
馬 / 马as

in 2020 A Huge commotion shook the whole earth. A kind of substance known as spirit liquid started raining and half of the population of the earth died as the result of the rain but afterward, people started awakening their spirit and various abilities. Earth's size increase by 10 times and every type of species be it animals or plants on earth started to evolve and humans can now train using spirit energy and get stronger. BUT the catch here is that earth was not the only one affected but the Whole Milky way galaxy was affected and It seems that this was a simple evolution that was inevitable to happen in-universe. our MC Ash found out that there are humans outside of earth and their technology and individual powers are far greater than earth. Let's Find the Mystery surrounding The universe and why it constantly evolves....could it be someone or some kind of beings are responsible for this?

DeathSinger · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Grade 3 Spirit Beast & Crisis


A loud sound of ground moving could be heard.

Everyone turned towards the direction of the sound only to see the ground moving apart, Revealing wide stairs that seem to head deeper into the ground.

" Enter! " one of the deans spoke in a loud voice infused with Spirit energy. But students could not find his position, It seemed his voice came out of nowhere.

After startled for a second, All students started heading towards the stairs which lead to the underground.

Ash and others also entered and saw a Wormhole portal in the middle of the underground hall.

The five vice-deans were already there, which means there is another way that leads to this underground hall.

" This Field Trip will last for 10 days, And You have to find food supply with your ability after entering, Anyway you will not starve because there are plenty of spirit beasts and water, You can even find special fruit that grows there to eat. " Ash later asked and found out the names of vice-deans, The one who spoke just now was Vice-Dean of BrightSpirit Academy, Yegel Tim.

" Make a Three-person group and hold each other's hands while entering the portal so as not separate from each other when you arrive at the other side. " Spoke George Fredic from SparkSpirit Academy.

Soon Students formed groups and entered the portal as per the instruction of the vice-deans.

Ash, Lu Zhang, Airi formed the group while Rahul, Daniel, and Rachel formed one group, The black-haired girl and Kiera Shroff formed a two-person group instead of three, So Hendrix and Reyli also had to form a two-person group.

Soon it was their turn and they entered the portal.


It was the first time Ash, Lu Zhang, and Airi in here, Though Lu Zhang and Airi had heard about this place, Which is famous for training the students of Academies.

Ash looked around and saw unique trees that are not found on Earth, Some Tree even had fruits.

" Are three fruits safe to eat? " Ash asked he pointed at the tree not far from him.

Lu Zhang and Airi looked towards the tree that bore green colored fruits which looked like a banana but a bit smaller and fatter.

Airi said after thinking for a while, " I think I have heard about these fruits, they are not particularly useful for cultivation, But they taste quite good, they are also high in Zinc, Vitamin C, and potassium. "

" Let's grab these fruits so we can eat them when we get hungry later ", Saying this Lu Zhang walked towards the tree and shook the tree powerfully, Which made many fruits fall from the tree.

After collecting around 15 fruits, The trio started walking towards the north, After walking for an hour, they soon encountered a Pond filled with clear water.

Seeing the Pond, Lu Zhang said, " Let's drink some water and wash the fruits so we can eat them "

" Wait! " Ash stopped Lu Zhang just as he was walking towards the Pond.

Both Airi and LuZhang confusedly looked towards Ash who gestured for them to stay silent and pointed to the left side to where they were standing.

Both looked there and were startled seeing a spirit beast sleeping there. The Spirit beast looked weird as it has two horns, two tails, a fat body with light yellow fur that has black stripes all over the body.

" That...That spirit beast is sleeping? " Air said as she looked at the ferocious-looking spirit beast.

Ash asked while suppressing his voice, " can any of you estimate its grade? is it grade 2 or grade 3?

Just then, The beast opened its eyes and directly turned its gaze towards the group's direction. Seeing them, The beast growled and directly dashed towards them.

Now that it was standing, Ash and others could see its size which was a staggering 1.5 meters tall and 2 meters long.

Lu Zhang said as he relaxed and smiled, " According to its size, This Spirit beast is Grade 2 spirit beast, We can definitely handle it. "

" No!" Airi suddenly shouted because the beast was gathering some kind of Energy towards itself which surrounded the beast, " This beast is Grade 3 spirit beast, It's using spirit energy to do something. "

Ash said as took out his bow, " Prepare to fight it, Lu Zhang, Use your Lighting Whip and Airi, Probe its defense using wind slashes, I will try to find its weak spot " Saying this he directly released an Arrow towards the beast's eyes.

The Beast dodged the arrow easily but its speed also slowed down which gave time to Lu Zhang to use his Lighting Whip.

Airi threw 2 wind slashes at the beast but had no effect on the beast.

Lu Zhang's lighting whip was ready as he directly slapped it towards the beast, The Whip hit the beast and wrapped around it but it seems to have no effect on it.

" Sh*t The Lightning whip has no effect on it, That Yellow energy from before has strengthened the beast's body, The Grade 3 spirit beast body is already strong but this strengthen effect made it much stronger. " Lu Zhang said hurriedly seeing that his whip had no effect on the beast.

" Airi, Only your Rings of Wind might be able to break the beast's defense, I will create an opportunity while you prepare for the fatal attack. " Saying this Ash took out a folded spear which he told Martin to prepare for him many days ago, It was made from the mutated Steel which appeared after the Spirit Liquid rain.

Ash also has other weapons but the Spear is best against this Grade 3 beast because getting too close to it using a sword and dagger would be dangerous and the pole is a kind of blunt weapon so it would not have much effect on this beast.

Ash dashed forward with his spear.

Beast saw someone coming at him and growled ferociously. Ash tried to pierce the beast while not getting too close using Spear's range.

The Beast didn't seem to take this spear strike seriously as it didn't try to dodge or block but raised its deadly paw towards Ash.

Ash hurriedly used Explosive spirit steps to barely dodge the attack of the beast by sliding to the left side.

Airi was already ready with her Rings of Wind but could not find an opportunity.

Ash once again dashed towards the beast but this time he activated his Spirit Talent, Chaos Field, hoping it to work on the beast.

Chaos Field is transparent so others could not see and only feel it when they are inside it.

Just as Ash dashed towards the beast with his Chaos Field, Something strange happened.

The Energy which strengthened the beast turned chaotic and was flowing out from the beast's body, Seeing this Ash's eyes lit up, and Shouted, " Airi! NOW! "

Airi dashed towards the beast with her Rings of Wind and directly aimed at its neck.

The Beast also felt danger and furiously attacked Ash with its paw as it could feel that this human had done something to it.

Ash could only block now instead of dodging, because if he used his explosive spirit steps to dodge then the beast will be out of Chaos Field's Range and Airi would be in danger.

But Ash forgot one crucial thing regarding his Chaos Field. That, Chaos Field affects everyone who comes into its range, regardless of Enemy or Ally.

So Just as Airi entered the Chaos Field, Her Rings of Wind got out of control and the wind energy dissipated and swirled around in Chaos Field, just like the yellow energy of the beast.

"Aaaa..." Airi screamed seeing this and could not hit the beast because her Rings of Wind dissipated.

" Sh*t, Airi! Get away from here, Now! " Ash anxiously shouted seeing this. But still kept the Chaos Field because otherwise, He would be in the danger.

Airi hurriedly left, and Ash then blocked the beast's attack with his spear but it broke directly and The Beast's claw was just an inch away from hitting his chest before he barely took a step back to dodge and shouted, " Find some kind of physical weapon to attack "

Suddenly Ash heard the system's voice which was laced with disappointment.

< Host can use the energy within Chaos Field to attack the beast >

' Damn... I am such an idiot ' Ash scolded himself as he controlled the energy within the Chaos Field, But doing it turned out to be extremely difficult, He could barely use his psychic to control those energies let alone attack the beast using it.

< Currently, the Host's psychic power is weak in nature and the amount is also very low, Pour your fire energy inside it and then try to control it, Use all of the Fire Energy. >

Ash hurriedly poured all of his Fire Energy in the Chaos Field and it also started to chaotically move around in the Chaos Field.

Airi and Lu Zhang were surprised to see the scene in front of them. Ash and the beast were surrounded by three kinds of energies that were moving chaotically around them.

Ash dodged one more attack of the beast albeit barely as he got scratched by the beast on his left leg and it started to bleed profusely.

This time Ash controlled his Fire energy and used it to guide the other two energy towards the beast's head.

"Graa..." All of the energy directly hit the beast in a scattered manner, which reduced the damage and then hit the beast which made the beast cry in pain and opened bloody wounds, though the wounds don't seem to be deep enough to be threatening to the beast.

But The chaotic field's other effect also started to work on the beast, albeit only slightly which made the beast a bit confused and dazed after receiving this attack from Ash.

Ash started to feel very exhausted and his Chaotic Field also disappeared after a second.

< The Chaos Field deactivated due to insufficient Psychic Energy >

' What!... But only around 8 seconds have passed and it should only take 1 psychic energy per second. ' Ash said while feeling headaches due to exhaustion on his mind and body.

< Psychic Energy will be consumed rapidly if there are uncontrolled energies inside the Chaos Field, User also spent his Psychic Energy when controlling the energies to attack the beast >

The Beast was already getting clarity after the Chaos Field dissipated, But Before that, Airi suddenly came once again with her Rings of Wind, and Lu Zhang also arrived and used Shock Blast.

Both poured all of their energies in their respective Skills and hit the beast, Airi Hit the neck of the beast while Lu Zhang hit the head.

" Graaaaa..." The beast roared furiously. But It could do nothing as it was damaged heavily by the two attacks.

Airi opened a big wound on its neck and Lu Zhang's Shock Blast did considerable damage to its brain.

Ash also grabbed the broken spear and directly inserted in its neck.

< Grade 3 Spirit Beast killed, 10,000 Exp obtained >

Sorry for the late update, I will make up for it in this week. :)

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