keep for now and enlist their help when necessary. It seemed I had challenging years ahead of me.

To begin our work, I had decided to focus on potions. Why? The answer was simple: money. Developing new potion formulas held significant financial potential. And I had just the tool for it—a powerful AI on my phone. If I could train a model to create new potions, financial concerns would no longer trouble me. But to accomplish that, I needed data, and that's where my employees came in.

I assigned them the task of copying every book into a computer database. It was a tedious and crucial job. The accuracy of the knowledge recorded in the computer was paramount. Only with correct information could I proceed to train the AI model effectively. Success in this endeavor remained uncertain, but time would reveal the outcome.

I walked into the corridor and turned to face my tired team. They seemed exhausted, but I had saved the most exciting part for last. I clapped my hands to gather their attention and said, "This house has three floors. The first floor is filled with electronics, so magic is not allowed there. The ground floor houses the reception, office, and, most importantly, the magical room where you can practice magic."

As we continued through the corridor, I explained, "You know that students are not allowed to do magic until they turn seventeen. However, there's a problem with determining if a child from a magical family actually practices magic when living with grown-up wizards or witches. It gives an unfair advantage to half-blood and pure-blood children who can freely use magic during their vacations. But muggle-born wizards and witches don't have the same opportunity. They have to wait for months before they can use magic again."

"That's where we come in," I added with enthusiasm. "We'll provide a safe place for them to practice magic during their summer break." I stopped in front of a painting of an old hut and turned around, nodding at Olivia. She swiftly took out her wand and approached the painting.

With a flick of her wand, the painting came to life. It gradually expanded, making the hut grow larger until only the door was visible. The door was an intricately carved wooden one with elaborate patterns. Olivia chanted a spell, and a doorknob emerged, turning by itself to open the door.

Behind the door, a cozy scene awaited us. There was a fireplace, three worn-out couches, dark wallpapered walls, and lamps mounted on them. The room was dimly lit, evoking a familiar atmosphere reminiscent of the wizarding world houses.

I stepped inside and positioned myself to the side, allowing everyone to enter. "This room was originally a storage room, but it had the largest fireplace, so we repurposed it for magical enhancements," I explained. "From this point on, everything is designed according to the standards of the wizarding world. This will be the place where children will come to freely use and practice magic. Now, Olivia has been overseeing most of the constructions here, so I'll let her take it from here."

Olivia, brimming with excitement, stepped forward and eagerly showcased the room. She walked up to the fireplace and exclaimed, "This fireplace has been transformed into a Floo network connection. Now, we don't have to take the bus here anymore!" Olivia's cheerful tone reflected her relief. Everyone remained quiet, taking in the surroundings.

I added from behind, "Getting permission for this was challenging. If it hadn't been for Olivia's experience in the Ministry, it would have taken much longer." I stood in the corner, sharing the information.

Olivia and I were beaming, but the rest of the team appeared unsure. With six people already in the room, it felt cramped. What were we supposed to do in such a limited space?

Then Jacob mustered the courage to ask, "Rohan, Olivia, I don't mean to dampen the mood, but what exactly are our plans here?"

I looked at Jacob and then at Olivia. She understood my intention and nodded mischievously, ready to explain further. "As Rohan mentioned earlier, our main objective here is to conduct secret research behind the Ministry's back. However, it won't be easy to deceive the Ministry's regular inspections of research facilities to ensure no illegal activities are taking place," Olivia began.

She paused for a moment, enjoying the suspense, and then continued, "That's why we came up with a brilliant idea to establish a summer camp." Olivia smiled, but the team remained silent, exchanging glances. Jacob spoke up, voicing their curiosity, "Rohan mentioned the summer camp before, but what exactly does it entail?"

Olivia responded, "The summer camp will be a place exclusively operating during the summer vacation. It will provide a safe environment for wizarding students to freely practice their magic under supervision. We can also organize fun activities and offer opportunities to enhance their magical skills."

I chimed in from the background, sharing our clever plan, "And the exciting part is that the summer camp will serve as a front for our research facility. It gives us a legitimate reason to acquire various magical materials and supplies under the guise of educational purposes. During the ten months of downtime, we can focus on work discreetly."

Henry voiced his concern, "So, are we planning to run this summer camp secretly or openly? Underage magic is still illegal, and I doubt the Ministry would approve of such a venture."

Understanding their worries, I replied promptly, "We will have to operate the summer camp right under the Ministry's watchful eyes, as that's the only way of having students come. In fact, Olivia has been working on the petition and it's currently in the evaluation process."

Jacob followed up with another question, "But what if the summer camp fails? What if no one shows up?"

I shrugged and explained, "As I mentioned earlier, the camp is merely a front. We don't expect to make a significant profit from it. The real work will be conducted upstairs. If the camp doesn't attract many participants, I'm perfectly fine with it."

Olivia interjected passionately, "Don't say that, Rohan! This place will be a huge success, you'll see." It was clear that she had a genuine interest in the summer camp, perhaps even more than I did. I just hoped she would remember that it's a front and not get carried away with it.

As Olivia finished her explanation, the room fell into a moment of silence. It was Oscar who finally voiced the concern that lingered in everyone's mind. "Sorry to interrupt, but don't you think this room is a little too small for practicing magic?" He looked around, and everyone nodded in agreement. The room was dimly lit and already cramped with our presence. It seemed impossible to imagine students practicing magic in such a limited space.

I remained silent, waiting for Olivia to respond. A mischievous grin spread across her face, and she seemed to have been eagerly anticipating this question. With a sigh, she stepped forward and moved towards the darker end of the room, facing the wall.

"Well, long enough, I suppose," Olivia began, her voice echoing through the room. She then started to explain the enchantments in place. "This room was selected to make the Floo Fireplace and for space expansion."

Confusion crossed the faces of everyone in the room. Space expansions was an expensive enchantment but even so, why was this place still so small? Olivia continued, waving her wand at the dark wall just as she finished speaking. Suddenly, a pair of enormous double doors shimmered into existence. They stretched across the entire wall, towering at a height of ten feet. Slowly, they began to swing open.

Olivia's excitement grew as she exclaimed, "Not going to lie, it was my idea to make this small room look the way it is. I just wanted to surprise anyone who comes here. The room was divided into two for it. The Half we are in has the Floo and the other Half has this!" As she finished her sentence, a blinding light emanated from the other side of the door. Everyone shielded their eyes and, when they finally reopened them, they couldn't believe what they saw.


"Merlin's beard!"

"How in the world?"

Their eyes widened, their mouths agape, as they stood in awe of the sight before them. The room on the other side of the door was none other than a perfect replica of the Great Hall in Hogwarts. The intricate details, the long tables, and the high ceilings—all flawlessly recreated within this hidden space. It was a breathtaking sight, capturing the essence of the wizarding world and evoking a sense of wonder and familiarity.

Olivia beamed proudly, knowing that this revelation had surpassed everyone's expectations. The cramped room had given way to a magnificent hall, providing ample space for magical practice, and a truly immersive experience for anyone who would participate in our summer camp.

As Olivia beamed with pride at the revelation of the hidden room, the others slowly began to regain their composure and cautiously walked through the enormous double doors. Each step they took deepened their sense of wonder and awe. Some thought they had teleported to Hogwarts for a second, But soon realized, this was a perfect recreation of the great hall.

Jacob, being the first to enter, found himself at a loss for words. His eyes widened as he took in the grandeur of the room before him. The vast space seemed to stretch endlessly, with high ceilings adorned by floating candles that bathed the room in a warm, flickering glow. , The long, wooden tables were meticulously arranged, reflecting the same sense of order and tradition found in the Great Hall of Hogwarts. The walls were adorned with majestic tapestries depicting ancient wizarding legends, and a magnificent stained glass window at the far end bathed the room in a kaleidoscope of colors.

Charlie, couldn't contain his excitement. He walked along the tables, gently running his fingers over the smooth wood, almost expecting to feel the ghosts of centuries past. His eyes were drawn to the Head Table, where he envisioned professors sitting. The wooden chairs along the table were exact recreation as well including the biggest chair in the center belonging to the headmaster. There was also the owl lactern in the middle that was used for announcements, the only difference was that it didn't have the dripping wax. There were also two small doors at the back just like Hogwarts. The large windows were also of similar design charmed to replicate Hogwart's lighting. Even the smell in the air was similar.

Oscar, always the observant one, took note of the intricate details that made the Great Hall replica feel so authentic. He marveled at the carved patterns on the ceiling, which mimicked the constellations of the night sky, and admired the subtle shimmer of magic that seemed to dance across the room. It was a meticulously crafted space, where no detail had been overlooked in recreating the essence of the iconic Hogwarts hall.

Henry, usually the skeptic of the group, was momentarily speechless. His practical mind struggled to reconcile the cramped storage room they had entered with the expansive splendor that now surrounded them. He couldn't deny the magical aura that permeated the air, infusing the room with a sense of enchantment that sent shivers down his spine. For a brief moment, he allowed himself to be swept away by the sheer wonder of it all.

Together, they stood in the replicated Great Hall, taking in the feeling that they had long forgotten. Everyone here had spent 7 years in the great hall from the first time they saw it to the last time once they graduated, They never expected to feel the same way they felt once again.

As they looked up at the ceiling, they noticed that it was different from the Hogwarts Great Hall. Instead of the illusion of an open sky, it had a beautiful design with arches. But what caught their attention were the candles. The ceiling was filled with countless candles, giving off a warm and flickering light.

Henry couldn't believe his eyes. This replica of the Great Hall wasn't just a regular recreation—it was an exact copy, down to the tiniest details. As he closed his eyes for a moment, he could almost hear the chatter of students and the buzz of excitement that filled the original hall. It was an extraordinary experience, unlike anything he had encountered before.

Curiosity got the better of Henry, and he turned to me and asked "How did you do it? I've been to similar places, but nothing compares to this. It looks and feels exactly like the original, from the house gargoyles to the walls and even the scent."

Oscar chimed in "Yeah, this must have cost a fortune. Even wealthy pure-blood families would struggle to create something this impressive. And it would usually take months to accomplish."

All eyes turned to Olivia, expecting her to reveal the secrets behind this remarkable accomplishment. But she redirected the attention to me, acknowledging my pivotal role in the creation of this extraordinary replica. With a smile, she explained "Oh, don't look at me. The construction company only built a basic hall here. It was Rohan's idea to replicate the Great Hall."

Now, all eyes were on me, awaiting an explanation for how we managed to recreate the magic of Hogwarts.

I sighed and began explaining, "The process is actually quite simple. When I approached the builders and told them I needed a spacious training area, they presented me with various design plans. Typically, they use a space expansion charm to enlarge a room, and then they decorate it with stones and wood to create an appealing look."

Most of the designs I was shown involved expensive materials, which would have driven up the cost significantly. Not to mention the time it would take. So, I had to come up with a more creative and cost-effective solution.

I pointed towards the wall next to Oscar and requested him to break it. After some initial confusion, he reluctantly cast a spell, and to everyone's surprise, the stone wall easily gave way.

Curiosity piqued, and everyone gathered around to examine the damage. What they discovered was that the "stone" in the wall wasn't actually stone at all. It was a soft material cleverly painted to resemble real stone. I walked closer to them and clarified, "What you see here is a combination of foam and sawdust, commonly used in prop making and movie sets. This material allows us to easily create the appearance of stone, wood, or even metal. With the exception of the floors and tables, everything you see in this hall, including the walls and arches, has been crafted using this material."

Stunned, everyone began exploring the hall, running their hands along the walls and floors to assess their authenticity. It became apparent that the walls were soft and could be pressed in. Henry chimed in, clearly impressed, "Now that you mention it, I was wondering why it felt like I was truly in Hogwarts and not just some old castle. It's because this place was intentionally made to look old, isn't it?"

I nodded and continued, "Exactly. This place has been painted that way. In the wizarding world, structures are typically built to last for centuries. However, in this case, I don't require such longevity or quality. I plan to periodically change and update this space. And as for concerns about durability, don't worry." Just then, the debris from the broken wall began shaking and flying back into place, undoing the damage. "It's a repair enchantment, so durability isn't an issue here."

I looked around and exclaimed, "The House Elves truly outdid themselves, didn't they? I simply had to offer them some delicious Muggle food that they rarely get to enjoy, and they were incredibly motivated to work. It's hard to believe that they managed to accomplish all of this in just four days."

With a smile, I continued, "That's pretty much it. This place will act as a open space where children will be able to practice magic freely. In the coming months, you'll be working part-time here, spending 2 to 3 hours every day after your regular job. If you have any questions, Olivia will be there to assist you."

As everyone still had some questions, I let Olivia take over and answer them. Eventually, everyone started leaving the great hall and returning to the dimly lit room.

This time they chose to leave using the Floo Network and so one by one, they disappeared into the green flames. Now, I was the only one left.

Taking a moment to look around the room, I realized I was all alone. I turned my gaze back towards the great hall. As I stepped inside, I walked the entire length of the hall, admiring the incredible work that had been done all for myself.

Although I had mentioned finding plans in Diagon Alley, it was actually a lie. The truth was, I had watched a YouTube video showcasing the Harry Potter set and got the idea from there. I found a 3D recreation of the great hall, sketched it on paper, and presented every detail to the House Elves. Obtaining foam panels and old wood was relatively easy, and that's how I turned this into reality. The only difference between this great hall and the original was the sky illusion on the ceiling, which couldn't be recreated due to it being a lost magic. But the Windows did light up the exact way Hogwarts did, so it made the atmosphere the same.

Stepping back outside, I closed the large doors behind me, causing the room to darken again I then walked out of the dark room as well. As the door shut behind me, it transformed back into a painting. It was sad that i couldn't enter by myself as it was necessary to use magic to open the door. But it had to be done as this ensured that no non mages could accidently enter.

Making my way to the second floor this time, this floor was supposed to be the living space for the employees but this floor was not fully furnished. The rooms lacked furniture and plumbing, except for one—my room. It was also the only room with an attic. Although it wasn't fancy, it suited me just fine, and being above the computer lab meant no other witches or wizards could stay there except me.

Entering my room, I changed into something comfortable and laid down on the bed for a few minutes of rest. Afterward, I got up and prepared myself a quick instant noodle meal before heading up to the attic. The attic was filled with cardboard boxes containing vinyl records. There was a single table in the middle with a light on top. I selected one box and placed it on the table, then started playing each record and recording the audio on my phone. My plan for the night was to copy as many records as I could. It was tedious work but i planned to finish at least a 100 of them by tonight and have them decrypted.