
(BL) Adventure in another world with my sorcery encyclopedia

Yu Su, who perished during the apocalyptic era, found himself transported back to a primordial era. Upon arrival, he discovered that he was destitute. His birth mother had passed away, his father suffered from mental disabilities, and his younger brother exhibited signs of autism. The responsibility of survival now rested solely on Yu Su's shoulders. Nevertheless, he considered this life far superior to the apocalyptic era. Armed with determination, resourcefulness, and a mind teeming with extensive knowledge of the Sorcery Encyclopedia, he believed that no obstacle would be insurmountable. In this primordial era, treasures were abundant, waiting to be unearthed! In order to conceal his hidden supernatural abilities, Yu Su resorted to deception and claimed divine revelations. Gradually, he assumed the role of a deceitful deity, a remarkable imposter who captured the gods' attention. Unbeknownst to him, he had unwittingly become the gods' spokesperson in the mortal realm.

MyPen_22 · Fantasy
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283 Chs

Chapter 253

Yu Su and his companions were surprised to hear such a thing from the High Priest of the Bear Clan.

Fengcheng has close ties with the Sea Clan and Snake Clan, even allowing sea creatures and snakes to prey on humans.

Fengcheng serves as the central force of human settlements in this land, a reliance for villages. It's unthinkable for them to aid the demonic tribes in harming their own kind.

In gratitude for saving the young bear, the Bear Clan hosted a lively banquet for Yu Su and his group. They even specially served honey, a unique product of the Bear Clan.

The bears, known for their simplicity, quickly bonded with Yu Meng and his group. By the middle of the banquet, they were already addressing each other as brothers.

Jian Yunchuan and the Bear Clan's chief, Bear Li, also enjoyed their conversation. Both having two sons, discussing their children seemed to be an endless topic.

The eldest son of Xiong Li, Xiong Zhen, is 24 years old this year, two years older than Yu Su. However, he has a more robust physique compared to Yu Su and is also a big guy like his father, Xiong Li.

As the young patriarch of the Xiong clan, Xiong Zhen is equally generous and brought a large jar of honey wine. He said he wanted to have a good drink with Yu Su and exchange their experiences as elder and younger brothers.

Yu Su looked at the jar, which was nearly half his height, and thought that if he finished drinking it, he would probably smell like honey.

"Brother, don't be polite, there's more after we finish!" Xiong Zhen enthusiastically patted Yu Su's shoulder and said.

If Yu Su didn't have a foundational cultivation, he would have been slapped away by Xiong Zhen's palm.

Lu Yan glanced at Xiong Zhen with a dangerous look in his eyes. Xiong Zhen instinctively pulled back his hand and then scratched his head in confusion, not understanding where he had offended Lu Yan."That brother Lu, let's drink together!"After thinking it over, Xiong Zhen felt that Lu Yan might be unhappy because he was being ignored, so he quickly invited Lu Yan to drink with him.Lu Yan looked at the jar and smiled, "Sure."Hiss.Seeing this scene, Yu Meng and the others all rubbed their arms, feeling that Lu Yan's smile was too frightening. That Xiong Zhen, the young chief of the bear clan, was probably in trouble.With Lu Yan taking the lead, Yu Su breathed a sigh of relief.He was really afraid that Xiong Zhen would insist on finishing the jar of honey wine with him.On the other hand, Yu Zhou was much more relaxed than his brother. He was two years older than Xiong Xi, the youngest son of Xiong Li, and had a cultivation level of the fifth level of Qi Refinement. It would be much easier for him to deal with Xiong Xi and his followers.Xiong Xi had brought the bears over to challenge Yu Zhou, but they were all defeated by him.Now, Xiong Xi and the bears had already recognized Yu Zhou as their leader."Hahaha." Little Xuan Niao perched on Yu Zhou's head, laughing and chirping.Xiong Xi and the others looked curiously at the chubby bird on Yu Zhou's head, "Boss, did you raise this chubby bird? It's so round."The little Xuan Niao immediately fluffed up its feathers and flapped its wings, about to breathe fire at Xiong Xi and the others.

Yu Zhou quickly hugged it and said, "No, the little black bird is the mascot of our Yu City."He repeatedly signaled Xiong Xi and the others not to call the little black bird fat, but unfortunately the group of little bears did not understand and just asked what a mascot was."A mascot is a mascot... um... it means very powerful.""Wow!""Leader, is it more powerful than you?"Yu Zhou quickly nodded, the little black bird could breathe out divine fire and could burn down the entire Western Continent.The group of little bears looked at the little black bird curiously and doubtfully. Although they couldn't see where the little black bird was powerful, since it was more powerful than the leader, it must have some unique features.The curious and admiring eyes of the little bears made the little black bird somewhat proud, and it stopped thinking about spitting fire to teach these little bears a lesson."Ow ow..."On the grass not far away, the little wolf cubs and the desert leopard king's family were playing happily.Although the little bears didn't know much, they subconsciously didn't get too close because they clearly felt that the leopards were not to be trifled with."Leader, are they also mascots of your Yu City?""Sort of."Yu Zhou waved to the little wolf cubs, and it happily ran over.Yu Zhou picked it up and introduced it to the little bears."Ow ow..."The little wolf cub was playing happily, and after a while, it jumped out of Yu Zhou's arms and ran to find Yu Su. Yu Su was watching Lu Yan and Xiong Zhen drinking, and when he saw the little wolf cub coming over, he picked it up and put it on his lap, gently stroking it.Xiong Hui glanced at the little wolf cub and then at the leopards not far away. He felt that Yu Su was not simple, as he could actually tame so many powerful monsters....While Yu Su and the others were having a great time in the bear tribe forest, the Feng City bird trainers finally arrived near the bear tribe forest."Bird trainers, how do we lure the people from Yu City to the mine area?" a follower asked.The bird trainer said, "The mine area is not far from the bear tribe. Find a way to distract the bear tribe guards and then lure the people from Yu City in."

As soon as the followers heard that they were going to distract the guards of the Bear Clan, they quickly avoided the gaze of the Bird Master. The guards of the Bear Clan were all burly and strong, and they could even transform into bears. If they were not careful, they would be torn apart by those guards. No one wanted to go to their death.The Bird Master scanned the group and pointed at ten people, "You, you, and you, when the Yu City team arrives, go and distract the guards of the Bear Clan."The guards who were named turned pale, but they dared not disobey the Bird Master's orders. They could only desperately pray in their hearts for the Yu City team to arrive a little later...."Squeak-"A sound of an eagle's cry, a nimble and majestic eagle swooped down from the sky and landed on Yu Su's arm.After listening to the message brought by the eagle, Yu Su's face looked strange.The Bird Master's team from Feng City was ambushing outside the Bear Clan forest?What were they planning to do?Yu Su let the eagle go back to continue monitoring those people and then told the news to Lu Yan.Lu Yan: "They have been causing trouble for us all along the way. Maybe this time it is still related to us."As soon as Yu Su thought about it, he understood: "Could it be that they want to use the Bear Clan to deal with us?"Lu Yan and he exchanged a glance, and both of them felt that this should be the Bird Master's plan.However, the Bird Master could not have predicted that they had already arrived at the Bear Clan forest.But how did the Bird Master plan to use the Bear Clan forest to deal with them?Yu Su found Xiong Hui, the High Priest of the Bear Clan, and as soon as Xiong Hui heard, he snorted angrily, "Despicable people from Feng City, they want to lure you into the mining area.""Mining area?" Yu Su was puzzled.

Xiong Li said, "That is a green stone mine belonging to our Xiong tribe. We add green stone powder when crafting ice blades to make them sharper. This is something from our Xiong tribe's forest, but Fengcheng always wants to steal it."Xiong Shi interrupted and said, "As long as someone comes to steal, they will definitely be seen as enemies by our Xiong tribe. They must want to lure you into the mine area. If we are unaware, we will treat you as enemies."Yu Su understood that this was another scheme.Fengcheng Bird Master planned to deceive both Yu City and the Xiong tribe. If it weren't for Yu Su and the others arriving at the Xiong tribe first, they would have been deceived by the people of Fengcheng. Everyone was very angry."Chief, let me take people over and deal with them," Xiong Shi said.Xiong Li stood up and said, "No, I will go personally."Daring to scheme against the Xiong tribe, he saw those Fengcheng people as tired of living.Yu Su also stood up and said, "Chief Xiong Li, let us handle this matter. After all, it all started because of us."Xiong Li waved his hand and said, "You are our Xiong tribe's benefactors. How can we trouble you? Just wait and see, I will take care of them."Xiong Li quickly left with a group of Xiong tribe members.Yu Su glanced at Lu Yan.Lu Yan whistled and left with the Desert Leopard King...."Bird Master, when will the people from Yu City come?"The Fengcheng team hid in a dark place to conceal themselves. There were a lot of mosquitoes in this area, and the followers were bitten countless times. They were about to be unable to hide.Even the ten Fengcheng guards who were supposed to distract the Xiong tribe guards were eager to take action. They would rather face the Xiong tribe guards than feed mosquitoes here.

The bird master also felt strange. The Red Fire Bird had been gone for a while and had not returned. Could it be that the Yu City team had stopped somewhere again?While the bird master was speculating with a shadow in his heart, they didn't notice that their hiding place had long been exposed and was already surrounded by a group of bear tribes.After searching for a long time and failing to find the Yu City team, the Red Fire Bird flew back and was about to report to the bird master when it saw a group of bear tribes surrounding the Fengcheng team in the air, scaring it into a loud cry.The Red Fire Bird's alarm attracted the bird master, and his face immediately changed."Ambush!"The Fengcheng team was shocked."What?""Roar!"The bear tribes also noticed the Red Fire Bird and knew that the ambush had been exposed, so they no longer hid and immediately ordered an attack.A group of bear tribes rushed out aggressively, and the Fengcheng bird master and his team were taken aback, scrambling to deal with the bear tribe's attack.Luyan noticed that the Fengcheng bird master was calling for birds to help and signaled to the Desert Leopard King.The Desert Leopard King immediately rushed out like a lightning bolt, pounced on the Fengcheng bird master, put its sharp claws on the bird master's neck, and growled, warning him not to move."Ah-"The bird master looked at the blood-stained big mouth that was close at hand, and was so scared that his eyes rolled back and he fainted.The Desert Leopard King retracted its claws and looked at the fainted bird master with disdain.What a joke?With this courage, he dared to ambush.With the addition of the Desert Leopard King, the Fengcheng bird master and his team were quickly killed or captured, and all the survivors were tied up and prepared to be taken back to the forest.Seeing that the situation was not right, the Red Fire Bird immediately wanted to escape and fly back to Fengcheng to report the news.However, as soon as it turned around, it heard the chirping of a familiar chubby bird, and was so scared that it forgot how to fly.Then a bloodline pressure came over, and the Red Fire Bird was completely stiff and unable to move its wings. It soon fell from the sky into the forest.The Little Black Bird chirped twice in the sky, calling its little brothers to tie up the dizzy Red Fire Bird and drag it into the bear tribe's forest.This operation was a complete success, and the Fengcheng bird master and his team were all caught.When the bird master was taken into the bear tribe's forest, he woke up and was so scared that he quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be unconscious. When a bucket of cold water was poured on his head, he shivered in fear."Damn bear people, what are you doing!"