
(BL) Rising The Moon

Short story about the Moon Child. An incredible series of events led to the merging of two different worlds. How it will all turn out?

_MengYao_ · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


Tiang was standing in the room of the prince who was currently sleeping. They stood there over his bed, looking at him intently. Finally, getting impatient with his lack of reaction, he poked the man in the shoulder.

-You haven't left yet?- He asked without even turning towards him.

-Should I? You must return to your duties. You've been neglecting them lately. If your father finds out that... - After that, Seo interrupted him by getting up from his seat and looking at him with narrowed eyes.

-As soon as you tell him anything, I'll cut off all your limbs. You'll see. - After that, Tian just raised an eyebrow. Of course he wouldn't say anything himself. He knew a lot about his prince and yet none of this information left his mouth. He rolled his eyes dramatically and then turned on his heel.

-Of course I won't tell anyone anything. But you know well how quickly gossip spreads throughout the kingdom. - And with these words he left the man, leaving his place alone. Seo sat down and rubbed his chin slightly, thinking about something for a long moment. But he couldn't think of anything smart. He looked out the window where dark clouds covered the sky. However, these were not ordinary clouds. They had a strange aura of mystery about them.

-Prince. Your father is calling you. - said Tiang briefly, who had left his room only a moment ago and already had to go to him with information.

Seo quickly changed into more formal clothes and hurried to meet his father. He entered the spacious hall and bowed respectfully.

-I don't have much time to play. The situation is extremely serious and requires quick action. As fast as possible. -Replied the gray haired man, rising from his seat. -We will face destruction if we don't escape quickly enough. Every thirty years, a descendant of the Cloud family is born. Not just any guy, legends say he is extremely powerful. He usually has white hair, huge blue eyes, and one move can knock down hundreds of horses. - Saying this, he unfolded a huge parchment on the ground with a portrait of the last descendant.

- She can be born into any family, poor or rich, it doesn't matter. The gods send him to earth. Each subsequent descendant carried some different power. However, now we cannot predict what will happen if he gains strength...

-Do you really believe in such legends? - The younger one asked and leaned over the portrait.

-It's not a legend, it's a fact. Various information is recorded in the legends, but... I experienced it myself. Before you were born, the world was shrouded in darkness. Only the sacrifice of the Chosen One saves us from death. So your task will be to find him. Or hers.

-Sure..-He muttered and thought for a moment.-It won't be too easy. What should I look for? - He asked, completely confused in this confusing situation.

-You will find the answers in the palace library. Get ready and they're leaving tomorrow at the latest. Every moment is precious, you don't want us all to be torn apart by demons, do you? - The man spoke slowly and calmly, although his voice seemed to be high, even sharp and resistant to opposition. With such limited information, the man withdrew and left the interior. Tiang immediately noticed the grimace on his face. Only when they had gone a few meters further did the elder dare to ask.

-What is it about? Is something bothering you?

-Yes and no.- He said, stopping in place and looking around. When he found the path leading to the library, he immediately went in that direction. Tiang followed him hurriedly, clearly intrigued.

-So what did the king want?

-For me to find and kill the Chosen One.


The boy ran through a field full of flowers, escaping from the guards who were trying hard to keep him inside the estate. It amused him, it simply amused him. At the same time, he was incredibly bored with sitting in his room all the time. Especially since Seo hasn't even visited him recently. He hasn't come for several days. Although should he really date him? I guess it wasn't appropriate. But was Hong so concerned about mere conventions? He didn't care. He liked the prince, although he did not want to let him defeat him so easily. In the end, he can't get what he wants.

As soon as he ran into the forest, he stopped. A strange sight met his eyes. People were walking towards the next city, not just a few, but a crowd. He blinked several times in surprise and accosted one of the women.

-Where are you going?- When the old woman saw him, her eyes immediately widened as if she had seen a ghost. She pushed the boy into the trees, but he noticed that she didn't see at all. Her eyes were almost white.

- Master, you have to hide. - She whispered so that no one could hear her. The only person who was supposed to hear was Hong himself.

-I? But why... - He asked in shock, he had no idea what was happening. - Is there a war coming?

-Something worse, my Lord... You must run, hide. Otherwise you will die. They are looking for the chosen one, the King has set a reward for the first one to find him and bring him to the gates of the kingdom.

-But what do I have to do with all this...

-It's you. This clip... This clip is a charm." She pointed to the decoration in his hair. "Don't let it fall off. Never take it off otherwise they will murder you. I may be blind, but God gave me another gift. I see other deities and you are one of them. You are the chosen one... - She whispered excitedly until a man finally grabbed her arm.

-Come, grandma, or you'll get lost, don't bother Master...-He muttered dissatisfiedly, pulling the woman away into the crowd. Sam Hong stood there helplessly, not knowing what to do. He flinched as the breathless guards stood behind him.

-Master, stop running away. Your father is calling you... it's not funny...

-NO? And it amuses me. - He replied as if nothing had happened and turned around, heading back to the mansion. He kept this woman's words in his head all the time. Was she telling the truth? What will happen if he takes off this decoration? Is he really the chosen one? He frowned slightly and scratched his chin as he walked through the meadow he had recently escaped from. If the woman told him to stay at home, he should probably listen to her. There was nothing wrong with it. Or maybe he should run away? On the other hand, what if this woman is just a crazy person? Maybe she was delirious? How could he be such a person without even knowing it. As soon as he crossed the gate, he headed towards his father's office. Still lost in thought, he sat down on a cushion at the wooden table.

-I'm sure you've already noticed what's going on outside. I would prefer you not to leave these walls again. - The man replied, he was unusually calm even for him. The younger one just nodded his head. He wasn't going to argue with that.

Especially since the sun was appearing less and less in the sky and was setting with dark clouds, heralding something not very good.

-Something new... - He muttered, putting the scroll aside and leaning over it. - Never mind, I'm glad that this time you understand the seriousness of the situation. Stay in your room, no one can know you stayed here. By the way, I heard about your new friend. - Then he looked at the document again, as if with indifference.

-Hmm? Friend? - He asked uncertainly.

-The prince himself has expressed interest in you. The guard commander informed me that he has been helping you train for the past few weeks. You've made great progress. But don't show your skills again. Nobody can know who you are.

- But... Who am I exactly? - the boy asked, and his father put his finger to his lips, letting him know that it was better to leave this topic in silence. He was starting to realize how dangerous this was getting.

He left his father's office in complete silence, looking as if he had just received the biggest detention in the history of detentions.

As soon as he was alone in his pavilion, he sat down on a cushion. He rested his chin on his hand and sighed heavily.

He reached for a book on the shelf next to him, but he wasn't in the mood to read. He flinched when he felt the air move behind him.

-What are you thinking about?- He heard a voice he had never heard before. He opened his eyes and a man sat opposite him. Dark-haired with pale, almost white skin. Dressed all in black, he looked more like a thug.

-Mhm? Nothing important." He said briefly and closed his eyes again. He knew that face, it reminded him of his friend from school. In fact, when he opened his eyes again, he had the impression that it was the same person, just in a different incarnation.

-Bright. Do you have anything for me? - He asked and Hong looked at him again and reached for the bag of sweets. He handed it to him along with a jar of good wine hidden under the table.

-Do you have any interesting information for me? - The boy asked and smiled innocently. Or at least as much as he could now, despite the confusing thoughts and metal in his head.

- Well, do you think that your best friend Roowon has no information for you? The whole city is emptying. Those who can also leave the villages. You should run away too. Especially you... - He muttered under his breath and pointed suggestively at his hair. Did everyone around him really know except himself? Or maybe he knew but forgot. He looked to the side thoughtfully and sighed heavily.

-Tell me, Roowon... What should I do with all this? - He whispered, devastated.

-Sacrifice yourself.- He replied without a moment's hesitation.