
(BL) Adventure in another world with my sorcery encyclopedia

Yu Su, who perished during the apocalyptic era, found himself transported back to a primordial era. Upon arrival, he discovered that he was destitute. His birth mother had passed away, his father suffered from mental disabilities, and his younger brother exhibited signs of autism. The responsibility of survival now rested solely on Yu Su's shoulders. Nevertheless, he considered this life far superior to the apocalyptic era. Armed with determination, resourcefulness, and a mind teeming with extensive knowledge of the Sorcery Encyclopedia, he believed that no obstacle would be insurmountable. In this primordial era, treasures were abundant, waiting to be unearthed! In order to conceal his hidden supernatural abilities, Yu Su resorted to deception and claimed divine revelations. Gradually, he assumed the role of a deceitful deity, a remarkable imposter who captured the gods' attention. Unbeknownst to him, he had unwittingly become the gods' spokesperson in the mortal realm.

MyPen_22 · Fantasy
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283 Chs

Chapter 251: Rescue Bear with the Help of Bees

"We have now crossed the swamp and will soon come across many villages of varying sizes. These villages have a unique relationship with Fengcheng and are likely to face many difficulties," Jian Yunchuan told everyone about the upcoming journey.

"What is the Yao Mountain?" Everyone was curious.

Jian Yunchuan said, "From what I can see now, it is actually the territory where the Yao tribe resides."

Yusu asked, "Which Yao tribe is it?"

Jian Yunchuan replied, "It's the Bear tribe. Before I left Fengcheng, the relationship between the Bear tribe and Fengcheng was neither good nor bad, partly because the high priest of the Bear tribe had some rapport with the Great Witch Ling Zhen."

Yusu asked, "Can we pass through the territory of the Bear tribe?"

Jian Yunchuan shook his head and said, "I don't know. Over twenty years have passed, and I cannot guarantee the Bear tribe's attitude towards humans now."

Yusu pondered for a moment and said, "Then let's find an opportunity to meet with the High Priest of the Bear tribe."

Yusu believed that since the High Priest of the Bear tribe had a good relationship with the Great Witch of Fengcheng in the past, they should not reject humans. It would be good to meet them and find out the Bear tribe's stance.

With this in mind, Yusu asked again, "Father, in your opinion, will the High Priest of the Bear tribe get along with the current Great Witch of Fengcheng?"

Jian Yunchuan sneered and said, "Impossible."

Everyone looked at him curiously, wondering why it was impossible.

Jian Yunchuan explained, "The Great Witch Ling Zhen was able to get along with the High Priest of the Bear tribe because he had rescued over a dozen Bear tribesmen from the hands of those in power in Fengcheng. He strictly forbade any conflicts with the Bear tribe without reason. That is how they achieved a peaceful coexistence without interference from each other."

Yusu and the others nodded.

"I have another question, who is the current Great Witch of Fengcheng?"

"He was once a spiritual witch in the Witch Temple, named She Shi."

Meanwhile, in another place.

The group of Fengcheng bird handlers had just left the mountains to the west of the swamp and were still about five days away from the territory of the Bear tribe.

According to their calculations, it would take at least another month for Yucheng's group to reach the Bear tribe. This month would be enough time for him to prepare everything.

The people from Yucheng had some tricks up their sleeves, but those tricks were far from enough to deal with the brainless creatures of the Bear tribe. He was waiting for the day when the people from Yucheng would be torn to pieces by the Bear tribe.

The bird handler planned in his mind.

However, what he could not have expected was that Yusu and the others did not take a detour but instead went straight through the swamp, approaching the Bear tribe's territory faster than them.


The Bear tribe occupied a large area of the forest, rich in resources, and they could sustain themselves. Their lives were considered carefree.

Unfortunately, this carefree life was disrupted over twenty years ago.

Over twenty years ago, the Great Witch Ling Zhen of Fengcheng died while traveling, and a new Great Witch took office.

This new Great Witch became a sworn enemy of the Bear tribe, and their relationship immediately reached freezing point.

Not only that, but the people of Fengcheng would occasionally sneak into the Bear tribe's forest to steal minerals, resulting in the deaths and injuries of many Bear tribe members.

The Bear tribe chief was angry and led the tribe to Fengcheng to seek justice, but they lost.

In theory, the Bear tribe, with their strength and physique, should have won against the humans. But the problem was, the Bear tribe was straightforward and lacked the cunning calculations of the humans, always falling into the traps set by the humans.

In addition, there were witch markings on the city gates of Fengcheng, making it impossible for the Bear tribe to break through the city gates no matter how strong they were. In the end, they had to reluctantly retreat to their forest.

After that, the Bear tribe learned their lesson.

If they couldn't win against the humans outside, the forest was their home field.

As long as the bear clan closes off the forest, even Fengcheng won't be able to do anything to them.

From now on, humans are not allowed to enter the bear clan's forest.

Especially those humans from Fengcheng who steal ore, if caught, they will be killed.

The bird master's plan is to deliberately lure the people from Yucheng into the bear clan's mining area. This way, they don't have to do anything themselves and the people from Yucheng will be torn apart by the savage bear clan.

But no matter how good the plan is, it cannot keep up with changes.

Yusu and the others not only arrived at the bear clan's forest before them, but also coincidentally saved a group of bears surrounded by poisonous bees.

When Yusu and the others hadn't reached the bear clan's territory yet, they heard angry roars coming from the forest from a distance. Something big was running, making the ground rumble.

"This sound... sounds like bears."

"Let's go and take a look."

Yusu and Luyan entered the forest and saw five or six big bears protecting three little bears, running in the woods.

Behind them, there was a large group of fist-sized, densely packed poisonous bees chasing after them.

They were already covered in bruises from the stings, and the little bears were stung too, huddling pitifully. One of them seemed weaker, as if poisoned too deeply.


Seeing Yusu and Luyan, the running big black bear roared, with a warning and alertness in its voice.

Yusu didn't think much at the time and just helped Luyan kill the bee swarm, saving that unfortunate group of bears.

Yusu used vine nets to trap the poisonous bees, and Luyan threw a big fireball in, burning the terrifying group of bees.

After the fireball fell, the bees were also taken care of.

The running bear group noticed this scene and stopped, looking at the big fireball in astonishment.

Yusu and Luyan landed from mid-air. Yusu noticed the human-like gaze in the eyes of these big bears and made a guess. He took the initiative to say, "The bees have been dealt with, you are safe now."

In the eyes of Yusu and Luyan, the six big bears turned into the appearance of humans, all of them well-built.

The leader, with a guarded look, looked at Yusu and Luyan: "Who are you and what do you want?"

Yusu: "We are just passing by."

This group of bear clans was too guarded, despite the fact that Yusu had just saved them.

"Are you from Fengcheng?"

"No, we came from the south."

Upon hearing that Yusu and the others were not from Fengcheng, the expressions of the bear clan eased up a bit.

Yusu noticed this and secretly thought: It seems that the relationship between the bear clan and Fengcheng is not very good.

The leader of the bear clan, in a much better attitude than before, said, "Thank you for your help, but beyond here is the bear clan's forest. You can't go any further."

Yusu showed a puzzled expression, "Can't we enter the bear clan's forest?"

The bear clan member said, "The bear clan doesn't welcome any humans. If you trespass into the forest, you will be attacked by the bear clan's guards."

Yusu thought that the bear clan was only targeting Fengcheng, but he didn't expect that they were indiscriminately targeting all humans. But according to what his father said, the relationship between the bear clan and humans used to be good, right?

Yusu: "But we need to go north. If we don't go through the bear clan's forest, we will have to take a long detour. Can't we make some compromises?"

The bear clan member shook his head, "We don't have the authority to make decisions. You should take the detour."

Yusu frowned slightly, is it really that hard to persuade them?


At this moment, the little bears held in the arms of those bear clan members suddenly made urgent whimpering sounds, and their breath became very weak.

"Oh no, Seventeen got stung by several bees and is deeply poisoned."

"No time to go back and find the High Priest."

Several bear tribe members panicked, not just Little Seventeen. The other few bears also didn't look too good, and a few burly bear tribe members were so desperate they were about to cry.

Yu Su spoke up, "I am the High Priest of Yu City and also knowledgeable in medicine. Let me take a look."

The bear tribe members were surprised, showing hesitant expressions.

Yu Su said, "There's no time to hesitate anymore. Do you still want to save them?"

The leading bear tribe member gritted his teeth, "Save them."

Yu Su and Lu Yan walked over together. After examining the condition of the few small bears, Yu Su found that this poison could be cured with antidote pills. He took out the antidote pills he carried with him and poured out several.

"These are antidote pills. Feed one to each of them."

The other bear tribe members hesitated and looked at the leader. "Big Brother..."

The bear tribe member called Big Brother gritted his teeth again, took the antidote pills from Yu Su's hand, and fed them to the few small bears.

After a few minutes, the breath of the few small bears gradually stabilized.

Big Brother and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

They were saved.

Big Brother instructed the other bear tribe members to take care of the smaller ones and turned to Yu Su, expressing gratitude, "Thank you for saving Seventeen and the others. Your antidote pills are very effective."

Yu Su said, "As long as they can be saved."

Big Brother looked at him and Lu Yan, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Do you two want to pass through our territory?"

Yu Su's eyes brightened, shook his head, "No, there are also the guards of Yu City and the merchant caravan with me."

At this time, Jian Yunchuan also arrived with the group, a cavalry of several hundred people, each one an experienced warrior with an intimidating presence.

Big Brother looked surprised, "There are so many..."

"Oh, that person looks familiar?" one of the bear tribe members suddenly said.

Yu Su noticed that he was pointing at Jian Yunchuan and also looked at him.

Jian Yunchuan dismounted and walked over after leading the group, showing a surprised expression when seeing the bear tribe members, "Bear tribe?"

"Are you Jian Yunchuan?" the bear tribe member who spoke earlier seemed to know Jian Yunchuan.

Jian Yunchuan glanced at him and became even more surprised, "Bear Stone?"

Yu Su was surprised, "Father, you know each other?"

"You're Jian Yunchuan's son?" Bear Stone looked at Yu Su.

The other bear tribe members also looked confused.

Jian Yunchuan stepped forward and punched Bear Stone in the chest, "Are you really Bear Stone?"

Bear Stone had a bright smile on his face, "Of course I am, Jian Yunchuan, you've gotten old."

Jian Yunchuan said, "Nonsense, I'm still in my prime."

Jian Yunchuan and Bear Stone reminisced for a while, then Jian Yunchuan said to Yu Su, "When I was a guard by the side of the Great Witch of Lingzhen, I met Bear Stone a few times and even had a fight with him."

Yu Su and the others thought, "Oh~"

They fought.

The bear tribe members over there were also surprised. Besides Bear Stone, the others seemed to not recognize Jian Yunchuan, but after hearing that Jian Yunchun was the guard of the Great Witch of Lingzhen, they also observed Jian Yunchuan.