
(BL) Rising The Moon

Short story about the Moon Child. An incredible series of events led to the merging of two different worlds. How it will all turn out?

_MengYao_ · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


General Tiang had quite a task. Even though he knew who he was looking for, he didn't know where to look for him.

The boy was wanted, but he could not issue an arrest warrant for him. After all, he didn't do anything wrong, he wasn't a thief or a murderer. He walked through the streets and looked for a familiar face. One of his soldiers nudged him in the shoulder.

-Isn't this Kim himself? "Is this his father?" One of the men asked. And indeed, he could see a slight resemblance. Mainly in the eyes. This feistiness united these two beings.

-Good job.-He replied and then directed his steps towards the older man.

He stood in front of him and bowed before him. The eldest of the Kim family was extremely surprised. It's not every day that the royal guard bows to him. In addition, he was the general of the prince's bodyguard.

-We're looking for your son. The prince wishes to see him at home. - He said these words clearly, understandably and in a voice that could not tolerate any objections.

-But why, my son didn't do anything wrong...- He tried to explain himself, but it didn't go very well. It was difficult, especially when he was concerned about his well-being and his interests.

-It's not your business. You are to hand over your son to us. The prince made it clear, he is to be with him today. Tiang muttered and pushed the man towards his estate. The heavy footsteps and march of the soldiers made everyone move out of their way.

The sight of General Tiang in particular was terrifying, he was known for his hobby. His hobby was beheading disobedient subjects. They often liked to start a rebellion, which irritated the man and clearly showed who was in charge. Especially to those drunkards who were ready to force the gates of the kingdom.

They stopped in front of the wooden gate to Kim's estate. He made a swing, trying to break down the door by force. However, it turned out quite... Bad. When the gates to the property were opened by a soldier belonging to Kim's entourage.

Tiang staggered and almost fell inside. His guards could barely contain their laughter when the furious man turned to them, and they turned their heads away, pretending they hadn't seen anything.

-Damn you.-He muttered to himself.-On the prince's orders, we came for Master Kim.-The soldier opposite obviously didn't care and even considered it a not-so-funny joke.

-Oh, you're serious, Tiang. - He said, not hiding his amusement or disbelief in the information he received. - First of all, Hong sucks and is sitting at home. He had another training session. Secondly, he is barred from going outside the premises. So tell your Seo to get lost. - He waved his hand at the man and swung the gate, slamming it in his face.

This only enraged him even more.

"That little brother of yours is giving you a hard time." The man behind him muttered. When Tiang turned around, the prince himself was standing in front of him. However, dressed more casually, camouflaged among the fabrics covering his face. His hair fell freely down his back, pinned slightly on top of his head.

-Prince..-He covered Tiang's mouth with his hand and moved his eyebrows significantly. Did he really have to embarrass him now?

-Sit still and come.-He muttered, directing his steps towards the back.-Is it so hard for you to complete a simple task?-He whispered and pointed with his hand at the boy kneeling in a puddle of mud. The hole in the wall was enough to see it.

-Get up, you bastard, fight! Show me how you did it! - A tall boy shouted over him, holding a wooden replica of a training sword in his hand.

-I don't have the strength anymore...leave me alone, I can't fight.-He whispered and covered his head with his hands when the other man made a swing, hitting him all over his body. He punched him with all his strength, insulting this delicate body.

-Stupid twat. You should have died a long time ago. Your father only feels ashamed to have such a son. If you're even a boy! - he shouted, and Tiang himself grimaced. Even he found the sight too painful. Unpleasant to the eyes and soul.

The man threw the replica aside and decided to leave it alone for today.

Hong slowly rose from the mud on the training field. Dirty with mud and his own blood, he looked pathetic again.

He grabbed the wooden replica.

-I can't be that hopeless...- He whispered to himself and took a swing. He tried, he tried to recreate every move he had seen during training so far. However, he was doing poorly.

-It's actually hopeless.-Tiang commented and Seo raised an eyebrow. He didn't like such offensive comments. He stared at the boy and involuntarily smiled to himself.

The resistance he emanated hypnotized him. He bit his lower lip lightly and let out a soft laugh.

He moved a little away from the wall and climbed it so he could observe the boy from outside.

-Father... Seo. Basically what are we doing? He's just an ordinary kid. Let's go back to the kingdom, it's a waste of our time. - He said indifferently and started to straighten his beard. At this time, Seo jumped down from the wall and adjusted the mask on his face.

-You have to bring him to the kingdom.- He simply stated and withdrew, disappearing somewhere in the shadow. Tiang himself didn't even notice how and when. It disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Tiang had the feeling that he was involved in something strange again.

Seo expected that in just a few hours the boy accompanied by the general himself would appear before him. He wanted so much to see that pale face and dark eyes again. He was so dizzy. Until now, he had not paid attention to anyone, completely indifferent to the company around him. Even when he secretly went drinking with his friends in public places, he rarely set eyes on even the most beautiful woman in town. And this one appeared so suddenly and one smile was enough.

Just remembering it made him feel warm from the inside. Whenever he closed his eyes, he saw this charming pale face before his eyes. He didn't care about his position at all. He treated him completely casually, as if he was someone on his level. He tried to calm down, but he couldn't. He looked up at Tiang who literally returned with nothing. Despite trying to see anything else, he failed.

-Where is he? -The man asked and raised an eyebrow.

- How to put it... He said that you should get lost and he won't go anywhere because he's grounded. And if you want to get him out, you better get a warrant, because he's not going anywhere. - he quoted, and he grunted when he saw the expression on Seo's face.

He seemed nervous and amused at the same time. It was hard for him to pinpoint what exactly he felt. He started laughing nervously until he finally hit his fist on the desk. He stood up abruptly.

- I do not want to go?! So I'll bring him here myself." He muttered and reached for his blade. He didn't like opposition. He really wanted the boy for himself.