
(BL) Rising The Moon

Short story about the Moon Child. An incredible series of events led to the merging of two different worlds. How it will all turn out?

_MengYao_ · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


The prince was stalking, but Hong did not give up. Although he himself did not fully realize the seriousness of the current situation. Seo was hanging around the Kims' property in civilian clothes and, as usual, he was accompanied by Tiang himself. This one had had enough, honestly had enough.

-Maybe it's time to end this sick fascination? -He asked, playing with a small blade in his hand.

-Hm?-The man next to him muttered, watching Hong on the training field. It was already evening, the guard was wandering around the facility, but he didn't notice anyone watching the boy. He was going to use it carefully.

-I haven't even started yet.- He replied and jumped over the wall. Before Tiang realized what happened, he only managed to utter a short, "What a prince!"

The man found himself on the other side, landing among the bushes. He crouched down, watching the boy from a closer distance.

He reached for a stone and took a swing, throwing it at the boy. With his back turned, he couldn't see him. Hong didn't even seem to hear him, and in a split second he was holding a thrown stone in his hand. Seo was impressed with his skills. However, the reason he wanted to check it out was because he was completely useless in a direct fight.

-Woah... what was that? - He asked himself, surprised. Hong observed the stone in his hand, how did it get there? His body reacted faster than he could even think about it.

-Psst..prince..-Seo jumped slightly when Tiang was next to him. He let out a heavy sigh and rubbed his temple.

-What?- He muttered under his breath and before the other man could start the topic, Seo disappeared from the place. He was one step behind Hong. He took his sword from its scabbard and swung it.

Before the blade fell on the boy's body, he managed to catch it between his fingers and hit the man in the solar plexus. At this point, it was hard to tell which of them was more surprised by the turn of events.

Hong looked at the masked face, squinting slightly.

-Is this some kind of joke? -The younger one asked and took a step back, looking at his hands. These had barely had time to heal and were already bearing new wounds.

- Your fight is a joke. - Seo commented and adjusted the sword in his hand. He felt guilty for hurting the boy, but he didn't say anything about it.

-Are you one of your father's men? Have you come to torment me like everyone else? - He asked with frustration evident in his voice. Then he snorted under his breath and looked at his fingers, devastated. Seo rolled his eyes slightly and took a piece of cloth from his belt. He grabbed his wrist and wrapped the injured area.

-You're so pathetic that I can't look at you.- He put the blade back in its sheath and in a moment grabbed one of the replicas. He approached him again and he reflexively raised his hands in a defensive reaction. Even though I wasn't in any danger. He placed the hilt of the sword in the boy's hand and stood behind him.

-You won't even tell me your name if you're already insulting me?- He muttered, clenching his fingers around the handle. He winced in pain, the wounds were fresh.

-You should be glad that I was the only one who came to help you.- He muttered and positioned himself behind him, grabbing his wrist. Hong had no idea who this guy was or what he wanted from him. That's why he decided to ask about it, more or less tactfully. It didn't matter.

-But who are you and what do you want from me?!- he shouted, already irritated. Seo rolled his eyes at this frustration.

-Hwasia. My name is Hwasia. Is that enough for you? - he asked and when he adjusted his position, he stood in front of her. Without taking my eyes off him even for a second. So he positioned himself with his sword and nodded at him.

The boy hesitantly moved forward, but Seo easily repelled this pathetic attack. How could you be so weak? This made the man embarrassed. Tiang, on the other hand, sat in the bushes and watched the whole thing with fascination. He closed his eyes when he saw the elder beating the boy's ass with a sword.

-You're so incorrigible...-He muttered to himself, devastated by the future ruler's behavior.

Seo said that since Master did not want to come to his place, he came to him himself.

- Are you tired already? - He asked after further attempts by the younger man to attack him. They turned out poorly, to say the least. He didn't even scratch it with the wooden replica.

-I can't fight. So what? - The boy finally shouted, throwing a wooden object on the ground. He turned his back to the man, intending to give up this idiotic game the stranger was having. However, Seo had to check something. He turned the object in his hand and, standing at that distance, threw it towards the boy. Without thinking, Hong grabbed the end of the sword and threw it straight at the man, hitting the middle of his stomach.

-Oh..- He covered his mouth in surprise and the sight of the man's pained face only worried him.

-You're impossible.- The older one commented and grimaced slightly as he rubbed the spot after the blow.

He quickly came to the conclusion that this boy was not that ordinary. He intended to prove it not only to himself but also to those who were trying so hard to humiliate him. He frowned slightly and looked towards Tiang, who was waving at him, showing him something in his eyes. He raised an eyebrow slightly and turned his gaze towards Hong, who was now standing so incredibly close.

-Did it hurt a lot?- He asked uncertainly and tilted his head to the side. -Why are you wearing a mask anyway? Take it off. - He grabbed the end of the fabric with his fingers, wanting to pull it down, but Seo grabbed his wrist, stopping him from doing so.

-Is it so important?- He asked, removing his hand from his face. Hong frowned, feeling that he recognized that voice from somewhere. However, he couldn't attribute it to the face he associated her with.

-I would like to know.- He whispered, looking intensely into his eyes. Seo felt a strange warmth spread in his stomach. This boy blew his mind. Even though he didn't really know him, what he showed him made him lose his mind.

-You'll find out in time.-He replied aggressively and let go of his hand.-When you finally manage to fend off the attack, then we'll talk about discovering my face.


Seo showed up at Hong's almost every day. He was waiting for him in the square, trying new techniques. He started reading more about fighting, he wanted to do his best. However, it wasn't going very well for him. This day seemed to be the same as any other, his companion would arrive around noon. Even though he didn't know who he was, the sound of his voice made his heart stop in his throat. But could he just fall in love with a man he didn't even know or know what he looked like? Despite his hopelessness, the other one didn't hurt him, unlike all the rest who tried so hard to humiliate him as much as possible.

He exercised until he lost his breath in the hot midday sun. However, Hwasia did not show up. Still, he waited patiently for an hour or two. The sun was slowly setting and he was still waiting for the man. He sat down resignedly on the ground and leaned on the wooden sword, closing his eyes. Did the other person not want to see him anymore? Maybe it's his fault? Was he so hopeless that he gave up? It had appeared so abruptly in his life and now it had disappeared just as abruptly. Even though he kept telling himself it was just a stupid dream.

The moon was already illuminating the square, it was the only source of light. He opened his eyes as he heard rustling behind him. However, he didn't move when he heard footsteps. He knew them too well already.

-Why didn't you come earlier?- He asked in a quiet voice and in response he only heard the sword being drawn from its scabbard. He jumped back and immediately parried the attack, but the wooden replica had no chance against the metal. So he was left with a piece of wood in his hand. How was he supposed to defend himself? The man threw him the second sword, it was heavy and unwieldy.

-Fight.-He threw it briefly and swung. Hong closed his eyes and lightly repelled his attack. He noticed that he coped better when he couldn't see. He didn't understand what was causing it or how it was supposed to work, but it did work. He performed each move smoothly, pushing against his opponent. General Tiang, sitting in the bushes as usual, was clenching his fists because of stress.

Another few blows and he clearly heard his opponent's sword digging into the ground. He put the sword to the man's neck and opened his eyes to see the eyes he already knew well.

-You are truly extraordinary.- He said, pushing the blade away with his finger. He grabbed the boy by the waist and pulled him to his body.

-And you promised me something. I defeated you. - He replied triumphantly.

-Well, you're right. But I don't know if you'll be happy with this view. - He said and smiled to himself.

-You can't be that ugly.- Hong muttered and grabbed the fabric. This time Seo didn't object, letting him take off his mask. At the sight of the prince, Hong held his breath. Although at first he couldn't remember where he knew that face from.

-Do you feel disappointed?- The man asked, examining the boy's shocked face. However, he shook his head negatively. He took his hands from him. Seo reacted quickly to this gesture. He put the boy's arms around his neck and pressed his body against the wall. He leaned his hand against the wall and looked deep into his eyes, closing the distance between them. He grabbed his chin with his other hand and ran his thumb across the boy's lower lip.

-Hong, come with me to my kingdom.- He whispered and pressed his lips lightly into the smaller one. Hong couldn't get over the shock he felt. As soon as he moved away, the boy pushed him away.

"Do you think I'm your toy?" he asked, wiping his mouth. -IM not stupid. I won't be your toy. - He muttered and took a step forward, but was immediately grabbed by the wrist. The boy turned around and hit him in the face with an open hand. Tiang held his breath and almost fainted. Seo didn't feel resigned at all, the boy's resistance actually turned him on even more. He wanted to own it even more. Even though his face was burning, he suddenly approached the younger man, grabbing his hips. He pressed him to his body and kissed him again, it was fierce and passionate, and a quiet sigh escaped Hong's lips.

-You'll be mine anyway. I will fight for you until the last drop of blood. - He whispered into his mouth and kissed him again. Hong almost lost his balance from all this.

The guards, alerted by the Master's screams, ran out into the field. Hwasia looked up and let go of the younger one, almost disappearing into thin air. Hong was so completely shocked. He had no idea what had just happened. However, he knew one thing, he was going to spite Seo, he wasn't going to make it easy for him under any circumstances.