
(BL) Adventure in another world with my sorcery encyclopedia

Yu Su, who perished during the apocalyptic era, found himself transported back to a primordial era. Upon arrival, he discovered that he was destitute. His birth mother had passed away, his father suffered from mental disabilities, and his younger brother exhibited signs of autism. The responsibility of survival now rested solely on Yu Su's shoulders. Nevertheless, he considered this life far superior to the apocalyptic era. Armed with determination, resourcefulness, and a mind teeming with extensive knowledge of the Sorcery Encyclopedia, he believed that no obstacle would be insurmountable. In this primordial era, treasures were abundant, waiting to be unearthed! In order to conceal his hidden supernatural abilities, Yu Su resorted to deception and claimed divine revelations. Gradually, he assumed the role of a deceitful deity, a remarkable imposter who captured the gods' attention. Unbeknownst to him, he had unwittingly become the gods' spokesperson in the mortal realm.

MyPen_22 · Fantasy
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283 Chs

Chapter 252

Jian Yunchuan and Xiong Shi got to know each other, which brought them closer.

Xiong Shi suddenly said, "I thought you were dead."

Jian Yunchuan smiled modestly, "Almost, I was seriously injured at that time, and I didn't dare to return to the city. I kept heading south and was later saved by Su'Er's mother. I settled down in the south."

Jian Yunchuan called Yu Zhou over and introduced them to Xiong Shi, "These two are my sons, the eldest son Yu Su, who is now the High Priest of Yu City, and the youngest son Yu Zhou, who is twelve years old this year."

Xiong Shi looked at Yu Su and Yu Zhou, repeatedly amazed, saying that he didn't expect Jian Yunchuan's sons to be so grown up. It seemed like the events of twenty years ago happened just yesterday.

Ada asked Jian Yunchuan, "Are you going to Feng City now?"

Jian Yunchuan's tone became serious, "Yes, I want to avenge what happened in the past. And in recent years, Feng City has sent people several times to harass Yu City. This time, as we traveled north, they deliberately made things difficult for us on the way. So, we must go and settle accounts with Feng City."

After saying that, Jian Yunchuan changed the topic, "What is your relationship with Feng City now? You're not on their side, are you?"

"Nonsense!" This time, Xiong Shi cursed. It seemed like Jian Yunchuan insulted him. "We, the Bear Clan, only have hatred towards Feng City!"

The other Bear Clan members also showed expressions of anger, seemingly disgusted with Feng City.

Jian Yunchuan said, "That's good. I don't want to be enemies with you."

Xiong Shi snorted.

Ada said, "Since you want to deal with Feng City, why do you still want to go to Feng City?"

Yu Su said, "Feng City recently invited us to participate in the Ten City Conference."

Xiong Shi said, "They must have ulterior motives. If you go, you will fall into their trap."

Ada nodded in agreement.

Jian Yunchuan said, "Let's not discuss this for now. Since we've encountered each other, I want to pay a visit to the Great High Priest Xiong Hui."

Xiong Shi looked at Ada.

Ada said, "No outsiders are allowed in the forest now, but you just saved us and we're old friends. Maybe the Great High Priest will meet you. Wait here, we'll go back to see the Great High Priest first."

"Alright," Jian Yunchuan agreed.


After Xiong Shi and the others left, Yu Su and the others found a place to rest for the time being.

Yu Su said, "The relationship between the Bear Clan and Feng City is very tense. Their change in attitude towards humans may be related to Feng City. I don't know if it will affect us."

Jian Yunchuan said, "The Bear Clan values their descendants a lot. Even if they reject other humans, they won't reject us. Don't worry."

Indeed, as Jian Yunchuan said, Xiong Shi soon returned with people and invited them to visit the Bear Clan Forest as guests. He said the Great High Priest was very grateful for saving the little bears and wanted to host a feast for them.

Since Xiong Shi and the others had walked here, Yu Su and the others didn't ride their horses anymore. They walked alongside Xiong Shi and the others into the Bear Clan Forest.

The Bear Clan Forest was vast, with complex terrain and abundant resources.

On their way in, Yu Su and the others had already seen many valuable trees, herbs, minerals, and other precious resources.

However, since this was the territory of the Bear Clan, these resources belonged to them. Yu Su didn't let anyone touch anything and followed Xiong Shi and the others to the center of the Bear Clan Forest.

That was where the Bear Clan lived.

There were large wooden houses, each with a unique design - round wooden walls and roofs, and the floors were raised by a layer. The entire structure was made of wood.

The front doors were wide open, and the windows were wide open too, allowing plenty of light inside.

You could tell that it was filled with all kinds of daily necessities.

There was also a sweet fragrance in the air, the smell of honey.

Jian Yunchuan said to Yu Su and the others, "The Bear Clan is a master at making honey candy and honey wine. You can try them if you have the chance."

Xiong Shi proudly snorted, "The honey candy and honey wine made by our Bear Clan are unparalleled. Even the brewing methods of those human clans in Feng City can't compare to ours."

Yu Su understood, "So that's why you were chased by the venomous bees before?"

Xiong Shi's proud expression changed, and he said awkwardly, "Of course not because of that. We know the bee colonies in the Bear Clan Forest like the back of our hands. Such a situation would never happen. We were chased by those venomous bees because several of the younger ones, including Shi Qi, mistook the venomous bee nests for honey bee nests and foolishly climbed up the trees to provoke them, which led to being chased by the venomous bees."

When talking about this incident, Xiong Shi also felt lingering fear. "Fortunately, we met you, otherwise I don't know what would have happened to Shi Qi and the others. Once they've recovered, I'll give them a good spanking."

Yu Su nodded. The bear cubs should be disciplined.

The bear tribe high priest is waiting with people.

The old priest who had aged appeared. He held a wooden staff and had a sharp gaze.

Upon seeing each other, Yu Su and the old priest knew that his cultivation was profound. Similar to the chief of the fox tribe, in terms of human strength, it was equivalent to the foundation building cultivation.

The burly bear tribe chief standing next to them also emitted an intimidating aura. His cultivation was slightly weaker than that of the bear tribe high priest, but it was also close to the strength of foundation building cultivation.

Yu Su smiled faintly and walked over with Jian Yunchuan and the others.

On the other side, the bear tribe high priest looked at Yu Su and the others walking towards him, his sharp gaze revealing astonishment. He could clearly sense that Yu Su, Jian Yunchuan, and the other tall young man exuded an aura that was on par with his own, and the most attractive young man especially had a stronger aura, seemingly surpassing him.

The bear tribe high priest narrowed his eyes and immediately realized that the people from Yu City were even more difficult to deal with than those from Feng City.

Just based on these three people, they could wipe out his bear tribe.

Xiong Shi and the others were still unaware of how difficult Yu Su and the others were to deal with. After leading them over, Xiong Shi said, "High Priest, the guests from Yu City have arrived."

Yu Su took the lead and spoke, "Greetings, High Priest Xiong Hui. I am Yu Su, the current High Priest of Yu City. Thank you for your understanding in allowing us to pass through the bear tribe forest."

Xiong Hui returned the greeting, "High Priest Yu Su is too polite. It is our bear tribe that should be grateful for your lifesaving favor."

After some polite formalities and introductions, Xiong Hui looked at Jian Yunchuan, "I didn't expect that you now have two sons. The Spirit Master should be very pleased to know."

Jian Yunchuan bowed to him and asked about his health in recent years.

Xiong Hui said, "I've gotten old. Ever since the Spirit Master passed away, I've lost a friend who could speak. Feng City isn't the same as it was twenty years ago, it's become polluted and corrupted!"

When the current situation of Feng City was mentioned, Xiong Hui's anger flared up.

Xiong Shi said, "High Priest, let the guests sit down and talk."

Xiong Hui nodded and led Yu Su, Yu Zhou, Jian Yunchuan, and Lu Yan to sit inside.

Xiong Shi and Ah Da looked at Yu Meng, "The banquet is about to begin soon, let's go ahead and make preparations."

Yu Meng nodded, first settled the group with Xiong Shi and the others, then led the people to the bear tribe's banquet venue, which was a large open space at the foot of the mountain.


"You guys seem much stronger than Sha Shi, why haven't I heard of the reputation of Yu City?" After entering the house, Xiong Hui, the high priest, straightforwardly asked.

Yu Su smiled: "Our Yu City was built not long ago, and it's far from the Xiong Clan Forest, so it's normal that you haven't heard of it. After we resolve the grievances with Feng City this time, we will invite you to come to Yu City as our guests."

The High Priest Xiong Hui and the clan leader Xiong Li were very interested and asked many questions about Yu City.

"I heard that you plan to participate in the Ten Cities Summit?" Xiong Hui, the High Priest, asked.

Yu Su nodded: "Feng City specially sent an invitation letter. If we don't go, it would be a waste of their efforts."

Xiong Hui reminded them: "She Shi has a lot of troublesome things in his hands, so you must not be careless."

Yu Su asked: "Could you please give us some advice, High Priest?"

Xiong Hui said: "She Shi has a witchcraft tool in his hands. It has powerful witch markings on it. So when he takes out this witchcraft tool, you must be careful."

Clan leader Xiong Li said: "The lackeys under She Shi are not simple either. They not only set up despicable traps, but also control birds and undead creatures, causing a lot of trouble."

Yu Su nodded: "We have already dealt with bird trainers, witch spirit trainers, and others. My father has also mentioned some of the witches in the Feng City Witch Temple."

Xiong Li said: "What your father mentioned was from over twenty years ago. The current Feng City Witch Temple is a gathering place for monsters and demons. Have you encountered the Witch Shadows Guard?"

Yu Su said: "Yes, we have."

Xiong Li said: "There are things even more powerful than the Witch Shadows Guard. If you underestimate them, you will be completely devoured once you step into Feng City."

Yu Su asked: "What are those things?"

A hint of fear appeared on Xiong Li's face: "We don't know what those things are either. It looks like a black mist, seemingly harmless. But once you are enveloped by that black mist, in no time, you will be reduced to a skeleton."

Yu Su pondered, it sounded like some kind of flesh-eating creature.

Xiong Li continued: "They also have dealings with the sea clan to the east and the snake clan to the north. I don't know what kind of unspeakable means they have employed."

Sea clan? Yu Su furrowed her eyebrows. Feng City is quite far from the sea, how could they have contact with the sea clan?

Jian Yunchuan said: "Feng City has a river that leads directly to the eastern sea."

Xiong Li nodded: "Those sea clans entered through that river. It is said that they initially came to find someone, but somehow ended up having close relations with Feng City."

When Xiong Li mentioned the sea clan, a look of disgust appeared on Yu Su's face. She asked him: "Clan leader, did the sea clan do anything else?"

Xiong Li replied: "Those sea clans raise sea creatures that come ashore to eat people."

What? Yu Su and the others were shocked.

Jian Yunchuan said: "Doesn't Feng City do anything about it?"

Xiong Li sneered: "Control? Those things were recruited by Fengcheng, not only do the sea beasts under the Sea Clan want to eat people, but the Snake Clan also wants to eat people. The bones outside Fengcheng have piled up like mountains."