
(HP X MCU) Multiversal Adventure : World Outside Hogwarts

This story is a meta story that i decided to write after the boring same fan-fics. everyone has a overpowered talent or system that helps them. in this story, the MC has no special talent or system. The story is realistic and grounded. The MC has to put effort to gain something. And things have to make sense to happen. There is a lot of details be it about science or programming. and people talk. Finally, the MC does not just want to be stronger for no reason. He would much rather be watching TV then fighting a dragon as it is dangerous and because THATS WHAT A NORMAL FUCKING HUMAN WOULD . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The MC transmigrates into another world. But there was an error, so he did not die and later finds out that the one he calls his brother was supposed to be him. This error made his system nonfunctional. The MC lived until he was 15 when he found out that the world was the Harry Potter world all along. Hogwarts letter came not for him but for his brother. When the MC was alone, he got contacted by a mysterious man and got the power to travel to the MCU. When the MC goes to the MCU to become strong, he finds that there the Harry Potter movie here had his brother as a character. The MC realizes He was an extra in a HP fanfic movie all along. Join him in his exploration of the world outside Hogwarts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attention- #This will not have harem and 18+. # The story will be more like a slice of life adventure and action combined type of story. # MC will not be OP #System will only be his phone with few functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Chapter 21: Time goes by and my Hogsmead visit

[Rohan POV]

The next day, everyone returned in the evening. Though I was excited to see them, I felt exhausted from digitizing the records late last night. I greeted everyone and wasted no time, saying, "Let's go upstairs and start work since you all seem eager."

We gathered on the first floor. This time, everyone came prepared with just their wands; no magical items. I led them to the office where they would work and found a man, Edward, already busy underneath the table. I called out to him, "Edward! They are here!"

Edward, a thin man with short dark hair and glasses, quickly joined us and introduced himself as the computer expert who would manage and teach them about computers and their work.

Olivia was cautious, noticing Edward was a muggle. I assured everyone that Edward knew about magic and had been briefed beforehand. We all settled in, and Edward began teaching us about computers.

As the days turned into weeks and then a month, everyone got used to the routine. They worked diligently, copying Herbology and Potion books onto the computers, with Edward's guidance. Some struggled initially but soon adapted to the task.

During the weekdays, Edward taught them about computers and programming. While not everyone could grasp programming, Oscar and Charlie excelled in it, creating a friendly rivalry.

A problem I faced was that they broke quite a few keyboards and computers. They did apologize for it, but I wasn't angry at them as I knew it wasn't their fault. This happened due to random magic discharges from their hands while working. It was rare, but it did occur. Electronics were very sensitive to magic, so even a little amount was fatal to the keyboards and monitors. Thankfully, Edward had expected this and kept the Cabinet separate with long wires, but it still cost some money. I would have to find a solution for that later.

Now in December, when they arrived today, I handed everyone an envelope. It was their first month's salary, all in normal pounds. Everyone looked at their money. It wasn't much as they were still working part-time, but it was extra income before Christmas that they had worked hard for, so everyone was excited. Olivia was especially thrilled as this was the first income she got after months. The money was not small either, considering she had many extra duties apart from the normal work.

After today's work, everyone left except Olivia, as she seemed eager to talk.

"So, Olivia, what did the Ministry say?" I inquired, trying to gauge her emotions.

Olivia sighed and leaned back on the couch, frustration evident in her voice, "Not good. They agreed to research and development, but they flat-out denied the Summer Camp idea. They keep harping on about strict prohibitions on underage magic."

I empathized with her disappointment over the summer camp, knowing it was unfair to muggle-borns, and replied, "Well, at least we got the green light for research, which means we can develop and sell potions to earn some income."

She nodded, but her annoyance was palpable. "True, but it's just so unfair. I don't understand why they don't care about muggle-borns."

"It's a shame, indeed," I agreed, searching for a solution. "Did they offer any suggestions or alternatives?"

Olivia rolled her eyes, "They suggested we submit a petition during the next meeting if we want to appeal their decision. As if it's that easy!"

We both fell into a thoughtful silence, pondering our options. Finally, our minds reached the same conclusion.

"Dumbledore!" we exclaimed in unison, realizing he might be our best hope.

"But will he agree?" Olivia voiced her doubts.

I was very optimistic by how much i knew about him, "Dumbledore carries immense authority and respect in the magical community. Plus, since muggle-borns are also students of Hogwarts, it directly concerns him. There's a good chance he'll listen to us. Why dont you send him a letter and ask for a meeting."

"Alright," Olivia nodded, determined. "I'll write a letter and make it clear how much this means to me."

With the plan in motion, we drafted a letter to Dumbledore, carefully crafting our appeal. I advised Olivia to present herself as the driving force behind the initiative, while I took on the role of a small investor, not wanting to draw too much attention yet. She sent the owl off with our heartfelt plea.


The next day, I gave the keys to the house to Olivia. In these weeks, the living quarters upstairs were also finished. I had employed normal workers for that and they were slowly furnishing the whole house. The interior design was of modern 2020 design that I had 'found somewhere'. Olivia was very happy as she would be living here full-time from now on. But I did take rent on it that she didn't seem to mind.

In the morning i said my goodbyes to Olivia. It was just a small goodbye as I was just going home. I should be able to come here sometime so it was not a problem.

I hopped into a cab, but contrary to what I had told her, I didn't head home. Instead, I made my way to the Leaky Cauldron, dressed in a black robe with a hood. My appearance was entirely different as I used a Polyjuice Potion to transform into a black man in his 30s.

Inside the bustling Leaky Cauldron, I noticed a man reading a newspaper. Without saying a word, I sat in front of him, making sure to keep a low profile amidst the crowded late-morning atmosphere.

I spoke in a hushed voice, "The sunflowers bloom brightly."

"Covering secrets tightly," he replied, putting his papers aside to look at me. The man sitting before me was none other than Martin, the black-market broker I frequently dealt with. My disguise concealed my identity from him.

"So, you're the one Mr. Rohan mentioned," he said, analyzing me closely.

"Yes, any problem with that?" I responded curtly, ensuring my face remained hidden.

"No...not at all," he said, avoiding eye contact and taking a sip of his tea.

I pressed on, eager to move forward, "So... when do we go?"

"Now," he replied promptly, getting up from his seat.

We both left the Leaky Cauldron and avoided Diagon Alley, venturing into the London streets during rush hour. Martin explained that the busy time would help us go unnoticed by the Ministry amidst the multitude of Apparating witches and wizards.

As we reached a small alley, Martin continued to guide me, saying, "I hope Mr. Rohan has already informed you about the deal?"

"Yeah, 50 Galleons now and 50 Galleons upon my return," I affirmed.

"Good," he nodded, and we kept walking.

I couldn't help but feel a bit frustrated that Portkeys required magic to activate. Hiring Martin for Apparition was the only choice, though not an ideal one. Eventually, we entered an abandoned house with open doors, and I noticed many footprints on the floor—apparently, it was a common Apparition spot for wizards in London.

With Martin's outstretched hand, I took a deep breath and said, "Ready? Here we go!"

In an instant, I felt a strong tug, and my body seemed to squeeze into a pipe. I found myself standing in a new place—a snowy field. The Apparition left me feeling dizzy and nauseous; it was no easy feat.

Unfazed, Martin informed me, "We're here. Walk a few minutes down that road, and you'll reach Hogsmeade. Be careful with the enchantment."

Hogsmeade—the famed village for witches and wizards. Muggles could visit under exceptional circumstances, but strict regulations from the Ministry kept such visits monitored and controlled. I had to jump through numerous hoops to get here, and my disguise was necessary for the work I intended to do.

Handing Martin 50 Galleons, I said, "I'll be ready for the evening."

He assured me, "I'll Apparate back here when people go home. Be prepared."

With that, he vanished, leaving me alone in the abandoned place. The Polyjuice Potion's effects were wearing off, and I quickly took a sip from the flask, reverting to my original appearance as a black man in his 30s. I was set and ready for the evening's mission in Hogsmeade.

As I began walking, I couldn't shake the feeling of not wanting to be here. It felt familiar, similar to my experiences at the Leaky Cauldron before. I guessed it must be the anti-muggle enchantment, but this time it felt much stronger. The more I walked, the stronger the sensation became. I wanted to turn away, but I forced myself to keep going.

After a few minutes, I saw the entrance to Hogsmeade. It seemed to appear suddenly before me, and I realized I had unintentionally not noticed it before. I was grateful that I had followed the road, or I might have been lost. But something else caught my attention – a tall spire piercing the sky in the distance. I decided to explore further and discovered the whole castle beyond the large lake. To my surprise, it wasn't the famous Hogwarts but a broken-down castle ruin.

I chuckled to myself, realizing it was the anti-muggle enchantment again. I figured that to see the castle, I needed to get closer, as there might be a minimum range for the enchantment to work, similar to how I can see Hogsmeade now.

Seeing the ruin, I briefly wondered waht my life would have been like if i was Chris. However, I quickly threw that thought aside, I was very grateful that i did not steal Chris. I then focused on my purpose for being here today. I turned my attention back to Hogsmeade and noticed the entrance to the Forbidden Forest. It gave me a chill down my spine as if someone was watching me. I quickly turned and ran back to Hogsmeade.

As I entered the main entrance, I found the village bustling with life, looking picturesque under the white snow-covered cobblestone roads. It was different from the movies I knew, and I guessed it was due to the new movies in the MCU.

To my surprise, the streets that were usually busy with students and visitors were now quiet, lit only by a few enchanted lanterns. A friendly man approached me and asked, "Hello, gentleman! Is this your first time here?"

I looked at him and gently replied in an American accent, "Yes, this is the first time I came here."

"Are you from America? What is your name?" He asked curiously.

"I am Benjamin, but you can call me Ben. And yes, I came to the UK to sightsee. This is the first time I've crossed the sea. I thought I would see the infamous school for myself," I explained with a smile.

"Well, welcome to Hogsmead then. You sure have chosen quite an odd time of the year to visit, but I hope you enjoy it. I am Rupert Puddlefoot, owner of Puddlefoot's Curiosity Shop, specializing in unique magical artifacts and oddities. Do come and visit; we have many items you might like," he said warmly.

"Yeah, can't help when I get time off work." I said laughing. "I would like to visit but i need a few drinks first as i am tired after travel, can you please tell me where is the infamous three broomsticks ? " He then showed me to a building that was in the center of Hogsmeade. The cottage was big and black puffs of smoke was coming from the chimney so finding it was not too difficult.

I entered the Three Broomsticks and stayed there for some time. Since it was cold outside, there were no new visitors this time of year, so when a newcomer like me arrived, it created quite an attraction. The place was filled with people, and some of them came over to talk to me. I was prepared, so I gave them a compelling story to keep my identity hidden.

After that, I stepped outside of Hogsmeade, pretending to explore the area. They did try to stop me, but I confidently assured them that there wouldn't be any problem. What I needed was a decent spot where I could hide from everyone's sight. Eventually, I found a big rock formation on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, where not many people ventured. It was the perfect hiding spot.

I then opened my suitcase and took out a box made of brass, about the size of a shoebox. It had only a single button and nothing else. This box was the reason I was here – the very box The Ancient One had given me earlier. As she had told me, it was an instrument to analyze this world and its magic, like a satellite probe. She had instructed me to start it in a magic-rich place, so I came here, near Hogwarts, which was filled with magic. Although I couldn't sense it, I trusted the founders of Hogwarts in choosing this location.

When I pressed the button, the box started to open up into different pieces. Inside, I could see the familiar orange and yellow rings encased in a hexagonal transparent casing.

As I looked at the strange box, it seemed oddly familiar, like the one Dr. Strange used to stop the magic with Peter in No Way Home. So, I figured it must be protected by Eldrich magic inside a shield. It started spinning in mid-air, so I decided not to touch it. The Ancient One warned me that this process would take a few hours, so I decided to leave and explore Hogsmeade.

For the next few hours, I visited all the shops in Hogsmeade and chatted with many people. Who knew when or if I'd ever come back here, so I splurged and bought quite a lot of stuff, spending quite a bit of money.

Later, I found myself at The Tea Leaf, a popular tearoom known for its magical teas and treats. While I was sitting there, I felt slight tremors, and upon looking at my cup of tea, I saw ripples forming on it. I rushed outside and noticed dark clouds gathering above the area where I had activated the box.

Alarmed, I hurriedly left the village and ran towards the box's location. By the time I reached there, it was already dark, and snow was falling. To my surprise, the box had grown to the size of a hut, and the hexagon prism inside had also expanded, shaking violently. The prism was trying to expand further, but the box was holding it back, causing a dangerous collision of forces that intensified the tremors on the ground.

Feeling helpless, I knew the button was my only chance to stop this chaos. As soon as I pressed it, the box began to shrink rapidly, and I felt relieved. However, it collided with the hexagon prism, resulting in a powerful shockwave that pushed me back.

I glanced up at the sky and saw the clouds directly above the box were spiraling ominously. My gut told me something was terribly wrong. Without wasting a moment, I rushed to press the button again, but this time, the shockwave that followed was incredibly strong, throwing me back with immense force. "FUCK! That hurt!" I winced in pain, realizing I must have dislocated my shoulder from that impact.

Despite the pain, I knew I had to keep going. The button pressing was indeed making progress; the box had reduced to the size of a large chest after two presses. The snowfall had intensified into a fierce snowstorm, making it nearly impossible to move, let alone reach the box to press the button again.

Feeling desperate and not wanting to get caught here, especially with this dangerous box, I pulled out potions from my robe and quickly chugged them. First, the Wiggenweld Potion to heal my arm, and then the Edurus Potion to turn my skin rocky, providing protection from the shockwaves. Without hesitation, I ran through the blizzard around the box and smashed the button once more.

As soon as I pressed it, the hexagon prism inside shattered, causing an even stronger shockwave that sent me flying through the air. Fortunately, my rocky skin saved me from harm, and the soft snow where I landed helped cushion the impact. I stared up at the now clear sky with the moon in full view. The clouds seemed to be pushed away. I get up from the snow-covered ground, shivering with cold sweat as I realized how close I had come to death had I not taken those precautions.

After catching my breath, I carefully approached the now shattered box. The threat was finally over, but I couldn't shake off the adrenaline coursing through my veins. I knew this was a narrow escape, and I had to be more cautious in the future when dealing with powerful magical artifacts.

My entire body was aching, despite my rocky skin, which was saying something about the intensity of the ordeal. Trembling, I reached into my robe and pulled out an Invisibility Potion, downing it quickly. With the broken box safely packed in my briefcase, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me.

Why the urgency? When the hexagon prism shattered, large, glowing yellow magic constructs formed bright rings in the dark, visible even through the snowstorm. It was a spectacle that would not go unnoticed, especially by someone as astute as Dumbledore. So, I fled the spot without looking back.

I decided to take a route around the village, which meant running alongside the Forbidden Forest. I had to use several invisibility potions to stay hidden, but strangely, the forest didn't feel as ominous as it did before.

As I distanced myself from the village, I noticed something astonishing. The Hogwarts castle, which I had seen as a ruin before, now stood before me in all its glory. Bathed in moonlight and under a clear sky, the castle looked serene and magnificent. Unlike the movie version, it seemed real, with a rich history and an air of nostalgia.

Confused by this unexpected sight, I wondered if I had somehow gained magic powers. But that couldn't be true, as I wasn't from this world and didn't possess magical abilities. The reason eluded me, but I didn't have time to ponder over it. I had to keep running.

After half an hour of relentless sprinting, I reached the location where Martin had promised to meet me. When he arrived, we exchanged few words before vanishing from there, leaving no trace behind.

[1 hour earlier]

[Rosmerta] (The Three Broomsticks owner)

Hogsmead is the village closest to Hogwarts, which means that all of the Hogwarts students visit us. It may seem like a big business opportunity but it is far from the truth. The students that are allowed to visit Hogsmead can only come for a few weeks. The rest of the time including the summer breaks hardly anyone comes here as we are quite far away from the city. The ones who do come are here only because of Hogwarts.

It's not that I am complaining, I love this place! It is just that the days can get boring sometimes. But today was different. Someone new came today and he said that he was here to see Hogsmeade. Of course, everyone was delighted and we welcomed him here. He had many stories to tell. But it seems he has left 'sigh' I hoped he would stay a few days.

Just then there was an earthquake that broke me out of my thought. I looked out of the window, it looked like snow started to fall. But then there was another quake but this time it was stronger. The glass bottles all rattled and the whole building shook. Everyone whe were drinking carefree and laughing was now silent and mindful. Just then all the magic candles and lanterns flickered.

I ran out to the street and saw others come out as well. It was still snowing but it didnt bother anyone of us as we had heated clothing. We were all thinking what was happening but just then there was yet another earthquake which was strong enough that some fell on the ground.

Along with the earthquake, all the lights in Hogsmeade started to flicker. Some of the buildings started to get twisted and break. I was franticly looking all around but then i noticed that my pouch started gushing out all my belongings. I looked around and saw that this was happening to everyone here.

"Rosmerta! What is going on here?" I heard someone say my name so I turned and saw it was the Barman of Hogsmeade. Aberforth, no one talked to him much and he also kept to himself but i knew him well enough.

"I don't know, all of a sudden earthquakes started and soon all of this chaos started to happen as well," I said what I knew and saw Barman looking in the direction of the forbidden forest. then his eyes started to widen and he said loudly "Everyone, brace yourselves; another one is coming !"

A few seconds after he said that. There was another earthquake that was the strongest so far and this time. Like a ripple, it passed the whole village. I crouched down and waited for it to calm down.

after it quieted down, I opened my eyes and saw darkness. it was complete darkness except for the moonlight in the sky. "Looks like the magic lanterns are out." someone said and then I heard "Lumos" but the all-familiar light was not there to be seen. "Lumos !" another one chimed but nothing. My heart rate fastened, I took out my wand and shout "LUMOS!" but there was nothing. Soon everyone in the street started to shout all kinds of spell names "Lumos" "Muffliato" and "Episkey" Everyone was shouting the spells they were most familiar with but there was nothing, no amount of wand waveing or spell pronunciation was helping and everyone were started to panic. It was freezing cold yet no one could care less.

Until someone shouted "LUMOS" and lit up his wand. Soon everyone was able to light their own and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. This was the most harrowing experience i ever had, to suddenly lose magic.

I turned around but didn't see Barman so I started to help everyone. There was no extensive damage but it seemed like all enchantments and bewitchments were permanently damaged. From lights to heating. I didn't know what happened but whatever it was, I have never seen or heard about something like this before.

Soon Hogsmead was back to life as everyone helped each other. After it everyone came to three broomsticks to discuss what had happened.